

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/24/2023

Masks and everything that follows are coming back whether we intend to comply with that silliness again or not. The Declaration of North America has been signed. FedNow has launched and the privately-owned central bank which has enslaved every US citizen is drooling over the potential to force their peasants into 15-minute cities. Donald Trump is expected to be arrested yet again for crimes which do not exist and/or which he did not commit. NARAL is still seen as a legitimate organization by a reprobate government while Moms For Liberty and parents at PTA meetings have been dubbed terrorist organizations and arrested, respectively. All out war is being waged against any Biblically-supported belief in God. The terrorists of the current rogue government interloping in the White House and many of the state-houses across the US include males, white-skinned people, gun owners, believers in God, MAGA supporters, and Donald Trump voters while Antifa, BLM, the United Nations, MS-13, and Bill Gates are all able to run about as they see fit.

There are plenty of problems and there are even more people who point them out. Who has the solutions? Who even bothers to really identify the actual problems? The answer to the first question is God. The answers to the second question are many and varied.

The most important problem which each and every human being faces is our health, currently. Even more important than our physical health is our mental health. I’m not referring to shrinks and psychiatry – I’m referring to stability because one has peace of mind. Peace of mind is not mind-melding prescriptions, illicit street drugs, or the possessions one has. It’s the knowledge that, no matter what, God is the same today as He was forever in the past and will be forever in the future. He should be our permanent rock. Mental health is protected by following along with how the Bible wants us to live. So, step one in health is have a relationship with God and be well versed in the Bible. If you are reading this you are online (no one but me will print these out and pass them around I’m sure) so here is a link to a great online Bible resource.

As far as our physical health goes, now would be pretty much the last minute to make sure one has a supply of necessary medical supplies. That covers everything from bandages to antibacterials. A primary interest; however, would be to get one’s hands on all of the treatments which the maniacal, demonic, and, frankly, murderous medical establishment decided we shouldn’t be given. Those medications include nattokinase, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and budesonide. That list is by no means inclusive. Even with the peace of mind sincere belief in God provides, we cannot do His work if we are suffering illness. We cannot do His work if we end up having a ventilator exacerbate our illnesses while remdesivir is administered to shut down our internal organs on the kill floors established in hospitals. Any extra medications which can be safely stored should be obtained immediately – here are four great places to start – Dr. Stella Immanuel’s website, Alex Jones’ store, The Wellness Company, and Mike Adams’ store.

If we can stay away from the medical establishment then it will be harder for them to murder us in their hospitals. They would have to concoct some pretext to compel people go to some sort of facility or come to our residences. The latter is inconceivable. The former; however, is exactly what happened all over the world during the last 3 years when new age concentrations camps were populated with those deemed ‘sick.’ To avoid that, avoid using QR codes. Don’t take the asinine tests for ‘coronavirus’ they are already demanding anew. Don’t send the monsters hell-bent on global extermination DNA samples. We are flesh and blood, not digital nodes on an Internet of People, itself a subset of items on an Internet of Things. So avoid, wherever possible, all ‘smart’ anything – thermostats, phones, cars, toasters, baby monitors, meters…. Don’t volunteer to be a digital data point in the AI-controlled slave camp.

The ability to purify water in the wilderness is also important. Even the cleanest looking water may contain elements which is damaging to human beings. It’s important to have a way to filter water. Life straws are able to do it. Larger filtering systems are more difficult to cart around in the wild; however, it could be done. There are some very rudimentary water filtering systems which are far lighter and capable of purify a lot of water, such as charcoal and boiling, as well. Here is a good reference point to get started with if you need it. This, too, will take practice to get correct.

Make arrangements to be able to obtain food. Eating out of the dumpster and cannibalism are both frowned upon. Relying on the gifts of strangers is, in my opinion, going to become increasingly difficult. One of the best ways to do this is to get storable foods. Learning what plants, fruits, and other vegetation can be foraged is a good idea. There are books which explain the caution which needs to be taken as well as the uses and preparation of different flora. It would not be a bad idea to learn how to hunt and/or fish, the quieter the better. Bows and arrows have been used for a really long time to fall game animals and serve as a much quieter alternative to an AR-15. Preparing the meat or fish is something important as well, a skill which needs to be practiced.

Buy a tent. If we are to successfully thwart the decrees of the evil perpetrators of genocide, we are apt to lose our incomes and the ability to finance anything. That means getting evicted from our homes, removed from our farms, and fired from our jobs. We will need someplace to stay. Tent’s work because anyplace can become a hotel. This goes back to the peace of mind afforded by trust in God – no matter what, He has our backs as long as we have His. It’s not about our things, it’s about Him.

Faith, air, food, water, and shelter, have all been touched on. Faith is first because it is the most important. God had Moses tap a rock in the middle of the desert when Israel was wandering the desert and potable water gushed forth. When these people complained about the food God had fall from the sky, he gave them an overabundance of quail. For 40 years these people wandered deserts and not one time did their shows wear out nor their feet develop sores. With God, all things are possible. This is why faith and complete trust in God is first in this article.

Everything else is common sense. Pack a bag with a Bible in it. Add weapons (something immediate but loud as well as other tools which are more reusable like machetes, filet knives, hunting knives, arrows, and bolts). First aid needs to be included. Whatever water filtration scheme suits you needs to be in there. Matches are useful in all kinds of situations. Portable solar panels are useful for a wide array of tasks. Books about anything one hasn’t mastered or have memorized are useful. Tampons, plastic bags, rain jackets, a dry change of clothes (especially socks and underwear), that tent, rope, a tarp or shower curtain can all be invaluable tools. If redundancy can be built into the bag or bags do it if there is space. Just be mindful that the extra weight will have to be carried on one’s back.

I am not an expert in any of these areas. But, I do know that now is the time to prepare. Plan for the worst. Pray for the best. The most inhabitants of the most fortified bunkers will not survive if God lifts even a finger against them. Those with the fewest possessions and provisions, but full of faith in God and Jesus Christ, will survive whatever the demons in charge of this world are about to throw at all of us. That Bible may take up space in a go-bag but it is the most important article any of us can include.

The Bible instructs even the most prepared of us are supposed to do when the time comes. The chance that we even have these go-bags at that time are slim; yet, if we choose to disobey the demonic decrees issued by the monsters running this world they may be necessary. So, maybe, don’t even keep these things in your home or your car. Make a plan about where to meet loved one’s and hide the provisions in the ground to be dug up in case of emergency. The Bible is clear on this point.

Matthew 24:15-20 reads 15 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let no one on the housetop go down to take anything out of the house. 18 Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. 19 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! 20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. 

Judean’s are specifically called upon to flee and go back from nothing. However, it may serve as a wise move to take note of the warning to the inhabitants of Judea at that time. The events which I believe are going to soon (in the grand scheme of all of human history) occur are noted as well.

Matthew 24:21-22 reads 21 For there will be trouble then worse than there has ever been from the beginning of the world until now, and there will be nothing like it again![b] 22 Indeed, if the length of this time had not been limited, no one would survive; but for the sake of those who have been chosen, its length will be limited.

It is time to prepare. It is time to seek the protection of God in preparation of our journey through the times we live in. I believe the times we live in are the beginnings of the birth pangs mentioned by our Messiah (verse which preceed the above in Matthew 24). This world has become degenerate and even reprobate at an increasingly rapid pace. There is no more important preparation any person can take than to grow closer in our walk with God, seeking His face, and living by His rules. For any who have yet to even take the first step towards God, there is no better time than now.

Bless God and God bless.


How Sneaky the Rise of Fascism Is and the Road It Has Paved.


May the Handcuffs on Your Wrists, the Shackles Around Your Ankles, and the Chains Around Your Neck Sit Lightly. May Your Death Be Swift and Painless.