The National League of Cities

The National League of Cities

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/30/2023

It’s easier to look at the global cabals in this world and blame them for all of the maladies occurring upon the earth. We do have power against global initiatives because, individually, we can reject their plans and conduct our own lives. Our power; however, is indirect and opens those who resist up to being picked off one at a time. On a local level though we have far more power as individuals. So, wherever there is a link between the global elite death-cultists and our local communities it is important to expose, inform, and disrupt those channels. The National League of Cities (NLC) is just such an organization.

The organization is basically a lobbying firm representing mayors and city councils at the federal level. With over 19,000 cities represented, the NLC strives to destroy cities with their progressive ideologies from the bottom up. Each state comprises a chapter of the NLC. In order to know what the national chapter which unifies all of the state chapters is all about, perhaps a glance at their friends and partners would be helpful. CVS is one of NLC’s partners at the enterprise level – CVS is also partnered with the World Economic Forum. CVS is still dedicating large amounts of time and resources to murder as many people as possible through Covid-19 ‘vaccines’.

Capstone partners include the generational thieves which have named themselves AARP as well as Amazon, BRINC Drones, Enterprise, ESRI, Expedia, General Motors, Google, Paypal, and Wells Fargo. BRINC Drones is engaged in creating ‘public safety’ drones. The drones they make take video in 4HD, create maps, and can work in a ‘meshed’ team with each other. They are also able to gain entry into buildings by breaking glass and will destroy interior doors to gain video and 2-way audio access into locations. ESRI is an IT company which specializes in geolocation and geofencing operations without really caring about the laws it is breaking by surveilling everyone on the planet. Most of the companies listed as NLC Capstone partners are partnered with the WEF.

A third type of partnership at The National League of Cities are the executive ones. Every institution listed in this category represents a component of the WEF’s Great Reset at the local level. Aetna and Walgreens want to destroy our health and our ability to have healthcare. Charter, Comcast, and T-Mobile want to monitor and restrict our communications. Walmart wants to be the only place anyone can shop for any good. MySidewalk and Duke’s Innovation want to surveil everything from traffic density to the contents of our poop in real-time. IBTS exists to make buildings green. There are power and utility companies on this list. U-Haul and Grubhub are on the list. A gigantic anti-American anti-human organization is also on the list of NLC executive partners – Everytown for Gun Safety.

Another place we can learn about what the NLC is all about is in their policy advocacy documents. A 308 page document contains these. Some of what the NLC stands for sounds really good at face value. Topic such as the federal government not being able to tax municipalities and to reimburse them for any costs associated with mandates are laudable. The glitter on the NLC turd is quickly revealed; however. On page 9, takings are discussed which reveals their stance that the Constitution is always open for interpretation and that when stealing land municipalities should face no repercussions from anyone. They also support the idea that Washington DC, a swamp which has accumulated a grotesque number of swamp creatures, should move towards statehood (page 13).

On pages 23-24 the NLC demands climate justice. On page 29 they lend themselves to the war against cheap, clean energy. On page 62 they suggest that mortgage companies no longer allow borrowers to purchase energy ‘inefficient’ homes. On page 72 NLC openly displays their love for destroying every person on earth through placing climate mitigation efforts in every area possible with federal assistance, endorsing the Paris Climate Agreement, and creating more stringent CAFE standards to obliterate personal vehicle ownership, use, and safety. Oh, and on page 52 they support the addition of one of the most toxic substances on earth to our water supplies.

Pages 111-122 detail exactly how to nationalize the entire housing market. Keep in mind that if they can help put us in a residence, they have the power to throw those they deem unworthy out of the streets. I absolutely detest any governmental body which follows the UN Agenda 21’s land usage demands. On pages 122-127 though, the NLC lays out that where the federal government will not use Agenda 21 to inform land use, they are more than willing to step in and finish the UN’s job. Now, you tell me, where in the principles which inform the NLC they even mention any of us (page 122):

“Local communities must be able to control land use and zoning issues, and the federal government must respect these local code and land use plans.

“However, NLC acknowledges that some legitimate national policy interests may override local interests in land use matters. These factors include protecting land with natural and renewable resources, enforcing federal fair housing laws, mitigating for natural disasters, and coordinating transportation needs with land use decisions to minimize air quality concerns. Under those circumstances, the federal government must: Work closely with local governments to achieve that balance; and Provide financial incentives, technical assistance, and information to aid local communities in satisfying these national interests.”

The NLC supports nationalizing police departments, illegal asset-forfeiture schemes (where money, cars, and/or houses are charged with crimes and stolen), and race-based policing tactics. Not only does the NLC support the government robbing us of our assets by destroying the Fourth Amendment, they demand that local jurisdiction be given a cut on the loot. Further details can be found on pages 224-227. The NLC’s love of illegally spying on US citizens is repeatedly detailed on pages 228-234. The NLC sees no reason that immigration laws should be upheld at the local level despite the fact that officers and other public servants are sworn to uphold the US Constitution. If they do not take this oath they are impersonating an official, a felony.

The entire document is a progressive nightmare at what is presented as the local level. The word ‘equity’ appears 60 times; ‘equality’ (as in their support for the familial obliteration legislation known as the Equality Act) appears 5 times; ‘gender’ is mention 23 times. Health is it’s own topic and shows up 375 times – 60 of those occurrences are preceded by the word ‘public’ including two pages for “Addressing Systemic Racism as a Public Health Crisis.” The CDC is mentioned 11 times. The United Nations is mentioned twice. ‘COVID-19’ is used 16 times to justify the NLC’s views that vote-by-mail is legitimate, pandemics are climate related, pandemics are racist, and that COVID-19 is a naturally concurring zoonotic disease.

On page 150, a really clear vision of the intent the NLC harbors to obliterate the entire Bill of Rights exists. “NLC believes that the federal government should uphold fundamental principles of equality and the rule of law, and address, by enforcing the laws, acts of bias, bigotry, racism, xenophobia, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ageism, and ableism.” This one sentence seeks to establish a pretext to abolish the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Amendments so that minorities can have extra rights. The Second Amendment’s abolition is declared on pages 213-216. Yes, they absolutely want to take everyone’s guns away. The NLC has declared all-out war on every US citizen.

We don’t have to wait for the federal government to send Bureau of Land Management, The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, the Environmental Protection Agency, or even the Internal Revenue Service after people. The local governments are providing all of this for them through the various state chapters which operate under the NLC umbrella. Here is a link to the states page – look up what the state chapter is doing and realize that your community is likely a dues-paying member. No matter how conservative you think your town is, if they are paying dues (out of your taxes, mind you), how conservative are they really?

They aren’t and I can prove it. Here is the NLC declaration of war on actual religious institutions, (page 140) “NLC believes that any faith-based organization or system of assistance and service delivery should be required to maintain critical safe guards to ensure the separation of church and state and adhere to all civil rights statutes and constitutional protections when hiring employees and providing services to clients. In addition, faith-based organizations should be required to meet the same accountability standards as any other service provider.” Fags in the clergy, transgender-affirming care, grooming as curricula – this is what the NLC is demanding of religious institutions. There is no separation of church and state with one exception – the federal government cannot create a national state church.

Pair this up with their desire to begin grooming children from the moment of birth (page 140) should they not be murdered in the womb (see page 174 under One Health) and they are stating they hate God, hate you, hate your family, hate society, and hate our children so much they want to take them from parents. If this was an organization representing municipalities in California, Oregon, New York, and Minnesota where all of this is legal that would be one thing – this is out of a document which was voted on by all of the members. Those members are from every state in the union. They represent municipalities in South Dakota, Texas, and Florida as well as the aforementioned progressive dumpster fires.

This is how the global government gets it’s way at the local level. The major corporations, national governments, universities, and non-governmental offices are one thing. To capture local governments for the purpose of getting them entangled and complaint with Agenda 21/Agenda2030/Covidiocy/The Great Reset/Fourth Industrial Revolution plans no better organization could have been devised than the NLC. There is a reason that the policy document cited above looks identical to Agenda 21 – it IS Agenda 21 with a local bent to it.

To fix this we need to immediately make millions of American’s aware of the NLC’s existence. If our communities are paying dues then we should suggest withholding our property taxes unless they immediately cease paying dues to the NLC. It is one thing for a state to have a league such as this. The stakes are raised sharply once a national operation like the NLC starts linking what happens at the WEF, G20, and UN General Assembly directly to the direction local city councils and mayors adopt. Also, the state chapters themselves need to be monitored continuously to make sure that the NLC’s partners do not begin partnering with the state chapters. Again, if the state chapter is partnered with one of these global Great Reset pushing entities and your city is a member of the state chapter withhold taxes from them until they listen to their constituents demands.

The demands of the world and those who currently dictate the ways of it are all evil. Why should any of us continue to support any governmental entity which is pushing AI, forced medical interventions, child abduction, gender dysphoria, central bank digital currencies, and total surveillance states lovingly referred to as open-air prisons. On top of it all our city councils are paying to have demands made which they may or may not even be aware of. Make sure they are aware that the NLC has decided that whatever faith they hold isn’t valid unless it is the one the NLC has dictated. Tell them that zero-carbon means zero council members too because they are in the same community they are seeking to destroy; made of the same carbon they are trying to eradicate. If they persist in funding the destruction of humanity at the behest of the WEF instead of listening to the needs of their constituents, take appropriate action on a community-wide basis. Recall them. Defund them. Ask them to produce the documentation of the oath they swore to (that one is fun because if they don’t do it, they are not representing anything except a future of filling a vacant spot in a prison somewhere near by).

Once the local governments are purified of the outside influences which have already caused such masive amounts of damage to our local communities, we can get to work at the county level. Yep, that’s right, there is a league of counties which undoubtedly is serving the same purpose (I did no research on them so it is a hunch).

If you want to make things good – follow Jesus’ example. Follow what He followed in your own life. The Torah is the complete guide to what our Father has already declared good. The NLC (and the state chapters for that matter) ignore all of this to make up their own ideas (with a lot of input from the global government) of what is good and what is bad as they go. What we are seeing is what happens when God is ignored. What fixes that is returning to God. Encourage your local leaders to make moves in that direction as well.

Bless God and God bless.


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