The Social Contract to End Social Contracts

The Social Contract to End Social Contracts

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/27/2023

In early days, social contracts existed between G-d and men or between men and their idols. This provided a stark contrast between cultures in the ancient world. It has provided a stark contrast between the cultures on earth throughout history. G-d has not changed His ways and still lives and always will. Throughout history man has created idols and built up elaborate and harmful cults around them because they reject the living G-d. These idols have never been alive, cannot hear the prayers of their adherents, cannot offer guidance, and are prone to complete falling away events. The living, unchanging G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is why there is still a Hebrew people on this earth who still worship the same G-d as their ancestors. People living outside of the strictures of the Word of G-d have to constantly recreate their worldviews and redefine social contracts.

Unfortunately for all of humanity, there are far more people who adhere to their own devices to create these social contracts. They ignore what G-d has stated to do to please Him while worshiping Him, when interacting with neighbors, when interacting with foreigners, while observing holidays, when choosing what to eat, when dressing ourselves, and when we choose our leaders. They ignore G-d’s regulations regarding justice, virtue, and what is good and what is evil. They ignore the consequences of relying on their own devices and ignoring G-d which is so completely described in concrete terms repetitively in the Bible.

After World War II the entire world decided the proper course of action to prevent such wars was a global-in-scope governmental body. Being as this global governmental body was new, a social contract needed to be written between the men of earth and the entities filling the halls of this new idol. That contract was originally written into the Charter of the United Nations. The document used some linguistic gymnastics to obscure the intent of the United Nations. The world, having been absolutely ravaged by the scourge of war, was weary and the promises of global peace sounded like music to the ears of the battle-torn peoples of earth. The UN Charter actually demands that, in order for there to be peace, there needs to be a new social contract rooted in “respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all” at the expense of “race, sex, language, or religion.” Money and free trade would be the idol the UN would force us to bow to in our everyday lives. The UN thought itself so far removed from the common people it made this social contract with that it could change that contract at any time. They began making these changes almost immediately.

Three years later the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was unleashed upon the world. Because a three certain clauses in the declaration exist, all of the rights (even the ones which do not exist either in nature or through the Word of G-d) are turned into privileges based on the collective feelings of the nations involved at the United Nations. Under Article 29 the United Nations makes itself the sole arbiter of rights around the world. If the UN sees a tenet of Judaism they don’t like, “You are to have no other gods before me,” or “Do not steal,” (Exodus 20) for instance, the UN will simply decide those points invalid because they do not conform to the “purposes and principles of the United Nations” (Article 29, clause 3).

The degenerate progressives who authored this degenerate tract knew that over time the United Nation’s purposes and principles would change. Any institution not built upon the Word of G-d (and many which claim to be as well) are all but guaranteed to decide to change with the times. The UN is especially susceptible to this phenomena. Where the UN was once supposedly all about peace, the United Nations has consistently determined which wars are justified and which are not. While their Charter demands that all war is to be avoided primarily though economic trade and diplomacy the UN has assisted in fighting and even initiating all sorts of wars. Their focus on peace through eliminating disease by turning every person on earth into a man-made biological mutilation is one such war. One of the causes Russia cites for going to war is the existence of biological warfare labs in Ukraine which were condoned by the UN because they allowed these labs to be called research labs. Hamas has long been permitted by the UN to use it’s facilities in Gaza to conduct terrorist attacks.

The United Nations today no longer even pretends to have anything to do with peace. It has everything to do with molesting children, raping women, and waging wars against independence, wealth they don’t control, and anything seen as even remotely holy. The most degenerate and barbaric cultures are held up as models to ascribe to. The most repressive and murderous regimes on the planet are given the title good governance.

The changes in the social compact the United Nations has with the rest of the world didn’t come overnight. Several events which had many people understand what the UN is really all about has helped shaped what this social contract looks like in real life. The UN’s purposeful destruction of Katanga province in Democratic Republic of Congo in 1963 displayed the UN’s rabid hatred of anything capitalist or approaching a state of individual freedom. They destroyed a free Katanga to give it to Marxist psychopaths who also happened to be unhinged racists.

Multiple missions from the UN, particularly the Peacekeeping missions, have been accused of rape, torture, and murder of the people they are supposed to be assisting. International child trafficking rings have been detected at the United Nation’s over and over again. Yet, in 1992, the United Nations still saw it fit to conduct an overhaul of the social contract. No longer was the social contract meant to affect nations whose policies would affect their people. This meeting was intended to change the life of every person on earth by demanding that there is a climate crisis and that we must all radically change the way we live. The document is called Agenda 21.

On the back of Agenda 21 came the more public-oriented portion of the plan. These were known as the Millennial Goals. There were 8 goals – all of which sound really positive on their face. None of the goals sought to be achieved by 2015 were. All of the issues the UN sought to address were made worse by their meddling. More people in more places were hungrier, poorer, and sicker thanks to the UN. In addition, more governments aligned with one another in their actions to ensure environmental sustainability. Even in 2000 this was being used as the code word for ushering in the mechanisms of a global government rooted in collectivism at the expense of individual liberty.

The pinnacle achievement of the Millennial Goals is that disastrous document the Paris Climate Agreement which forces taxpayers in nations which spearheaded the Industrial and Information Revolutions to pay taxes to nations which still haven’t figured out steam power. Under the social contract of equality, the UN has always meant to enforce an equity. Equality and equity have vastly different meanings. Equality is giving people the opportunity to pursue their goals. Equity is making sure that everyone ends up the same no matter what contributions and efforts they made to any given cause. The UN has a long history of using the term equality and meaning equity. The Paris agreement makes sure that no matter what any particular nation has achieved, the overachievers will be paying the dunces.

While we are living under the social compact created by the Paris Agreement and particular corrupt and despicable ‘leaders’ in various nations which have applied it in their nations, the UN has again rewritten their social contract with the rest of the world. A document was produced after the abject failure of the Millennium Goals called Agenda 2030. Agenda 2030 is an abbreviated update to the massive Agenda 21 document. Like Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, again under the ruse of man-made climate change, the social contract was again rewritten. We are currently about 6 years away from the UN dismally failing to achieve the 17 goals, called the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs; with their 169 targets, aka sub-goals) under Agenda 2030. Efforts, pleas, and outright demands have been made and entertained by the UN, multinational corporations, non-governmental organizations, academia, and governments around the world to speed things along in a mad dash to achieve these goals and sub-goals.

Goal 17 sub-goals 10, 11, and 12, for instance are all about trade. The SDG here outlines a plan to have all trade be free. In order to make sure that all trade is free (the establishment of tariffs), the UN has seen it fit to have the World Trade Organization oversee all trade. Of course, this isn’t meant to actually foster free-trade, it is meant to destroy sovereign nation’s ability to determine their own course in the area of trade and to promote, favor, and force developed nations to trade with nations which have the weakest labor laws on earth in an effort to bring about massive unemployment numbers in developed nations to achieve equity. From here one could choose to see the conflicts in interest which are rife within the full set of goals. For instance, their plans for trade directly contradict goal 8.5 for instance (full employment for all – Mussolini’s fascist aspiration).

The social compact the SDGs create between the United Nations and the people who actually live, work, and play on the earth is one which should not be unfamiliar. Like most academic luminaries who dream up social contracts without have lived for more than 10 minutes in the real world, with a real job, surrounded by real people, who have real decisions to make about matters with real consequences, these plans are totalitarian and are still inadequate because they are contradictory as well as highly harmful to just about everyone on the planet. Their SDGs are no different.

If these goals are ever realized the world will be forced to live as we did during the most restrictive periods of Covid-19. Podcasters were being arrested on air for ‘misinformation.’ Leaving one’s home required papers. Trying to travel more than 5 miles away from home, go for a jog on the beach with no one around you, or even going to get groceries was criminalized. DNA collection (testing) was demanded to leave the home. Isolation didn’t require any sickness to be present – the mere suspicion of having contact with someone who was sick was enough to get a two-week home detention sentence. Medical rights were routinely invalidated. People were told they would lose their jobs if they did not comply. We were split into camps of essential and non-essential workers and many businesses closed entirely and many lost their jobs. The businesses and churches which stayed open despite the decrees from the experts were arrested and fines. Trade was all but shut down. All of the unions which are supposed to represent the interests of members sided with whatever the management of the businesses wanted them to do. The businesses, for their part, went full fascist and supported every single measure the government decided to implement no matter how draconian.

The UN sat there and clapped it’s hands and then decided that all of this is what the climate needs. The Covid-19 ‘mitigation’ efforts are exactly what the authors, proponents, and implementors of the SDGs have in mind for all of us. The only difference is that it would be permanent. Actually, what happened during Covid-19 in the most restrictive place on earth – China (and perhaps Singapore) – would be the maximum of individual freedom permitted under the SDGs. Most of us would be even more restricted that the Chinese were during their trials with Covid-19 mitigation efforts. They welded people into their apartments with and without food, beat people without masks, used drones to monitor their subjects, and tracked everyone with a QR code ran by an AI which told each person whether they could go to work (green), report to a quarantine center on their own (yellow), or sit on the ground and wait to be taken to a quarantine center by authorities (red)….

But the SDGs and the Covid-19 nonsense and the medical-rights-destroying vaccine mandates were not enough. The World Economic Forum (WEF) came on strong in the middle of the scamdemic. For as degenerate as the UN has been and has become – the WEF is exponentially worse. With the SDGs sputtering, the UN entered into a tight partnership with the Davos crowd through the WEF. Now, the WEF is what was once called Davos which was routinely denied to even exist until recently. Leaders from government, media, corporations, and NGO’s have been meeting for about the last 60 years to dictate global policies, plan the next global catastrophes, and foster an enduring fascist worldview. This was all hidden until recently when the WEF was presented as a beneficial asset to all of mankind – much as the UN was touted as at its inception in the late 1940’s.

The WEF presents an even broader, more brutal, and more personal social contract than the UN. It is found in the writings of WEF founder Klaus Schwab (The Great Narrative, The Great Reset, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution), WEF brainchild Yuval Noah Harari (21 Lessons for the 21st Century, Homo Deus, and Sapiens), and on their website. The first major feature of this social contract is taking any opposing voice away. The second is that it is fully fascist as practiced by the Nazi’s in Germany in the 1930’s and 40’s. The third is that any possession any one owns will no longer be able to be owned because, according to Schwab, no one has a right to own anything.

The world is in a transition from the already disastrous UN social contract to the barbaric updated WEF version of the social contract. Lacking a formalized policing force or military, the UN and WEF have had to resort to creating fear and causing economic destruction. The businesses in partnerships with the UN and WEF are their foot soldiers, the governments of the world are the generals, and the WEF sees itself as the Grand Furor. Their real desire is to convince each and every human on earth to volunteer to enter into this new social contract by using fear. If the fear is effective, those who were once rational human beings start making incredibly irrational and dangerous decisions. To capture the rest of us medical mandates were implemented at grocery store intended to prevent the non-compliant from eating. Likewise, the non-compliant were targeted with being fired from their places of employment, massive fines for simply being in public without donning a medically unnecessary and potentially hazardous medical device, and censorship, court proceedings, and jail time for talking about facts like the massive increases in all-cause deaths after the death jabs were released to murder us.

As I stated above, the freest of the subjects under the WEF’s social contract will be living like the Chinese subjects did during Covid-19 ‘outbreaks.’ But it will be far worse than that. Not only is the WEF wholly committed to fascism in order to implement it’s destruction of everything on earth through medical intervention and economic ruin it is also technocratic. This means that they have already started counting the supply of any given item and think they have a duty to allot it to those they deem worthy. Because the word tech- is at the beginning and the fact that technology has emboldened technocratic efforts, the term technocracy is often confused with the technology being used to implement it. This is what Stalin attempted to do with the limited technology of the 1950’s. Where he failed, the likes of Schwab and the WEF have the capability to succeed. Stalin sought the same thing the WEF is ultimately after – complete commodification of human beings to the point that is all we see ourselves as. Capitalists are also guilty of this; however, actual capitalists don’t particularly care what one is legally engaged in outside of their work hours. That is not the case with the WEF….

On top of being fascist and technocratic, the WEF is also totalitarian. Their commodification of humans leaves no room nor time for anything outside of the WEF’s will. They have already determined what our homes will consist of. They have determined what jobs we are allowed to do, how we will do them, and for how long we will be able to do them. Our jobs are dependent on our education. Our children’s education is no longer to be a matter for parents at all. Our diets will consist of eating insects for protein because meat will be banned due to the WEF’s perception that livestock are hazardous to the environment. If insects are not your thing, maybe being forced to eat our own shit and drink our own piss is. Transportation, jobs, entertainment, and financing will only be shared resources – no one will be permitted to be employed, own a vehicle, nor have entertainment or financing options available unless they obey the fascist technocratic WEF decrees.

The WEF’s social contract basically states, by 2030 no one will own anything and we will be happy with that. That’s the goal of the transitional social contract of the current moment. This is where men and women who have decided to do things their own way are demanding all of us follow them to. If we do this we will quickly find out that we are in a concentration camp waiting to be exterminated by our ‘leaders’ who have now installed themselves in the guard towers seeking out any disruptive agents in the camps.

It’s the social contract which will end all social contracts. It’s the end of history. It’s the end of humanity.

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When I was taking courses for my master’s degree I had to take several courses about international law. I thought it was a great thing at the time. As I continued to study I figured out that what I thought about international law was wrong. I learned that the social contract between international bodies and all of the rest of us wasn’t based on what I had once taken for granted. In the United States that is easy to do – it’s one of those things that was removed from our lives. No longer is this social contract removed from our lives and no more is it possible to think that the framers of the United States and global government have anything in common.

A contract is supposed to be a two party ordeal. It took me far too long to realize that the crux of the problem is that no longer is the United States government one representative of the people. The US government decided that they know what is best for the rest of us and to hell with the will of the people. This is why our kids are being instructed to question their gender. This is why we are told to trust the science. This is why the government has declared war on Christians, Caucasians, and males. This is why some speech is deemed free and other speech is not. Some riots are okay and other demonstrations are not. Are we free to worship? Not if there is a ‘pandemic.’ Are we free to travel? Not if the police decide they need checkpoints to nab drunk drivers. Are we free to express our opinions? Not if those opinions happen to rebuff the official narrative. Are we even permitted to defend our very lives from the bloody hands of criminals? Not if the government has deemed the offender a friend.

The social contract in the United States is one which was drafted based upon the pronouncements of G-d. The tenets of the Bible were applied directly to the relationship the government and the citizenry of the United States were supposed to have. The US government was constituted to recognize that G-d had already authored the right and good way for any people to administer justice, select rulers, provide for their citizens, and how to legislate among other features. When the Bill of Rights came around several years later it was clear to see that the government was to refrain from interfering in certain affairs of men because G-d stated in the Bible that the government is to refrain from them. This includes free speech, freedom of religion, that the government can neither drag their feet nor rush trials, accusations must be supported through the gathering of evidence and witnesses to prove crimes, the recognition that private property exists and is to be respected, that we have a duty to defend our lives and property with arms from internal and external threats, and that punishments cannot be cruel nor unusual. We have a right to be secure in our possessions. We have a right to enforce our borders but also to treat the foreigners among us as we wish to be treated while they are here.

These are all taken out of the pages of the teachings of G-d in the Bible. The United States government merely recognized them. They constituted the government to exist to defend those rights. For this recognition, the United States was seen as blessed and we were prosperous, adventurous, innovative, bold, and industrious. We were also free.

Yet, even in the years 1789, the year the Constitution was ratified, and 1791, the year the Bill of Rights was adopted, there were enemies to these ideas. Domestic enemies came in all colors – black, brown, and white. They were the owners of other human beings they bartered for or bought outright. Even this institution was made to be gotten rid of by 1808 – 21 years after the Constitution was originally drafted. Those 21 years were intended to give the plantation owners ample opportunity to pay back their debts to Britain and to find ways to hire people instead of engaging in chattel slavery. History informs us that these Southern democrats had no desire to make the necessary changes and found ways to cause civil war to befall the United States. The idea in the US Constitution was to make good on the Declaration of Independence (1776) in it’s desire to realize that, truly, every man is created equal. The Declaration of Independence is a detailed account about why the US Constitution and Bill of Rights were needed at all, it starts:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.”

All three documents recognize first and foremost that G-d created men and that men thankful to have been created are to seek the face of their creator. From this foundation of bedrock came the social contract mentioned explicitly in the Declaration of Independence. The ways that works in practice were codified in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Obviously, over time, the ideas in the Declaration of Independence, US Constitution, and Bill of Rights have been watered down, flipped upside-down, or ignored altogether. The domestic evils percolated throughout US history. First it was making sure the US had a central bank – an idea antithetical to a moral people focused on seeking the face of G-d. Then it was slavery which brought the US to war against itself. These enemies sought to engage the US in every foreign affair they could whether there was a national interest or they had to make one up. WWI came to Europe and the United States government bent over backwards to make sure they entered it. The same with World War II. The same with Korea, Viet Nam, the Iraq War, the War on Terror. The US government has waged war on poverty, drugs, crime, and now its own people. Maybe if the US waged a war on peace it would flourish as much as poverty, drugs, and crime have expanded since mobilizing against it.

The US government has long ago ceased trying to uphold the US Constitution or the Bill of Rights. It has lost even the pretenses of seeking to remain blessed in the eyes of a holy G-d who created us. They have recreated the causes of the Declaration of Independence. And to prove all of that – the US government has taken a stance of fully supporting all of the actions of the UN and the WEF. The US also serves as the main force behind just about every war on the planet as well as the leadership of all sorts of nefarious anti-G-d one world efforts like the Bank of International Settlements, the World Bank, the World Health Organization, and the World Trade Organization. The Us government has taken a course to facilitate the creation of the beast system both internationally and domestically and has offered over 60 million human sacrifices while doing so.

It took me way too long to recognize all of this. The US government was instituted for a moral people with leaders who are, likewise, moral. Today the people and especially the government have taken G-d given morals, applied their ethical evaluations to them, replaced the morals with these hybrids, and persisted in calling them morals. From these morals we have altered the social contract of the United States to be more responsive to the whims of the likes of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum’s global social compact. This is why Tyson Foods is investing in insect proteins with FDA approval. It’s why the US government refuses to acknowledge that Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and Pfizer are responsible for millions of deaths and tens of millions of debilitating medical issues around the world. It is why the US government has seen fit to wage a war on so-called man-made climate change to the point where it is the most pressing national security issue in a time where illegal immigration goes unmitigated, the US is running out of ammunition to defend itself from foreign attacks, and we have a president with access to the football who cannot speak two coherent sentences in a row let alone stand up for more than five minutes without help.

I could go on and on about the problems. The solutions; however, are far more beneficial. If we want our government to return to making proper moral choices in alignment with the framing of this nation, we must reengage with the author of the original documents of this nation. That would be G-d, the creator of not just mankind, but the creator of the entire universe and everything in it. The concepts of the Torah are familiar to US citizens who payed any attention to civics because the framers of the US Constitution borrowed extensively from it.

If we are not a moral people, if we are a people who spit at G-d instead of seek His face, if we continue down the path we are on, the social contract we are supposed to be enjoying will be placed out of reach by the authors of the social contract the WEF and UN have in store for us. Yes, we have free will! G-d gives us that free will so that we might seek His face and conduct ourselves in manners pleasing to Him. Sure, we can reject G-d’s instructions and do things which we ourselves have deemed good but look at where that has already led this nation to. The United States stands on the brink of economic collapse, participating in three simultaneous major military arenas each of which could rather easily result in a thermonuclear global war, a complete replacement of the domestic population with foreign invaders, ceding all national sovereignty to global entities, and mandating all sorts of deadly medical interventions, intrusive surveillance techniques, and biometrically linked digital currency. The United States is just one country but it is the country to watch for all of these temporal events because as the United States goes, so tends to go the rest of the world. The United States as a nation cannot continue to ignore G-d’s instructions to us. We will either repent and once more find the narrow path or we will continue to decline and fade away in the face of this multitude of threats to our existence.

Read the Bible. Read the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Note the similarities. Whether the framers were deists or Christians, they were certainly not Jews, which makes it all the more curious that they chose to borrow from the so-called Jewish Bible…. Our blessing will either be restored or it will be eradicated. We have the power to effect that outcome – we just don’t have much time left to use that power. The global efforts to rewrite (particularly at about 6:20) our social contract into a one-way diktat under which they make all of our decisions for us and we are expected to obey them or die limits that time. Take that to the Lord, in prayer. Stock up, prepare the mind and body, and pray. Pray.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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