Mystery Babylon Rules the Entire World
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Mystery Babylon Rules the Entire World

In the Bible, Mystery Babylon is mentioned in Revelation 17:5. A great deal of energy has been expended trying to pinpoint what city this new Babylon is or will be and what the identity of the whore of this city is. What this article will attempt to show are the parallels between ancient Babylon and the world we live in today. The key feature of both is that neither had any respect whatsoever for God, the Torah, nor the People of the Book.

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Gun Grabbers Are On The March
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Gun Grabbers Are On The March

Every American is aware that Joe Biden is dying to find a way to take guns out of the hands of the US citizens. Those that cheer for it are not Americans. Those that advocate for it are openly aiding and abetting the foreign and domestic enemies of We the People of United States. Whoever concocted and decided to implement the idea of the Office of Gun Violence Prevention is treasonous and have set themselves against the people of the United States and the Constitution for which it stands. Those who are involved with staffing it are degenerates who detest the United States and the people living in it. Let’s meet them. Let’s also see what this federal office is planning to do to strip us of our God-given Second Amendment rights.

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Multilateral is Code for Globalized Individual Enslavement
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Multilateral is Code for Globalized Individual Enslavement

For at least several decades, a huge emphasis has been placed on the ideas entailed by a rather long and at times confusing compound word. The word is multilateral. In one sense it refers to globalist endeavors in international relations which bind nations through treaties. Instead of the bilateral treaty like the United States making an agreement with Poland, say, multilateral version get multiple nations to agree all at once. In another sense, there are quite a few multilateral efforts and operations being conducted simultaneously around the world. While these efforts are not necessarily codified into treaties which are seeking to be ratified and adopted, they present an even more insidious intrusion into our lives because of the way they are implemented as covertly as possible. Whether noticed or not, multilateralism is an effort being conducted by global government proponents with the purpose of enslaving us through consensus.

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Replacing Humanity: Unions
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Replacing Humanity: Unions

There are a lot of news stories about the historic strikes called by United Auto Workers. The UAW has seen it fit for workers at GM, Ford, and Chrysler to all walk off the job to demand higher wages. Cars are already unaffordable but the UAW doesn’t care about that. They want to get rid of different pay for different hire dates. UAW is also seeking to make sure temp workers will no longer be employable, the companies are forced to carry health insurance on retirees, automatic cost-of-living increases are built into contracts, overtime is a thing of the past, the companies will not be permitted to shut down a plant without continuing to employee workers for which there are no jobs, and in the event a plant closes the workers have a right to strike. Make no doubt about it, the UAW is completely Marxist and all of these demands are completely Marxist positions on labor relations.

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Israel Needs To Stop Playing Democracy and So Do All of the Other Nations
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Israel Needs To Stop Playing Democracy and So Do All of the Other Nations

Israel was never supposed to be a democracy. The Bible doesn’t support the notion that Israel should be a democracy. The model Israel looks to inform its modern government – the United States – is not a democracy either. The United States is a Constitutional Republic or, at least it’s supposed to be. The Bible describes an Israel based on monarchic kings who either follow God or follow the ways of the pagans around them. Democracy is one of the pagan’s ways to operate in the world. Israeli’s who demand that their nation subscribe to democracy are demanding that Israel overtly adopt the pagan ways of the world.

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Treason – Ruling By Emergency Decree
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Treason – Ruling By Emergency Decree

The governors of the several states are to swear an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. New Mexico, that massive brown stain in the southwest, is no exception. Their governors also take an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. Breaking that oath is treason, “the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family; the betrayal of a trust.” One of the parts of the US Constitution is the Second Amendment – an article New Mexico’s governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham, swore to uphold. However, she banned guns by executive order which clearly violated the people’s trust. But, as I hope to prove, she committed the actionable type of treason as well and deserves the be rewarded with the consequences of her actions.

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The Atlantic Warns China – Decline Peacefully
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

The Atlantic Warns China – Decline Peacefully

The Atlantic is a magazine which has promoted globalism since it’s very first issue. It has never strayed from demanding the banks be permitted to buy up everything without restriction. The writers for the magazine have never encountered a form of Western-backed globalism they disagreed with. The result has been the enslavement of the masses. The slavemasters are the banks and corporations who use the power of government to destroy our lives and rob us blind. The role of The Atlantic in all of this is to sell the idea that we should all be happy slaves.

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The United States is a Banana Republic.  10 Predictions of the Manifestations of that Reality.
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

The United States is a Banana Republic. 10 Predictions of the Manifestations of that Reality.

To save a lot of confusion, this article requires a definition of what a banana republic is. At there are two clauses used to define the term. The first reads, “a small, poor country, often reliant on a single export or limited resource, governed by an authoritarian regime and characterized by corruption and economic exploitation by foreign corporations conspiring with local government officials.” The second states a banana republic is “any exploitative government that functions poorly for its citizenry while disproportionately benefiting a corrupt elite group or individual.”

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Traitors:  David Jolly
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Traitors: David Jolly

It is all too easy to identify the traitors to the United States and to humanity at large in our midst at times. One such traitor, who also happens to be an unconscionable liar, is David Jolly. He also happens to be in the news currently because of his continued unhinged attacks on Donald Trump. At the same time this ex-GOP member devotes considerable efforts to telling lies about how great Joe Biden is. What Jolly and others with his degenerate mindset refuse to admit is why they hate Trump and love Biden. Trump represents a vibrant United States returning to individual liberty while Biden represents an overall decline of the United States in every area with and end game of total enslavement and death. Jolly think he will be able to crack a whip on American citizen’s backs at some near-future date by bashing Trump and doting on that murderous and corrupt piece of garbage illegally occupying the White House currently.

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God, Guns, and Government – Taking Applications
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

God, Guns, and Government – Taking Applications

Why are gun rights and government so screwed up? They are screwed up because the United States has turned it’s back on God. Culture is screwed up because we have turned our backs on God. Everything is screwed up because we have decided, as a species, that we can make it up as we go. If there was a recipe to return the state of the world to reflect those of the days of Noah, literally and physically, then the first step would be to throw off the rules God instructed all of humanity to follow. And here we are – in a state of rapid decay, debauchery, and millions choosing to entrench themselves in reprobate lifestyles.

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