Libtards Want a Rehash of 1860-1865? Here’s What They Are Asking For.

Libtards Want a Rehash of 1860-1865? Here’s What They Are Asking For.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/13/2023

Eat your heart out Charles Manson, the race war wasn’t ever inspired by you or your gang of miscreants. Instead it has been fomented by the mainstream media. Constant news stories geared toward creating racial division and encouraging violence from one selected ‘hero’ race against a perceived oppressor ‘zero’ race have created a fractured and increasingly violent United States. During the times of the US Civil War the democrats, very much in favor of slavery, did everything they could to preserve the institution. They were the ones in the streets in mobs. The press of the time inspired the mobs to form.

If anyone thinks the press of today is brutal towards people who disagree, I beg you to peek at a paper from the late 1850’s to the late 1860’s. The difference is that all of the Bennett’s of today control all of the mass media. The press was so slanderous towards those of the opposing sides that mobs formed and burnt the operations down and, if the operators were apprehended they were put to death.

Here is a glimmer of what the printing presses of the day were forced to do in their day. Bennett was the founder of the New York Herald and it was the only newspaper which decided to not fly the US flag from it’s building after the south attacked Fort Sumpter which began the US Civil War. The flag did not fly because Bennett fully endorsed the institution of slavery. This excerpt comes from Lincoln and the Power of the Press by Harold Holzer in 2014 (p. 301):

“Bennet learned that bitter lesson the hard way. By April 15, the American flag could be seen floating “from all the principle newspaper offices” in Manhattan with the notable exception of Bennett’s headquarters on Nassau Street. At the Herald, the flag’s “absence seemed to excite the public indignation,” Raymond [of the New York Times] almost gleefully reported. According to another of Bennett’s infuriated contemporaries: “If the flag of the United States had been trailed in the mud of Nassau Street, followed by hooting ruffians of the Sixth Ward, and the symbol of the Rebellion has floated in its stead from the cupola of City Hall… it would not have cost this isolated alien one pang, – unless, perchance, a rival newspaper had been the first to announce the fact. That, indeed, would have cut him to the heart.

“Later that tense day, braving a chill rain, “an excited crowd filled the sidewalk” outside the Herald, and gazing up at the windows… indulged in various expressions of dislike to that establishment.” Frightened employees armed themselves and summoned help. Bennett himself was “pursued and hooted in the street.” Then, after a phalanx of police deployed outside the building, a “Committee of gentlemen” called on the besieged editor and strongly “suggested that, if he wished to save his ‘institution’ from attack, he must display the Stars and Stripes” at once. Not until 4:30 P.M. did the crowd spy a newsboy racing toward the building, a flag folded under his arm. Minutes later, a limp “American ensign” finally appeared from one of the paper’s upper-story windows. Disappointed protesters emitted a mix of “groans and cheers” at this “tardy compliance with the wishes of the people.” Only after what the Times ridiculed as Bennett’s “sudden conversion” did the “multitude” gradually disperse.”

Republicans of 1861, tired of seeing the lies permitting institutionalized slavery for decades and calls for incitements to violence against Republicans, demanded action from the paper. Once they had the paper take that action, the protest ended. It was symbolic but, in the end, ultimately useless as Bennett was a racist throughout his entire life. It shows several other interesting facts; however. Democrats were not afraid of guns and they were not loathe to the idea of using them to defend their debauchery. The Herald was fond of demanding lawlessness but as soon as they needed help they called the law. In retrospect, the United States would have been far better off if the Herald were burnt to the ground instead of given an opportunity to display the flag. At the same time; however, Bennett’s reluctant cooperation with Lincoln’s administration later on did help somewhat quell further violence. But the fact remains that the Democratic party has not changed one bit. At the end of the day they are racist cowards who demand lawlessness and no level of hypocrisy phases them.

The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by Lincoln on January 1, 1863. Shortly thereafter, a draft was instituted by the Union. The Enrollment Act of 1863 ended up in widespread rioting in certain areas of the nation – particularly in New York. The targets of the mob were the organizations responsible for the draft, including those media outlets who had long supported the Union going to war against the Confederate states. After attacking the Tribune the mob shifted it’s attention to the New York Times. From the same book cited above, page 445:

“At Times headquarters just north of the Tribune building, Henry Raymond was not about to allow his paper’s gleaming new five-story tower to meet the same fate as the draft office, orphanage, or Tribune counting room. Together with Leonard W. Jerome, one of his principal investors, Raymond took to the second floor, armed with two newfangled Gatling guns he had obtained from the army. Raymond and Jerome pointed them into the street from the northern windows where they could easily be seen throughout Printing House Square, leaving no doubt that the editor would deploy deadly “revolving cannons” against any rioters who threatened his establishment.”

A republican-supporting New York Times used overwhelming military firepower as private citizens to defend their business. A democrat governor by the name of Horatio Seymour inspired the mob attacks. The republican Lincoln chose not to go after Seymour for treason and sedition which he clearly committed.

Is this starting to sound at all familiar? Republicans don’t seem to have the ability to actually go after the criminals in the opposition party. Democrats have no problems with going out and burning down buildings, beating people, raping people, and murdering people who they disagree with. Look up the tragic case of Elijah Parish Lovejoy, an Illinois abolitionist who fled his home shortly before a democrat mob attacked it only to be located by the same mob later. When Lovejoy refused to hand over his printing press to the racist mob, they threw stones and shot at the structure he was in. Lovejoy shot back. It’s too bad that Lovejoy didn’t have Gatling guns himself (it wasn’t invented for another 25 years) because the mob murdered Lovejoy with a shotgun blast as he tried to prevent the mob from setting fire to the building he was in. After they murdered him, the idiotic mob still found it fit to smash Lovejoy’s press. No one was ever held accountable. It’s the same story today albeit with different tactics and somewhat different outcomes.

Alex Jones didn’t have to point machine guns out the window to thwart a democrat mob outside. Tucker Carlson hasn’t been ordered to hand his press over to the democrat mob. No, instead, the democrats are trying to avoid repeats of the Andy Ngo incident. They have engaged in lawfare with the same intent their mobs of the 1850’s and ‘60’s sought – silence the opposition. Billions of dollars judgments against Alex Jones failed only because of the bankruptcy laws in the US. Jones spent a lot of time and effort and money getting to and attending court, preparing his defense, and retaining attorneys. Fox News, another libtard propaganda outlet with only slightly more ethical awareness than, say, CNN, is attempting to use the legal system to deprive Tucker Carlson of a video camera, microphone, and a platform to stream on.

Donald Trump has already been ordered to pay a court-ordered judgment in a case in which he was found not guilty. He has been indicted for legally having documents in his possession, asking questions about the results of the 2020 election on the so-called inauguration day. He is also expecting to be indicted by the state of Georgia for asking questions about 2020 election. Every effort is being made by anyone connected to the illegitimate coup which has taken the White House through fraud to prevent Donald Trump from being able to actually conduct a campaign to support his 2024 presidential bid.

The lawfare being waged by the democrat party is no different than the mobs of Lincoln’s time. It’s meant to inspire violence against them so they can respond in kind. Democrats have targeted everyone and anyone who refuses to fall into lockstep with their demonic agendas. Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, and Alex Jones are not alone and not all of the targets are even republicans. It’s literally anyone who steps out of the lines the democrats have drawn.

Antifa and BLM violence, including murder, is lauded by the mainstream media lynch mob as mostly peaceful protests. Pro-life activists are openly assaulted by the scum who exist to murder babies and the mainstream media lynch mob is silent. If they cannot murder children in the womb, they want to convince little boys to chop their penis and testicles off and little girls to have their ovaries removed and breasts chopped off. The lynch mob media loves the tranny’s and their allies who want to groom and rape children. They use race as a cause to commit violence if you are a democrat and especially if you are black and ‘oppressed’. The lynch mob wants to rape us all through mandated medical interventions, too.

Any of these and more could trigger a full fledged second civil war in the United States. That moronic puppet of Barack Obama (who is a moronic puppet of the UN and WEF), who should have already been impeached as soon as his Ukrainian corruption video appeared, demanded this civil war commence immediately. The interloper in the White House has hundreds of political prisoners who have been tortured, is demanding baby-murder legalization across the nation, seeks to possess all of our firearms, and has his FBI arresting parents defending their children from child-predators pretending to be school board members.

We have our guns in the windows just waiting for the lynch mob to come crashing through the door. But the lynch mob isn't at the door. They control 90% of the information in the information age. No longer is there a democrat capitol in Richmond waiting to implode for its debauchery and explicit racism; no Atlanta to burn to the ground; no democrat port of entry to capture. The war this time is being fought through the information we are able to obtain and the perversion and weaponization of the justice system. We may have our guns ready and waiting but unless and until we can bust the monopoly of information the mainstream media has, our guns will prove to be useless.

The Civil War in America is not yet fully kinetic. That does not mean there isn’t violence. It means that we have done very well in not initiating violence. Sometimes we even manage to stop the members of the democrat lynch mob when they initiate violence. Yet even then we are held accountable for their demise through the lawfare arm of the lynch mob. But the origin of the lynch mob is the mainstream media. Where we need to be fighting though is through boycotting the businesses doing these evils, buycotting the ones which are refusing to do these evils, and to speak up loud and clear through any form of media available.

When the institutional and business frameworks for our complete enslavement are fully in place there will be false flag attacks committed in our name. Just as on 9/11 when the War on Terror was justified, the War on Domestic Tranquility will fully commence under the same pretexts. We will be blamed for cutting off the power, bombing a building, plotting an insurrection on the White House, or something else similar. Kinetic acts such as those will be overshadowed by the media and the ‘official’ decrees from our supposedly elected political figures. Those loyal to the Marxist elements in the US will conduct thousands of seek and destroy missions on the God-fearing, the gun owners, and the infrastructure first. The dollar will crash even faster. Goods will dry up, especially food. That is where the war will fully turn kinetic and where I hope and pray this nation never finds itself in that situation.

But, because the mainstream media has no regard for any human life, even their own, they persist in attempting to conduct their lawfare operations against their life-respecting opponents. And the media has doubled down on the democide campaign. Fully engaged in determining who can and cannot conduct political campaigns, The Daily Beast’s, Jose Pagliery, penned an article trying to discredit the only judge who may prove to be not politically motivated in one of the Trump witch-hunt indictments. The judge’s crime, according to traitor Pagliery, is that Trump appointed her and that instead of asking a jury to circle guilty or not guilty, she instructed a jury to circle yes or no. Pagliery wrote a 1,600 word article about that.

Jack Smith has literally already committed treason against the United States. Alvin Bragg belongs in prison for treason as well. And so do all of these morons in the mainstream media who are unceasingly demanding there be another US Civil War. Their plan is to goad the normally peaceful citizenry of the United States into committing offensive acts. Pagliery notes this effort in regards to Donald Trump. What he is particularly angry about is that the Florida judge hearing the frivolous documents case at a date which permits Donald Trump to campaign for the 2024 election. Smith and Bragg have both had their proceedings scheduled right through the most crucial portions of the campaign cycles. Maybe he realizes that bullets are too dramatic and that there will be a righteously waged offensive civil war against Pagliery and his demonic ilk should Trump wind up dead – nevertheless, he is demanding that dead or alive, Trump be unable to conduct his presidential campaign, “She’s also taken heat for scheduling his classified documents trial for May 2024, leaving the former president free to travel across the country in his bid to secure the Republican nomination during the bulk of the primary election season.”

People like Pagliery are definitely calling for the civil war they are waging against the United States on behalf of the global fascist technocracy to go kinetic. To avoid having such a kinetic war, we need to start fighting back in the same battle space these ‘people’ have created. We need to give them the lawfare they are waging upon us. Efforts to impeach the interloping fiend infesting the White House need to be issued now, not sit in a committee that mulls over the facts forever. Hunter Biden should not get a plea deal of any kind, he should be prosecuted for his crimes and sentenced to forever in jail without parole. The lynch mob would go crazy – let them – they need to be held accountable for their actions as well. And it should not be a democrat or republican thing, the same should come about for people like Mitch the bitch McConnell, Mittens Romney, Liz Cheney (proud daughter of a genocidal war criminal and murderer), and Adam Kinzinger.

Lincoln basically ended up shutting the press down during the Civil War. What is the fact-checking and misinformation censorship rules but the same effort? We are not wholesale slaughtering each other in the streets, yet, but that time is growing closer and closer. With each passing day where there is no concrete progress made on the lawfare front from conservatives, that specter grows. But, also, it was Lincoln who noted that if the United States is to fall, it will fall from within. The traitors, liars, and fascists within the present administration are proving Lincoln to be correct.

The entities zealously ushering in the fall of the US are asking for us to butcher ourselves in the streets. They don’t have the means to defend themselves. They are demanding us to celebrate homosexual lifestyles and, because they already do, they are no longer having children in numbers adequate to generationally support their debauchery. The same is true of the genital mutilation they demand we accept being taught to our children. They control the media and that media is dedicated to obscuring the truth of their desire to sell out every shred of sovereignty to a global entity. They demand or assets and our property because they have no desire to work for anything – they see those who have and have decided it should be theirs through force. Again, we have the kinetic means.

But, we are losing the information war although we are starting to catch up. And that fact is why there is such a shrill scream coming from those who want us dead because that is where the battlefront is – in the information we consume. Most of that information is meant to pacify the masses into a false sense of security like the countless articles proclaiming the virtues of AI, 5G, lab-grown meat, and death jabs without ever mentioning the very real dangers inherent in any of them. In the political realm; however, where emotion meets rational interests, it is easier to stir the passions of those perceived as marginalized to achieve violence. These people seem to want to create a new contingent of III Percenter’s and to find a way to crush them with state power. I love the III Percent idea, but this war should never be offensively kinetic. It needs to be based on higher principles.

The war is a spiritual one. Those attempting to goad and gaslight the US into civil violence are very distant from the Torah. The way to fight against this is to grow close to the Torah. Matthew 24 is playing out before our eyes and instead people are walking away from Bible, Torah included, altogether. It’s an action based on Darwin’s demonic doctrine of survival of the fittest and implicitly denying the domain of God. It is time to recognize the importance of God. It is time to fight this demonic contingent trampling the people of the world down in their service to the Adversary with the truth of God. Anything less will result in failure in the long run.

Bless God and God bless.


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