Democrat? Republican? That’s Not the Party That Matters. It’s Globalists Versus Sovereintists
In the United States, the game of politics is no longer rooted in the Democrat/Republican duopoly. Don’t get me wrong, I deplore Democrats and honestly believe the party should be viewed as a terrorist group rather than a valid political party. I have the same outlook on most of the Republican party, too. But there are some within the Republican party which are capable of finding solutions to problems independent of their political platforms and have enough courage to come forth with them. Most Republicans who do this are Republican’s In Name Only. Only a very few will sit down to think about how to solve problems within the framework of the US Constitution they swore an oath to. These are the sovereintists. These are the anti-globalists. If we think that there should be a United States of America in the future we need to start demanding that our representatives reflect the idea that national sovereignty is paramount and reject globalist intrusions into our homeland. Before we can make such demands; however, we need to be aware that Democrat and Republican no longer matter and dig deeper into what the goals of any candidate are to determine if they support national sovereignty or the global government.

2,120 Words – On Birthright’s and Turkey
This ticket is referred to as our birthright. We should recognize what our birthright is because without recognizing it how are any of us to value it? If we don’t value our birthright we end up doing incredibly stupid things causing destruction. Sometimes this is on a personal level such as when Esau bartered his birthright away to his younger brother Jacob in Genesis 25:

The Social Contract to End Social Contracts
If we were rats we would know our legs are caught in a trap. We would be forced to decide to keep eating the cheese and die or to take the loss of a paw and remember not to get caught up in the trap while seeking less dangerous fare….

Josh Paul Quit the State Department Because He Seeks the Slaughter of Jews (Opinion)
Josh Paul recently made headlines as he quit the State Department over concerns of Israel defending itself. He specifically worked in arms transfers from the United States to other entities for the past 11 years. He doesn’t have a problem with transferring arms to neo-Nazi’s in Ukraine. He didn’t have a problem with making sure Ukraine’s Zelensky received US tanks, fighter jets, and missiles. He called the Russian’s “murderous” instead. He must not have had a problem transferring tens of billions of arms to the Taliban in Afghanistan by leaving billions in arms there. Paul doesn’t seem to have any issue with the US transferring $20 billion in arms to Saudi Arabia, $6.8 billion to United Arab Emirates, or $2.2 billion to Egypt since 2012. There was no issue for him transferring $6 million of US weapons to Venezuela in 2015, $3 million to Libya in 2012, or less than $500,000 to ‘Syrian rebels’ in 2017. Josh Paul only has a problem when Jews decide enough is enough.

200 Million-Man-Army? – Not Yet.
The government of Israel waging a war against what has been dubbed Palestine (Canaanites) has gripped the headlines around the world. Many of the end-time ministries are pointing to these events as the final war. This is not that war. This is but one of many of the wars and rumors of wars promised to take place on earth in Matthew 24. At the same time there will be many false prophets and people who claim to be the Messiah falsely. Coupled with earthquakes, civil wars, and conflicts which do not rise to the level of wars, all of these things are the beginning of the birth pangs. The beast system is being built (it’s adoption is being mandated upon us all), the beast is being recruited, and the conditions necessary for the global dictatorship are coming into view, but that final fight – Armageddon – is not yet.

Mainstreaming Lukewarmness
Most Christians hold that the New Testament of the Bible is the only one that matters. What is stated in the New Testament is not supposed to be aligned with the Old Testament because the Messiah – Jesus Christ – came and got rid of it and established a brand new way. The problem is that Jesus did no such thing. What Jesus did on this earth was to expound the Torah and to correct those who refused to follow it. What Jesus did was live the entire Torah in the flesh flawlessly, rebuke those who refused to atone for walking out of the way of Torah, and to ask us to follow His way so that we may know the Father as He does. That is what the New Testament states. For His troubles, He was crucified in order to save us from sin

Truly, Liberalism is a Mental Disorder
I didn’t open the floodgates. Liberal retards did. I want to stress that I am only using the word retard because there is not a harsher word at my command. Already the vultures in the liberal media are coming out with stories about the politics of the most recent murder spree by Hamas. Just remember – this door was not opened by me – the retards did it.

Here’s to Hoping Israel Cleans This Mess Up Once and for All
We all saw the actual terrorists in this world attack Israel on the morning of 10/7/2023. Israel declared war on the terrorists surrounding them including Hamas and Hezbollah. Sunday featured pictures of Gaza on fire after Israel’s retaliatory volley of their own. Israel has suffered 700 deaths, mostly of civilians. Gaza has lost over 1,000 of their people. The ‘Palestinians’ have taken many Israeli’s hostage and are using them as human shields. The Israeli’s have started an operation to arm their citizenry with automatic weapons and rocket launchers. It’s a mess 4,000 years in the making and maybe Israel should finally decide to clean it up once and for all.

One New ‘Terrorist’ Writes…
Joe Biden’s illegitimately gained administration has been a nearly unmitigated disaster. His legacy will feature huge and unnecessary price and cost of living increases, an effort to replace the republic with his version of democracy (fascism), and the removal of US sovereignty in order to more closely align with the global government and their policies (central bank digital currencies, AI in every realm, climate change mitigation efforts, and pandemic preparedness efforts to name a few). One of his most disastrous policy legacies; however, will be his efforts to criminalize his political opponents. Those opponents include white males, those who believe in and trust in G-d, those who have questions about election integrity, gun owners, Make America Great Again advocates, and parents who do not want their children taught how to have gay sex at six years old among others. These groups are the new terrorists the Biden administration is waging an open war upon.

The Opinion Section of The Washington Post Lately
Opinion sections in papers are designed to make it seem that regular, everyday people, are able to voice their opinions. More and more; however, the opinions in these sections have featured the opinions of people who hate America, hate people, and hate that the Washington Post cannot justify including such opinions in news sections of the paper. As such the opinions appearing in newspapers feature the direction the monsters in the global corporate cabal want to push society and governments to take.