Josh Paul Quit the State Department Because He Seeks the Slaughter of Jews (Opinion)

Josh Paul Quit the State Department Because He Seeks the Slaughter of Jews (Opinion)

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/22/2023

Josh Paul recently made headlines as he quit the State Department over concerns of Israel defending itself. He specifically worked in arms transfers from the United States to other entities for the past 11 years. He doesn’t have a problem with transferring arms to neo-Nazi’s in Ukraine. He didn’t have a problem with making sure Ukraine’s Zelensky received US tanks, fighter jets, and missiles. He called the Russian’s “murderous” instead. He must not have had a problem transferring tens of billions of arms to the Taliban in Afghanistan by leaving billions in arms there. Paul doesn’t seem to have any issue with the US transferring $20 billion in arms to Saudi Arabia, $6.8 billion to United Arab Emirates, or $2.2 billion to Egypt since 2012. There was no issue for him transferring $6 million of US weapons to Venezuela in 2015, $3 million to Libya in 2012, or less than $500,000 to ‘Syrian rebels’ in 2017. Josh Paul only has a problem when Jews decide enough is enough.

The problem for Josh Paul was that Israel – having suffered an attack which claimed the lives of over a 1.300 Jews – decided to declare war against the terrorist organization which perpetrated the murders. He described the attacks on Israel and the kidnappings as a “monstrosity of monstrosity’s,” to be fair but then immediately concerned himself with what Iran and their pet terrorist group, Hezbollah, would think as Israel destroyed Hamas. In other words, a major reason Paul quit transferring arms for the State Department was because he was more concerned with a terrorist-state and their sponsored terrorist group’s reaction to Israel’s response to another terrorist group. The only explanation which can be given for his stance is that, at the end of the day, Paul wants the Jews wiped off the face of the earth.

Another reason he cited as to why he quit is that he didn’t have enough influence over policy decisions. In the Washington Post’s version of Paul’s ‘heroic’ decision to quit, Paul is quoted stating he is accustomed to being able to ““bend things in the right direction.”” This was his biggest reason for Paul’s decision to quit according to the Post. Paul’s demonic view that Israel is an apartheid state is not only Paul’s efforts to justify his actions but also the parroting of a lie created by a religion based on lies to justify their own wanton murder of anyone who they deem not worthy of life.

Paul is an international terrorist who has helped give arms to the most murderous regimes on the planet in my opinion. In his letter he carries on about how human rights need to be held as the only values which matter. He tries to claim that his decision is informed over concerns that Israel will commit a genocide against the so-called Palestinians. He isn’t looking for a solution by quitting – he is looking for a way to duck out of supporting righteousness while attempting to minimize the blow back he rightly deserves. To this effect, an entire paragraph of his letter is dedicated to praising US efforts to demand that Israel allow the butchers in Gaza to have the resources they need to murder more Jews.

And the most concerning part is that the Washington Post notes that many within the State Department are celebrating Paul’s decision. Whatever demonic rituals are going through the heads of the people at the State Department is beyond me. The fact they they are celebrating the idea that one of their own unelected bureaucrats has quit his position because he finds that he is unable to bend things to his desires at the expense of Israel is abhorrent. Make no mistake – his decision wasn’t about money, it wasn’t about arms transfers in general, it’s wasn’t even about a potential genocide either – his decision was a declaration of his ‘bent’ to see to it that Israel ceases to exist entirely. His intent is to see how many Jews he can get slaughtered around the world. Maybe we need to sit down and have a discussion about the direction the State Department has taken, what their goals are, and start vetting people based on their allegiance to the Constitution of the United States instead of their affinity for murderous factions within foreign nations. If we can’t reach an agreement, maybe the United States doesn’t need a State Department anymore….

I don’t like paying for other nation’s wars. I find it absolutely degenerate that the United States has given over $200 billion to a neo-Nazi Ukrainian comedian famous for playing the piano with his male parts. I find it absolutely degenerate that the United States has given a single cent to ISIS, the Palestinian Authority, and many, many other nations and organizations which house large populations of people who want to annihilate the United States as soon as they eradicate every Jew on earth. I find that all of the arms transfers Josh Smith has ever made and bent based on his obviously lacking sensibilities are suspect.

I really don’t like that the United States funds Israel’s defenses. I don’t like that the United States sends tax dollars to Germany, Japan, Australia, and Saudi Arabia for their defense. I find it impossible to justify the expenditures the US government makes to NATO and grasp at straws when I try to identify why the organization continues to exist. These nations should do it on their own. If they want arms they should manufacture arms. If they want to trade for US arms they should send something useful back in return.

But the case of Israel is unique. And I’m not trying to play favorites among the nations. The lands of Israel have always held a special status in the United States. The reason is that the United States was founded by Christians and the US Constitution was framed by men who were versed in the Torah. It could be argued that when comparing the governments of Israel and the United States, the United States is actually more Jewish that the government of Israel. The United States’ judiciary system is built on the lessons of the Torah, the executive must be a citizen born here, and the entire Bill of Rights is rooted in Torah. More than any other influence, the Torah shows up in the US Constitution.

Even the idea of slavery in the US, an institution which, constitutionally, was supposed to be abolished no later than 1808, shares a similarity with the Torah. Like the Jubilee years being lost, the intentions of the framers to have slavery done away with by 1808 was neglected. Bondage was continual due to the neglect of the Jubilee years. The US institution of slavery was preserved for far longer than was warranted and only existed in order to have the slave-heavy states of the south join the Union. Also, like the Torah, in the early US, the relationships were complicated. G-d gave us His instructions to simplify our lives but neither the Jews of Israel in the Bible, nor the Jews of today, heeded His lessons. Likewise, the framers of the Constitution wanted slavery ended and gave the plantation owners – black, white, and native – ample time to sort out their debts with Britain but they decided not to listen and instigated the most costly human toll the US has ever suffered. In the wake of that war, the US has been forever altered.

Truly, the United States has a deep integration of the Torah embedded into the founding documents of this nation. We should not ignore that. We should, in fact, celebrate that. The Torah being ingrained into the fabric of our nation so intimately; however, also requires this nation to do right by it’s author – G-d. The easiest way to do this is to do right by the people G-d has chosen – Jews who follow the Torah and accept the Messiah. I’m sure that is upsetting to ponder but I tell you without the Torah we are rudderless and with out the Messiah we cannot be granted salvation.

But, to return to the matter at hand, Josh Paul has decided that all of Israel, whatever your opinion of their secular government is, should no longer exist. What he has decided is that because the US will be giving Israel arms which they will undoubtedly use to fight Hamas and Hezbollah (both of which use all of the humanity around them as shields, cover, and political pawns and nothing else) and his say is going to be drowned out (a say which is against arming a state he believes is an apartheid) he is no longer willing to stick around. Because his emboldening of actual evil is not going to be respected in most of Congress, he has made the choice to quit. Those in the State Department who support his decision should follow suit because they are going to pursue evil continuously, just as he did throughout his career.

Hamas, it is claimed was created by Israel itself. Others of ill repute have tried to refute or altogether ignore this assertion. Being as though the secular government of Israel has decidedly chose to not be bound by the teachings of G-d simply by declaring themselves secular, it would not surprise me if the Israeli government did create or contributed to creating a group they could use to commit false flags. The Torah erases any legitimacy of such actions. Obviously, if Israel had anything to do with the formation of Hamas, meaning violence in Hebrew (Strong’s 2555), it has now grown beyond the control of Israeli government. Again, like the United States’ hand in creating al Qaida, Israel's hand in creating Hamas is a reflection of the dumbfounding and destructive choices made by those who have decided to do things their own way instead of G-d’s way.

But Paul isn’t worried about this either. He’s worried about the Jews in Israel standing up for themselves. He is worried that Jews in Israel and in the United States and around the world have eaten enough crap sandwiches from the religion of peace in recent times that they are going to do something to fix the situation. Paul’s biggest concern is that Israel will rid itself of the barbarians surrounding it’s borders with the intention of erasing Israel and murdering every Jew on the planet. That is why Paul really quit, in my opinion. He ignores the fact that getting rid of the scourge will actually free all of the hostages (‘Palestinians’) used as human shields, presented as emotional trauma, and held up as political tools by the likes of Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestine Islamic Jihad, al-Aqsa Maryr’s Brigade, Popular Resistance Committees, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Palestine Liberation Organization, Harakat-al-Sabireen, and Palestinian Liberation Front. None of these groups care one bit about so-called Palestinians – they care about murdering every Jew on earth to establish a global caliphate. The ‘Palestinian’ is just a subjugated population trained by legions of evil such as Hamas to serve their greater purpose – exterminate the Jews.

Paul’s departure is welcome as well as troubling. It is a sign that the bubbling cauldron of swamp creatures employed at the State Department are more than willing to recreate stances which permitted the Holocaust to take place. It’s a stance which denies the nation of Israel to exist in any form and is an effort to invalidate the US Constitution at the same time. Josh Paul declared war on the Torah, just like his jihadi pals in Palestine have. But, being as Paul swore an oath to uphold the US Constitution whereas his jihadi pals have not, his resignation should have been denied and immediate investigations of what constitutes treason against the United States for his support of jihadists around the world should already be in the works.

Instead of the US Constitution and the Torah informing the decision-making process of employees at the State Department the ethics of human rights laws hold sway. The State Department has apparently decided to condone the murder of Jews at the hands of people who have no respect for human life yet grant those same murderers the most expansive human rights protections conceivable. Josh Paul, the State Department, and every person on earth needs to take a hard look at what is going on here to address the weaponization of these so-called rights. It’s time to replace the sand-based ethics of human rights and replace them with the rock solid teachings of G-d. We shouldn’t have ever turned away from G-d in the first place, but no time is better than right now to return to Him.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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