As Promised, Unfortunately. Welcome to Lockdown Hell.

As Promised, Unfortunately. Welcome to Lockdown Hell.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/19/2023

Multiple sources, some as wide reaching as Infowars and Alex Jones, and hundreds, if not thousands of smaller organizations, including this one, have warned for months that there will be climate lockdowns. They will feel like the lockdowns mandated during the pandemic but will typically have shorter lifespans and be justified by what the ecoterrorists call climate. In reality, the pretexts are weather events, most of which are man-made manipulations of already existing weather patterns. Nonetheless, demands to stay home and to not travel will be issued. And because the maniacs who orchestrated the terror campaign during Covid-19 have faced no criminal sanctions the ecoterrorists have now adopted the same terror tactics to be used to fight climate change.

A week ago a fire ripped through Maui. The Lahaina fire, no matter how it originated, was absolutely man-made. What we witnessed is a war tactic used against enemies. Certain entities on Maui and other surrounding islands of Hawaii have decided they have no use for the residents of towns like Lahaina so they decided to burn it down. They had a lot of help from the government of Maui and the governor of Hawaii. No one is talking about insurance because of the fires which is odd. What is being talked about is the state of Hawaii stepping in and taking control of the burn-down town. No one is talking about the more than 110 deaths because they are all too busy playing cover their butts so they are not criminally charged with mass murder. No public warning system was utilized, so, of course people were caught off guard.

Odd chemical mists were spotted in and around the town prior to the fire. In the last three weeks a ‘flash’ drought was recorded with increasingly dry conditions in and around the town. Trees were allowed to grow over power lines. The power was left on so that transformers could explode and spread fires further while the water was shut off. This isn’t a combination of errors which resulted in tragedy. It was the combined efforts of city, county, and state officials. The Maui fire is the result of a coordinated effort of geoengineering, willful neglect, and the conspiring of utilities to ensure Lahaina burnt down.

All of that is being ignored as much as possible to demand that climate change was the culprit. Originally it was blamed solely on a hurricane over 600 miles out to sea. They blamed the Lahaina crime scene on ‘flash’ droughts, non-native grasses, high winds, climate change itself, and stronger hurricanes. So called ‘flash’ droughts, stronger hurricanes, climate change itself are all man-made by geoengineering also known as chemtrails. Hurricanes creating lower than normal lows which winds rush out of high pressure areas towards should not be taking meteorologists off guard. Non-native grasses, much like native grasses, can and should be trimmed to prevent fire hazards. All of this is dismissed as conspiracy theory because questions about those topics, even if they are not answered, destroy their narrative.

The same is true with the Canadian wildfires which are still ravaging the countryside. Multiple acts of arson are what caused these fires. The entities responsible for setting these fires are still being ignored (being as though it is highly probable the reincarnation of Nero in Ottawa is involved directly) so that climate change can take the blame. The Washington Post – owned by one of the land-grabbing Hawaiian residents who applaud Lahaina burning down, Jeff Bezos – actually wants to rename the time we live in the ‘pyrocene’ era. Forest management neglect is never blamed for providing the fuel and arsonists seem to never be caught. Weather conditions priming fire conditions being caused by chemical saturation of millions of hectares is never addressed. It would prevent the narrative of stay home, stop driving, stop eating, stop using electricity, stop breathing because, climate change.

These fires are useful to scare people into thinking the lie of man-made climate change is real. Our climate never stops changing. It changes due to the solar output. The sun drives our climate as well as our weather. That giant burning ball of fire is never thought of in climate discussions though. The Bezos’ and Schwab’s and Gates’ and Biden’s and Van der Leyen’s of the world – the public faces of the Great Reset and the New World Order’s new normal – are going to use these fires to provoke fear. The argument is basically commit suicide or these types will murder you.

Another hurricane is moving very slowly north. It is in an odd place; however. Hurricane Hilary is a Category 4 storm which is expected to slam into Mexican towns on the Baja Peninsula before dropping massive amounts of rain over desert areas in California, Arizona, and Nevada. When Hurricane Ida made landfall in 2021 it hit Louisiana as a Category 4 storm. With that storm areas were evacuated, and emergency declarations were issued. Hurricane Ida made landfall in an area which is accustomed to such storms. Baja Mexican’s and Southern Californian’s have virtually no experience with this type of storm – the last time something like Hurricane Hilary showed up was before World War II.

It is expected to reach California by Sunday. Today is Saturday. I haven’t heard about evacuations in order to preserve the lives of those to be impacted by the storm.* Ensenada, Mexico seems to be silent on the idea of moving people out of harms way. Tijuana, Mexico is setting up shelters. Los Angeles made sure to round all the homeless people up to protect them. Citizens in California were told to shelter in place and to not leave their homes according to the ‘news’ broadcast on AM radio.

The City of Placentia, a suburb of Los Angeles, suggests that residents stay up to date with smart phone applications five times. San Diego suggests apps to keep people safe 7 times. The City of Tijuana has decided that despite there already being about a dozen active landslides an emergency order is not needed – they issued a pre-alert status yesterday. Joe Biden was apparently too busy orchestrating the return of Covid-19 tyranny to the United States (to rig another election, no doubt, as well as for other results) to do anything than to put FEMA on stand-by. Flooding and widespread landslides swallowing the homes of the residents – some of whom will stupidly take the government’s advice to stay home – in these areas of Mexico and the United States will feature prominently in the news in coming days. Don’t forget that no one thought it prudent to evacuate. No, these criminals who were ‘elected’ to rule us have decided it prudent to issue lockdown orders.

It seems that anything done in the name of man-made climate change is to take the systems which have been developed in the last 5,000 years and break them. We can’t have campfires, we have to have electric heaters hooked to solar panels. We can’t cook with gas we need to have electric ranges. Fertilizer, an abiotic energy (ecoterrorists call them fossil fuels) intensive can’t be used – we should just eat frankenfoods grown from cancer tumors and insects. Since they are breaking everything they can, then they can turn around and blame all of the rest of us for the problems they spent billions of dollars and decades of time to create.

The Panama Canal is a major shipping point around the world. During Covid-19 there were problems with the unions, labor, and companies involved in getting goods into the United States. In the middle of the scamdemic, these pukes actually went on strike and hundreds of ships sat in the sea unable to be loaded. They purposely exacerbated an already huge problem involving logistics and getting goods to shelves. So, the shipping companies went and found ports which were open and they happened to necessitate going through the Panama Canal to get to Florida.

Immediately plans were drawn up to sabotage the canal. It would be too obviously concocted if there was another massive cargo ship lodged into the side of the canal, stopping all traffic, as was done two years ago in the Suez Canal. So, to further their asinine designs to break everything that works and to push their climate change garbage even more, the Panama Canal now has water levels too low to conduct efficient shipping. It’s a man-made climate change drought we are being told. As a result, Christmas celebrations will be hampered because there are 200 ships waiting to make passage.

Now, I don’t know about you but I have heard of these things called water pumps and, being as though at each end of the canal there exists an entire ocean, it would seem prudent to bring in extra pumps to make sure there is enough water for safe passage. Nope. They decided to restrict the number of ships able to go through the canal to conserve water. Navigator Holdings thinks the Panama Canal’s decisions are great. Apparently artificial scarcity is why Navigator Holdings is in business – not to alleviate them but to create and exacerbate them.

Again, this is going to be another ecoterrorist talking point. The scientific consensus which has been bought and paid for by the ecoterrorists to support whatever they pay these political hacks to find has justified it as another reason we must act now. It’s important to realize this because the end goal for it is to starve, deprive, rob, and murder everyone on earth. Those left alive will be fully dependent on the global government the ecoterrorists are extorting and murdering us on behalf of. The immediate goal is to lock us into our homes forever. That is why there is such a shriek from these fascists to make everything electricity based – electricity can be shut off at their behest, especially with smart meters.

Because winning hearts and minds is so difficult, the ecoterrorists operate as a terror network. The above are all examples of their attacks against humanity meant to inspire fear and the control the state of fear allows. Yet, still, many people in the world have no use for this narrative and wholeheartedly reject it. And, making people think that the weather can, at any time, kill billions of people is a tough sell. The ecoterrorists have come a long way and gained a lot of adherents but they have pretty much run out of suckers they are able to sway easily. It will take way more effort from the terrorists to convince those of us deemed climate deniers.

That’s where disease, real and imagined, come into play. Pandemics have occurred throughout history and represent a very real and very noticeable problem for humanity when they occur. Covid-19 was the first one that only existed in people’s minds. The illness was unpleasant but it was the ‘cure’ and the ‘treatment’ protocols which claimed millions of lives and counting. Most of us fell into this trap because we were scared. Those who are still in the trap are useful idiots to the perpetrators of this massive campaign of genocide. And the results of there still being anyone who is so dishonest and unwilling to face reality have created a situation where the lockdowns are about to return.

Israel, a nation with one of the highest coronavirus ‘vaccination’ rates on earth (78% are fully vaccinated), has a newspaper which is proclaiming there to be a brand new version of coronavirus which is completely different from other strains. “Health organizations worldwide monitoring Omicron variant with over 30 protein spike mutations; expert says it is too early to know its impact” was the byline of the Times of Israel article on Friday. Fortune, ABC, Reuters, US News, Hindu Times, Straits Times, Italy 24, Daily Mail, and Australian Broadcasting Corporation have all reported the same thing.

What is even more ‘interesting’ is that the same gain of function which created the original chimeric concoction spurning the scamdemic narratives and fear is most likely the cause for this ‘new’ strain. They never stopped bio-engineering this pathogen. But they will lie straight to our faces when confronted. Don’t believe their lies, this variant is as natural as the original, which is not at all. It was created in a lab and released upon the people of the planet. The ‘newest’ variant, BA 2.86, like all of the rest of them, comes from a lab. But, with the number of significant changes to the ‘pathogen’ the vaccines already administered will be deemed obsolete. Lockdowns will quickly return.

Alex Jones noted this will begin with officials in transportation resorting to mask mandates once again in mid September. By mid-October the lockdowns will be announced once more. The timing is eerily similar to that of 2020. Mail-in ballots will once more be seen as an acceptable, corruptible, and safety-oriented way for demonic entities to assert their claim on the United States’ throne. We will be forced to watch the spectacle on our computers and televisions once more. Gatherings, including church attendance, will be made criminal acts once more. Our ability to go to the store for toilet paper will again create hysteria and encourage panic buying. The freezer sections will be bare yet cans of tuna and green beans will be stocked. Once they effect the lockdown this time, we will never get out of it. The boot will be stamping our faces forever because we decided to lay down as the doormats the ecoterrorists believe we are.

The icing on the cake is that there is a growing demand on certain social media platforms urging everyone to go on strike. I don’t know where this stupid anti-human proposition emanated from but I do know exactly what it will accomplish. It will make life harder for everyone. If this is any indication, the strikes seem to be about fighting man-made climate change. While that link is dedicated to perverting children to rebel against attending school (which is where all of the ecoterrorists gain indoctrinated adherents in the first place), the strike is meant to extend to everyone. It may be just another application of the Greta Thunberg inspired Fridays for Futures – a professional strike advocacy organization dedicated to destroying the financial and economic stability of every one of us.

Those calling for strikes seem to have no demands; however. There are no calls for climate activism. There are no demands to set prisoners free, end a war, or to rail against paying taxes. In my opinion this strike is an undeclared global war on work and society in general and is dedicated to destroying the ability for anyone to live their lives. That is what these types of movements seem to end up accomplishing – ruin. The World Economic Forum’s Great Reset and Fourth Industrial Revolution and the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 21/2030 aspirations will get a boost towards being completed. Meanwhile the losers who do strike will be sitting on their lazy asses dreaming up ways to further harm the masses while continuing to be incapable of thinking what the results of their actions will be. They will sit there and take an extra day off work by binge watching Netflix trash, drinking, and getting high. The malicious contingent of humanity involved in the war against the masses of largely asleep humanity will exploit this to sow division between the two camps – those who work and those who strike.

What has been discussed here can be summed up as whether the cause celeb is climate change, a pandemic (real or narrated is immaterial), or being tricked into believing that going on strike will effect some undocumented change – the lockdowns are going to return. In addition, lockdowns could also be justified through the death of the dollar, banks delivering an order of force majeure, conventional war between any of the major nuclear powers (The US, Russia, EU, India, Pakistan, China), nuclear exchanges, or even local civil emergencies like unrest caused by rioting mobs of lunatic death cultists demanding baby murder on demand for instance. After this future round of lockdowns (which no one will ever fully be free from) we will be turned into surveilled production units in full with our inclusion into the circular economy and it’s dependence on social credit scores and reprogrammable digital currencies. Everything any of us have grown up knowing will be abolished in favor of a new normal which was never agreed to by anyone it will affect. Who will sell themselves into a system of slavery which features the extermination of anyone who even looks like they may have a thought in the slightest dissent of the orthodoxy.

When Covid-19 mania ensued the first casualties of the lies were the places of worship. Not all of the heads of these places submitted to the tyranny but they were the exception to the mandates and decrees and served as examples to anyone else who was thinking about defying the ambassadors of Satan. At no time in my life were these houses of worship more sorely needed to guide and direct a populace which has increasingly strayed from God. The result of the restrictions and closings has been a falling away from faith in God as He is described in the Bible. We ended up being caught in the lies because of the distance from God we permitted in 2020. That distance is greater now.

What all of us should be doing is to find out the way God wants us to live. It has very little in common with the way the ungodly tyrants demand we live. In the Bible, the kings of Israel are tasked with three things – be a kinsman of the people, not to take the office to grow rich, and to write the entire Torah down for himself so as to not forget it and to obey it. Our leaders cannot keep basic ethical considerations in front of their own lust and greed let alone God’s commands on how to live a life pleasing to Him. We need to start living our lives in this manner if we are to have a chance to defeat these evil entities plundering us and raping our sensibilities. We need to see through the lies. The way to see through the lies and to see the solutions to the problems the lies present is to know the truth. The truth is God’s way.

Many think they can live by the ways established by the world before the pandemic. It is fine to think that but, I have to challenge the idea’s effectiveness and longevity. We are in a war which is about our spirits. We will align with God’s ways or we will align with something else. Those vying for God’s grace and mercy will be sealed and protected. Those who do not vie for God’s protection – Woe to them. Their efforts will prove to have been in vain, fruitless.

As an example, millions could come together to could create alternative non-believing communities decoupled in every way from the current systems operating on the planet which are fully functional. Without God, what use will those non-believing communities serve other than to create the same systems which currently operate with different names and faces behind the same levers of power. It may take some time but there will be nothing but their own easily manipulated and corrupted conscious standing between their desires and whatever ethical guidelines they pay lip service to.

Now, imagine a God-centered alternative community which is fully set apart from the earthly systems which exist. In addition to not having to rely on monsters for basic needs (food, water, energy, shelter) this community would reject any activity falling outside of the way God has determined. This Godly community would have the protection of God plus all of the resources needed to endure this earthly realm. This type of community would feature the morality of God, steadfast rules about how we should conduct ourselves, and no illusions about what will befall us should we transgress God’s will. The community itself would be incorruptible and righteous as a whole because of their obedience to God’s ways. Even when a warring faction, stronger and more cunning, appears on the scene, a society constituted as God designed will prevail. With God all things are possible – without God what is the use?

Even though the times grow increasingly dire for the truth, God wins this war. What side are we fighting for? One way or another we are about to be forced into another lockdown scenario. We can fight against it based on truth or we can submit and be culled. The choice is ours.

Bless God and God bless.

*On Saturday, after these words were written, several suggested evacuations were noted. California’s Catalina Island, and several areas of San Beradino County and one area in Orange county issued suggestions for residents to evacuate. The main thrust of the story which appeared in the Las Angeles Times was stay home, i.e., lock yourself in your home and get swept away in a landslide or flood.


May the Handcuffs on Your Wrists, the Shackles Around Your Ankles, and the Chains Around Your Neck Sit Lightly. May Your Death Be Swift and Painless.


Burn Baby, Burn.