Burn Baby, Burn.

Burn Baby, Burn.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/17/2023

There are a lot of people taking notice of Joe Biden’s callousness about the Lahaina, Hawaii. The death toll is at about 110 people. The response has been to issue $700 checks. This $700 is being compared to the $5,500 per citizen the US government has given to the government of Ukraine. The disparity really is disgusting – the people of the afflicted area in Hawaii have lost, literally, everything they owned as well as a home to live in - $700 won’t cut it, $5,500 wouldn’t cut it, either. Somewhere around $500,000 per person may make a difference but that is unlikely to happen. But the $700 argument really misses the whole point.

What happened in Hawaii is what globally-aligned, one-world government, technocrats desire. The types of people in the NWO circles don’t care that a town of over 12,000 residents burnt to the ground, 110 of them have already been found dead, or that they never warned the residents. They don’t care that people noticed fires and took it upon themselves to flee the area, including by leaping into the ocean to escape the flames. They don’t care that children’s lives have been extinguished. All they care about is their plan. Their plan is to make every human habitat into a 15-minute city. In the legal world this is called motive to commit a crime. Let us review some evidence of their culpability.

The fact that jumps out immediately is that the same police chief who oversaw the cover-up of the 2017 Las Vegas shooting is now the chief of police in Lahaina. John Pelletier’s presence in Lahaina would be cause to start asking questions. He is, once more, responsible for investigating what happened in what amounts to government obfuscation and lies. Just like in Las Vegas, evidence exists showing the shooter having ties to the FBI, international gun running, and what was supposed to be a covert hand-off of a large stockpile of weapons to the Saudi’s who were having a high-level military meeting at the time. Pelletier didn’t step out of line then and he won’t step out of line now.

This time around; however, Pelletier has demanded that video not come out of Lahaina. He has demanded that reporting follow the narrative he approves of. He has insisted that no one be permitted to enter the area – not even the residents who he claims “misbehaved” when he allowed them to return to where their homes once stood. This magnificently lawless scumbag actually stated that people are not allowed to enter the former town because there are deceased in the ruins. What he is actually doing is covering up the evidence of another mass-murder scene. This ‘man’ (I really do see this thing as a maggot) has absolutely no conscious and he is a clear and present danger to anyone he is near at all times. This is the clean-up guy for the global, criminal, NWO mob.

In high wind situations such as with hurricanes (which Hawaii was suffering from on the day of the flames) the power is often shut off. The power is shut off because tree limbs can be set on fire by landing on power lines. Transformers explode. Homes burn down. The wind itself can cause damage to a home but an electrical grid fire caused by shorting-out power lines transports fire directly into homes. In addition to this, the trees were neglected by the city and the county and had grown all around the power lines. At the very least, this is negligence and should result in multiple public officials being charged with at least involuntary manslaughter for their negligence.

Fires can also start through the use of flares or other incendiary devices as well. Maybe this is what Pelletier is actually looking for. Gasoline and charcoal, put to a flame, can also ignite brush. Maybe this is how the fires got started. There is recent precedent – in May 2022 two were arrested on multiple counts of arson near Lahaina and were promptly released on bail. I cannot locate further information on the status of their cases because Pelletier has no inmate search capability. I would imagine that both of those charged in that case, which also included gun charges for one of the criminals, are still roaming about in Hawaii.

Stories about directed energy weapons have been circulating as well. Some have placed the origins of the conflagration on them. The idea is alluring. There are not all that many trees surrounding the town which is what this theory relies on. Because of the lack of trees in and around the town it has been suggested that direct energy weapons were used to destroy buildings and vehicles, leaving surrounding areas and asphalt roads unaffected.

However the fire started (I think it is likely a combination of arson, dry conditions, and high winds) the town no longer exists. What is a hard fact is that the power was never shut off even as the fires ravaged the town. Another fact is that the water was shut off. Another fact is that the siren system never alerted residents to the danger which directly contributed to the deaths of the residents of the former town. Herman Andaya, the head emergency director for Maui, was proud of the fact that the sirens did not sound because he trained the people to go to higher ground as the siren only indicates tsunamis. The Los Angeles Times also noted:

“Instead, Andaya explained, the agency used several other types of emergency notifications to alert people to the fire. Some of the systems used were wireless emergency alerts, which send text messages to residents, and the emergency alert system, which broadcasts emergency notifications via television and radio. Other local alert systems, such as MEMA alerts, have also been used in the past.”

Andaya needs to be held personally responsible for every single death in Lahaina. So far that number is 110 counts of at least manslaughter and counting. He should be held accountable because his version of ‘safety alerts’ directly led to every single death. Andaya’s desire to even think about using the MEMA alert system should see him, and anyone else thinking it’s a good idea, to be locked up for treason for the rest of their lives. In other words, no public warning was ever given by Andaya.

Prior to the fires which consumed the town, reports have been published noting that thick strange looking chemtrails were in the skies above Lahaina. It is possible that whatever was being sprayed assisted the spread of the flames. It is also possible that what was being sprayed would cling to certain materials and not others to serve as a flame retardant. Chemtrails are also able to affect weather patterns, including local wind conditions. Dane Wigington at Geoengineering Watch notes that the dry conditions in the area arose in three weeks and asks questions about how natural the dry conditions actually were.

The average price of a home in Hawaii is nearly $1 million. In Lahaina the average was $1,025,000 and in November 2022 the average home price was over $1.2 million. The town is one of the most expensive real estate markets on earth. The billionaire NWO types of the world have long sought to turn Lahania into one of their secret, restricted, enclaves. The idea is fully summed up by Oprah Winfrey who decided to buy as much Hawaiian real estate as she could to prevent others from living near her. If the residents, the unwashed masses, the ‘useless eaters’ of Lahaina wouldn’t sell their homes it stands to reason that racists involved in child-sex trafficking rings like Oprah would welcome a huge disaster near her own, unaffected, property. Oprah suddenly has far fewer neighbors which suits her fine.

Oprah’s estate is the model for what all of these NWO types want – their enclave. The residents who have no home have been getting offers to buy their land. The demonic governor of Hawaii, Josh Green, has made overtures about the idea that individuals looking to get a deal on Hawaiian beachfront property will not be permitted to do so. He is quoted by Time Magazine:

““You will be pretty poorly informed if you try to steal land from our people and then build here,” he told reporters during an update on the fires. “For my part, I will try to allow no one from outside the state to buy any land until we get through this crisis and decide what Lahaina should be in the future.””

In The Washington Post’s (the publication is owned by Jeff Bezos, another treacherous anti-human who happens to own a $78 million dollar mansion just outside of Lahaina) love-story reporting on the governor, he is doted on:

“On Monday, Green said he was considering a moratorium on sales of damaged or destroyed properties and vowed to take legal steps to “allow no one from outside our state to buy any land until we get through this crisis and decide what Lahaina should be in the future.””

In other words, property owners who want to sell won’t be able to. Those who want to stay and rebuild will be forced to face off with whatever this despotic governor wants to do with their land. I expect the governor to declare an emergency over housing in general in the area. Bezos and Oprah will be fine. Those who want to stay and rebuild will end up in a coffin apartment. Residents land will be used by the developers Green favors with the clientele who Green approves of. Once the fires are out, the devastation realized, and the media satiated, the cleanup and aftermath are left to the people affected. The media will put the theft of Lahaina residents’ lands on page 15 if they write about them at all. Lahaina will be redesigned for hotels, resorts, and the NWO elite while the people who demand to continue residing in the rebuilt town will be forced into the 15-minute city. Those who stay will not be welcomed by their new Green-approved neighbors.

As a side note – Josh Green is EXACTLY why Nuremberg 2.0 is a necessity. Green has already shown his absolute hatred of humanity during the pandemic with death jab mandates, severe travel restrictions for those visiting Hawaii, and traveling to Western Samoa to murder as many people as he could by leading a death jab campaign which administered up to 37,000 lethal doses. He ran around demanding submission to his decrees during the scamdemic and even demanded that state employees commit suicide. He is still doing everything he can to stoke the fear of coronavirus. He belongs in a prison cell waiting for his turn to be heard for his role in murdering people to usher in the Great Reset. Now, in the midst of these fires, he is doing the exact same thing again.

The motive of the fires is to fully implement Agenda 2030 under the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset. It just so happens that Josh Green is fully committed to this neo-Nazi NWO plan. Green’s own website is proud that Hawaii has been under a climate emergency declaration since 2021 designed to absolutely destroy the lives of everyone under it be decarbonizing. The Maui government has also signed a similar decree. He notes that he is energetic about making Hawaii carbon negative by 2045. A statewide electric car charging grid, alternative energy development, and fascism are all expressed on the website. Also on Green’s website is his detailed housing plan which is dedicated to destroying any free enterprise in the hospitality and tourism industries. In 2022, Civil Beat published answers to some of the questions they had for the candidates for governor. He was asked about the biggest issue in Hawaii and responded that it was housing and that:

“As governor, I will make meeting our housing demand a top priority. My plan incorporates a multi-pronged approach designed to accelerate home production that includes: fast-tracking of new home construction with a streamlined and common-sense regulatory process, increasing the amount of public land available for home development, and expanding homebuilder access to government financing and tax credits to accelerate the production of homes so we can provide enough supply to meet our demand sooner, not later.”

This is the disingenuous way to say he plans on grabbing as much land as he can and allotting it to those he deems fit. This is how 15-minute cities get built. This is how Hawaii will go from 1.44 million residents to 80,000. This is what the NWO wants. A world with only 500 million people on it – all of them non-human and enslaved. How does that happen? Put everyone on earth in a ghetto, destroy the ability to procreate, and destroy any pleasure people find in life. Ghettos are 15 minute cities which is what Lahaina is going to be rebuilt as. The death jabs, many pharmaceuticals, and a wide range of processed foods destroy fertility. The only thing Green really has left to do to fully comply with his WEF/UN NWO masters is to officially declare the eco-terrorism which passes for environmentalism the state religion. I wouldn’t put it past him.

This demonic contingent of ‘humanity’ – the one’s laughing at all of this – see this as the path to their transhuman utopian future. The slaves are to be ghettoized and massacred at will. That’s what this fire is. That’s what happened in Minneapolis when nearly $2 billion in property damages were recorded. But insurance covered the financial losses there. Why are the Hawaiian’s not being taken care of by their insurance companies. How did this fire blow out basically on it’s own, for that matter? Where were the helicopters? Where are the heroic tales of other fire departments rushing to put the fires out? The people who are responsible for all of this (and they know they are responsible for all of this) are grinning at their sprawling estates, out of the sight of the neighbors they detest, grinning, and muttering burn baby, burn. Today they are mocking residents of Lahaina. Tomorrow they may well be doing the same to any of us, no matter where we are on the earth.

These criminals should have been prosecuted for all of the crimes they have already committed. Now they have burned over 110 people to death so they can please the lowest level elites in the NWO. Who knows how many have been murdered by the death jabs. And they are not yet finished. Next month they are holding another round of an annual meeting dedicated to turning Hawaii into a digital gulag ruled by monsters like Josh Green. The website has a disclaimer stating that the intent is not to turn Hawaii into a slave camp. Read the agenda though and it will quickly dawn on anyone familiar with the WEF’s agenda that this conference and the WEF’s goals are one and the same.

It’s time to return to God’s ways and to find His grace so that this demonic NWO force is utterly removed from our presence by His hand.

Bless God and God bless.


As Promised, Unfortunately. Welcome to Lockdown Hell.


We Just Don’t Listen, Do We?