200 Million-Man-Army? – Not Yet.

200 Million-Man-Army? – Not Yet.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/20/2023

The government of Israel waging a war against what has been dubbed Palestine (Canaanites) has gripped the headlines around the world. Many of the end-time ministries are pointing to these events as the final war. This is not that war (see below). This is but one of many of the wars and rumors of wars promised to take place on earth in Matthew 24. At the same time there will be many false prophets and people who claim to be the Messiah falsely. Coupled with earthquakes, civil wars, and conflicts which do not rise to the level of wars, all of these things are the beginning of the birth pangs. The beast system is being built (it’s adoption is being mandated upon us all), the beast is being recruited, and the conditions necessary for the global dictatorship are coming into view, but that final fight – Armageddon – is not yet.

All of the aspects of the beginning of the birth pangs described in Matthew 24 are currently unfolding. Those who believe in Yeshua (Jesus) are being persecuted, imprisoned, and killed. We are being trapped into hating one another (this is what these wars are– Russia/Ukraine; Israel/Hamas). False prophets seem to multiply daily leading many astray. The description of these times in Matthew 24 is resulting in the creation of millions of factions. Any distinction between two people is being used to divide.

In the United States this is being accomplished broadly – black or white; vaxxed or unvaxxed; young or old; armed or unarmed; deranged or sane; accountable or unaccountable…. It is also being accomplished on a smaller scale within those broad categories. Topics such as baby murder, support for Hamas, digital currencies, the adoption of AI in everything including our bodies, and a thousand other distinctions as trivial as whether pineapple should be on pizza have caused hatreds. Belief in G-d, who G-d is, and how to know Him are probably the broadest and most deeply divisive topics in the United States though. The United States is being dismantled by offering two diametrically opposed worldviews with no acceptable ground on which to agree. The more this is done, the more watered down truth becomes, the more maligned those who stand on truth are, and the more hatred towards the truth and those speaking it is ginned up.

For example, on the broadest level, the question of does G-d exist is being asked. Secular governments resoundingly claim He does not. ‘Science’ argues against His existence. So-called atheists, humanists, evolutionists, and transhumanists (whether they are capable of addressing what they are really doing or not) echo those claims. Of course, G-d exists. Not only does G-d exist, He gave us our moral teachings which informs our worldview. Lawlessness is the state of affairs which come about without G-d’s morals. It is this lawlessness which allows faction to thrive, splinter groups to proliferate, and many to be led astray. What is the state of the United States today? Is it lawless or is it bound to the Law (the teachings of G-d)?

The United States serves as an easy example to show the way of the world. Once properly divided, the entire world will be ripe for conquering by a centralized global power. The more we are divided and fight against one another the less we are able to notice the rise of the global government – the beast system, the fruits of the strong delusion. We should be able to recognize the beast system though. It’s first few efforts have been forced vaccines, the conflicts in Ukraine and Israel, and demands that justice be granted to the environment. All of the fruits of the global government’s beast system have been death and the forced compliance in action and in belief of the subjects it claims to rule which is everyone of us.

Nearly all of the lawless peoples and factions of the nations of earth support the beast system and it’s fruits thus far. Nearly all governments in the world seek to strengthen the beast system in anticipation of the beast. These governments, headed by what amounts to kings (there are no fair nor free elections on this earth), are unified for the most part. The wars they wage are to solidify the power of the global government. Even the Russian government under king Putin and China under the totalitarian king Xi, both of whom are seeking to overthrow different aspects of the current global regime, have no issue with the beast system itself. They have issues with who gets to pull the levers of power and have determined they do not control enough of the levers. All governments have the belief that there are too many human beings on earth and war is a great, quick, and terrifying way to get rid of large numbers of people and to force the survivors into compliance through fear.

This is the present state of the world. If Revelation proves accurate the next to come after this will be Yeshua opening of the seals. Revelation 6 states four horses will be released, one per seal. The first of these is meant to conquer. The second is armed with a sword and takes peace from off the earth and causes men to slaughter one another. The third rides out with the intention to swindle the world through false measurements. The fourth rider has Sh’ol (Hell) behind it and kills a quarter of the people on earth with war, famine, disease, and animal attacks. It is possible that these horsemen have been released upon the earth. In my opinion they have been released and have caused a great deal of strife upon the earth with much more to follow.

The fifth of the seals Yeshua opens regards martyrs being revealed under the altar. The martyrs are described in appearance. They are begging G-d to avenge their deaths but are told there are more souls which have not yet been martyred. If I were such a soul I would not be able to write this and I do not know if I will be such a soul or not. I cannot attest to the fifth seal having been opened – no one can. I am able to state that I believe it very likely has been opened. It is the sixth seal which we are awaiting to be opened. And we, great and small, rich and poor, believers in G-d and haters of G-d, will all notice this event.

How can anyone fail to notice a pole shift? This is what is described in Revelation 6:12-14:

12 Then I watched as he broke the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake, the sun turned black as sackcloth worn in mourning, and the full moon became blood-red. 13 The stars fell from heaven to earth just as a fig tree drops its figs when shaken by a strong wind. 14 The sky receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from its place.

Some of these events have occurred. The sun has recently gone through an eclipse. The moon has been red. The stars; however, are still seated where they have been and have not fallen as figs. The islands are where they have been for over 4,000 years and the mountains are unmoved. The poles have been drifting but have not shifted. The pole drift has occurred largely unnoticed (although it is probably the main cause of what has been termed man-made climate change), but a pole shift entails a complete realignment of everything on earth due to the rapid movement of the magnetic poles resulting from the earth’s core first ceasing to spin and just as rapidly spinning once more but along a completely different axis. Large coronal holes in the sun have been observed but none have covered the entire face of the sun yet. These events will take place. Revelation 6:15-17 tells us what will occur after this:

15 Then the earth’s kings, the rulers, the generals, the rich and the mighty — indeed, everyone, slave and free — hid himself in caves and among the rocks in the mountains, 16 and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us, and hide us[a] from the face of the One sitting on the throne and from the fury of the Lamb! 17 For the Great Day of their fury has come, and who can stand?”

We are not yet living in caves. Our homes are still erect. But we are increasingly besieged by war, deceptions, and filling our hearts with hate. We are far too often falling for the lawlessness of the world and ignoring G-d. We are bombarded by false prophecies. Too many accept these false prophecies as truths as they are soothing to the hearers ears and pleasant to their contemplative minds but utterly false. Bitter arguments ensue based on lies they proclaim to be truths and truths they claim to be lies. Hatreds flare and wars even break out between the factions of the two camps. These lies all war against the truth and these lies also war against one another. They are the seeds of our destruction.

After this pole shift occurs, the final seal will be opened. The seventh seal will cause a silence to fall over all of heaven per Revelation 8. After this, seven shofars (trumpets) will be given out to seven angels. Revelation 8 notes what blowing these shofars will yield. The first will rain hail and fire and blood burning up a third of the earth and trees and all grass. The second results in a third of the sea life dying, a third of the oceans turning to blood, and a third of the ships sinking because of a massive mountain-like object falling into the sea. When the third shofar blast occurs it will turn a third of the water bitter and kill many who drink it. The fourth shofar darkens a third of the light from the heavens during both day and night.

Revelation 9 reveals even worse cataclysms befalling the earth. A key was given to open the portal to the abyss at the fifth shofar blast. Smoke which blacks out the sun wafts from the abyss through the open door. In the midst of the smoke were very curious looking locusts which were permitted to sting men and cause severe pain but not to kill them.

The sixth shofar is where the 200 million ‘man’ army comes about. As the locusts were described in great detail regarding their abilities and appearance, so too are the horses which come from releasing the chains of the four angels bound at the Euphrates River. The purpose of these is without question, 15 And they were released. These four angels had been kept ready for this moment, for this day and month and year, to kill a third of mankind; 16 and the number of cavalry soldiers was two hundred million! — I heard the number. Smoke, fire, and sulfur coming from the horse’s mouths will be the way this army kills one-third of mankind. Their tails, too, could cause injury akin to a snakebite. The armor the riders will wear will be red for fire, blue for smoke, and yellow for sulfur.

These calamities; however, are not the most important aspect of Revelation 9. The most important aspect of Revelation 9 is a far less speculated upon section at the end of the chapter. In verses 20-21 the cause of why this is taking place is brought into focus coupled with a description of the reprobate mind men will nearly universally hold at the times of these coming plagues.

20 The rest of mankind, those who were not killed by these plagues, even then did not turn from what they had made with their own hands — they did not stop worshipping demons and idols made of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk. 21 Nor did they turn from their murdering, their involvement with the occult and with drugs, their sexual immorality or their stealing.

The description in verses 20-21 is one which is continually warned against throughout the Old Testament. It is why the Canaanites were to be removed from the lands G-d gave to Israel. It is what the Israelite’s did in the desert with the golden calf which so angered G-d. It is what caused Israel to be carried away to Babylon and Rome. It is why there is still so much strife in the region to this very day. Some of the people of G-d are not content with G-d and seek to do what they will based upon their own set of ethics they dub morality separated from G-d’s teachings. They worshiped idols and still do, they fell and are still falling into murdering one another, seeking the knowledge of the occult, taking drugs, having abominable sexual relations, and thieve from one another. This is the result of failing to abide by the teachings of G-d.

A seventh shofar is blown due to mankind’s refusal to heed G-d’s teaching despite the clear judgments He will have already sent to the earth in Revelaton 10. At the seventh shofar blast the hidden plan of G-d was to be brought to completion. All of the prophecies of G-d’s servants would be brought about and the Good News would be over the entire earth.

After the sixth shofar blast and before the seventh, according the Revelation 11, the Temple will be measured and the Goyim will trample the holy city for forty-two months (3.5 years). The two witnesses will return and prophesy dressed in sackcloth. Anyone attempting to harm the witnesses will be consumed by fire and die. They will have the power to turn water into blood, stop the rains, and to issue forth plagues at will. Their prophesies will last for about 3.4 years, halted only when the beast kills them. For three and a half days the witnesses’ corpses will lie in the streets and the people will scoff at them and celebrate their death. G-d brings them back to life and back to heaven. While He does this this people will watch and marvel. After the event, within the same hour, an earthquake levels one-tenth of the city and 7,000 are killed. The survivors of the earthquake turn their faces back towards G-d, finally.

The seventh shofar will sound and G-d will destroy those who destroy the earth. Lightening flashes will pierce the sky and voices will mingle with thunderclaps as hail pounds the earth and an earthquake shakes the ground.

Then the beast is given domain over the earth in Revelation 13. This is based on the events in Revelation 12. In Revelation 12 the dragon is cast to the earth either for the first time or the second. This could be an event which occurred long ago, one which is still unfolding, or one which is completely in the future. The beast stands upon the shore line at the end of Revelation 12. Revelation 13; however, seems to be fully of the future. A once mortally wounded figure will seem to be brought back to life to rule as the beast over the system of the beast. A second beast comes to the aid of the first and causes all who are not written into the book of life to worship the beast and the image of the beast. This is where accepting the mark will mean life or death on this earth. A correlation between the mark and being cut off from G-d forever also exists – those with the mark will not be in G-d’s kingdom and those who refuse (and are murdered upon the earth) will be in G-d’s kingdom. Volumes have been written on this chapter and the one following it. Whole sects of Christianity have been founded on them.

God’s fury comes to a close with the seven bowls starting in Revelation 15. Seven angels with seven plagues emerge from the Tent of Witness (see Exodus 25-26 and Numbers 17) in heaven. Each of the plagues are contained in a golden bowl. These plagues are final. The earth is wiped clean in order to prepare for G-d to rule it by His teachings.

The first of these plagues causes grotesque boils and sores on the people with the mark of the beast (Revelation 16). The second bowl turns the whole of the sea into coagulated blood killing all life in it. Rivers and springs are turned into blood as the third bowl is poured out. The fourth bowl causes the sun to burn men and these men curse G-d even more due to this. The fifth bowl causes a pain so intense people eat their own tongues related to a peculiar darkness falling over the beast’s kingdom.

The sixth bowl completely dries up the River Euphrates. Frogs – unclean spirits – come forth from the mouth of the beast, the false prophet, and the dragon. These frogs assemble the armies of the kings of earth to go to war against G-d at Har-Meggido (Armageddon). This is the final war.

The seventh bowl which will be poured out will flatten the earth’s mountains with an earthquake which will swallow islands into the sea as well. Seventy pound hailstones will crush people yet those who remain will curse G-d all the more vehemently. In Revelation 17 and Revelation 18 the Whore of Babylon, a great city, is seen and destroyed. The destruction causes a total worldwide economic collapse so severe that those who were rich per the ways of the world will cast their valuables into the streets as if they had been garbage waiting to be thrown out (Ezekiel 7). Yet, the people still refuse to repent and instead mourn the loss of the whorish and idolatrous city.

In Revelation 19 the armies warring against G-d Himself are destroyed off the face of the earth and their corpses left on the ground to feed the birds. Yeshua returns. Into a never-ending lake of burning sulfur go the beast and the false prophet everyone else is slain by the sword and they too serve as a meal for the birds. For 1,000 years Yeshua rules over the earth. The laws of the earth are the teachings of G-d found in the Torah.

This is what Revelation states will occur. A two million man army has yet to be assembled. It has yet to wage the war to claim one-third of our lives. The colors of Red, blue, and yellow are present in eight nation’s flags – Armenia, Andorra, Chad, Columbia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Moldova, Mongolia, Philippines, and Romania. Their combined populations is 338 million. The entity representing the 200 million man army has yet to appear. It is likely it will be created, at the appropriate future date, through a combination of nations. If the largest 15 military’s of the world completely joined together they would represent only about a quarter of this force.

There will be wars and rumors of wars. There will be hatreds across all sorts of various divisions. There will be family problems, problems in communities, and civil discontent around the world. And all of this is caused by the same cause. All of these divisions are caused by the same cause. All of the ensuing battles are caused by the same cause. Yeshua tells us EXACTLY what that cause is in Matthew 24:12. He told us that the love of many will grow cold because of increased distance from Torah. He told us that this will be the sign of the beginning of the age in which He ultimately returns.

Would you like to have the greatest chance of being spared from everything mentioned above? Would you like to be spared from G-d’s wrath? Then be obedient to His teaching. Yeshua commands us to do no less. His Father commands us to do no less. Because so many reject this teaching, this world is hurtling along this timeline faster and faster by the day. This is G-d’s plan. But you, still retaining your free will, still have the opportunity to choose obedience over sin. Choose obedience over sin.

This 200 million strong army will come about. But, first there will be the seals remaining to be opened. A pole shift will need to take place, heaven will be silent, shofars will be sounded and hail and fire mixed with blood will fall, something the size of a mountain will destroy a third of the sea, a third of the potable water will become bitter and deadly, a third of the light will not show throughout the night and the day, the sun will be darkened and those without G-d’s protection will be painfully stricken by what appear to be locusts. They will beg for death but will not be able to die. Then, at the sounding of the sixth shofar, will this 200,000,000 strong force be arrayed against the people of earth to kill one-third of humanity.

The wars we see may yield a third World War. Indeed, many, myself included, believe the world has already entered a third World War. While the events noted above come like the contractions experienced by a woman in labor – slowly at first but quickening throughout labor – it does not mean that the wars we see are the wars of Revelation. Be patient, this labor is another of G-d’s mercies to His people. The wars of Revelation will come, surely, but until the time that those wars do arrive, we are to be obedient to G-d by following His teachings in the Torah and to love Yeshua for His sacrifice for our sins. Of course we want Yeshua to return, a desire inspired by the degenerate and degenerating state of the people of earth, but, let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. We cannot change the plans of G-d (Job 42). Stop being fearful about the events unfolding and start standing boldly in the Word of G-d! Witness His mercies upon those who follow Him and His wrath against those who do not. Be one of those who endures to the end in obedience and love (Matthew 24:13-14)!

Bless G-d and G-d bless.

Several instances of claimants suggesting that the current Israeli war is the war in Revelation 9:





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