Here’s to Hoping Israel Cleans This Mess Up Once and for All

Here’s to Hoping Israel Cleans This Mess Up Once and for All

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/9/2023

We all saw the actual terrorists in this world attack Israel on the morning of 10/7/2023. Israel declared war on the terrorists surrounding them including Hamas and Hezbollah. Sunday featured pictures of Gaza on fire after Israel’s retaliatory volley of their own. Israel has suffered 700 deaths, mostly of civilians. Gaza has lost over 1,000 of their people. The ‘Palestinians’ have taken many Israeli’s hostage and are using them as human shields. The Israeli’s have started an operation to arm their citizenry with automatic weapons and rocket launchers. It’s a mess 4,000 years in the making and maybe Israel should finally decide to clean it up once and for all.

A bit of recent history is needed to place current geopolitical risks into context before I make suggestions on how I would like to see Israel should proceed. First of all we have Israel itself. The claims that Israel is an apartheid state is disingenuous. Those making the claim don’t understand apartheid and don’t understand what the real occupiers of Israel wish for the nation. The occupiers are the ‘Palestinians,’ not the Israelis. Those ‘Palestinians’ have always hated the Jews and have continuously sought their extermination. During World War II, for instance, many Palestinians, including the grand mufti, sought Hitler’s favor and Nazi support of the Final Solution in what is now Israel.

Actually, the notion of Palestine and Palestinian people was brought about by the debauchery of Rome after they raped and looted Jerusalem under Nero. The term was meant to disgrace the Jews who were carried off into bondage in Rome while the Arab hordes took over the vacated Jewish homes in the region. The term Palestinian is a Latinized term based on the word Philistine – some of the reprobates who inhabited Biblical Israel before the Hebrews arrived to claim what G-d had given them. And G-d told the inhabiters of the land exactly what to do with these people in Deuteronomy 20 – utterly destroy them from off the face of the earth.

16 “As for the towns of these peoples, which Adonai your God is giving you as your inheritance, you are not to allow anything that breathes to live. 17 Rather you must destroy them completely — the Hitti, the Emori, the Kena‘ani, the P’rizi, the Hivi and the Y’vusi — as Adonai your God has ordered you; 18 so that they won’t teach you to follow their abominable practices, which they do for their gods, thus causing you to sin against Adonai your God.

But Israel failed to heed this word of G-d. Israel’s present woes are directly related to G-d’s warning to the ancient Hebrews who originally settled the land. The warning about what would befall Israel is in Numbers 33.

50 Adonai spoke to Moshe in the plains of Mo’av by the Yarden, across from Yericho. He said 51 to tell the people of Isra’el, “When you cross the Yarden into the land of Kena‘an, 52 you are to expel all the people living in the land from in front of you. Destroy all their stone figures, destroy all their metal statues and demolish all their high places. 53 Drive out the inhabitants of the land, and live in it, for I have given the land to you to possess. 54 You will inherit the land by lot according to your families. You are to give more land to the larger families and less to the smaller ones. Wherever the lot falls to any particular person, that will be his property. You will inherit according to the tribes of your ancestors. 55 But if you don’t drive out the inhabitants of the land from in front of you, then those you allow to remain will become like thorns in your eyes and stings in your sides — they will harass you in the land where you are living. 56 And in this event, I will do to you what I intended to do to them.”

The fact that the Israeli’s allowed these lying snakes to remain is related in Joshua 9. Other failures to remove these disgusting entities from the land include passages from Joshua 16 and Judges 2. Now these same people have busied themselves with raping Jewish teenagers and going house-to-house on murder sprees on behalf of an idol, taken from another idol, named allah as described by one of these degenerates named mohammad. And the so-called grafted in branch of people, that ‘tribe’ without foundation, sees it as right for the Jews to suffer such a fate.

These deceivers in the early books of the Bible never stopped telling their lies in order to remain in modern-day Israel. Their intentions never changed either – they still seek the extermination of the People of G-d. Many Christians see no issue with this murder spree against Israeli’s because they have bought into the modern day version of the same lies this people told in Joshua 9, wrapped it in human rights, and gained the approval of every ‘leader’ with blood-drenched hands who seek to bathe in the blood of the people of Israel.

But, back to what is going on, Israel was attacked and has since counter attacked. The plan is reportedly for Israel to finally remove the invasion forces they have permitted to fester from within their borders in Gaza. I suggest they remove all of those people from Gaza, permanently. It way be 4,000 years late but it is time to do as G-d told you. In addition, it is time to end the stance of appeasement in the West Bank, and it is time to remove every non-Israeli from the Golan Heights as well. Of course, that will have consequences.

It is likely that Iran and their Russian and Chinese backers will take offense to Israel securing it’s borders from the Moslem hoards festering within it. But; honestly, I don’t understand why Israel should care all that much. With the backing, support, and armaments of at least Iran (it appears Egypt has also engaged in the murder of Israeli's in this attack) Israel has already been forced to suffer what it least wanted to come about. While striving for peace with their neighbors such as Saudi Arabia, Iran has sponsored the brutal murder of thousands of Jews. The only legitimate answer is to stop playing nice with these ‘Palestinians’ and to force these people out of the nation.

The problem with that comes when viewing the legitimate rights which human beings are supposed to enjoy. Our leaders are not supposed to be tyrants. The news media around the world are calling this the Israeli 9/11. They are pointing to lapses in Israeli intelligence. Just like on 9/11 though, the possibility of there being no actionable intelligence having been collected and reported on is nil. 9/11 was an inside job. 10/7 is certainly going to be proven an inside job. And the result of 9/11 in the United States and around the world were a couple of forever wars with and without pretext and a brand new layer of tyranny being implemented in the name of ‘safety.’ This will likely be the case for Israel as well, sadly, as the Prime Minister has already noted that the war will likely be one which lasts for a while. Rights are already questionable in Israel as the balance of power is being shifted to the executive and the roll out of the death jab showed.

But, the United States – specifically the Biden regime – is sending an aircraft carrier group to supposedly assist Israel in it’s war with Hamas. Now this is interesting and if I were the Israeli’s I would have my guard up. It was the United States which left many of the weapons and arms in Afghanistan which are being used by the Canaanites to butcher Israeli’s. It was the Biden regime which gave Iran the funds to purchase tens of thousands of suicide bombers to murder Israeli’s. It is the Biden regime that has gone to war with G-d and which hosts the whore of Babylon. Any assistance which is given by the Biden regime needs to be looked at with hostility from the point of view of Israel. It is just as likely that Israel is attacked as it is that Hamas is attacked by US assistance.

Maybe though the US aircraft carrier group will help Israel clean up this mess. Maybe they will help Israel remove the terrorists from the midst of G-d’s People. And maybe they can help turn the terrorist’s mission name, Al Aqsa Flood, on it’s head. This war should not end until every stone of the Al Aqsa mosque is taken off of the Temple Mount, crushed, burnt, and sent back to Tehran where they can use the dust to add to the bountiful sands of their degenerate nation. That, too, would probably cause problems. But, in the long run, it would provide for a peace based on strength. Jordan would likely go to war over it but, then again, Jordan would have it’s hands full with trying to absorb several million degenerate Canaanites as well. Iran would have problems with Israel as well. They may even decide to go nuclear on Israel; however, Israel would quickly return the favor to Iran. Short of that, Iran has already decided to attack to preserve the idol upon the Temple Mount and if Israel hopes to ever achieve a peace in it’s borders the removal of it is imperative. The Al Aqsa mosque should be flooded – first with wrecking balls and then with bulldozers.

This conflagration in Israel has many broader geopolitical connotations. China is buddies with Iran. While China is busy preparing to invade Taiwan, they still may find a couple hundred billion to donate to the Iranians so the war could continue. Russia, too, is buddy-buddy with the Iranians and they may find cause to give Iran support as well. Both nations are nuclear powers and either may decide that Iran looks a lot like Cuba did to Krushnev in the early 1960’s….

More broadly, this is just another of the wars of WWIII. The first of these wars has resulted in the categorical defeat of Ukraine by Russia. In addition, NATO has suffered a black eye from the affair. The shift has now gone southwest to Israel. The same potential for nuclear Armageddon exists between certain Middle East states and Israel as between Russia and the Ukraine. The same geopolitical alignments (with the notable absences of many arrogant European nations) exist between states. What will change is the amount of power wielded by the global government over the internal affairs of Israel and the protected status which is likely to arise for the ‘Palestinian’ people. The global government will grow stronger – the people having to live under it will be stifled.

Israel, for it’s part, needs to stop trying to be a secular nation. They need to embrace why they are there – G-d put them there. G-d gave them the land to begin with and G-d returned them to the land after another long stint in the wildernesses of Europe. Israel needs to stop playing by te rules of the world and start playing by the rules our G-d has laid down to follow. With G-d, all things are possible – without him….

The responses of the rest of the world to this conflict have been disgusting in general. The anti-G-d refuse on this earth have conglomerated at Pro-Palestinian rallies which have been held in cities around the world. These wretched wastes of human flesh should not be disbanded and sent back home. They should be rounded up and moved into Gaza, Jordan, Iran, and Syria so they can be with the people they so admire. This includes the gays, the atheists, and particularly the Christians who have nothing good to say about Israel as they go on babbling about how great ‘Palestine’ is.

Obviously that presents its own civil rights issues. Rights; however, civil or otherwise don’t exist without G-d having set them down in the Torah. And, because so few are even attempting to actually follow Torah we have a global terror network waiting for orders to conduct similar exercises against those in nations they also hate. Chief among these nations is the United States. Hopefully I’m wrong, but here in the United States our right are about to be obliterated because Hezbollah has sleeper cells waiting for activation. People like me who don’t know when to shut up will be targeted. The survivors of these attacks will have every right and every possession stripped from them. In this regard, Hezbollah and Hamas, and Jihadi goat rapists of Palestine or whatever they call themselves these days are serving the system of the Beast – the system of totalitarianism being ushered in around the world.

We will ask questions about fires, and climate change, and COVID-19. Having a gun shoved in our faces and the trigger pulled precludes any questions. It is an emotional response informed by whatever one thinks is right that drives our actions in these situations. The aftermath of these situations inculcate and evoke hatreds because seeing the murdered, the abused, and the destruction leaves scars. There is a righteous anger to be held against those who are supporting an idol named Allah, their supporters, and their rape and murder terror plot. It is satisfying to know that Israel is considering options to remove the problem from within its borders.

As a final recommendation, it should be thought about in Israel as well as in the United States, what to do about those Persian degenerates. The Biden regimes favorite Middle Eastern pariah was the recent recipient in a prisoner exchange featuring the US paying the terrorists in Tehran $6 billion. That six billion dollars went directly to the purchase of spilling Israeli blood. Their degenerate version of Congress shouted death to America, Death to Israel in unison on 10/7. Iran International, a baby raping apologist rag out of London for the Farsi speaking world offered its version of unbiased news regarding the attacks. They wrote (this is the whole article):

“As the international community continues to denounce the recent Hamas invasion of Israel, Iranian officials are openly encouraging Palestinians to escalate their efforts.

“Mohammad Baqeri, the chairman of the chiefs of staff of the Iranian armed forces claimed it would not be long before Palestinian youth succeeded in liberating the Al-Aqsa Mosque from what he referred to as "the Zionist enemy."

“He slammed the ongoing normalization attempts between Israel and Arab nations as a "plot" to prevent the collapse of the Jewish state, saying it “could neither halt nor delay the inevitable decline of Israel".

“Iranian authorities have consistently criticized Saudi Arabia's efforts to establish relations with Israel, viewing such initiatives as detrimental to Palestinians.

“Baqeri, in his message, also praised the efforts of Palestinian groups in their operations against “the Zionist armed forces in the occupied territories.”

“Tehran has long provided support to militant Palestinian groups, including Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, both of which carried out the recent attacks against Israel and its civilians, resulting in the deaths and injuries of hundreds. The groups are part of Iran's extensive network of proxy forces that span the region from Iraq to Lebanon and Yemen. Tehran openly acknowledges providing financial and military assistance to the proxies.”

This is a sentiment echoed by news media around the world. Since they support the spilling of innocent blood so much they should be removed to Gaza as their beloved street thugs engaged in protests should be. No press badges should be offered to them. No press vest should be able to be worn. They should certainly be forced to be there completely unarmed just as they want the rest of us to live. If they refuse Gaza, offer them one of the following alternatives – Damascus, Kabul, Beirut, Tehran, or Baghdad. And in the meantime….

The United States and Israel, as well as the rest of the nations of the world with leaders who possess a pair of working brain cells need to conduct a conference call with Bequri and the rest of the leadership, including the degenerate leaders of the idol worshiping cult called islam, and make them an offer they can’t say no to. That offer needs to be direct and include language such as we will erase you, your history, and your idols from the face of the earth tomorrow should you persist in persecuting Israel with violence. It should also include a stipulation – you will accept every single ‘Palestinian’ which you care so much for into your borders. You will also be permanently cut off from the rest of the world – no trade, no treaty, and no representation will be afforded to you unless and until your entire nation proves itself peaceful by there being no Iranian terrorist attack for 20 years consecutively. The alternative should be to offer to turn Tehran, Mashhad, Isfahan, Karaj, Tabriz, and Shiraz into sheets of glass. While this is being spoken, every weapon system in the nation should be disabled by EMP or sabotage while several nations fly their most feared planes of war low and slow over every known residence of Khamenei.

That sounds extremely harsh, but I don’t think it would be right to turn it into glass without giving the Iranians one last chance to prevent their, in my opinion, long overdue, expulsion from this realm. Khamenei would likely opt to have the six cities with over a million people in Iran glassed over after having stated on Twitter (now X), “God willing, the cancer of the usurper Zionist regime will be eradicated at the hands of the Palestinian people and the Resistance forces throughout the region. #AlAqsaStorm,” Khamenei wrote.” And, to show how utterly reprobate the Biden regime is in showing any support for this blood thirsty nation, the supreme leader is also credited with taking, “similarly hateful stances in the past, including many directed at the United States. In a post last week, he urged Muslim countries to unite to stop the U.S. from being able to “plunder, show aggression and interfere in our domestic affairs.”

Iran is more than deserving of this ultimatum. In the Bible not following the commands of G-d are punishable by being cut off or death (although this punishment is rarely carried out). Iran may not think they are under the law just like their equally deluded Christian, Hindu, and Buddhist friends but, they are. And Iran has earned itself a cutting off. But this is really all about Israel in my opinion. Israel has the opportunity to basically tell the world that its ways are not working for Israel and that they are setting out to get right with G-d as a nation. And why wouldn’t they? All of the bad parts of Leviticus 26 are ongoing because of Israel’s refusals to follow G-d’s way. If they return to it they will move towards all of the good parts of Leviticus 26:

3 “‘If you live by my regulations, observe my mitzvot and obey them; 4 then I will provide the rain you need in its season, the land will yield its produce, and the trees in the field will yield their fruit. 5 Your threshing time will extend until the grape harvest, and your grape harvesting will extend until the time for sowing seed. You will eat as much food as you want and live securely in your land.

6 “‘I will give shalom in the land — you will lie down to sleep unafraid of anyone. I will rid the land of wild animals. The sword will not go through your land. 7 You will pursue your enemies, and they will fall before your sword. 8 Five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand — your enemies will fall before your sword.

9 “‘I will turn toward you, make you productive, increase your numbers and uphold my covenant with you. 10 You will eat all you want from last year’s harvest and throw out what remains of the old to make room for the new. 11 I will put my tabernacle among you, and I will not reject you, 12 but I will walk among you and be your God, and you will be my people. 13 I am Adonai your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, so that you would not be their slaves. I have broken the bars of your yoke, so that you can walk upright.

When Israel tries this – and they will try this sooner or later – it will serve Israel well. It will also remind the world that G-d is completely real and that His ways are superior to any other way. It may encourage other nations to remember the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob so that they too can be blessed by G-d. It really is dependent upon how Israel decides to proceed. Hopefully it is in the G-d affirming manner. Even if Israel does kick out every last Canaanite still residing in the land, topples the Al-Aqsa mosque, and manages to cut off Iran from the nations of the earth, Israel could still decide that it was their nation’s might which provided for the outcome. Of course, they would be almost immediately decimated should they do so and the Israeli’s are certainly not stupid so I find it implausible that Israel would make the claim. Far stranger things have happened though and G-d does work in mysterious ways sometimes. This is likely one of those times.

Bless God and God bless.


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