The Opinion Section of The Washington Post Lately

The Opinion Section of The Washington Post Lately

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/4/2023

Opinion sections in papers are designed to make it seem that regular, everyday people, are able to voice their opinions. More and more; however, the opinions in these sections have featured the opinions of people who hate America, hate people, and hate that the Washington Post cannot justify including such opinions in news sections of the paper. As such the opinions appearing in newspapers feature the direction the monsters in the global corporate cabal want to push society and governments to take.

Today there is a Paul Waldman article in the opinion section. He is very happy to state that an upcoming Supreme Court case has the potential to open the door to general gun confiscation. He is even more pleased to suggest that this same case may destroy a the originalism approach to legal rulings. Waldman is one of those cucks who wants to do things people would shoot him for so he is a really big advocate of gun confiscation and of making it Constitutionally valid for Waldman to conduct himself how he wishes.

US v Rahimi involves a restraining order, domestic violence, firearm possession, and discharging a firearm. Not satisfied with being told that he would receive concurrent sentences under state and federal charges, Rahimi and his lawyers decided to take the case to the Supreme Court to determine if it is Constitutional for those who are obviously inclined towards violence to possess firearms. Specifically, Rahimi and his team are trying to make the claim that issuing domestic-violence restraining orders which include barring an individual from possessing a firearm while the order is valid is a Second Amendment infringement.

I would have to ask if the due process necessary to establish the basis for the protective order is valid in the State of New York. But, that isn’t the question being asked. The question being asked is noted above and is specifically related to another Supreme Court case, New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen. In Bruen it was determined unconstitutional to demand that one who wishes to carry a firearm in public show a cause to do so and that the cause be approved by the state. The courts, meanwhile, lost their minds trying to justify all of the bans on firearm possession which do exist and have existed between the ratification of the Second Amendment and the Civil War. This is the ‘historical’ test courts have decided to apply to make a mockery of the Supreme Court’s decision in Bruen. These courts all missed the point – the state doesn’t have the right to issue licenses to exercise rights.

Yet, they went through this ridiculous test to see if gun laws being challenged have a historical basis. The answer, obviously, is no, they have no historical basis and the reason for that is because the framers of the Second Amendment recognized the God-given right to self-defense and the God-given right to throw off the yolk of tyrannical governments. What the framers didn’t condone was using any implement, guns included, to murder members of one’s community or family members. That was codified as murder and, in those times, murderers were hanged by the neck until dead. But, as time marched on and degenerates gained stronger holds over governmental matters, hangings became rarer while murderers were allowed to serve their time in prison and return to society in many instances.

The problem the degenerates created seems purposeful to me. They have polluted and weakened morality-based policies to demand societal changes based on their feelings – ethics – to further create even more debauchery and codify more harmful policies to repress people. Their goal has always been to unpin the US Constitution from it’s basis in Biblical morality so that they can insert and delete all the parts they don’t like. A short book of fiction – Animal Farm – describes the tactics and the goal of the degenerates in real life political positions at the beginning of the book and notes the changes which are made on the flimsiest of pretexts as they present themselves. At the beginning of the book there are 7 simple rules. Several of these is that two legs are enemies, four legs or wings are friends, and all animals are equal. Towards the middle of the book, the four legs good, two legs bad maxim is deleted and the idea is introduced that some animals are more equal than others. By the end of the book, two legs are good and the only maxim which exists is “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.” It was the pigs on the farm who decided this for all of the rest of the animals.

It’s not as obvious in the real world. Rarely do such intentions manifest themselves so publicly and directly. Instead the abrogation of the US Constitution takes more subtle forms such as this from Merrick Garland’s weaponized Department of Justice describing the Rahimi appeal in the Fifth Circuit Court:

“Nearly 30 years ago, Congress determined that a person who is subject to a court order that restrains him or her from threatening an intimate partner or child cannot lawfully possess a firearm. Whether analyzed through the lens of Supreme Court precedent, or of the text, history, and tradition of the Second Amendment, that statute is constitutional. Accordingly, the Department will seek further review of the Fifth Circuit’s contrary decision.”

This is what Waldman is celebrating. Because most courts have decided the Constitution doesn’t say what it says, has routinely turned a blind eye to obvious Constitutional affronts, and has bent over backwards to implement legal tests which make no sense to do (because the US Constitution is usually pretty clear on the intent of its text) the Rahimi case will be heard. The head of the effort to reverse the decision is the fourth in command at the Department of Justice – Elizabeth Prelogar. The way that the case if framed is one which places those with opinions between a rock and a hard place. Either we will support the Second Amendment, due process, and the Biblical intentions of the framers of the US Constitution and be labeled domestic violence sponsors or we will be labeled anti-Second Amendment and ‘credited’ for holding progressive views on the ‘living’ Constitution. Either way, cucks like Waldman win because they will be able to propagandize those they hate at will.

They don’t really care if domestic violence runs rampant. They use the fear of domestic violence to push their agenda – get guns out of everyone’s hands who could, conceivably, hold them accountable for what they have already done and what they plan to do. People like Waldman wouldn’t hesitate to force medical devices and interventions upon every person on earth. The second they get their ‘justification’ out into the public (a new pandemic) they will force 18 million more people to die by their interventions without acknowledging what they did. They will murder our babies. They will push gender dysphoria to destroy the future of children being able to bear children. Today we do have guns and this is what they are doing to us – it is nearly impossible to imagine the debauchery they will commit in front of us should we be disarmed. That’s why Waldman wants guns out of our hands. People like him want government approval to be able to walk into the homes of thought criminals, rape the wife, drink the blood of the children, and then murder everyone present without the threat of effective resistance.

Another writer appearing in the Washington Post opinion section is woman named Kate Cohen. She says she was raised in Reform Judaism but is now an atheist. She doesn’t believe in God and she is teaching her children to not believe in God. She also happens to be another unhinged lunatic who has decided she should be dictating how everyone else gets to live. “But you also don’t get to leave things up to God. Atheists must accept that people are allowing — we are allowing — women to die in childbirth, children to go hungry, men to buy guns that can slaughter dozens of people in minutes. Atheists believe people organized the world as it is now, and only people can make it better,” she wrote in America doesn’t need more God. It needs more Atheists.

What I argue is that there are no atheists – everyone believes in something bigger even if that something is themselves (humanism, a nice way to state the most familiar Satanic cult ever devised) – there are only cowards too scared to identify what it is they do subscribe to. Cohen is not only a coward, she knows better. She should be intimately familiar with what God promises for those who decide that they can make their own way’s against the ways of God. Those promises are destruction.

Those promises have been kept such as when Moses was forbidden to enter the land God gave Israel because of a lapse in belief on Moses’ part. A man once existed named Korach who decided to do things according to himself against God’s wishes. The lesson is related in Numbers 16 and not only was Korach and his followers killed, most of them were directly translated into Hell. Eve tempted Adam and they ate and were punished with death. Sodom and Gomorrah were decimated by fire and brimstone falling from the heavens. The ruins of those cities are being marveled at today. Cohen knows this yet attributes it to folklore, the Greek pantheon, and purportedly discredited facts which don’t align with the atheist’s worldview.

Cohen’s article is mostly about the number of atheists in America. She puts the number at somewhere around 25% of the people. Another portion of the article is about atheists coming out of the closet and announcing their devotion to cowardice. She also states that atheist vote more often and that atheist get more things done. Great they are motivated to…. bring destruction on the entire nation. Because atheists claim to not believe in anything they have no foundation from which to act. Murder, rape, burglary, robbery, kidnapping, and any other crime one could possibly think of are all justified by some segment of these satanic people. This is all that ethical relativity means and it is what atheists operate off of. Thus they feel they are justified in demanding gun confiscation efforts, equity (not to be confused with equality – equity means the same outcomes for everyone), and increased numbers of murdered babies.

Kate Cohen is proud of herself for her atheism. She is proud of herself for teaching her children to hate God. She hopes everyone will take her path so that collectively they can, “take away permission, too. Permission to pass laws (or grant exemptions to laws) based on the presumed desires of a fictional creation. Permission to be cruel to fellow human beings based on Bible verses. Permission to eschew political action in favor of “thoughts and prayers.” I cannot wait for this stupid whore and her whorish circle of friends to recognize that the warnings of Deuteronomy 32 are valid forever. Deuteronomy 32:36-39 says:

Yes, Adonai will judge his people, taking pity on his servants, when he sees that their strength is gone, that no one is left, slave or free. 37 Then he will ask, ‘Where are their gods, the rock in whom they trusted?38 Who ate the fat of their sacrifices and drank the wine of their drink offering? Let him get up and help you, let him protect you! 39 See now that I, yes, I, am he; and there is no god beside me. I put to death, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal; no one saves anyone from my hand!

Kate Cohen has decided that pretending that God is made up is an easier way to live. Of course it’s easier to live when there are no rules. If there are no rules there are no consequences outside of the natural kind. If you punch a window it’s likely to damage your hand and forearm – a natural consequence. If that window is a storefront though, in the world without rules – the world Cohen and her whores are screaming for – there won’t be any legal proceeding to determine financial loss unless the store owner is a card carrying whore themselves.

But, for the Washington Post, even atheism doesn’t go far enough. Another wayward Jew, Adam Mansbach, has taken to demanding black magic rituals to ‘fix’ things. Antisemitism is rising. Time to summon a 10-foot-tall crisis monster. Instead of wanting to create a giant golem – a version of divination clearly outlawed in the Torah Mansbach supposedly follows – to combat the ADL’s definition of Antisemitism he should be noting that the United Nations General Assembly, the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset, and the Roman Catholic Church are the only rivals the ADL has for the most heinous Antisemitic efforts of the present century. Oh that’s all conspiracy theory according to people like Mansbach. Conspiracies with their roots in Antisemitism to boot at that according to people like Mansbach.

Mansbach is railing against trying to find common ground with those he disagrees with. He is literally advocating for the swift murder of anyone who disagrees with his disgusting anti-God and anti-human worldview by using black magic. “And so we get caught flat-footed when books are banned, when gay and trans people are brutalized, when antisemitism is mainstreamed, when abortion rights and voting rights are snatched away.” As a Jew, Mansbach should be well informed that children are to be taught the Torah (that applies to Kate Cohen as well), homosexuality is an abomination against God, transsexualism is bloodletting on an unbelievable scale, passing children through the fire (“abortion”) is the worship of another God, and that kings were never meant for the People of God but, since the people demanded it, God allowed it so to show these people what a king will do to them.

Antisemitism is not going to be cured by Golems. It is certainly not going to be addressed by the ADL. As a matter of fact, the ADL is going doing what it can to ensure that the Jews are absolutely hated by the entire world because of their efforts to destroy free speech, imprison people exercising free speech, and demanding that anyone who won’t readily adopt the ways of the world should be held as though criminals in the name of Judaism. Mansbach is doing the same thing by suggesting that a black magic Golem be used to murder anyone who won’t censor speech, rejects the normalization of child sexual abuse, and demand that minority rights be protected under republicanism at the expense of democracy.

To cure Antisemitism the roots of the disease need to be uprooted, not watered. This will only be accomplished through revealing the truth of the Torah and linking the Messiah firmly to it’s mitzvot. This is what the Bible states and what many on this earth have mangled to mean something else. The ADL and Mansbach are exacerbating these lies which will only result in demands that a Golem-like apparatus be created for real. Can you say Artificial Intelligence, another form of black magic infused with demons. The ADL AI would gladly be developed to destroy the ADL’s enemies – Constitutionalists, free-speech advocates, anti-Antifa/BLM protesters, gun owners, heterosexuals, white males…. The ADL is not about fighting Antisemitism – free speech is required to fight Antisemitism – it’s about destroying each and every God-given right in the name of fighting Antisemitism. And so is Mansbach.

And so is the Washington Post in general. That the ADL’s version of fighting Antisemitism includes every desire of the global government’s Great Reset plan, the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals and Replacement Migration ploy, and setting the metrics of what constitutes ‘good’ under the schemes required by the implementation of the social credit score should give one pause. Why are they aligned? Why does the Washington Post love the ADL so much? It’s because the Washington Post recognizes that the ADL is aiming at the same future they are – a one world government fashioned to rule through technocratic fascism. Why does the Washington Post feature such obviously anti-God and anti-American opinion pieces? Their goals will be thwarted by God and they know it, yet they still think it can be achieved if enough God-fearing people are taken out of the equation.

The real problem with getting rid of originalism is in that it destroys foundations by permitting the supplemental texts to supersede the original. This is as true when dealing with the US Constitution as it is in when looking to the Torah and having it thrown out in favor of the New Testament. On top of valuing cowardice above all, Atheists are weaponized but ultimately useless idiots who will fall for anything because they stand for nothing. Those delving into the black arts affirm that there is a foundation set by God but use their talents to actively try to destroy that foundation. The Washington Post, by having published these three opinion pieces alone, is screaming that the foundations of civilization are to be churned into powder, reconstituted, and used to formulate the basis for the global religion – humanism as they see fit to define it at any given time.

Karen Tulmulty opined in the Post in McCarthy’s legacy is one of damage to the House and his former office. No one could have done more damage to the position than Henry Clay, a name invoked by Tulmulty, when his actions directly resulted in the assassination attempt on Andrew Jackson. Jackson opposed the second central bank and Clay wanted to maintain the enslavement of American’s by rechartering it. The Editorial Board of the Washington Post got together to demand that Republicans just do what Democrats want in the future to maintain the Speaker of the House in After McCarthy, here is how to start fixing the House. Another article, Blue America pleads for the Supreme Court’s help on homelessness, currently prominent, was written by Charles Lane who demands that Cloward and Piven schemes be used to benefit the massive and massively growing homeless populations in democrat cities while at the same time accommodating blue-state ‘leaders’ efforts to mandate the homeless to use the government’s homeless shelters. Blue state policies created the homelessness and the Ninth Circuit Court decided it is an Eighth Amendment infringement to prevent them from pooping on the sidewalks and setting up tenements in the middle of streets. More government, according to Lane, is the solution.

It’s all the same story. That story is ignore anything moral or Godly. After ignoring God, those doing so set standards which have their foundations in quicksand. When the policies they implement cause problems, more policies are demanded which may prevent the current situation from sinking entirely into the mud but actually pave the way for a larger patch of quicksand. What works is returning to God and God’s ways. What the Washington Post does is to expand the area the quicksand covers. The bedrock of God allows the humans living by God’s ways to not be swallowed into the morass. Equity; however, demands that we all sink together though and what the Washington Post is really all about is to destroy the people obedient to God in order to cause those sinking to accelerate that process.

Returning to Deuteronomy 32, at verses 3-6, this concept is, again discussed. It reads:

3 “For I will proclaim the name of Adonai. Come, declare the greatness of our God! 4 The Rock! His work is perfect, for all his ways are just. A trustworthy God who does no wrong, he is righteous and straight.5 “He is not corrupt; the defect is in his children, a crooked and perverted generation. 6 You foolish people, so lacking in wisdom, is this how you repay Adonai? He is your father, who made you his! It was he who formed and prepared you!

The opinions in the Washington Post and in the rest of the mainstream media around the world have no use for this. This single passage alone clearly identifies where problems originate from though. It shows that a people rejecting God and His ways are defective, corrupted, foolish. They believe in various lies all related to the ultimate lie – that God does not exist. The result is destruction. And the destruction is coming to each and every one of us who falls for these lies. Protect yourself with truth – God is completely real and God has already given mankind an instruction manual – the Torah – read it and live by it.

Bless God and God bless.


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