Mainstreaming Lukewarmness

Mainstreaming Lukewarmness

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/12/2023

I am going to explain why Christianity as it exists today is useless. But, not only is it useless, it is dangerous. It is dangerous to the Christian themselves and it is dangerous to the wider world. It is also deceptive because of the way it has been designed. Upon this deception a church was established based on sand – the bedrock and responsibilities of obedience to G-d placed on the shoulders of others who Christians have long ago decided to despise completely. Not all Christians have this mentality however it is rampant throughout the religion.

Most Christians hold that the New Testament of the Bible is the only one that matters. What is stated in the New Testament is not supposed to be aligned with the Old Testament because the Messiah – Jesus Christ – came and got rid of it and established a brand new way. The problem is that Jesus did no such thing. What Jesus did on this earth was to expound the Torah and to correct those who refused to follow it. What Jesus did was live the entire Torah in the flesh flawlessly, rebuke those who refused to atone for walking out of the way of Torah, and to ask us to follow His way so that we may know the Father as He does. That is what the New Testament states. For His troubles, He was crucified in order to save us from sin.

The Roman’s; however, decided that not only did Jesus create a brand new religion, but that the new religion replaces the one breathed into life by G-d Himself. G-d breathed this into life when He created the heavens, the earth, the plants, sea life, animals, and human beings. Adam is actually the first attempt by G-d to create a human being who chose obedience to G-d over the lies of his eyes and ears and heart. He ate though and thus humanity has been in sin since – with one exception – Jesus Christ. Jesus could have easily thrown aside His desires to be obedient to G-d and it would have utterly destroyed Him and us but He chose to continue to walk with G-d in total obedience. This is why He was able to be sacrificed for our sins. The ways of the world – the legalistic body of laws erected by men around the teachings of G-d – were in conflict with G-d Himself. This is was Jesus railed against and is also why Jesus was sacrificed.

As the Jews who followed Jesus were forced away from Israel and also forced to flee from the Romans they came into contact with Gentiles. As more and more Gentiles glommed onto the salvation offered by Christ less and less importance was given to why Jesus was relevant in the first place – Torah. The Gentiles who believed in Jesus decided that knowledge of Torah and obedience to G-d was not all that necessary to obtain heaven. The foundation of G-d’s ways were thrown out wherever possible and infused with beliefs from the Gentile word – paganism. This is the setting of where the Roman Catholic Church is derived from. It was founded based on a hatred of Jewry, paganism, and the adoption of the Jewish Messiah into a newly arranged pantheon titled the Trinity.

I won’t stop arguing the point – without the foundation of the Torah, the life, teachings, and miracles of Jesus lose their salt. Jesus commanded His followers to follow Him because He lived the Torah – it really is as simple as that. Doing that will allow G-d to be revealed to us. Following Torah prevents sin and allows us to be set apart (holy) for G-d. Jesus saved us from these sins because He was completely holy throughout His life on this earth. Living in sin is not what Jesus taught us – he taught us to repent and to seek to be holy so that we show, through obedience, that we are following Jesus by following Torah. Read John 14 again with this in mind.

With the foundations removed; however, the fundamentals can be shifted around to meet the desires the world demands. Obviously, this is not what Malachi 3 describes. This is not what is in Numbers 23, Isaiah 40, or Psalm 119. And, even in Hebrews 13, where Paul (if he was the author of Hebrews) wrote that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever; it is only possible because the Word of G-d His Father – the life Jesus lived – is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Throwing out these foundations opens up a deep vein of deception, manipulation, and the capability of leading people away from the truth. The truth is the Word. “I AM the Way – and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except through me,” Jesus said, and He was and is because he was sent to earth by His Father to perfect the Torah in the flesh. The Torah didn’t change, G-d didn’t change, The Son of Man didn’t change – people’s interpretation changed to please the desires of their hearts.

The New Testament did not replace the Old Testament. Trying to make that claim means that the Quran replaced the Old and New Testament. Joseph Smith’s writings replaced all three. The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights replaced all of the beliefs which preceded it under this belief. Without the foundation of the Old Testament, New Testament Christians wander rudderlessly hopping from one global fad to another. Open borders, reliance on earthly authority, ecumenicalism, Marxism, and man made climate change are what I think of when I think about the modern church. Praying upon these deceived Christians are the governments which exploit their rejection of fundamental Truth.

Because of the abolition of Torah from the religion, there are far too many Christians who reject the Word of G-d. The vacuum in fundamentals created by rejecting the Torah has forced the church to find new, far more worldly, fundamentals to follow. As a result the UN’s version of human rights has filled this role. The problem with that is the UN Declaration of Human Rights is a man made declaration of ethical values. It includes rights which do not exist in the natural world and also states that if any of it interferes with the intentions of the United Nations, the right no longer exists. These are subject to change as often as needed for the UN to get it’s way.

The clay mixed into the iron of the feet of the statue in Daniel 2 could easily be seen as this division between two empires. The dream was related to Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon. The Babylonians were conquered by the Persians, the Persians the Greeks, the Greeks the Romans. Gold, silver, bronze, iron are all represented here. The clay and the iron of the legs of this statue could be seen as the division of Rome into Western and Eastern blocs. I think it may be more accurate to ascribe the iron and the clay to those who reject the Truth and those who maintain the Truth. In my opinion, the United Nations and the globalism it espouses is the empire which has been established under which the iron and clay mingle but never fully integrate.

Christians are supposed to be grafted into Judaism. Romans 11 goes over this. How grafted in are the Christians to Judaism. It depends on their understanding of what Jesus was saying, and what Paul was getting at in Romans 11 and other passages in the New Testament. In that chapter, it is noted that if a branch is holy then the root is holy. Holiness comes through obedience to G-d as declared in Torah and taught by Jesus. The root is Torah. The gentiles (Christians) who were grafted in are expected to understand this and follow it – not reject it because a pagan church told them to.

The rejection of Torah is very apparent in some Christian circles at the present moment. Many Christians have decided to appeal to the ethics of human rights to avoid having to acknowledge their root – Judaism. When the animals named Hamas butchered hundreds of Jews these Torah-rejecting Christians doubled down on rejecting the Word of G-d. Numbers 13 describes the hesitancy of the Isralite’s to do as G-d commanded and take the land. In Numbers 33 G-d gives this commission to Moses. In Joshua 9 it is revealed that these Canaanites lied in order to make a pact with Israel. Joshua’s conquests did not free Israel from the pagans who were inhabiting the land before Israel arrived in Joshua 13. In Joshua 23 G-d declares the relations Israel is to have with these people on the land – none.

These people living in the land prevented Israel from following the ways of G-d. Yes, the Israeli’s had a choice to make and chose the wrong one repeatedly. But, had Canaanites been removed as G-d commanded they would not have been there to serve as an example of how to worship other gods. Their ways would have been lost to the Israeli’s and the repeated expulsions from the land would not have taken place. The longest of these exiles occurred when the Romans came and slaughtered the Jews in 70 AD. During that time the Romans removed the Jews from their homes and called the barbarians who inhabited the land dubbed Palestine.

Pogroms were a feature of the ensuing Christianity for the next 1,870 years. When there were problems the Jews were blamed and murdered in the streets because they were the cause of the problems according to the Christians who surrounded them. Pogroms were usually led by a member of the Church. The most wide spread and systemic of these pogroms was the Holocaust and after it was revealed to the world it helped to solidify support of a nation of Jews. Israel was established in one day as stated it would be in Amos 9. Thus, Christians, the grafted in Jews, were grafted into the Jewish return to their own nation state. Many Christians recognize this and acknowledge that it is important to them and their faith.

But, when it comes to defending that link between Christians and Jews, this is where the rubber meets the road. Far too many Christians viewed the events on October 7, 2023 with horror and disgust while failing to recognize that the same evil is awaiting them. The Palestinian jihadi’s in Gaza are trying to destroy the root of the tree Christians are grafted into and Christians seem to be of the mind that it is not their fight. I am here to tell you that it is.

Is it easier to uproot a tree, kill it, and then snap off the limbs one by one or is it easier to sever a living tree, branch by branch, and then having it removed, roots and all, from the ground? The former is easier from the standpoint of dismembering a tree. Issues arise when considering what is near the tree as it is felled though.

Israel, a secular nation with intentions and aspirations not lining up with G-d’s ways, is waging a holy war against another group waging a holy war. Christians seem to think they are immune; however, they are grafted into the Jewish camp whether they want to face that fact or not. To continue on with the metaphor, this war is a storm with medium-high winds and already the branches of this tree are breaking off. Every time a Christian decides the fate of Jews is not something they need to think about, respond to, or fight for, another branch breaks – and a lot of branches and entire boughs have already fallen to the ground. Each of these fallen branches is an example of the fruits of being lukewarm are – spit out, severed from the root.

Christians have offered several reasons for their lukewarm response. too. ‘I don’t want to start World War III by supporting Israel’ is my favorite. I encourage them to read Matthew 24 and to recall Isaiah 14 and Job 42. When G-d wills it, it will be done. Wars and rumors of wars are coming upon the earth in succession now. No matter what men do to get themselves into wars, sooner or later, the one G-d arranges will come upon the face of the entire earth. And the conclusion of that war will yield the return of Jesus. Men cannot force G-d to quicken or slow His timeline. Men can; however, create a state of permanent war which gives rise to the head of the Beast system when he offers peace around the globe. Faux peace has been the pretext for the architects of the Beast system to build it with the support of billions of people. It will be the main reason the people will rush to worship the head of the Beast system when he arises to do everything in Revelation 13, Daniel 8, and Isaiah 14. Obadiah 1 gives us a glimpse about what these days will be like. We, as men, cannot quicken or slow G-d’s timeline. No, we are instructed to follow the Torah as Jesus did until the last of days. G-d will do the things of G-d and we will choose to follow Him or the way of the world. That includes World War III.

Another is the claim made by Jews and Christian’s alike Israel is an apartheid state. Jews should be especially leery of making this claim. We remember the names of Caleb and Joshua, what about the other 10 men who demanded Moses not follow G-d’s ways in Numbers 13? The other 10 are mentioned in Numbers 13 but not a single one of those who rejected G-d’s Word entered the land being given to the Israeli’s in Numbers 14. And what did G-d decree about Canaan? It’s cited above but, to rehash – He first commanded they be removed from the land completely and, when that did not occur, He commanded the Jews to have no intercourse of any sort with them outside of what any foreigner would expect to receive. Israel wasn’t an apartheid state in the Bible and it is not one today. Using the logic of ‘since Israel is an apartheid state it is permissible for their indiscriminate murder’ to justify the murder of tens of thousands of Israeli Jews is an illegitimate argument. When the argument is turned around and placed in a global context, one would be hard pressed to find any other people throughout the course of history – recent history included – which has been more persecuted than the Jews. So are these palestinian apologists for murderers really trying to advocate for the Jewish revolt against the apartheid state of the world? Nope.  And this is why the argument is illegitimate.

Another argument is the most dangerous argument. Far, far too many religions and religious sects have come about. All of them have some different take on what the Bible states. Jews generally reject the entire New Testament. Christians have been instructed to ignore the entire Old Testament. Some Christian churches, having done away with the lie of the Trinity, have decided that Jesus is the Father and, thus is G-d Himself, replacing one problematic heresy with another problematic blasphemy. Others have added all sorts of man-made ethics into their theology – climate change, LGBTQIA+, racial justice, and ecumenicalism are but several. Other denominations focus on cherry-picked verses from the Bible and have built entire belief systems around them – all pagan. These can be witnessed in Catholic prayers to the dead (including Mary who they have deified), the speakers of tongues rolling around on the floor seemingly possessed, and in the prosperity chapters of Christian thought. The Catholic church in particular used to make it routine to just murder those who kept the Torah whether they followed Jesus or not. The speakers of tongues are practicing divination because they have rejected the basis to test the spirits – the Torah, where G-d tells us how to glorify Him. The Joel Olsteens of the world are an especially repugnant bunch because they offer salvation to those who fork over money to them – another trick the Catholic church long engaged in.

But what happens in the 40,000 sects of Christianity, the Jewish sects who have reinterpreted the Torah to make it more compatible with the world, and to every other religion which has utterly failed to even acknowledge the Torah is that deception has entered their thoughts. One of these deceptive fronts is that the ways of G-d as described in the Torah have been replaced with the United Nation’s decree in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The arguments mentioned above are fruits of this fact. This is why it is the most dangerous argument. It has led the branches grafted in to again show indifference to and at times even support of the persecution of the root codified by people who absolutely hate the root. It has led the secular government of Israel to rely on the flawed ethical arrangement called the UNDHR instead of the ways of G-d. It has been the motivating factor for jackasses such as Francis Boyle, who have consistently advocated for the extermination of all Jewish people at the hands of Hamas, because people like Francis Boyle have zero understanding of G-d and want everyone to be deceived into trusting people like himself. Boyle is an architect of the Beast system.

All of these forces have condensed into one resulting in two camps. The much larger camp is the one which has no use for the Torah. This includes some Jews, most Christians, all Moslems, and all of the cowards who describe themselves as atheists. The Catholic responses to the terrorist attack on 10/7 show exactly how the church sponsors the idea of salvation without having to do any of the work, ie. follow the Torah. The passivity of the Catholic church is one based on the ethics created by men, conflated with G-d’s morals, with the intention of obscuring the trunk of the tree from the branches of the tree. The result of the lukewarm response of the Catholic church will be one which causes many to fall away as they desperately attempt to continue to obscure the Torah and its relevancy to Christianity from their congregants. The more that this camp embraces the UNDHR and incorporates it into their faith(s), the greater the division will be between the other camp.

This other camp is the one which does hold that the Torah as the way G-d wants us to live and ascribe to it. This much smaller minority sees the ways that Satan is working to cause the rise of his earthly mouthpiece. They truly don’t want a third World War, yet they realize that if this is G-d’s will there is no stopping it. This camp realizes that Israel is not an apartheid state – it is the earthly dominion of G-d’s people as declared by G-d Himself. We also recognize that Torah is what Jesus lived by and that Torah is what He told us to live by as well. The difference between Jesus and you or me or anyone else is that we will not live the Torah perfectly although the 10 Commandments are readily achievable for all of us. We can have a UNDHR as long as it isn’t meant to supplant the Torah but, being as that is exactly the intention of the UNDHR, we recognize it as illegitimate and downright evil.

This is the wheat being separated from the chaff. We are either grain for food or we are chaff to be left floating in the wind, useless. Those seeking to walk with G-d are being set aside from those who are deceived into thinking they are walking with G-d as well as those who reject G-d altogether. Isaiah 5:18-25 informs us, whether it has already come to pass or is yet to be fulfilled:

18 Woe to those who begin by pulling
at transgression with a thread,
but end by dragging sin along
as if with a cart rope.
19 They say, “We want God to speed up his work,
to hurry it along, so we can see it!
We want the Holy One of Isra’el’s plan
to come true right now, so we can be sure of it!”

20 Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who change darkness into light
and light into darkness,
who change bitter into sweet
and sweet into bitter!

21 Woe to those seeing themselves as wise,
esteeming themselves as clever.

22 Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine,
men whose power goes to mixing strong drinks,
23 who acquit the guilty for bribes
but deny justice to the righteous!
24 Therefore, as fire licks up the stubble,
and the chaff is consumed in the flame;
so their root will rot,
and their flowers scatter like dust;
because they have rejected the Torah
of Adonai-Tzva’ot,
they have despised the word
of the Holy One of Isra’el.

25 This is why Adonai’s anger blazed up against his people,
why he stretched out his hand against them and struck them
[so hard that] the hills shook,
and corpses lay like trash in the streets.

[bold is mine]

I am absolutely certain this will fall on deaf ears which have been made angry. So, to conclude this piece we will visit Romans 6 briefly just to make sure that everyone is angry as well as to confirm what I am getting at. We, every person on earth, are living under the grace of Torah. Jesus is the embodiment of the way that looks on earth. In Jesus time, around Torah were built a whole bunch of legalistic rules. This gave rise to all sorts of legalized affronts to G-d such as selling sacrifices in the Holy Temple. Jesus flipped over the money-changers tables in John 2 because they were given permission by other men to conduct such disgusting acts in the Holy Temple.

And, so I ask, was it G-d or men who declared the Sabbath day? What day was that declared and do they match? The Romans decreed that Sunday is the Sabbath which departs from the 10 Commandments. G-d said on the seventh day, Saturday, we are to have a day of rest and do no work. So, do we observe the Sabbath correctly? Those who observe it on the seventh day do, yet, in order to observe the day we are to rest. The idea of resting precludes going to work, obviously, but is it work to create lather on a bar of soap? Is it work to start a car engine and drive to worship services? These are Jewish legalisms still in place. Christians seem to have no questions about this whatsoever of their declared Sabbath – Sunday – as they get up, go to church, and oftentimes go out to eat and shop at the mall. Who cooks and serves their meals at the restaurants they frequent after worship or opens the doors of the stores they shop at? Workers doing work on the Sabbath their Roman predecessors declared as holy. Sunday worship is profane and so is the way it is observed profane as these Christians are causing others to have to work because there is no actual day of rest.

What would Paul have said of this in Romans 6? Undoubtedly he would have shouted down those who decided this a proper course of conduct for observing the Sabbath. He celebrated Sabbath on Saturdays as did Jesus. At no time was the Sabbath even considered for being changed to a different day. G-d set the day and G-d doesn’t change. And, what was it that G-d did by commanding us to rest on Sabbath but grace? This is one example of grace in the Torah – the teaching G-d gave us because He is graceful.

Other examples of G-d’s grace abound. G-d could have easily killed Adam and Eve for their transgressions. Instead, He clothed them and punished them by making men work and women suffer pain in childbirth. He could have scrapped the idea of the Jews ever entering the promised land due to any number of reasons – their constant nagging about being led into the desert to die, their wishing to return to slavery in Egypt, their grumblings about their diet, thirst, and living conditions, their refusal to take the land when G-d ordered…. They did enter the promised land; however. He could have lowered His hand against the Canaanites and allowed the Jews to be slaughtered long before 70AD but He did not – although He was given many causes to do so. Look at the Jubilee years (Leviticus 25) and the cities of refuge (Numbers 35) – it is purely the grace of G-d which inspired Him to create those and what did mankind do with those instructions? Lost them. We’d do ourselves a huge favor if these lost times and places and ideas were remembered and implemented. Instead, we are watching the entire world justify the slaughter of the only people who may be able to ascertain and reintroduce the Jubilee years and the cities of refuge once more for the entire world to enjoy….

The times to observe the Jubilee have been lost and the Torah is intended to be destroyed in the same manner. That Torah is not meant for Jews only. It’s not some archaic collection of writings from a bygone time irrelevant to our current world. It is the Word of the living G-d. It is THE GRACE, Paul wrote, THAT WE LIVE UNDER!

Don’t think so still? Well, take that matter up with G-d lest you find yourself on the wide path filled with others who are lukewarm (Revelation 3) and deceived (Romans 16). There is G-d’s way found in the Torah (the very giving of these teachings is grace) and there is the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Right’s – the way of the world (2 Timothy 4). I sincerely ask you to take the matter up with G-d before you condemn me under a false interpretation of Romans 16.

The Torah, grace, is not yet written on men’s hearts. The New Covenant is yet to be realized in this world. The reason for this is that there are still people who do not know G-d (Jeremiah 31). If this ‘New’ Covenant were written on all men’s hearts all would know G-d. We all hope to be under the New Covenant; however, for today we must read and follow the Torah to know the promises of G-d to mankind. It will not be until Jesus returns to earth that the hearts of men will have the New Covenant written upon them. What will the New Covenant be? It will be the same Covenant found in the Torah. When will it be? It will be when Jesus returns and rules over the whole earth per G-d’s will. It will be New in the sense that we will not have to learn it through study – it will be ingrained into our hearts and minds….

Reread 1 Corinthians 11 and Luke 22. In other words we can be just like Jesus by following the Torah and believing in our salvation through Jesus Christ today and also expect to take part in the Millennium Kingdom established under G-d where the Torah is written into our hearts and minds eliminating the need to research and study what we should do. During the Millennium reign of Jesus there will be no need for articles like this because everyone will already know….

The ability to be lukewarm and to be of G-d, or even against G-d, is akin to mixing oil and water. The two cannot go together. So to all of the Christians out there who don’t want to start World War III over Hamas butchering Jews, don’t start it then. Trust in G-d. To all of the ‘Christians’ declaring Hamas a legitimate liberation front, just declare that you have no use for G-d and that you hate Him. To any Christian who has allowed the ways of the world to overshadow the Commandments of G-d, recognize these deceptions and get them out of your thinking. To all of the Christians who think the fate of the Jews is not related to them – think again, this is what you are grafted into. Thinking otherwise all but guarantees that the mainstreaming of being lukewarm continues successfully.

Bless God and God bless.


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