Democrat? Republican? That’s Not the Party That Matters. It’s Globalists Versus Sovereintists

Democrat? Republican? That’s Not the Party That Matters. It’s Globalists Versus Sovereintists

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/5/2023

In the United States, the game of politics is no longer rooted in the Democrat/Republican duopoly. Don’t get me wrong, I deplore Democrats and honestly believe the party should be viewed as a terrorist group rather than a valid political party. I have the same outlook on most of the Republican party, too. But there are some within the Republican party which are capable of finding solutions to problems independent of their political platforms and have enough courage to come forth with them. Most Republicans who do this are Republican’s In Name Only. Only a very few will sit down to think about how to solve problems within the framework of the US Constitution they swore an oath to. These are the sovereintists. These are the anti-globalists. If we think that there should be a United States of America in the future we need to start demanding that our representatives reflect the idea that national sovereignty is paramount and reject globalist intrusions into our homeland. Before we can make such demands; however, we need to be aware that Democrat and Republican no longer matter and dig deeper into what the goals of any candidate are to determine if they support national sovereignty or the global government.

Adam Kinzinger provides an great example of a Republican who used the party to push not only the Democrat agenda but to promote globalism at every possible moment. For a bit of background, Kinzinger served in the Air Force as a pilot in various arenas. Far from this lending Kinzinger any gratitude from me, the fact that he still serves in the United States military makes his actions all the more reprehensible. In 2011 he started serving his first term in the US House as the representative from Illinois’ Eleventh District. When the district was eliminated, he ran for the newly defined Sixteenth District in Illinois and won. From 2013 until 2023 he served in this capacity. His decision to not run again after another redistricting for the 2022 election (the 2020 census left Illinois short a representative) was made in order to allow a fellow RINO and globalist, Darin LaHood, an easier path into winning the redistricted seat. In my opinion, Kinzinger lied to everyone by making this claim. He was censured by multiple county GOP’s as well as the Republican National Committee for voting to impeach Donald Trump and for trying to use Congressional panels to frame a sitting President of the United States for insurrection. He also had his eye on working for the Communist News Network.

Kinzinger’s Trump-derangement-syndrome stems from the fact that he loves the ideas the Nazi-related Bush family espouses. That would include endless wars, disregarding the Bill of Rights, and following no parts of the US Constitution. For those reasons, among others, I have less than zero respect for any member of the Bush family or their acolytes of the past, present, or future – Kinzinger included. In 2021 the San Diego Union-Tribune ran an article noting, “He [Kinzinger] began a new political action committee with a six-minute video declaring the need to reformat the Republican Party into something resembling an idealized version of George W. Bush’s party — with an emphasis on lower taxes, hawkish defense and social conservatism — without the grievances and conspiracy theories that Trump and his allies have made central to the party’s identity.”

Kinzinger’s motive to do this is entrenched in his global government aspirations. He actively worked in the US House to destroy the sovereignty of the United States. While he served in the House he supported expanding DACA, unnecessarily interfered with ICE and HHS cooperation, and supported issuing over double the number of H2-B visas all of which constitute him setting the stage for the illegal immigrant invasion we are currently suffering under. Kinzinger supports murdering babies without limits. He supports taking firearms out of our hands because he decided firearms are capable of committing assault on their own and, as such, a registry of all gun owners should be compiled through the guise of performing and recording backround checks for all private individual transfers of firearms. He is what is known as an ‘ally’ to the degenerates among the LGBTQIA+ alphabet mafia and supported the Fairness for All Act which some agrue is actually worse than the Equality Act.

The neo-Bush, war mongering, G-d-given-right’s-destroying, anti-US, and 100% globalist Country First PAC started by Kinzinger has espoused George Soros tactics and is currently endorsing a bloviated and severely disgusting example of mind, morals, and body Chris Christie. The PAC is extremely concerned about the false notion of the role democracy plays in the Republic of the United States. The PAC “works to defeat anti-democracy candidates who put their party or cult-of-personality before the country. Those who helped spread lies and conspiracy theories that the 2020 election was rigged have crossed a bright red line and are not fit to serve the American people.” They also support ranked-choice voting. The PAC does what it can to promote universal auserity and artificial scarcity through climate alarmism and lies, increased mental health surveillance, and to have the government force everyone to participate in some form of civic duty (“a year or more of military or civilian national service”). Particularly repulsive in that compulsory schooling is already demanded through the twelfth grade, during which time the federal government, not parents, has decidedly dictated how to properly socialize our children – adding another layer to this will not do a thing but get young people to slavishly worship the state, leading them further away from the real solution (hint – it’s faith in G-d, something I suspect Kinzinger has no desire to tolerate). I would not be one bit surprised if a key metric of this initiative included how many pounds of lab-grown meat and maggots those in these civic-duty roles ingest on a weekly basis.

His current platform at CNN has enabled him to continue to agitate for the United States to finally relinquish it’s claims of sovereignty to a global government. He agitates for the United States to enter every war there is. He demands that guns be taken away. He really wants to put people in jail for their speech on a regular basis. He wants a new civil war in the United States. He routinely slanders Donald Trump. He regularly decries that a million peaceful protesters went to the Capitol on January 6, 2021, ignores the fact that there were federal officials who acted as agent provocateurs, and wants anyone who has questions about the 2020 or 2022 elections jailed.

And, to top all of that off – Kinzinger hates anyone trying to grow closer to G-d as described in the Bible, including members of his own family – “Kinzinger said he has little desire to reach out to the loudest critics in his district’s Republican organizations, whom he hasn’t spoken to in years and said hold little sway over voters. The letter-writers in his family, he said, suffer from “brainwashing” from conservative churches that have led them astray.” Kinzinger would do himself a great service by making the decision to shut his mouth, read and reflect on the Word of G-d, and repent of his wickedness. The chances of him doing that; however, are slim to none.

Getting rid of G-d, guns, sovereignty, free speech, borders, ideas valuing human life, and forcing people to undergo mandatory service to the state are all featured principles of the global government. It is to this government that Kinzinger has pledged his allegiance to. It is to the likes of the United Nations and World Economic Forum that Kinzinger and people like him have decided to serve – not the people who elect them into the offices they fully intend to abuse.

The first time I ever encountered Adam Kinzinger was actually in a video conducted by the World Economic Forum where he served as the ‘right-wing’ counter balance to the radical leftists filling the rest of the panel. Kinzinger joined his degenerate friends, Deutch, Gillibrant, Murphy along with WEF president Borge Brende to tell the world there will no longer be responsible decisions to bring peace as Trump did. Instead, Kinzinger and his fellow globalist infestations in Congress declared the United States to be a door mat to any and every global initiative being pressed for. In the video, China was promised free passage to doing whatever it wants to anyone it wants. In the meantime, the United States will step back because of it’s forced managed decline by the corrupt and illegitimate Biden Administration.

Kinzinger is just one especially prominent example of what is expected of global citizens with national citizenship. They are covert agents that make sure not to mention their true allegiances. He was one of the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders in 2017, for instance. Kinzinger doesn’t want you to know that he funded Katie Hobbs’ gubernatorial campaign which featured the highly irregular and fraudulent ‘election’ which took place in 2022. Overall he endorsed 12 democrat candidates (four of them are democrats with R’s after their names). Completely ignoring the fact that Minnesota is a uniparty state where the demons of the DFL rule with an iron fist based on the voting habits of their plantation system in Minneapolis, Saint Paul, and surrounding areas, his PAC endorsed a democrat with an ‘R’ named Thomas Knecht. Knecht lost.

Cisco Aguiar didn’t lose though. He is Nevada’s Secretary of State until 2027. He still has Dominion approved to tabulate votes – nevermind what Aguiar knows and Stalin stated clearly, “The people who cast the votes don't decide an election, the people who count the votes do.” Pay no heed to Dominion having six lobbyists in 2020 and three in 2023 in Washington DC or that every Dominion lobbyist has received US tax dollars through being employed by the government in the past. Don’t recognize that the vote counters at Dominion are controlled by the 76% stake Staple Street Capital has in Dominion. Staple Street Capital seems to specialize in destroying small businesses.

Staple Street Capital was founded by Carlyle Group vultures Stephen D. Owens and Hootan Yaghoobzadeh who successfully conducted a courtroom lynching of FOX News for suggesting that their voting systems are fraudulent. All voting tabulation methods have issues with fraud and Dominion is no different. Dominion; however, has this issue where they consistently fail to be able to produce accurate tallies and provide for no paper trail. Pointing that out at FOX News, covered under First Amendment protections, cost them three-quarters of a billion dollars. Let’s see what these two anti-American’s want to fine me. Maybe that creep Aguiar who openly supports blatant vote fraud (for the primary, a ballot will be mailed to every ‘voter’) will jump on the suit against me as well – this is the garbage that he supports. This is the garbage that Kinzinger calls democracy. And this is one way the United States citizen loses their votes.

Another way to do this is by using tracking software. It used to be that a vote was confidential – there is no chance our votes are confidential any longer. The company Aguiar has picked (because that’s what these globalist’s do – pick winners and losers in business and create fascist partnerships) is called BallotTrax. BallotTrax seems to be extremely favorable to creating an official federal election system (invalidating state election systems) because they are already providing the data to do it. This is how the federal government will go after all of the ‘wrong’ thinkers. It is a division of i3logix, a Colorado based company which is extremely secretive. The registered agent is Kevin Vollmer. Who is Kevin Vollmer? It’s tough to tell but he is rich and is more likely than not to be one of the leaders in the campaign to have Donald Trump erased off of Colorado ballots. Jena Griswold, Colorado’s Secretary of State, received money from George Soros. A similar effort to interfere in an election is being considered by Minnesota’s Secretary of State, Steve Simon, who was endorsed by Kinzinger’s PAC and likely received donations from George Soros, too.

Simon’s political opponent showed a video with Soros acting as a puppetmaster with Simon and a democratic elections lawyer, Marc Elias, on the ends of the strings. Kim Crockett received the label of anti-Semite for having the image displayed. Soros has openly stated that the best time in his life was helping the Nazi’s. He has also openly stated that he absolutely hates G-d and seems to have never met a person he doesn’t want to defraud – a major reason why several nations have an outstanding warrant for his arrest. Simon and Elias are Jewish, too, so showing the video, whether it is accurate or not, was immediately used to beat people over the head with identity politics. George Soros doesn’t dare one bit about Jewish people – he uses his Jewishness to shield himself from legitimate questions. It is likely that Simon does the same. Getting endorsements and money from baby murderers doesn’t help Simon’s case. Neither does the fact that while he was in the MN House he authored a bill to deprive tenets of due process in a court of law.

The globalists in the United States are the ones demanding that democracy be preserved. They should be extremely easy to notice because their entire platform is geared towards preserving democracy. For all of democracy’s faults, the people demanding it be defended are not interested in democracy. They are interested in perpetuating crimes against humanity using the idea of democracy to create a never-ending single party subservient to their global corporate government overlords. Under the guise of democracy we are supposed to blindly accept whoever Staple Street Capital’s owners and investors have picked for us. Under defending ‘democracy’ we have to erase our borders, remove our tariffs, destroy our economic vitality, print money to create wealth, and operate with a collective mindset increasingly against our will as Kinzinger demands. Free will and free enterprise; freedom of association, speech, religion; the rights G-d gave all of us to keep and bear arms, protect us from warantless searches, travel freely, conduct commerce, have due process, and not suffer from cruel and unusual punishments? NO. Why? Democracy as envisioned by global government agents is why.

Under the versions of democracy the entities above promote, the citizens of states – with rights and protections and freedoms – are relegated to subjects. Once they get people to buy this version of democracy they are able to use the idea that every person gets one vote that counts. What they leave out is that many people don’t get to vote of their own volition (mail-in ballots), their vote is not counted accurately, and those who adopt this version of democracy are really buying into the idea of a collectivism with massive implications for the believer and non-believer alike. The sheep – the citizens – are allowing a pack of wolves to conduct an election to determine who is going to be eaten first. It turns out that the meal is supposed to be the followers of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ).

From the wolves perspective, it makes sense to target these followers. Yeshua’s followers have the ability to discern what is really taking place. We have the ability to recognize the truth behind what these wolves are driving at – the complete extermination of free will, total enslavement of compliant humanity, and the liquidation of those who won’t attend the wolves dinner party. The wolves know that and want to make sure our ability to cause them to stumble and act as heavy stones globalists must lug around are removed from their equations.

Democracy was used to get Hitler into power. It was used to keep Stalin in power. It’s been used in California and Minneapolis to create a one-party system where there is no decent from the orthodoxy of the liberal cults in power. In California the residents who get disgusted enough end up going to other states where they find a way to ruin the prosperity of their new states by voting for the same types of degenerates which ruined their state in the first place. The same occurs in Minneapolis, New York City, and Portland. These areas teach children to be compliant to whatever norms their democratically elected dictator has deemed fit. Choice is destroyed. The graduates of these institutions have no knowledge of the real world, are able to vote, and have been taught that no matter what, government is good, bigger government is better, and global government and it’s initiatives is the highest form of benevolence which can be bestowed on humanity. Nearly all school districts in the United States, I would posit around the world, follow this curricula of willful subjugation.

Kinzinger’s focus on education is extremely troubling. His version of education will yield an entire generation which is slavishly obedient to experts with dastardly agendas. It’s the same education the WEF is hoping for. For the older generations, it’s the education Hillary Clinton was suggesting when she reiterated on October 6, 2023, ““At some point maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members,” she said. “Something needs to happen.”” This is what Kinzinger as well as people like Nikki Haley, John Thune, Lindsey Graham, Elizabeth Warren, Rashida Talib, and Bernie Sanders and many others cannot wait to do to those with questions about their conduct. From the WEF’s perspective, all of the ‘features’ of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the road paved in the Great Reset will only be arrived at once enough of us are ‘properly’ educated or placed in reeducation camps for extermination or reintroduction into society akin to Winston Smith form 1984. Fiction isn’t needed – Stalin’s gulag’s and Hitler’s Holocaust serve as potent warnings against the ideas of the global government. Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Hugo Chavez, and Fidel Castro also serve as examples. Instead of heeding the warning, globalists like George Soros and Klaus Schwab and their adherents like George H. W. Bush, Adam Kinzinger, and Gavin Newsom have decided they want to force us under a global tyranny with no place to escape to because they can do it better.

How we get there is the Great Reset. The great Reset requires a series of calamities caused by the globalists themselves. Man made global warming and Covid-19 are examples of this. Under both, human beings have been told to blindly trust experts, radically alter their lifestyles, and to live under a regime featuring artificial scarcity, rationing, and austerity. After we are half starved to death, terrified by the threat of disease, and told to be prepared to be engaged in wars without effective weapons, the globalists expect us to crawl to them to ask for some bread, medicine, and refuge. Instead of bread, they are offering lab-grown cancer they have callled ‘meat’ and maggots. The chemical slurries to combat diseases are more damaging to us than the disease – such as the mRNA gene therapies from the murderous Mordera and their apologists. Their refuges are the open air prisons they have built around us with 5G, travel restrictions, an AI-infused ‘smart’ systems.

The crown jewel in the WEF’s bag of tricks is the introduction of biometrically linked digital currency. Through this currency, our labor will be reduced reprogrammable. It will be taken away from us if we have the wrong ideas. If we don’t have the most current biological upgrade we won’t be able to go to the grocery store. If we jaywalk on the way to the bus stop in the morning, come lunchtime the ‘privilege’ of public transportation may no longer be an option. No savings will be permitted. No inheritance will be able to be passed down. Every person on earth will be made to submit to the global government through the digital currency and the uniformity in thought enforced through social credit scores. Businesses have already adopted the corporate version of the social credit score – ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) accounting mechanisms. During the lockdowns which wiped out thousands upon thousands of businesses the winners were the businesses which were global and had adopted ESG…. The global government loves the idea for the control. The banks love the idea because they will determine what we are able to buy and what we are not able to buy. The businesses love it because they can monopolize their industry.

The democracy coming out of the mouth of Kinzinger is fascism. It is not a mistake that globalist armies have been cobbled together to declare war on anything they have deemed fascist so that they are not exposed for what the are – actual fascists in every aspect of the word. They are eugenicists. They are anti-free-speech partakers. They want everyone compliant or dead. Don’t take my word for it.

On January 17, 2019 an article was published about how globalism was just a conspiracy theory but globalization is a lofty goal we should all aspire to achieve. After the article’s author made this stupid argument, he went on to write about how great the Fourth Industrial Revolution will be, “Given globalization’s shifting nature, it may be better understood in conceptual terms than as a historical phenomenon. This is the rationale behind the theme of the forthcoming annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland: “Globalization 4.0: Shaping a Global Architecture in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”” The meeting took place the following weekend and featured global plans on environmental, educational, technological, and other topics.

Later in 2019 Wuhan China noticed that there was a brand new disease and called it Covid-19. The WEF rolled out everything they discussed earlier in the year. When Covidiocy waned and people stopped getting the death jabs en masse, they rolled out a war between Ukraine and Russia. Now that Ukraine has been crushed, Hezbollah has been called upon to start a new, global war. Throughout all of this, food prices have skyrocketed, the dregs of society have declared it their right to commit violence in an effort to destroy anyone who dares stand in their way towards bizarre notions of social and environmental justice, and the borders of any well-off nation have been thrown wide open to the elements most antithetical to those societies….

One way to stop all of this is to pay attention to what our candidates are really saying. The letter behind their names should only indicate the probability of them acting for the benefit of globalism. Democrats are a slam dunk at over 99%. Republicans are more like Jose Calderon who made 98.1% of the free throws he took in 2008-9. We need candidates who are not going to sell us out to global government initiatives at every level of government. Some school boards, mayors, and sheriffs are invested in seeing the global government ushered in as are many state officials and elected leaders and nearly all of our nation elected leaders. If they want your vote, make them earn it by doing something more than stating they believe in the US Constitution. Make them sign an anti-globalization petition before you decide they have your best interest in mind for example. If your mayoral candidates don’t want to clearly state that Sustainability Plans will in no way reflect the Great Reset nor it’s foundation – Agenda 21 – expose them and refuse to vote for them. If need be, run for office yourself….

If we don’t vote for candidates who put sovereignty first, nothing else will make a difference. They will just bow their heads and do what they are told by some of the most evil people on earth. But, that choice is up to each and every voter. The upcoming election isn’t about Democrat versus Republican. It’s about totalitarian technocratic fascism for the entire globe or retaining national sovereignty. Choose wisely, there is G-d’s way and then there is what these two parties are doing….

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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