Humanity Needs a Resolution to Wake Up
What better resolution is there than to wake up to the truth of the world which is being built to destroy humanity, and to seek solace in the fact that you are aligned with G-d and will never be bound by man’s demonically inspired chains?
The UN Summit to End the Future for Humanity
The United Nations just adopted a new document. It is fitting that they adopted this new document just before the 2024 election in the United States otherwise one of the parties wouldn’t have anything to devote their time and effort towards. Notwithstanding the fact that the party which would be rudderless would be better off idle instead of working to destroy the United States, the United Nations came to their rescue. This is the Democrat Party’s New Way Forward.
“You are not to drink the blood.” – G-d.
Do not drink nor eat the blood because in the blood is life - the blood belongs to G-d. Parlays into the ideology of multiculturalism which demands all culture is equal and good.
Agenda 47, Project 25, and Us: Part One
Agenda 47’s biggest drawback is that it doesn’t go far enough, but it is a good start.
America’s Resurrection
The choice between physical death and permanent annihilation should be easy.
What are we?
Literally, what are we? It may seem like a silly question, but the answer really does depend on who is issuing the answer.
The Ethisphere and You.
Avoid these companies. Don’t work for them. Don’t buy their crap. Don’t encourage others to buy their crap. If you own a business, avoid doing business with these companies. Their intention is to destroy all of us and to get us to think that we are doing something positive while engaged with them…. If you think I may be wrong, I encourage you to prove me wrong.