One New ‘Terrorist’ Writes…

One New ‘Terrorist’ Writes…

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/7/2023

Joe Biden’s illegitimately gained administration has been a nearly unmitigated disaster. His legacy will feature huge and unnecessary price and cost of living increases, an effort to replace the republic with his version of democracy (fascism), and the removal of US sovereignty in order to more closely align with the global government and their policies (central bank digital currencies, AI in every realm, climate change mitigation efforts, and pandemic preparedness efforts to name a few). One of his most disastrous policy legacies; however, will be his efforts to criminalize his political opponents. Those opponents include white males, those who believe in and trust in G-d, those who have questions about election integrity, gun owners, Make America Great Again advocates, and parents who do not want their children taught how to have gay sex at six years old among others. These groups are the new terrorists the Biden administration is waging an open war upon.

Another group lumped into the new terrorist class by the Biden regime are those who think there is a global government which is malevolent. Like the people of the 1960’s who rejected the lone shooter nonsense in regards to the assassination of John F. Kennedy, those who have uncovered the fact that there is a global government have been deemed conspiracy theorists. The label is used to discredit those who try to play connect the dots with different topics. Sometimes they make sense and sometimes they do not. Whichever arguments are deemed conspiracy theory though are the ones which are officially taboo. The idea of a global government being in existence and it’s being malevolent is one of these conspiracy theories. And, while there is certainly a conspiracy, there is no reason to place the existence of a malevolent global government in the theoretical realm – there is too much factual evidence to allow it to remain theoretical.

I stumbled on a World Economic Forum video several days ago about Paris becoming a 15-minute city. Here is a transcript of the informational content in the WEF video:

“Paris is planning to become a ‘15-minute city’ where everything you need is within a 15-minute radius on foot or bike. The aim is to cut car use, resulting in fewer CO2 emissions and cleaner air alnong with a more pleasant urban life. Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo wants every street in Paris to have a cycle lane by 2024 and proposes removing 60,000 on-street parking spots replacing them with green space, allotments, and playgrounds instead. Paris has already banned cars one Sunday a month and along the River Seine and during lockdown, created 50km more cycle lanes.

“In the ‘15-minute city’, buildings are used for multiple purposes – schools might host different activities at the weekend, for example… and the concept aims to nurture local pride – ‘amour des leiux’ – in urban dwellers. The pandemic has led many cities to rethink design, as people keep to their local area.

“Paris isn’t the first to adopt a hyper-local model… Melbourne is testing out ‘20-minute neighborhoods’ and Milan is running a 15 minute pilot in the Lazzaretto area.

“Some critics say hyper-localism could inhibit the cluster-effect often cited as key to the success of cities… whereby specialists and their competitors work in close proximity, leading to faster innovation.

“The 15-minute concept was developed by Sorbonne Professor Carlos Moreno… based on work by Jane Jacobs, who though a neighborhood wasn’t just about buildings, but social networks, too.

“Could your area be a 15-minute neighborhood?”

The video was produced by the WEF’s Centre for Urban Transformation through the Global New Mobility Coalition. The Centre for Urban Transformation “is a global platform for city leaders, business leaders, and other stakeholders to collaborate, commit expertise and mobilize action in support of cities and urban economies.” I could end this paper right here because it has already been shown that there is a global government in at least this aspect, but I won’t because there is much more to tell.

Before moving forward, it is important to note that wherever the word stakeholder appears it means that a top down solution will be enforced. In this case, city and business leaders will meet to determine what policies they desire. It is likely that there will be a handful of citizens who are invited to add their input; however, these citizens will be cherry-picked based on their slavish devotion to the city and business leaders ideas. After the planning phase is complete a new fascist working model between industry and government will have been cemented and the people it will effect will have had no meaningful input into any part of it. Those ‘citizens’ who were invited to participate don’t reflect the interests of the common man woman or child – they are there to give the appearance of community participation. The effect is the enslavement of the community by the fascists implementing the policies they dreamed up without hearing any actual dissent. That dissent often appears in the form of protests or rallies of a minority of the community which the fascists either ignore completely or find a way to crush through police force, fines, and jail time. Stakeholder capitalism is fascism and this is the way it ends up working out in real life.

Moving forward, The Centre for Urban Transformation’s website lists three priorities – growing local economies, enabling net zero and nature-positive cities, and improving quality of life. It lists five coalitions under it’s watch – G20 Global Smart Cities Alliance, Davos Baukultur Alliance, global New Mobility Coalition, Global Partnership for Local Investment, and Alliance for Urban Innovation. A section titled Our Communities includes Global Commission on Nature-Positive Communities, Global Future Council on Cities, and Council on the Connected World. All of these feature stakeholder capitalism which excludes anyone who will be negatively affected by the policies and recommendations wafting out of these entities. Additionally, they all embrace the exclusive use of private-private partnerships – the implementation of the fascist links between government and business.

They are clearly global in scope. They are rooted in fascist relationships. And the people filling the positions at these combines uniformly hate anyone who rejects their ideas.

The Global New Mobility Coalition has a vision statement reading:

“The Global New Mobility Coalition (GNMC) seeks to accelerate a synched transition to shared, electric, connected and autonomous mobility (SEAM) solutions to provide for healthier cities, reduce carbon emissions and improve mobility efficiency while creating new business opportunities. 

“GNMC advances industry and policy collaboration for informing efficient, impactful, and feasible actions that can advance the vision for people-centred, compact and electrified cities. GNMC's methods include multistakeholder engagement, cross-sector awareness and consensus-encouraged action.”

Two huge proponents of the Global New Mobility Coalition are very familiar names to most American’s – VISA and IKEA. Other conspiratorial collaborators include C40, Hyundai, and Uber. This is the way stakeholder capitalism works. The stakeholders in this effort either have a pathological desire to control every human being on earth, a potential profit motive, or both. The WEF wants to control everyone on earth and a big part of controlling people is being able to keep them confined to a specific area. This is the angle the WEF, C40, and the ecoterrorists come from. IKEA, VISA, Uber, and Hyundai see ways to make money off of mobility restrictions. If private vehicle ownership is banned or made impossible through financing, risk, or regulation hurdles the need to move about won’t disappear – the way it will have to be done will drastically change in favor of Uber and to the grave detriment of society at large. Not only will this create what amounts to a kill grid for the sinister satisfaction of the WEF/UN global government, it will also create a much more manageable manifestation and maintenance of a social credit score as imagined by VISA. The WEF’s Global New Mobility Coalition admits this in their version of double-speak:

“A multistakeholder coalition is better positioned to drive systems change than siloed efforts by individual actors and sectors. Through continuous multistakeholder engagement, GNMC co-develops and promotes awareness building and policy initiatives that enable sustainable mobility by scaling the benefits of SEAM and compact cities for the environment, society and the economy.”

The masses of people are never mentioned as beneficiaries to this program of creating a kill grid because they won’t benefit. The multistakeholder term is used to give the illusion that a wide range of worlviews were represented in the formulation of these designs. What these mass-murdering scumbags call sustainable has nothing to do with feeding our families, keeping the lights on, and affording the fuel and food to go to work. They are using this language to obscure the fact that anything which is independent is an abhorrence to them and that anything collectivized must be under their purview. They use all of this flower language to obscure the fact that they want to gain control over each of us, dominate us, and to murder any one of us or even an entire city, should we determine that their values and our values are incompatible. The WEF is all about isolation, not inclusion; totalitarianism, not free will based on the best available evidence; uniformity in thought and action, not progress and innovation.

On of the undertakings of this criminal conspiracy currently being employed is called The Urban Mobility Scorecard tool. The 22 page brochure which explains what this tool does has a byline under the title reading, “Benchmarking the Transition to Sustainable Urban Mobility”. The tool was developed in collaboration with VISA. In the introduction, the WEF and VISA admit to wanting to destroy not only transportation but whole cities, “There is no pathway to meeting the Paris Agreement climate goals without electrifying urban transport, growing shared transport use and designing more compact cities.”

I remember in school when I was instructed on how to read bar graphs and pie charts. This tool; however, is neither of those. It is a circle with three broad categories with seven more specific categories on the outside. Inside are the metrics and what the viewer is left with is what appears to be a spider web. We will look in more detail at Singapore because that society is one of the model societies of the WEF/UN global government. The tool was used to rate Singapore on their urban mobility (image to the right).

The categories which are rated are Governance with three subcategories; institutional coordination (fascism), regulation (making sure the fascism is profitable), and innovation (making sure that the fascistic monopolies are not threatened by competition). Under Resilience is space allocation (invalidating private property and destroying adequate automotive traffic lanes) and ‘kerbside’ management (the idea of management of curbside space is a misnomer – the idea is to eliminate every parking spot). Connectivity is the third category under which are integration (how much of a pain in the ass the planners can make it to get from point A to point B) and equitable access (who can ride what, to where, and when).

The larger the shaded area, the higher the score. Singapore scored a 100 in making sure available parking curbside is no longer possible and in making promoting fascism through technocracy. The WEF/VISA blueprint to destroy transportation boasts about how Singapore has made it nearly impossible to park a car but has made bicycle parking a priority. Everyone there is dependent upon riding a train at some point in getting from point A to point B. By 2030, the demonic city-state of Singapore (definitely a throwback to the state of the word during feudalism) plans to have forced it’s subjects to use mass transit 75% of the time, waste money to lay down at least 1300km (about 808 miles) of bike trails, electrify over 50% of its fleet of buses, and install 60,000 electric vehicle charging ports two-thirds of which will be public with one-third being private. By 2040 Singapore aims to force 90% of its subjects onto public transportation and to have electrified its entire fleet of buses.

The WEF and VISA, after celebrating the debauchery of slavery being instituted over the degenerate population of Singapore and other areas, identified the potential roadblocks to, and the lessons they learned for, forcing others into slavery. They lament about the issues arising in fascist funding models. They plan to continue to (this is the public face of technocracy). These ‘experts’ demand data and that is another lesson these monsters took away from testing their tool (this is the back-end of technocracy). The rest of the lessons are an adoration of fascism and its reintroduction around the world, the propaganda which will be needed to get people to give up freedom of movement, and the idea that transportation is a privilege for those who obey the government/corporate decrees.

These lessons are meant to inform those governments who would also like to engage in destroying the subjects living in their jurisdictions. Individual cities around the world have been invited to use the tool and to address ‘opportunities’ to make their city more globally compatible with the global government’s idea of meeting the transportation needs of those subjects. Paris, Melbourne, and areas of Milan have all fallen for the Nazification of transportation. Any city which is a member of the C40 has taken steps towards embracing these ideas. Even my city, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, has taken steps towards this under the ruse of sustainability.

This is what the global government wants and the way they plan on getting it is through fascism. The government and the private sector are intended to collaborate exclusively with one another to agree to tyrannize the entire globe. To the extent those collaborations are not tyrannical enough, NGO’s will be brought in to represent the cutting edge of tyranny and to bolster the mirage of credibility through creating a larger echo chamber of propaganda. The banks will use their own Environment, Social, and Government metrics (also lauded by the global WEF/UN fascist technocracy) to determine financing details. The lower the interest rates the bank offer, the more tyrannical the projects will be. If you would like a metric, that one is probably the most informative: the tyranny instilled by any given project is inversely proportionate to the interest rate offered to those conducting the project. The paragraph preceding the Conclusion of the WEF/VISA declaration of war against individual transportation makes all of this clear:

“Learning from wider lessons uncovered during Working Group sessions, dialogues and events in the development of the UMS Tool, the GNMC will undertake new work on fostering investment in the transition to sustainable urban mobility. Mobility operators, financial institutions, city administrations and NGOs are invited to join this work to examine how to overcome the investment gap for sustainable mobility in cities, working to build a common understanding on the steps necessary to channel public-private investment to advance sustainable urban mobility.”

In the Conclusion, which I urge anyone making it this far to go read, the WEF and VISA see a world in which nearly everyone is forced into a city. In 2050, they portend, 70% of the population of the earth will live in a city. What is important to recognize is that in the world envisioned by these demonically-inspired monsters, that won’t be 6.3 billion people (70% of 9 billion). If they get their way, the number will be closer to 350 million to 1.4 billion (based on a global population of 500 million to 2 billion). The transportation systems being demanded to be installed by the global government cannot work for 9 billion people. Thus, the plan is to turn cities into kill zones for huge numbers of people. One way to do that is to make transportation so miserable that no one wants to do it and decides to stay in the kill zones forever. Another facet of inculcating a kill zone is to make individual transportation options unavailable for any common person. Thus, this tool is not so much about creating a sustainable transportation network as it is about creating an invisible and largely unnoticed kill grid so to be able to reduce the human population to the WEF’s desired number.

What is covered here is one tiny aspect of one part of the global government. You can try to state that this is just a one off, an anomaly, which is not really representative of the existence of a global government. Be deceived no longer for those of you of that opinion. Right here is a link which will disabuse you of the notion that a global government has not already been created but is also running operations to place every man, woman, child, and every other living and inanimate thing under it’s control while destroying the sovereignty of every nation of earth. That link will take you to the WEF’s interactive tool with the main topic of mobility. Go, see it for yourself. Should you choose not to allow me to describe it briefly.

In the center is mobility. Around that word is an inner and an outer ring. On the inner ring are five main initiatives the WEF is concerned about with mobility: energy efficiency and mobility; smarter infrastructure for mobility; greater mobility, bigger security risks; trade and travel barriers to mobility; and more sustainable mobility. On the outer ring mobility is linked, through the aforementioned topics to any of 36 different subjects on the outer ring. These subjects include the future of work, artificial intelligence, global governance, social protection, and the internet of things. To the right of the interactive graphic is a summary of mobility which reads:

“Mobility is a fundamental human need, and an essential enabler of prosperity. But the current mobility paradigm is not sustainable; car travel causes millions of deaths every year, a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions are transport-related, and congestion causes heavy financial losses. There is hope on the horizon, however - the global mobility system is in the early stages of massive transformation, as new technologies enable innovative related businesses, and as policy-makers seek out ways to foster mobility that is smarter, cleaner, and more inclusive.”

The last sentence would be a lot more honest if it read ‘the WEF’s designs seek to create mobility which will allow us far more control of humanity through offering less stable, less reliable, and less available transportation options to those we deem deserving it.’ Clicking on social protection as related to mobility through 3 of the 5 main subcategories related to mobility yields 7 inner ring categories and 29 outer ring categories. Among the outer ring links are global health, the future of work (again), social justice, gender inequality, and values.

Values is what this is all about. The WEF wants to define their values in vague utopian language so as to mask their desire to exterminate 95% of humanity while gaining complete totalitarian dominance over every resource known to man. On top of that they want to create new resources which have patents owned by their fascist partners in the private sector so that the profit motive is there for private business to participate fully in the extermination of humanity. Thus, the right-side notes about values read:

“Values are essential - particularly in times of crisis. As the fundamental beliefs that guide or motivate people, organizations, and communities, they provide a basis for social justice and belief in necessary institutions. They also express personal and collective judgments about what is important - influenced by culture, religion, and laws. Values can potentially spur purposeful action aimed at increasing equality, decreasing harm to the environment, and improving global health.”

That’s what matters to them and they will pervert anything to make sure that their values are the only values heeded to. Those values are equality (in suffering), destroying ‘parasitic’ human beings to allow the environment to take over (an affirmation in Gaia – the personification and deification of earth – which requires gallons of blood sacrifices the WEF is fully prepared to provide), and using global health to murder everyone (‘official’ health misinformation, mandates, vaccines, toxic applications of cocktails of medicines and chemicals, food corruption, water tainting, and a flat refusal to acknowledge that our immune systems need vitamins and nutrients to function properly are examples). The global government is a death cult and death is their ultimate value.

Under the value category, trust as a value, valuing digital equity, valuing the environment, the common good, and valuing human dignity are the inner ring features. There are 51 topics on the outer ring. Valuing human dignity, the only one which many entertain values regarding individual freedoms (it doesn’t – it relegates individual freedoms to collective aspirations) is linked to social protection, education, global risks, future of work, social justice, taxes, LGBT inclusion, justice and law, gender inequality, United Kingdom, systemic racism, civic participation, and United States.

The UK and US are here because their laws do not easily adapt to change – particularly in the United States. The laws of the United States are meant to protect individual liberty from the tyrants who want to collectivize society. That idea no longer permeates the halls of the institutions of the US government, the halls of many state houses, nor the minds of the people serving as city council members. The infallibility of G-d has been completely forgotten by the criminal, globalist-aligned, cabal running Washington DC. The fact that our entire system of government was plucked from the pages of the Torah is lost on these G-d-hating reprobates – if they do realize that fact they openly rail against it. G-d intended, from the start, to have everyone on earth follow the Torah. The closest any nation has come to realizing that is, arguably, and apart from the Israeli’s who inhabited the land between Moshe’s (Moses’) death until the death of Sh’mu’el (Samuel), is the United States.

If this is what the United States still represented I would be a wholehearted supporter of exporting those values around the globe. Instead, those values have been strangled by the progressive bent of the United States throughout the course of it’s history. The United States exports the same values the WEF demands we, as global subjects under their death cult, ascribe to. The intolerance of the governments of the world to afford those who disagree with them (the United States locking up speech criminals serves as an example) is but a watered down version of what the WEF thinks should be done – submit and obey or die.

In summary, there is a global government. Go look at the WEF’s wheel of death and the thousands if not millions of different combinations of the elements which exist on it. It is so massive, so compartmentalized, and so totalitarian that it is hard to believe that it exists. That makes it deniable. Visiting the wheel of death though makes the links between the different compartments concrete. They are all interwoven into one another. Realizing that taking a drink of milk out of the carton is linked to the future of consumerism, international trade, mobility, values, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things in the parlance of the global government should serve as an adequate example that not only does this global government exist but it permeates into everything any of us do.

The global government will collapse through lack of trust in institutions which are or follow globalism. Or it will collapse because G-d will order His Son, the Messiah, to return to earth and crush it. While I have no trust in globalists, their institutions, nor those who place their trust in either many do. They are deceived and have given their trust to the Beast system described in Book of Revelation and throughout the prophecies of the Old Testament. I fully intend to watch as those deceived pledge their allegiance to the Beast over the voices of those who see through the deception being wrought. I expect to be murdered by the Beast for this, personally. In my estimation, the Messiah will have to come and crush this particular demonic manifestation upon the earth. But, I am not G-d and it is G-d who has set the date and the time His Son shall return.

Certainly, we are in the season of His return which Yeshua noted the cause of in Matthew 24:12. I don’t think enough people will wake up to the fact of the global government. I don’t think there will be enough people who do wake up who recognize that returning to the ways of G-d (the Torah) and fully rejecting the values being set in this world by the global government is the only way this world will again be blessed by G-d. Even fewer, in my estimation, will recognize that belief in Yeshua is not contrary to the teachings of Torah – it is the fulfillment of Torah to follow the Word of G-d. Christians reject this notion because their theology is based on denying the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jews reject this partly because of their interpretation of prophecy as well as their abuse at the hands of Christians. Torah; however, is meant to be universal. The fulfillment of Torah, ie the human life of Yeshua HaMashiach is meant to be universal as well. Catholicism can claim to be universal all it wants and, in one aspect, it is – it has spread paganism to the furthest reaches of the earth.

Never mind any of this though. The likelihood that this reaches the eyes of those who will gladly deem me and anyone else holding any of these values a terrorist is high. What are we terrorizing though? We are ‘terrorizing’ the liars with truth. Nothing is truthful outside of G-d’s word. So, if you want to seek truth, seek G-d, but know that by seeking either you will end up in the same boat as the rest of us who have done so – labeled a terrorist, hated by your countrymen, and slated for immediate execution on behalf of preserving the global government and it’s facade of legitimacy. I do believe that Yeshua Himself mentioned something about those events taking place.

And why will there be so much hate (even more than what is currently on display)? There will be so much hate because the most hateful of an already hateful world will rise in stature and be followed by most. Those in the uppermost echelons of power have no use for Torah because it curtails their power. They have no use for Yeshua because Yeshua will condemn them for leading men astray of His Father’s commands. Why does Yeshua state that those who hate Him also hate the Father? Because Yeshua fulfilled the Torah and encouraged others to follow suit. What is the Torah besides the instruction manual for how human beings are supposed to relate to G-d, each other, and the wider world around them? And what have the globalists done with the Torah and Yeshua? They have deemed both of them hateful because of the contempt they have for the truth of G-d, His ways, and the salvation promised by Yeshua.

Those who hate Torah hate Yeshua and those who hate Yeshua hate Torah…. What we end up with is the permission of those who claim to love either while hating one or the other to accept and submit to those who hate both as well as everything G-d created. I call this the global government which has amassed a vast amount of power and wealth in every conceivable area of our lives. Let this serve as a motivation to discern the truth on your own – I offered you the way I see it – and let this inform you in the decisions which will be unavoidable in the very near future – God’s way or the way of the world.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


Here’s to Hoping Israel Cleans This Mess Up Once and for All


The Opinion Section of The Washington Post Lately