We Just Don’t Listen, Do We?

We Just Don’t Listen, Do We?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/16/2023

Deadly and duplicitous, there exists something we have been warned about time and again. In 1961, Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us about the existence of this something he called the military-industrial complex. Two years later Eisenhower’s presidential successor was murdered by this faction. Since then they have run rampant over the US Constitution and replaced faith and fear of God with faith and fear in themselves – the real government operating in the shadows. This lawless contingent, inspired and designed by the spoils of World War II, is now referred to as the deep state. Their mission is to usher in all of the one-world everything through technological control based on decisions made by intelligence collection obtained through surveillance and spying on everyone.

In 1973 Motorola invented the cell phone we have become all too reliant on. This development was already theoretically known and had probably already created decades prior because this group managed to give themselves access to secrets such as Nikola Tesla’s classified inventions. It was the Galvin brothers who founded Motorola in 1928 with a mechanism to change Thomas Edison’s direct current into Tesla’s usable alternating current. In a nutshell, Tesla figured out how to create electricity for free while Edison made sure that everything he created would burn out after a time and would need to be replaced. Motorola, for their part, existed mostly as a defense contractor for the United States and it should have been highly concerning that this company was the one offering the first cell phone.

Simon was the name of the first smart phone. Sometime in 1992, International Business Machines took Motorola’s cell phone and made it smart. Simon allowed for phone calls to be made in addition to receiving pages, send and receive e-mails and faxes, and to store contact information, schedules, and appointment times. It must be noted that IBM was founded in 1911 but did not really make it’s mark until the Nazi regime started up the gas furnaces of the concentration camps. IBM created, produced, and maintained the cataloging system used to murder 12 million people, 6 million of them Jewish, under Hitler’s Final Solution. Without IBM Hitler’s efforts to Aryanize the globe, there would have certainly been another European pogrom – disgusting in it’s own right. With the punch cards created by IBM as well as IBM’s coordination and cooperation, the Nazi regime was able to use the technology to ‘identify, exclude, confiscate, ghettoize, deport, and murder’ with efficiency. And while IBM was working closely with the Nazi’s, the US government was awarding war-production honors to IBM. Searching for apologies from IBM were in vain.

Before you think that IBM’s integral role in the systematic death of millions of ‘unwanted’ individuals is a thing of the past, consider that in 2018 a partnership between IBM and the Department of Veteran's Affairs was achieved. IBM’s Watson Health entered into a fascist partnership to ensure that more veterans die from cancer. IBM’s contribution is to sequence veteran's DNA, provide remote cancer screenings (telemedicine), and features artificial intelligence having input into treatment options for living human beings. The punch cards during World War II resulted in tens of millions of murders. These types of offerings represent the identification of the people IBM has deemed useless eaters on a genetic level for later extermination. This extermination campaign has already commenced and has been coupled with a severely debilitating and socially destructive psychological warfare component which the world refers to as Covid-19 and all that has been done in it’s name.

Almost all of the cell phones today are of the ‘smart’ variety. So, in essence, those phones we use to wake us up, tell us when to go to sleep, check in on family and friends, interact on social media platforms, take photos, send text messages, monitor our sleep patterns, heart rates, walking gaits and sometimes make phone calls on originated from a company which has long served as a communications defense contractor and was improved by the technological architects of the holocaust. If you are a bit uncomfortable with this information, well, you should be – you are being spied on by your own government.

Not to be outdone with the rise of people carrying cell phones, social media applications like Facebook were developed. On the day that Facebook was released, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency scrapped a project titled LifeLog. LifeLog was intended to turn everything a person did into digitized data to be cataloged in a centralized database. The Department of Defense wants to know when you we use the bathroom and what we are doing in there (sitting, standing, showering, brushing our teeth). They want to know what our favorite television station is, what our favorite show is, and how long we spend watching, say, FOX News, as compared to MSNBC. They want to know when we eat, what we eat, when we go to sleep, where we work, how we entertain ourselves, what we buy, where we buy it from. They even want to know what we think. They want to know what we say, what our plans are, and how to better predict what we will do tomorrow, a week from now, or a year from now. They want to predict how we will respond to mask mandates and demands of adhering to climate alarmism. Facebook is LifeLog. If it’s not Facebook, it’s Twitter (X), snapchat, TikTok, or any number of other surveillance mechanisms called social media.

Deep in Utah, near Salt Lake City, the National Security Administration has a nearly $2 billion investment. One of the jewels in the NSA’s cap is the ability to store about 20 terabytes of data a minute. That data stream consists what we are doing on social media, what we are saying on cell phone calls, what websites we visit, what we buy online, geolocation data, and who we are around. This is where the government stores the data and builds files on each and every one of us. Cell phones are not even all that necessary to gather the data these days. Ring doorbells, Google searches, smart televisions, gaming consoles, and smart baby monitors collect most of the same data.

A common tactic to deal with these facts – you and I and everyone on the planet are being spied on by our own governments – is to dismiss our behavior because we don’t do anything wrong. Let’s get rid of that idea right now. It doesn’t matter what my concept of right and wrong, good and evil, is, nor does your version of it matter. What ends up happening in this scenario is the entity analyzing all of that data, whether machine (artificial intelligence) or human, will decide what is right and wrong. Suddenly, the documents surrounding the founding of nations, like The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States of America, The Bible, and any other legal document is no longer view as relevant. All that ends up being relevant is the data stream and the ‘you’ that exists on AI analyzed servers.

No one is immune from this. Even the most remote area of the globe where one manages to eke out a rough existence from desolate lands are ensnared in this surveillance. Satellites float over our heads routinely and largely unnoticed. The cameras and video capture devices incorporated on some of these man-made satellites are powerful enough to read the date off of a dime. If an organization like the NSA wants to build a file on Mr. Incognito who lives in the desert without electricity, running water, no cell phone, no digital profile, and no associates whatsoever, the groups seeking this enigma will still manage to find a way to learn this man’s routines and predict his movements, actions, and reactions to different stimulus, developments, and adversity.

Despite the totality of the surveillance, we don’t need to make it easy for our conversations to be recorded, analyzed, catalogued, and used to predictably program us. We can turn our cell phones off. For now it is still legal to use Virtual Private Networks. We can encrypt files and come up with our own codes and cyphers and keys (the likelihood of the code being broken is high; however). Sensitive conversations could be conducted like football coaches telling their quarterback’s the next play – lips covered, face-to-face, with all electronic technologies placed out of earshot. Sure, that’s spy stuff, and we have all been entered into a war against privacy in an era when information and it’s collection and analysis is the most important defense and offense.

In front of Congress, at the end of July 2023, two intelligence community members blew the whistle on what they call UAP’s and what have been for years called UFO’s. These two even managed to hint at the idea that they found biologics at the ‘crash sites’ of these objects. Biologics is a confusing term because it does not necessarily denote life – it denotes any substance from sugars all the way to cells. The term also refuses to take into account how the biologic came into existence which is convenient. It makes no difference to the user of the term biologic whether a sugar is a man-made molecular mutilation or whether a cell was engineered in a lab. The idea that many are calling these ‘biologics’ proof of alien life reveals a deeper problem rife in society. That problem is distance from the truth and placing hope and reverence in what amounts to a satanic semantic ploy meant to confuse and mislead many into false beliefs and to follow the false prophets of those propagating the lies. It also show that there has been a declaration made to start revealing that there are bodies of entities sitting over the top of the government’s of the world. Indeed, this body of entities controls most of our politicians as if they are marionettes.

Most of this satanic contingent is made up of members of the intelligence community. This is where the UFO ‘whistle-blowers’ come from. This is the same apparatus which the abominable Chuck Schumer demanded Trump pay obeisance to or else. These are the people which IBM, Ford, and others used to make sure their Nazi German operations continued unimpeded (Ford, a US company, produced Panzer tanks during the war). This is the intelligence community which assassinated John F. Kennedy and has fought tooth and nail to keep the affair classified. It is this same intelligence community which is responsible for murdering everyone at Waco, overseeing the Oklahoma City bombing, creating Ted Kaczynski and Charles Manson, coordinating the 9/11 attacks, ginning up the idea for the kidnapping of Gretchen Whitmer, and illegally, untruthfully, and viciously perverting truth and justice in order to persecute political threats to their shadowy grip on power. These are the entities watching recordings of our children, listening to our phone conversations, and monitoring our internet usage.

Prospects of a biometric digital identification scheme loom large. The surveillance capabilities are moving out of building files on the people living in the world to predict their behavior to enforcing a new behavioral norm. If we are not careful, and we are largely ignorant of how, let alone why, all of this data is being collected, we will need this digital ID tied to retinal scans, facial recognition, heart beats, gait, and skin moisture content to get an Uber (we won’t be able to own our own vehicles for personal transportation), enter a grocery store, enroll for government services like obtaining a Social Security Number, or even to leave one’s own home. Inside the home, smart devices will start including authentication software requiring the ID to turn them on. This would include our cell phones, televisions, coffee pots, toasters, and even our refrigerators and thermostats. Quotas on energy usage are already being brought into the mainstream and this will only intensify under a regime demanding the usage of biometric digital ID’s. Eventually we will be forced to decide whether to cook dinner (insect protein mixed into chicken tumors) or to attend work because our energy credits are too depleted to do both.

Remember Gordon Welchman? No? Have you heard of Alan Turing? His name was familiar when I started reading about the Enigma Code. Turing was a homosexual who, after assisting in efforts which broke the codes the Axis used in World War II (The Enigma Code) went on to most famously propose a test to determine if machine intelligence should be seen as sentient. Turing eventually committed suicide because his homosexuality was seen as a security risk. In other words, Turing’s sexual proclivities were perceived as an inroad for him to be compromised by other intelligence agencies by the intelligence agencies he was involved with. Welchman was also viewed as a security risk – not because of his sexual preferences – because he talked.

In 1982, three years before his death, Welchman authored a book about what went down in Blechley Park’s Hut Six. The Hut Six Story was seen by the intelligence communities of the United States as well as Britain’s as a threat. Welchman, 37 years apart from the conclusion of WWII, was targeted by US intelligence agencies for the last three years of his life. FBI surveillance vans regularly sat in front of his home, his phones were very likely tapped (holdover operations from COININTELPRO which later came to be known as PRISM), and he was generally harassed and threatened by these agents. It is highly possible that he may have been murdered. It’s telling that, in this day and age of information and information warfare, Welchman’s efforts to The Enigma Project are all but ignored while homosexual Turing is given all of the credit for breaking the code. Welchman was Turing’s boss in Hut Six.

Sometimes speaking the truth results in hazards to people’s lives. There are a huge number of mysterious deaths in fields which should not be so perilous to engage in. For some reason, over a hundred holistic healers and homeopathic doctors started dying off through murders which were never investigated and suicides which make no sense. Prior to this, there was a striking series of deaths in the biomedical and chemical warfare community. Cancer researchers, weapons experts, AIDS experts, and biochemical experts were turning up dead, with very mysterious circumstances and regularity, around the world. These professions were targeted because this is the intelligence community’s mechanism into wrest the hearts and minds of all of humanity into fear and obedience to the salvation offered by the progenitors of crises such as Covid-19. These individuals and their deaths served two purposes, to demand the silence of those working in those professions, and to prevent the knowledge of what these monsters are actually doing from being exposed.

On another front, the ways that this global cabal of intelligence agencies operate offer examples as well. Welchman was demonized for this reason. Julian Assange has been tortured nearly to death too many times to count for releasing this sort of information, almost completely uncensored, on WikiLeaks. The source of Assange’s information is a trans-freak who was released from a 35 year prison sentence after seven years by a treasonous Barack Obama. The trans-freak has made a living from speaking fees and has even ran as a democrat in it’s home state of Maryland (it lost). The Panama Papers also point to the same sort of data leaks but denotes the corruption and bribery and blackmail schemes intelligence agencies use to keep their shadow government’s adepts and adherents in line. No one can seem to figure out who, exactly, leaked this information. Likewise, no one can seem to figure out who leaked the Supreme Court’s decision to reverse the illegal and unconstitutional Roe v. Wade decision. Edward Snowden, a decade ago, revealed PRISM – the intelligence agency’s built-in backdoors into all of these smart devices we rely on so much. Nothing changed after Snowden’s revelations except the roaches doing the illegal spying on everyone scurried back under the rocks they live under and Snowden was forced to flee the United States to Russia which thus far has refused to extradite him to face asinine charges of espionage.

Nothing deters the intelligence community. Even when light is shined on these people, they manage to destroy those holding the lanterns and pointing their fingers. If it gets too uncomfortable for the members of the military-industrial complex people disappear. They have been waging a war on information for a very long time. The technologies they have designed are meant to sell the people convenience at the price of their ability to function freely. Noted above are some of the dangers most are not even aware of with cell phone and, particularly, smart phone usage. Cell phone conversations can easily be recorded through any number of mechanisms and then analyzed to confirm the identity of those having a conversation and includes geospatial and geolocation information about all of the participants. Smart phones monitor our heart rates in addition to this. Smart watches monitor our sleep, heart rate, sweat content. Efforts are being made to introduce nanotechnology into our bodies to ‘heal’ us as well as to report back any issues about our health to an AI-controlled central database. Ideas such as creating smart urine pads in urinals and toilets to monitor the nutritional content of the individual releasing waste from their bodies are not a science fiction plot – they are very real. The most common aspect of human waste removal s done through our breathing and what was all of humanity commanded to do – restrict that breathing. Who orchestrates this type of garbage? Those seeking to control all of us through surveillance.

There is a book which was written by a socialist named Eric Authur Blair, better known as George Orwell. The title of the book is 1984 and it depicts a socialist ‘utopia’ where every action is monitored around the clock, recorded, and used to condemn anyone who decides they are an individual or a human being. The male lead in the story is a member of the government responsible for disappearing any evidence of history which is contradictory to whatever the government’s current decrees are. That’s called fact checking and the campaign against whatever is perceived as mis- or dis- information today. The lead falls in love with a woman and starts meeting her in secret. One of the places they meet in secret; however, includes a hidden ‘telescreen’ which is like a television but actually transmits data back to the central government. The love affair is completely forbidden and the government finds out about it through this surveillance mechanism, set up at the behest of the government. This is what smart phones are. This is what ‘smart’ anything is whether it is a baby monitor, car, firearm, healthcare device, or sensor placed in clothing, nature, or anywhere else. We didn’t have to have the telescreens placed by the government to spy on us (although that still occurs – I offer you 5G technology as an example). We went out and have decided to spend billions to put the telescreens on our doors, in our kitchen applainces, in our infants rooms, and in our pockets.

Heeding the warnings of those who have revealed the dangers of this technological surveillance grid constituting a global open-air prison have been ignored. There are several causes for this. One is that those who effectively expose the operations, designs, and desired outcomes of those engaged in these actions are silenced, frightened, imprisoned, and/or killed. Look at any of the names mentioned above. If that doesn’t sate your appetite, research Gary Webb and watch the movie Kill the Messenger. Another reason the warnings are ignored is because it is too convenient to live with all of these ‘smart’ devices. The level of convenience seems to block out the fact that ‘smart’ homes are really stupid prison cells which have been around forever. Yet another, more basic and even more seldom recognized, reason is that truth is no longer valued because feelings rule the day. Truth isn’t important as long as it feels good.

Eisenhower and Kennedy alike warned us that there is a breakaway government colluding with powerful business interests in what, in fact, are fascist relationships. The currency of this conspiratorial cabal is information. It is more valuable than money, houses, jets, love, truth, God, and anything else which people place value in. It is through information which this circle can get anything it wants – money, ‘love’, ‘truth’. The information is used to blackmail, corrupt, and manipulate anyone who is anything into bending to the will of this cabal. The information is revealed or squelched depending on the narrative which is to be followed. Again, those falling outside of this narrative – derived from the control of information and the desires of the intelligence community’s around the world – are silenced, marginalized, smeared, slandered, murdered.

Neither wealth nor fame will save a single person from the attacks on humanity being perpetrated against us. Only God will save us from these attacks. The intelligence community, their technologies, and their networks maintained through blackmail is a very technological application of evil. This is a spiritual war and the intelligence community knows it. This is why, in the midst of a global ‘pandemic’ which was billed as a civilizational extinction event (much as climate change, i.e. global warming, is), the first places which were barred to public access were churches. The last to open back up have been churches and some of them have engaged in promulgating the ways of the world. The Word of God was and is the intelligence community’s primary target for elimination. Because the houses of worship of God were closed, many have decided not to return to services. Others have turned to the bloviating liars offering services on television. Others have completely turned their backs on God altogether. In the middle of a spiritual war we have been presented with political solutions. That is a sure way to be forced into the beast system as most of the politicians themselves are bought off to some extent by the intelligence community itself. Return to services. Read the Bible. Discern the times.

Something more pernicious than even the churches being ordered to close down is the implementation of another intelligence community operation. This is called the clergy response team (CRT). The plan was developed by a very misunderstood agency called FEMA. FEMA is responsible for ensuring continuity of government and there are provisions in the administration’s declaration which gives all of the political power to it without any thought of ever having to restore those powers to any version of a Constitutionally prescribed government. FEMA’s CRT plan is an ongoing effort to recruit clergy members into following the orders of the government during any decree or proclamation of what it deems an emergency. Houses of worship with CRT agendas immediately closed during the pandemic. They stayed closed during the pandemic. When they were permitted to offer service once more they mandated masks, demanded social distancing measures be followed, and strictly enforced maximum occupancy decrees. When the death jabs rolled out, they demanded that their congregants present proof they underwent the medial intervention known as ‘vaccine rape.’ The idea revolves around taking Romans 13* as an isolated, out-of-context, and perverted verse. The intent is to get congregants who are supposed to be focused on God to obey, without question, the decrees of the government – in this case it involves members of the clergy ordering congregants to board a vehicle for their own safety in order to be taken to concentration and extermination camps. If the church will not talk about Jesus or the synagogue will not tolerate the mention of God, find one that will.

All of this, the surveillance, the open-air prison system, the ‘people’ and technology behind it is all part of the Adversary’s plot to destroy all which God has created and called good in the six days of creation. The sun, moon, earth, plants, animals, waters, and humans – all of existence – is the target of this demonic operation. The Adversary’s stumbling block is in the truth of God’s existence and, thus, the earthly ‘entities’ doing the work of the Adversary have the truth of God in their sights. We can stop relying on smart phones and other ‘smart’ devices, particularly in our homes and while we attend worship. But more lethal to the evil intentions is to understand the truth of the Bible by reading it for ourselves. In Matthew 24:12 Jesus states that the root cause of all of the evil spilling into this world is because we no longer have any use for the first five books of the Bible. This is where God told all of humanity how he would like each and every one of us to live. Are we living the Truth? If not, we should be considering returning to it because the road we have traversed is a road ending in complete earthly and spiritual destruction. With God, all things are possible. Without God we get, well, intelligence community members hellbent on destroying all of us on behalf of the Adversary.

Bless God and God bless.

* Romans 13 reads Everyone is to obey the governing authorities. For there is no authority that is not from God, and the existing authorities have been placed where they are by God. 2 Therefore, whoever resists the authorities is resisting what God has instituted; and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers are no terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you like to be unafraid of the person in authority? Then simply do what is good, and you will win his approval; 4 for he is God’s servant, there for your benefit. But if you do what is wrong, be afraid! Because it is not for nothing that he holds the power of the sword; for he is God’s servant, there as an avenger to punish wrongdoers. 5 Another reason to obey, besides fear of punishment, is for the sake of conscience. 6 This is also why you pay taxes; for the authorities are God’s public officials, constantly attending to these duties. 7 Pay everyone what he is owed: if you owe the tax-collector, pay your taxes; if you owe the revenue-collector, pay revenue; if you owe someone respect, pay him respect; if you owe someone honor, pay him honor. 8 Don’t owe anyone anything — except to love one another; for whoever loves his fellow human being has fulfilled Torah. 9 For the commandments, “Don’t commit adultery,” “Don’t murder,” “Don’t steal,” “Don’t covet,”[a] and any others are summed up in this one rule: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”[b] 10 Love does not do harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fullness of Torah.

11 Besides all this, you know at what point of history we stand; so it is high time for you to rouse yourselves from sleep; for the final deliverance is nearer than when we first came to trust. 12 The night is almost over, the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and arm ourselves with the weapons of light. 13 Let us live properly, as people do in the daytime — not partying and getting drunk, not engaging in sexual immorality and other excesses, not quarrelling and being jealous. 14 Instead, clothe yourselves with the Lord Yeshua the Messiah; and don’t waste your time thinking about how to provide for the sinful desires of your old nature.

The governing authority is God. He wrote what proper conduct is on two tablets, twice. The ideas that obeying institutionalized baby murder, worship of a technological elite or a political party or a political figure or an athlete or a franchise or a movie star, or that people should celebrate, promote, and even engage in activities God has deemed abhorrent is not what was ever intended in Paul’s writings in this Romans 13. Perverting the message by playing on people’s ignorance would be easily remedied if congregants would merely open their Bible’s, learn about how God instructed His people to live, and adopt those practices even when the earthly authorities contradict those instructions. It will not bring salvation, it will bring holiness to those who follow these instructions. And I have to ask, which of our leaders are even somewhat obeying these rules set down by God? Why are they able to get away with that kind of conduct? Why is the world and everything in it, on it, and above it decaying before our very eyes? Because people have deified everything but God and if there is any chance that we may be saved from these insidious forms of idolatry we need to reject them to come to God, repentant and willing to serve Him by recognizing He is the only authority. Test the spirit of anyone trying to use Romans 13 to get others to follow authorities outside of the Word of God. The only way to test that spirit is to know what God has already instructed us to do.


Burn Baby, Burn.


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