2,120 Words – On Birthright’s and Turkey

2,120 Words – On Birthright’s and Turkey

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/31/2023

At the first asterisk (*), start a timer. When you get to the second, stop the timer.


Everything on this earth will pass away. I will pass away. You will pass away. Our children will pass away. The grass will dry up. The trees will wither and rot. The bacteria will starve to death. Spores will cease to exist. Nothing that we know as human beings will be left. It’s sad and very frightening to know that. But there is hope for me, you, and our children. That hope is Yeshua. A place has been prepared for you and for me and everyone else. It’s a place with no death, nor war, nor disease, nor want. It’s called heaven, the realm of G-d who created the entire universe. We are born with tickets to enter the kingdom of G-d. The ways of the world; however, seek to get us to sell our ticket for earthly things – money, power, sex, and fame are some of the most noted.

This ticket is referred to as our birthright. We should recognize what our birthright is because without recognizing it how are any of us to value it? If we don’t value our birthright we end up doing incredibly stupid things causing destruction. Sometimes this is on a personal level such as when Esau bartered his birthright away to his younger brother Jacob in Genesis 25:

29 One day when Ya‘akov had cooked some stew, ‘Esav came in from the open country, exhausted, 30 and said to Ya‘akov, “Please! Let me gulp down some of that red stuff — that red stuff! I’m exhausted!” (This is why he was called Edom [red].) 31 Ya‘akov answered, “First sell me your rights as the firstborn.” 32 “Look, I’m about to die!” said ‘Esav. “What use to me are my rights as the firstborn?” 33 Ya‘akov said, “First, swear to me!” So he swore to him, thus selling his birthright to Ya‘akov. 34 Then Ya‘akov gave him bread and lentil stew; he ate and drank, got up and went on his way. Thus ‘Esav showed how little he valued his birthright.

At other times it is on a national level such as when the Hebrews decided to demand a king in 1 Samuel 8. They no longer wanted G-d as a king and, as a nation, rejected G-d’s sovereignty. Samuel took it to Hashem in prayer and was assured this was precisely the case – the people were not rejecting Samuel they were rejecting G-d. And even after warning those Hebrews demanding a king what their king would do to them, they still persisted. G-d as king of the Hebrews was a thing rejected by the people yet G-d still so loved them that He kept His end of the covenants He made with His people. They tried to reject their birthright but G-d didn’t allow them to fully do so.

The Hebrews were to be a people of a nation of prosperity and peace. Rejecting G-d was not the proper way to attain those ends, however. That was to be this people’s birthright. Not only them, but any who feared Hashem and obeyed his teachings were to be so blessed. The Hebrews wanted to be ‘normal’ though, like the nations around them, who all had kings in the flesh over them. The flesh-bound version of the kings over the Hebrews made sure that all of Hashem’s pronouncements made through Samuel were made true. Those freed from bondage of the pharaoh of Egypt went willingly into bondage under one of their own. Here is what Hashem stated regarding what the king would do:

He said, “Here is the kind of rulings your king will make: he will draft your sons and assign them to take care of his chariots, be his horsemen and be bodyguards running ahead of his chariots. 12 He will appoint them to serve him as officers in charge of a thousand or of fifty, plowing his fields, gathering his harvest, and making his weapons and the equipment for his chariots. 13 He will take your daughters and have them be perfume-makers, cooks and bakers. 14 He will expropriate your fields, vineyards and olive groves — the very best of them! — and hand them over to his servants. 15 He will take the ten-percent tax of your crops and vineyards and give it to his officers and servants. 16 He will take your male and female servants, your best young men and your donkeys, and make them work for him. 17 He will take the ten-percent tax of your flocks, and you will become his servants. 18 When that happens, you will cry out on account of your king, whom you yourselves chose. But when that happens, Adonai will not answer you!”

Adam serves as both an individual and societal example of what it means to lose one’s birthright. Adam and his wife, Havah, were beings created directly by the hand of G-d. They were meant to walk with G-d, praising Him and obeying His teachings. They did not do what G-d told them to do; however, and sold their birthright – life in the Garden of Eden – for a bit of fruit from a tree which gave them the knowledge of good and evil. The events in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3) are well known by many because, while we were cast out of the Garden, we were not forgotten. Adam and Eve were clothed and given the ability to sustain their lives with food, water, and shelter but at the cost of the labor of Adam. Havah was charged with painful childbirth as any mother will tell you. And, because of mankind's disobedience, G-d also made it that death will come for all; male and female, free and bond, rich and poor.

The lying tongue of the serpent in the garden whispers into our ears daily. The intention of the Serpent is to create a human condition more separated from G-d than we already are. In other words, the serpent is after our ticket to G-d's kingdom. In today's world those whispers have become screaming demands from an increasingly reprobate, monstrously large, and from disparate segments of the people of earth. They all have one thing in common. They are demanding our birthright through deception, lies, and violence.

The modern nation of Turkey is a great example of this. The porportions of anceint Israel described in the Old Testament are far broader than the modern version of Israel - they would encompass about half of Iraq, two-thirds of Syria, 98% of Jordan, the northwest corner of Egypt, all of Lebanon, a tiny sliver of Iran, and a small portion of southern Turkey. The modern nation of Turkey appeared in the Old Testament at times but is almost a focal point of the New Testament. All of the seven churches in Revelation are in present-day Turkey, several apostles were born in Turkish cities, and there are even the ruins of the home Mary was housed in after her child, Yeshua HaMashiach, was crucified and rose from the dead.

The ancient world knew what is now Turkey under other names. Significant portions (in some cases all) of what is now called Turkey has gone by the name Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Macedonia, and Rome. While Western Rome fell in the 400's turning Europe over to barbaric hordes the Eastern portion, Byzantium, persisted until the mid 1400's. While Christianity is credited with assisting in the fall of Western Rome because of the societal challenges it posed, the Byzantine Empire took the perverted Judaism of Rome and ran with it. Western Rome, for it's part, established the Roman Catholic Church which ran with an even more perverted version of Judaism. The world is still plagued by the Roman Catholic Church. The Byzantine Empire was crushed by adherents of an even more abominable lie - Islam. The Moslem hoards took what is now Turkey through murder, rape, and wanton violence and called it good. World War I reduced the bloodthirsty Ottoman Empire to modern day Turkey.

As an aside, I am going to offer a disclaimer here. I think Christianity is built around a half-truth. I call it a half truth because the Word of G-d is all but ignored. And Yeshua is the Word of G-d who appeared on the earth in the flesh to live out the Word perfectly. He was put to death for this to offer us salvation from our sins - salvation from our disobedience to G-d. He did not condone disobedience, He rebuked it and offered each of us a path to return to our walk through life with His Father. He did not once state that His intention was to establish a new religion centered on Him. Not once did He act against the Word of His Father. At no time did He claim to be His Father. But He did say I AM seven times: the bread of life, the light of the world, the door of the sheep, the good shepherd, the resurrection and the life, the way the truth and the life, and the true vine. The spear which prophetically pierced Yeshua's side did not cut as deeply into His heart than Christianity’s founding fathers’ decision to discard everything Jesus taught – to follow His Father’s teachings. Yeshua is absolutely real and alive in heaven sitting at the side of the throne of His Father waiting for instructions to return. Christian’s and I have a very different understanding of Yeshua and His importance.

Islam on the other hand gets absolutely nothing right. Islam is a cult of bloodlust, deceit, and self-pleasure organized under the worship of an idol infused with a demonic presence. The belief system absolutely denigrates anyone who holds the teachings of Hashem – the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – up as a way of life and will murder those who persist. Recent events combined with the demonic scribblings of a possessed rapist and murderer explicitly displayed how barbarically degenerate the religion of ‘peace’ really is. This is what fueled the growth of the Ottoman Empire. This is what drives the present ‘president’ of Turkey.

That president is a degenerate named Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Erdogan has no birthright because he most certainly gave it to the whispering spirits his predecessors believed in. His predecessors, which Erdogan ascribes to, are called Caliphs – the Islamic world’s version of the Catholic Pope. When it was the Ottoman empire it was easy – the Ottoman empire was the Muslim world. Now the degenerate’s deception has spread around the globe. Erdogan isn’t concerned about doing the right thing as head of a secular nation with a 99.8% Muslim population. He is concerned about reestablishing the Ottoman empire and the caliphate and the rape, torture, extortion, murder and general violence condoned and encouraged under it.

With Turkey being a member of NATO and agitating to be granted full membership into the European Union (through blackmail by threatening to flood Europe with about four million mostly Iranian and Syrian ‘refugees’ should the EU not capitulate to Erdogan’s wishes) it should be very concerning he seeks to revive the caliphate. Erdogan’s desire to be caliphate is antithetical to the survival of the nations in Europe and the European Union itself. He will use the ‘refugees’ in his nation to push his weight around to get what he wants and, when he does gain Turkey’s full membership status in the EU, he will flood Europe with these people anyway. Why will he do this? Because the teachings of the living G-d are not something Erdogan has ever paid heed to once in his entire life.

Erdogan has never recanted these statements and still hold fast to his dreams of conquering Europe proper in the name of the idol he worships. In continuing his self-determined quest to reestablish the caliphate with himself as the head he has propped up any and all terrorist groups with any ties to Islam. Israel defending it’s existence by wiping out the capability of Hamas to murder Israeli’s, according to Erdogan, is a war crime, one that Turkey will go to war over. ““Israel, we will proclaim you as a war criminal to the world,” Erdogan said. “We are making our preparations, and we will declare Israel to the world as a war criminal.”” Hamas, Erdogan continued in the same article, is a justified liberation group fighting in defense of it’s lands….

Erdogan and billions more of all faiths, have sold their birthright to commit to Hamas – violence. Genesis 6 is about the reason G-d sent a flood. Verse 13 explains:

God said to Noach, “The end of all living beings has come before me, for because of them the earth is filled with violence. I will destroy them along with the earth.”


Where are we today if we have not found our way right back to that same violent state once more? Why should we expect our lot to be any different than those who experienced the flood? One is because of a promise G-d made to Noach to never again cause the destruction of all of earth by flood. He made a covenant with Noach which is the rainbow, a reminder of the promise to never again flood the whole earth.

The next time the earth is convulsed totally in violence – a time fully imaginable once more because of the current state of the world and it’s wars, genetic destruction and mutilation, and deceptions such as the renewed promises of everlasting life on this earth (transhumanism) – the inhabitants of earth will go through fire, brimstone, earthquakes, floods, hails, waters turned to blood…. These events are in Revelation and in the Books of the Prophets and touched on by Yeshua such as in Matthew 24. And while Yeshua notes the real cause behind all of these events in Matthew 24:12 being that many people’s love will grow cold due to increased distance from Torah, He also notes that we have a birthright which He is promising to each and every one of us. The parable of the two servants taught by Yeshua reminds us of this universal birthright:

45 “Who is the faithful and sensible servant whose master puts him in charge of the household staff, to give them their food at the proper time? 46 It will go well with that servant if he is found doing his job when his master comes. 47 Yes, I tell you that he will put him in charge of all he owns. 48 But if that servant is wicked and says to himself, ‘My master is taking his time’; 49 and he starts beating up his fellow servants and spends his time eating and drinking with drunkards; 50 then his master will come on a day the servant does not expect, at a time he doesn’t know; 51 and he will cut him in two and put him with the hypocrites, where people will wail and grind their teeth!”

No one, not even Yeshua, knows when we will gain this birthright. But He reminds us that our birthright is waiting for us. But He cautions us to be found doing what we are supposed to be doing at the time we are granted our birthright. What are we supposed to be doing? We are supposed to be following Yeshua. It may seem a little bit sneaky, but, following Yeshua is actually following the Word of G-d. The Word of G-d and all of the covenants made in the Old Testament is what Yeshua is talking about, what He preached on, and what He pointed at throughout His life. He wanted His followers to be obedient to His Father’s teachings. That is how we make certain that we retain our ticket to be redeemed through the salvation of Yeshua – follow Him in obedience to His Father. Our birthright is the mercy of G-d in his desire to forgive our sins and allow us to walk with Him because of obedience to His teachings as exemplified in His Son Yeshua’s time on earth. It’s precious. All of the world’s ways are designed to steal it from us. Don’t let it happen.

Bless G-d and G-d bless

~ Chances are that if you read this you have sat down and read the Bible. For that, I greatly appreciate your effort. If you haven’t, please do! Billions of people have not done so; however, and I find that sad. Of those billions, tens, if not hundreds, of millions who profess a love of Yeshua and of His Father have not read the book on their own and that is maddening. Others refuse to read it out of spite. Some refuse because they are scared to be challenged with existential questions which would force them to radically alter their lives. Too many just think their church teaches them everything in the books of the Bible which is absurd. Others just see the book as too thick and, thus, a daunting challenge too time consuming for their taste.

For anyone in your life making the latter two claims, share this with them. Between the asterisks are 2,120 words. The King James Bible is 773,692 words long. How long did it take you to read the words I wrote between the asterisks? If you spend that much time to read 2,120 words of the Bible daily, you will have completed the entire Old and New Testament in 365 days. The first three chapters in the King James Version of the Bible is 2,124 words. There is a scale which rates how difficult something is to read and these 2,124 words rate at a sixth grade level (an 80.9 score on the Flesch-Kincade scale). The 2,120 words between the asterisks that I wrote come in on the scale at 63.3 reading ease score and the eighth grade level. What you just read, in other words, is actually more difficult to get through than the first three Chapters of Genesis!

Average reading speeds vary widely depending on a range of factors. For this estimate of how much time I’m talking about, we will assume a slow reader is at 100 words per minute, an average reader is 200 words per minute, and a fast reader is 300 words per minute. A slow reader would need to invest a little over 21 minutes a day, a fast reader 7 minutes, and the average reader about 10 and a half minutes.

More important than speed; however, is comprehension. It may take only a short time to read 2,120 words but comprehending something with as much gravitas as the Bible requires a great amount of thought and deliberation. Perhaps this is why people refuse to read it because they already know they will be forced to comprehend and contemplate. Ask questions, have study sessions, pray for answers. I want everyone to do this. I think that everyone can do this. I pray that everyone makes good use of their time and does do this….

Again, Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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