The National League of Cities
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

The National League of Cities

It’s easier to look at the global cabals in this world and blame them for all of the maladies occurring upon the earth. We do have power against global initiatives because, individually, we can reject their plans and conduct our own lives. Our power; however, is indirect and opens those who resist up to being picked off one at a time. On a local level though we have far more power as individuals. So, wherever there is a link between the global elite death-cultists and our local communities it is important to expose, inform, and disrupt those channels. The National League of Cities (NLC) is just such an organization.

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How Sneaky the Rise of Fascism Is and the Road It Has Paved.
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

How Sneaky the Rise of Fascism Is and the Road It Has Paved.

Fascism is Marxist. If you draw a circle on a page (as opposed to a line, or even a grid) to describe political leanings, Fascism and Communism are nearly on top of one another under authoritarian/totalitarian ideology, under the heading of Marxism. The social effects are identical for society so it is easy to incorrectly identify which is which. Fascism is where the dictator creates public-private partnerships allowing businesses to enrich themselves on what the people buy at the government’s behest. This is done through regulations and tax structures. Communism, is when the government just outright takes control of an industry like when Barack Obama nationalized General Motors and made all of the decisions for the company. Those decisions are always poor.

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Tim OConnor Tim OConnor


There are plenty of problems and there are even more people who point them out. Who has the solutions? Who even bothers to really identify the actual problems? The answer to the first question is God. The answers to the second question are many and varied.

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May the Handcuffs on Your Wrists, the Shackles Around Your Ankles, and the Chains Around Your Neck Sit Lightly.  May Your Death Be Swift and Painless.
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

May the Handcuffs on Your Wrists, the Shackles Around Your Ankles, and the Chains Around Your Neck Sit Lightly. May Your Death Be Swift and Painless.

The plan is to incrementally reintroduce all of the Covid-19 nonsense. If you did not comply during the demonstration period (2020 – present in some areas) then you have experienced having the noose tightened more snugly around your neck. The malignant maggot class which presents itself as our beneficent ‘elite’ saviors have already created and released an updated version of the original SARS-CoV-2 chimera. They have already suggested that face diapers feature prominently once again in any public space. After that is mandated (it is coming quickly), business hours will be restricted, churches will be shuttered, schools will be exclusively online, goods will become scarce, and vaccine-status checkpoints will be established again.

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As Promised, Unfortunately.  Welcome to Lockdown Hell.
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

As Promised, Unfortunately. Welcome to Lockdown Hell.

Multiple sources, some as wide reaching as Infowars and Alex Jones, and hundreds, if not thousands of smaller organizations, including this one, have warned for months that there will be climate lockdowns. They will feel like the lockdowns mandated during the pandemic but will typically have shorter lifespans and be justified by what the ecoterrorists call climate. In reality, the pretexts are weather events, most of which are man-made manipulations of already existing weather patterns. Nonetheless, demands to stay home and to not travel will be issued. And because the maniacs who orchestrated the terror campaign during Covid-19 have faced no criminal sanctions the ecoterrorists have now adopted the same terror tactics to be used to fight climate change.

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Burn Baby, Burn.
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Burn Baby, Burn.

There are a lot of people taking notice of Joe Biden’s callousness about the Lahaina, Hawaii. The death toll is at about 110 people. The response has been to issue $700 checks. This $700 is being compared to the $5,500 per citizen the US government has given to the government of Ukraine. The disparity really is disgusting – the people of the afflicted area in Hawaii have lost, literally, everything they owned as well as a home to live in - $700 won’t cut it, $5,500 wouldn’t cut it, either. Somewhere around $500,000 per person may make a difference but that is unlikely to happen. But the $700 argument really misses the whole point.

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We Just Don’t Listen, Do We?
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

We Just Don’t Listen, Do We?

Deadly and duplicitous, there exists something we have been warned about time and again. In 1961, Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us about the existence of this something he called the military-industrial complex. Two years later Eisenhower’s presidential successor was murdered by this faction. Since then they have run rampant over the US Constitution and replaced faith and fear of God with faith and fear in themselves – the real government operating in the shadows. This lawless contingent, inspired and designed by the spoils of World War II, is now referred to as the deep state. Their mission is to usher in all of the one-world everything through technological control based on decisions made by intelligence collection obtained through surveillance and spying on everyone.

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Libtards Want a Rehash of 1860-1865? Here’s What They Are Asking For.
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Libtards Want a Rehash of 1860-1865? Here’s What They Are Asking For.

The war is a spiritual one. Those attempting to goad and gaslight the US into civil violence are very distant from the Torah. The way to fight against this is to grow close to the Torah. Matthew 24 is playing out before our eyes and instead people are walking away from Bible, Torah included, altogether. It’s an action based on Darwin’s demonic doctrine of survival of the fittest and implicitly denying the domain of God. It is time to recognize the importance of God. It is time to fight this demonic contingent trampling the people of the world down in their service to the Adversary with the truth of God. Anything less will result in failure in the long run.

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Will the NWO Continue to Sponsor Narco-Terrorists and the States Allowing Their Activities?
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Will the NWO Continue to Sponsor Narco-Terrorists and the States Allowing Their Activities?

The short answer, long term, is no. Short term, the answer is yes. Narco-terrorist organizations and the states which harbor them, and support them at times, are great distractions to the goings-on of the New World Order. It’s tough to become aware of or understand the local impact of Agenda 21 or 15-minute-city designs when the murder rate in your town is over 25 per 100,000 and crime in general victimizes 125 out of 100,000 people. When there are car-jackings and home invasions and murders going on it is hard to seek the truth written in the Bible, learn that the globe is only 10 milliseconds or so away from nuclear war, or attest to the rampant corruption this world seems to operate on. For the New World Order types narco-terrorism is a great distraction as well as a great way to take out opponents to their plans.

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Climate Lock Downs Due to One Health Being Demanded Now
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Climate Lock Downs Due to One Health Being Demanded Now

The demands that climate action be taken immediately are more frequent, manic, and all encompassing than ever before. The ‘mitigation’ efforts are also designed to be more personal for every person on earth. The goal of this psychotic plan is to return the people of earth to the life 95% of humanity were forced to live during the height of the Covid-19 scamdemic – masks, 6 feet apart, temperature taking, DNA swabs, ‘quarantine’ measures, ‘isolation’ measures, travel restrictions (both local and international). And while we were ordered to lock ourselves into our homes, converting them into prisons, the architects of the scamdemic made every effort to ensure that these lock downs are re-instituted under a climate ‘crisis’. All they needed was a link between health and climate so they rapidly accelerated and expanded upon an idea called One Health. And now we see news articles that, while they do not mention One Health, rely on the premises of One Health to demand climate lock downs.

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