Climate Lock Downs Due to One Health Being Demanded Now

Climate Lock Downs Due to One Health Being Demanded Now

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/9/2023

The demands that climate action be taken immediately are more frequent, manic, and all encompassing than ever before. The ‘mitigation’ efforts are also designed to be more personal for every person on earth. The goal of this psychotic plan is to return the people of earth to the life 95% of humanity were forced to live during the height of the Covid-19 scamdemic – masks, 6 feet apart, temperature taking, DNA swabs, ‘quarantine’ measures, ‘isolation’ measures, travel restrictions (both local and international). And while we were ordered to lock ourselves into our homes, converting them into prisons, the architects of the scamdemic made every effort to ensure that these lock downs are re-instituted under a climate ‘crisis’. All they needed was a link between health and climate so they rapidly accelerated and expanded upon an idea called One Health. And now we see news articles that, while they do not mention One Health, rely on the premises of One Health to demand climate lock downs.

The saying goes, fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. We were fooled by the scamdemic and people forgot that they have the ability to not comply with the dictates of tyrants. A different cause is being given for the same effects – they are trying to fool us again and, if they succeed, there will be two takeaways. The first is that it will be our fault for allowing ourselves to be fooled a second time. The second effect is that the climate installation of lock down has no end – there is no immunity to be gained from hot and cold, flood and drought, and night and day. If we go into this lock down and abide by it, humanity will no longer exist. Those who don’t starve to death will be told they have this disorder or that disease because of the climate. Interventions will be offered but those interventions will be designed to transgress our biological thresholds as God designed them to create GMO versions of human beings altered (at first) and created (not too much later) by mankind. The term for this, more and more people are becoming aware of, is transhumanism.

So what is The Guardian really going for in their August 7, 2023 article Air pollution linked to rise in antibiotic resistance that imperils human health? The article starts off, “Air pollution is helping to drive a rise in antibiotic resistance that poses a significant threat to human health worldwide, a global study suggests.” The article states this as a fact when it is anything but a fact. Antibiotic resistance, in this article, is attributable to ‘pollution’ of PM2.5 – a designation for any particle in the air which is 2.5 micrometers or smaller. Water vapor (0.27 nanometers) and carbon dioxide (0.232 nanometers) are both pollutants under this ruse as are oxygen (0.299 nanometers), nitrogen (0.305 nanometers), and argon (0.363 nanometers). These are also called air which has now been deemed a pollutant by The Guardian and the authors of this ‘study’.

Towards the middle of the article the specific targets of these ‘revelations’ are dictated to us. “Sources of PM2.5 include road traffic, industrial processes and domestic coal and wood burning. Data indicates 7.3 billion people globally are directly exposed to unsafe average annual PM2.5 levels.” Reductions, restrictions, and outright bans are being sought to make travel a criminal offense, manufacturing products cost prohibitive and unprofitable, cheap energy unable to be harnessed, and controlled fires a criminal act. These will be the justifications used to force us to lock down again.

It is way at the end of the article that the cat is let out of the bag. The fourth to last paragraph describes the asinine models the Chinese-led research paper relied on. The second to last paragraph refutes the entire story as it appears in The Guardian. Knowing that people often only read headlines though, and loading the prior paragraphs with the lies and propaganda The Guardian supports, ensures that the fear will be magnified. While the truth exists, it is hidden away down at the end of the article. Antibiotic resistance is not actually linked to climate change – “The study was observational, so could not prove cause and effect. Future research should focus on investigating the underlying mechanism of how air pollution affects antibiotic resistance, they said.” And they will never be able to prove cause and effect because the reason antibiotics have reduced effectiveness is because of overuse of antibiotics. The other cause is that the bacterial survivors of a course of antibiotics lack the genetic information needed for the antibiotic to kill it. It has nothing to do with climate change.

But that will not stop them in their quest to conglomerate environmental issues, animal health, and human health issues. This is what One Health refers to. It gives organizations like the World Health Organization a reason to declare a public health emergency because of the weather and lock us all down for it. This; however, is even more brazen when one considers that there has been an ongoing decades long war being waged by the WHO and it’s parent the United Nations against carbon dioxide and water vapor. The war has recently expanded to include nitrogen production. And, with the Pandemic Preparedness Treaty being drafted, the WHO will be able to declare a pandemic (officially called a Public Health Emergency of International Concern) and force the entire world to go into lock down over water vapor and carbon dioxide in the air.

A large number of the environmental segments of One Health are intended to push climate change activist’s visions for utopia upon all of the rest of us. Thus, Time published a piece of garbage titled Forget 10,000 Steps. Here's How Much Science Says You Actually Need to Walk to lend credence to the idea of smart 15-minute cities. There are no cars in 15-minute cities. If you need to go somewhere it will be by bicycle or foot and it will be within fifteen minutes of walking from the traveler's front door. Under One Health, the idea is going to be sold, and later dictated, to us as a beneficial health measure.

We are moving away from an incremental installation of Marxism to an immediate installation of Marxism. According to Nicole Schwab, Klaus Schwab’s daughter (founder of the WEF), we can put “nature at the core of the economy” by banning, mandating, and locking people into their homes by welding their doors shut at times if need be. The fact checkers have decided that the references made to the scamdemic in the video were not about the lock downs and have decided that not what she was talking about when it is exactly what she was talking about.

A website named green matters suggested that if we don’t voluntarily shutter ourselves into our home and reduce our ‘footprint’ then we are going to be locked down to mitigate the unfounded climate concerns the ecoterrorists are demanding we all be forced to address. In January, 2023 the site confirmed that climate lock downs are a necessary tool which is very much in play. They wrote in Will Climate Lockdowns Be Necessary to Fight the Climate Crisis? “While some people didn’t mind lockdowns during the pandemic, there were still a lot of people that did mind. Staying at home and not being able to go somewhere isn’t all that fun. So if the idea of another lockdown — albeit a slightly different kind — isn’t appealing, then we better start tackling climate change sooner rather than later.” Lock down on your own or lock down by our mandates is all the article states.

One Health encompasses all of this and will be used to overtly dictate our enslavement to the UN/WEF/WHO. I offer you the overview from the WHO’s website:

“'One Health' is an integrated, unifying approach to balance and optimize the health of people, animals and the environment. It is particularly important to prevent, predict, detect, and respond to global health threats such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The approach mobilizes multiple sectors, disciplines and communities at varying levels of society to work together. This way, new and better ideas are developed that address root causes and create long-term, sustainable solutions.

“One Health involves the public health, veterinary, public health and environmental sectors. The One Health approach is particularly relevant for food and water safety, nutrition, the control of zoonoses (diseases that can spread between animals and humans, such as flu, rabies and Rift Valley fever), pollution management, and combatting antimicrobial resistance (the emergence of microbes that are resistant to antibiotic therapy).”

The CDC is also fully on board with the One Health agenda. The have an office called One Health at the Center for Disease Creation. The office is currently engaged in redefining diseases by One Health standards, aligning US public health with global public health measures, and surveilling and interfering with the health of people, animals, and the environments around them. Remember, it was the CDC and NIH which continuously decided that America needed to be locked down for two years or so. Those governors and mayors who were compliant with the recommendations are evil beyond words. Those same entities are just waiting for the right time to use One Health to declare climate lock downs.

News article shy away from using the One Health label when opining about the ‘links’ which have been ‘discovered’ between human, animal, and environmental health. Nonetheless, strengthening One Health claims is exactly what these types of news articles are seeking to achieve. All of the promises from the monsters creating diseases, like Bill Gates, have promised that there will be new diseases. Many of them have already linked whatever new disease is released upon the public to climate change while failing to mention what they are accomplishing through creating and patenting chimeric strains of pathogenic biological and chemical materials.

In this same vein, ticks, especially the lone star tick, have been credited with causing an uptick in the incidence of severe allergic reactions to meat products. What’s odd is that chimeric pathogen releases have been more regularly conducted without our knowledge (plant-based vaccines, GMO mosquitoes, Covid-19), these ‘people’ doing the releases hate anyone who eats meat, and that the world has just been assaulted with coronavirus vaccines with widespread deadly and detrimental effects. Alpha-gal, the name of the reacting sugar molecule in animals, will be linked to One Health measures, particularly climate change. As the incidence of the allergic reactions rise, the mandates will become more severe until humanity is ordered to exterminate every cow, pig, deer, and any other mammal which is eaten for meat. Also convenient for the release of such an allergen (in my mind this is highly likely to be another bioengineering attack against humanity) is that the FDA and USDA have just rubber-stamp approved vats of cancer-grown ‘meat’ to be made available to consumers.

It’s all One Health and it is all an effort to use One Health to demand lock downs be permanently mandated over climate change. The Expose exposed this in March 2023 in ‘One Health’ will give WHO’s Dictator General power to initiate climate lockdowns. Humanity’s enemies have published hundreds of articles about One Health all without mentioning the term. The idea is not new – it has been around for decades. It was 13 years ago that the New York Times overtly mentioned One Health. Yet they still write about it often. So does NBC, Washington Post, and Fox News. If the consequences were not so diabolical and the stakes were not billions of human lives it would be funny that Fox News, a supposedly conservative mainstream media outlet, fired anyone who asked questions about where the coronavirus came from, whether the lock downs did anything positive for human beings, or if the ecoterrorists in the world are arguing from a place of validity.

It’s been a much slower roll out to get from the origins of One Health as declared in The Manhattan Principles to be the cause of global lock downs than it was for the coronavirus scam. Disease outbreaks generate absolutely brain-deadening terror in people; the weather and wildlife, not so much. Take a moment to go look over the 12 Manhattan Principles; however, and you will quickly realize that this has nothing to do with the health of human nor animals. It has everything to do with controlling human beings, culling plants and animals, setting up surveillance grids, and always putting Gaia – the personification and deification of earth – first. These ‘people’ worship Satan at the end of the day and see human beings as parasites.

They will not hesitate to demand lock downs globally once more once they inspire the correct levels of fear in the idiotic, gullible, and deceived portions of the public that they begin demanding the lock downs themselves. Covid-19 ‘mitigation’ efforts served as a playbook for doing exactly this but with a different justification. Murdering livestock, poisoning food crops, tainting water, setting forests ablaze, manipulating the weather to create drought, floods, and heatwaves are all plays in their playbook to get people to buy into this deception. If we allow it to happen we have only ourselves to blame because this will serve as the second time we were fooled.

Don’t let it happen. Learn the truth. It begins in Genesis 1:1, In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, and ends with Revelation 22:21 with  May the grace of the Lord Yeshua be with all! Let all of these ecoterrorists do as they will – whoring for other gods and abiding by the evil in their hearts always. With the truth – with God – all things are possible and we can set ourselves apart as holy in the eyes of God as well as be granted salvation through God’s grace through the sacrifice of His son on the stake. One Health needs to be exposed for the evil it is – only God will allow that exposure to be widespread and heard by the ears which need to hear of it and understand it’s true demonic nature. We can start reading now and turn our faces back towards God or we can do it after we are locked down with no glimmer of ever being released into a world with any sort of freedom left and hope God still hears our prayers. I’d rather never have to suffer this never-ending bout of lock down and unending parade of reasons justifying it. But we need miracles and, for those miracles to be righteous and just, God needs to have His hand in it.

Bless God and God bless.


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