Truly, Liberalism is a Mental Disorder

Truly, Liberalism is a Mental Disorder

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/10/23

I didn’t open the floodgates. Liberal retards did. I want to stress that I am only using the word retard because there is not a harsher word at my command. Already the vultures in the liberal media are coming out with stories about the politics of the most recent murder spree by Hamas. Just remember – this door was not opened by me – the retards did it.

In The Atlantic, a neo-fascist globalist magazine with no redeeming qualities whatsoever, an interview was conducted by a self-described religious Jew who doesn’t use electronics on the Sabbath or on Jewish holidays named Yair Rosenberg. He interviewed one of his friends, Amir Tibon, who once wrote for The Atlantic but now writes for the neo-fascist globalist leftists at Haaretz and authored a biography praising the ‘peace’ efforts of Mahmoud Abbas. Rosenberg titled his interview with Amir, ‘We’re Going to Die Here’.

Amir Tibon was at home with his wife and two daughters in a Gaza-border town when Hamas murderers invaded. As soon as they heard the first volley of rockets Amir and his wife went to the safe room in their home with their two daughters. The power went out. After a while the cell phone service was shut off. Before this happened, Amir spoke with neighbors, friends, and his retired army-general father. After the power went out the faint sounds of automatic gunfire could be heard and it grew closer and closer until it was outside his window. His father, who lives in Tel Aviv, made the hour-and-a-half drive to save his family in the midst of the attack. While Amir sat in a dark room with two young children and his wife with nothing to eat, little to drink, no power, and dead cell-phones listening to terrorists murdering his neighbors and friends, his father was killing terrorists with a pistol.

I am glad Amir is alive and well. I am very pleased that his wife and children are alive and well. I am also happy that his father has the qualities of a real-life Rambo and did what was needed to see to it that his son was safe. I even agree with Amir when he stated, according to Rosenberg, “We have to destroy Hamas” and “this was our 9/11.” Everything else he stated about the current political state of Israel is an indictment of himself, of Yair Rosenberg, and of the rest of the liberal world whether in Israel, America, or anywhere else on the planet. These people are retarded.

Amir basically demanded that after the war with Hamas is won, this government be deposed. He hinted that if the government won’t step down on it’s own, then violence would be permissible to remove it. He is counting on President Biden to come rescue Israel from Hamas. Amir hates his own government so much that he is already calling for the violent overthrow of it while completely loving the Biden regime which literally funded the arms acquisition, planning, and coordination of the ingrates who murdered hundreds in his town. That makes him a retard.

Amir also showed that he is mentally retarded when he began noting his perceived grievances of the Israeli government. It wasn’t good enough that the government made sure that tunneling from Gaza into Israel was made nearly impossible – they should have focused on hardening the barrier. I’ll give him that for now. He noted Netanyahu’s attempts to reign in an overly powerful judiciary in an attempt to gain more power in the executive and legislative branches. Amir notes that it is completely and only Netanyahu’s fault for failing Israel and allowing Hamas to attack. Netanyahu is not solely to blame for any of the many failures of acting on known intelligence. Actually, Amir is just as guilty as Netanyahu in this regard, perhaps even more so. But what Amir is really pissed off about is the notion he described here, a notion truly unique to retarded liberals:

“I’m ashamed of my government. We had a contract with the state that communities like ours protect the border. This is why people live there. We protect the border with our presence there. This is a fundamental strategy of the state of Israel since the earliest days of the country, that a border that does not have civilian communities and civilian life along it will not be properly protected.

“We kept our part of the contract. We lived on the border. We went through difficult situations sometimes, with mortars and with the use of incendiary devices to set fires in the fields. If you live in a place like Nahal Oz, you wake up every morning and you know there are people on the other side of the border who want to kill you and your children. And so the contract was: We protect the border, and the state protects us.”

‘Oh state-daddy protect me harder’ is all I see when I read this. Welp state-daddy didn’t do the protecting this time. Not once did Amir mention praying to G-d while he sat uselessly in the dark hoping he and his family were not taken captive, raped, or murdered. He describes the foolishness of demanding his daughters completely trust in him just as he placed all of his trust in his father. That strikes me as extremely odd. It also strikes me as extremely odd that living on a border with thousands of people who are known murderers who target people just like Amir didn’t prompt Amir to go buy some food stocks, have extra batteries on hand, and maybe a few coloring books or something for his children to do instead of sit there in the dark and not cry, speak, or make any other noise. Impressively, Amir related that his children were able to stay quiet the entire ten-plus hours they were in the room. This is even more impressive given that neither of his children are older than three-and-a-half years old. This inability to prepare for potential situations, as unpleasant as they are to ponder, is another mark of the mental disorder liberalism is.

He also made the mistake of affirming that the attack is the Israeli version of the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers. Amir hinted that 9/11 was an inside job and it was. It is likely that Israeli intelligence knew all about the attack on Israel. Like the United States, the Israeli government wanted a war and they were prepared to allow several thousand of their citizens to take the brunt of the brutality. Citizens like Amir and his family. That is a travesty of justice and a violation of G-d’s charge to kings and rulers. Unlike George Bush who is still evading justice for his culpability on 9/11, Netanyahu should be tried for the crimes he committed based on the evidence obtained and held accountable. But Amir is missing the gravity of the comparison. If this is Israel’s 9/11 then they will be engaged in wars for the next two decades. In addition, if this is an Israeli 9/11, what rights you had on October 6, 2023 will never again exist because the Israeli government will make sure to pass an Israeli version of the USA PATRIOT Act. Israel will become a militarized surveillance state in which the government will use every justification it is using in Gaza against it’s own citizens. Maybe Amir thinks he is above being targeted by the government in such a manner and I’d ask him – do you really want this to be an Israeli 9/11, or would you like to actually significantly reduce the threats to Israel? In other words, are you ready to watch Damascus be obliterated as would happen if this is truly an Israeli 9/11 or would you like to ensure Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran are placed in check permanently? Which presents another question I’d like to ask Amir – are you ready to stop being a retard and do what needs to be done to erase the terror threats or are you going to cling to the retarded ideas that helped Israel get to where it is – under attack?

But what really takes the cake is that Amir wants people to view him as a hero, too, not just his father. He wants readers to think that it is noble and responsible to make absolutely zero preparations for when shtf (in that area of the world it’s a when). He wants his mere presence in an area to be viewed as heroic. His portrayals of his father’s actions, the Israeli military, and even his daughter’s silence are heroic. Amir though is the opposite of heroic. He is all of the failures he sees in Netanyahu. Amir is the one who never mentioned he placed his trust in G-d. Amir is the one who has decided that demanding a codified Israeli constitution was appropriate only in the face of attempts of an executive to claw back the over-reaching power of the Supreme Court of the very secular Israel. It is Amir who mentioned that on a Jewish holiday there was a festival celebrating Gaia punctuated by electronic music acts where 3,500 young people were taking drugs and abusing alcohol at dawn. Oh. Wait. Amir didn’t actually do that. He lamented that these people were gunned down, as do I, but called it a music festival. They were attempting to alter their consciousness anyway they could – the ‘music’ at the festival was trance.

And if demanding that he be seen as a hero is taking the cake, Amir took the cake after he took the cake when he made the claim that he protects the border. He protects it by doing what, exactly. He certainly is not protecting it by demanding that Israel reject it’s true Father and protector – Hashem. He isn’t protecting anything by writing for Haaretz. The guy decided that even his family doesn’t really need protection unless its from the government – it’s certainly not his job. Amir likes it that way too. He likes it because he is retarded. After the events in Israel on October 7, 2023, events which took place right outside of his front door, Amir still found it important to relate to Rosenberg, “In Israel, unlike in America, citizens cannot buy AR-15s, and I’m glad for that.” No, you’re completely retarded, and irresponsible Amir.

“[I]t was a dark day, really the worst day in the history of the state of Israel,” Amir told Rosenberg. It wasn’t the worst day in the history of the state of Israel – it was the worst day of his life. Amir’s life isn’t what every other person’s life revolves around. But don’t let Amir know that – his egotistical, selfish, and degenerate worldview would be shattered if anyone could get that message to stick in his head. He may be forced to stop being retarded but that would force him to be responsible to the needs of people other than himself and that is highly unlikely. If you think about how selfish Amir really is – in the immediate aftermath of a terrorist attack which claimed the lives of over a thousand of his friends, neighbors, and countrymen he still found it necessary to demand the United States be disarmed and demanded that Israeli’s continue to be barred from being armed. What an arrogant prick.

Palestinians are retarded too. They named their murder spree Operation Flood Al Aqsa. Indeed, I posted an article about exactly how to flood al Aqsa – with buldozers – yesterday. As I mentioned in that article, there is no Palestine – the Romans made the name up to taunt the Jews who they enslaved and carted off to Rome or murdered. Also, as I mentioned yesterday, the Palestinians are Canaanites and they have the ability to make one of two choices – leave or die. The Canaanites have no business anywhere in Israel and it was G-d who stated this fact. G-d doesn’t change, men and their ethics do.

Thus, in another Atlantic piece, Is Israel at War With Iran?, written by an Iranian propagandist who also happens to be infatuated with Karl Marx, Arash Azizi, Israel is the only one to blame for any war they are in. This is retard logic at it’s finest:

“The decades-long delusion that Israel could ignore, manage, shrink, or simply forget its conflict with its Palestinian neighbors has been a costly blunder. Netanyahu imagined that he could sustain the occupation of the West Bank without hampering the country’s continued diplomatic and economic success. But as other Israelis have long warned, this was a bubble ultimately due to burst. The Iranian regime is arming Palestinians and driving them toward its own murderous agenda vis-à-vis Israelis. But Israel’s continued subjugation of Palestinians is what allows such a festering wound to exist in the first place, giving Tehran an easy issue to exploit.”

Remember when I wrote that the choice for the so-called Palestinian people is leave or die? The leaving part is not on the table because none of the Arab nations will allow them to enter their nations. Who is to blame for this fact? Is it Israel or is it Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, or any of the other Islamic shit-holes in the region. Even Afghanistan won’t take these people in and they’ll take in just about anyone as long as they hate Israel and hate America. So, is the problem really as Azizi suggests or is it really because the blood thirsty contingents in the Gaza with Tehran’s support make sure the problem is never able to be ameliorated?

While Azizi calls on cooler heads to prevail, he never addresses any actual solutions. He just demands cooler heads prevail. He demands that a peaceful coexistence be the aim of all parties to the conflict. He tries to make the claim that the dictators in Iran care what the people have to say – according to him a peace in Palestine. Waving the flag of coexistence hasn’t worked for the Israeli’s and has proven to be the inroad to all sort of repeated terrorist attacks on Israel from state-backed actors. Yet Azizi is still waving the coexistence flag because he is not only retarded, he thinks that everyone else is retarded to. It could be that Azizi is really suggesting the solution that far too many in the Molsem world hold – a Palestine reconstituted featuring another round of extermination for the Jews.

Ramzy Baroud is one such holder of ideas of Jewish genocide. Writing in Arab News he repeatedly demanded that Israel be seen as nothing more than an occupation lacking the right to exist while demanding that the Palestinians are oppressed. He, like Azizi, have apparently decided that the leaving option is not worth being discussed for the Canaanites. His main claim in The roots and hidden meanings of ‘al-Aqsa Flood’ is the one where the Canaanites have no recourse except to resort to violence. Because of the length of the ‘occupation’ an entire generation has grown up under the occupation. Being as though Baroud put that length of time at 16 years – it is by definition that he is demanding that children murder Israeli’s. In that vein, Baroud sees the murders of Jews in bed on the Sabbath as something worth being proud of with the possibility of changing the power dynamics between terrorists and Israel. ‘Daring’ is a term he used several times.

It is retarded as well as insane to think that murdering Jews in terrorist actions is going to result in anything other than a massive retaliation against the terrorist elements. Because he’s retarded, as well as murderous, Baroud justified the terrorists’ raping and murdering of Jews. Instead of seeking out a solution which will work, he has doubled down on terrorism being a method to effect positive political change. The solution is, as mentioned above, for the Canaanites to be relocated, but Baroud seems to think that Israel has no right to exist, thus he demands more terrorist activity.

Likewise, it is retarded that Baroud never seems to get around to mentioning that these murderous cowards hide in schools, residences, and regularly use human shields (the entire community of Gaza for example) to provide cover for their acts. When the retaliation still comes and they wind up dead, liars like Baroud can’t seem to figure out that the dead around the terrorist were the human shields they used and instead make the claim that whoever killed the terrorist violated human rights. No, the terrorist violated the human rights of those people as well as the people he is trying to murder. To claim otherwise is retarded.

The only events rivaling the murder spree conducted against Israeli citizens in terms of disgust are the rallies which have commenced in earnest, particularly in the United States. In New York City the cockaroaches supporting the indiscriminate murder of Jews descended upon the United Nations to demand the institution further demonize the Jewish state. Across the street, Israeli supporters amassed to demand that Israel be allowed to exist and to defend their existence from the genocidal efforts of terrorist groups.

Even New York governor Kathy Hochul decided that this Palestine freedom rally was reprehensible. One of the retards did something that wasn’t wholly retarded – give it time and she will revert to being retarded by demanding a two-state solution. She, like Amir, is a retarded Jew who, also like Amir absolutely hate Donald Trump and, like Rosenberg, has decided that Trump’s invitation to liberal-voting Jews to consider voting conservatively is antisemitism. The ADL, which Hochul, Rosenberg, and Amir all adore, agrees because the ADL is a Jewish-based speech destruction juggernaut (in other words they are retarded too).

In Atlanta, at the Israeli consulate, dozens of pro-death Hamas supporters demanded the United States be viewed as the great devil as Iran seems apt to do. Noted by the Associated Press piece cited above, the pro-death chanters demanded that the US stop all aid to Israel, the US military budget be redirected to making America more Marxist, and that Israel asked for the attacks. The lone instance of a counter protester in the article came from an LGBTQIA+ supporting woman with a desecrated Israeli flag who still managed to describe the attacks correctly.

Chicago’s Israeli consulate was inundated with hundreds of degenerate retards. “Reed, a retired teacher, said the attacks by Hamas were in response to Israel’s “systemic daily violence against Palestinians,”” which should give every US citizen pause because it is likely that, mixed into the crowd, are Hamas, Hezbollah, and other free-Palestine terrorist sleeper-cell agents. By quoting Reed, the AP is passively acknowledging and condoning any and all attacks from these sleeper cells.

In London, where the Muslim population is far too large, pro-Palestinian scum has oozed out of the sewers they dwell in. They chanted ‘Israel is a terrorist state’ while setting off incendiary devices. Three of these idol worshiping religion of peace adherents were arrested – two for assault and one for damaging buildings. 2,000 Jews in Britain gathered for a vigil to honor the murdered and no one was arrested. But, like the Jews in America, the British Jews fear anything described as right and vote like retards for retarded reasons.

Jews shouldn’t be able to be retarded. They should be well versed in the blessings they will receive individually, as a community, and as a nation as they increasingly trust in G-d. Instead, far too many Jews have decided to place what should be their trust in G-d in trusting their governments, global institutions, experts, and the ways of the world. This is not a Jewish phenomena though, it is an everyone phenomena. It is a falling away from G-d and deciding that mankind is god.

What I have termed retarded is what liberalism produces – in nearly all of the instances it appears it can be interchanged with liberal or liberalism. When it is applied in the real world it has deleterious effects on life, liberty, and property. At it’s core is the idea that mankind is not under any law whatsoever – there is no conduct which is to be avoided. The only law that exists in liberalism is rooted in the sands of man-made ethics. It creates all sorts of societal ills like same-sex marriages, courting ideas that pedophilia is a legitimate sexual orientation, and that governments can be relied on to meet all of our needs. Human rights and international law don’t account for anything G-d stated. National governments, including Israel’s, don’t rely on the G-d of the Bible. The secularism of Israel, as well as the secularism of most of the nations of the world, have created these bodies of international law based on man’s ethics. Thus, they are flawed. And the men and women who promote the ideas of men as the end-all be-all are degenerates.

What needs to happen is a return to G-d’s ways in Israel, in the United States, and around the world. The world is not going to do that though. The world is going to continue to be retarded. The people most hateful of G-d are going to continue to rise to power. They, with the support of the Marxists and crypto-Marxists (here’s looking at you Francis Boyle, who recently described Hamas as a legitimate liberation group), are going to find ways to use every event to suppress anyone who cherishes individual liberty, wishes to worship G-d, or seeks to find actual, working solutions to problems like the Israeli-’Palestinian’ conflict. Human made ethics have already made huge inroads against the Word of G-d and they will, soon, abolish the Word of G-d altogether. Why would they do this? Because they are not only suffering from a mental disease called liberalism, they are also literally retarded when it comes to the truth – the Word of G-d.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


Mainstreaming Lukewarmness


Here’s to Hoping Israel Cleans This Mess Up Once and for All