How Sneaky the Rise of Fascism Is and the Road It Has Paved.

How Sneaky the Rise of Fascism Is and the Road It Has Paved.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/28/2023

Fascism is Marxist. If you draw a circle on a page (as opposed to a line, or even a grid) to describe political leanings, Fascism and Communism are nearly on top of one another under authoritarian/totalitarian ideology, under the heading of Marxism. The social effects are identical for society so it is easy to incorrectly identify which is which. Fascism is where the dictator creates public-private partnerships allowing businesses to enrich themselves on what the people buy at the government’s behest. This is done through regulations and tax structures. Communism, is when the government just outright takes control of an industry like when Barack Obama nationalized General Motors and made all of the decisions for the company. Those decisions are always poor.

Communism results in scarcity because government is inefficient, wasteful, completely ignorant about how to produce goods 100% of the time. Under fascist regimes, production is operated by those who know how to produce but the government regulates how that production occurs. There are more goods available in general but the government ultimately picks all of the winners and the losers (just as under Communism) with a semblance of a free market. Any Marxist ideology always emphasizes the good of government (there is none in this day and age), collectivism, and a dependency on extralegal and downright illegal ‘laws’. The result is a morphing of society from groups of individuals who have identified shared interests and acted upon the desire to profit from those shared interests in relationships based on free association represented through contracts between the different parties. Marxist ideology is rooted in the destruction of any sort of free association. Fascism and Communism both result in a society subdued by government and organized into collectives of subjects (not citizens) in order to carry out the decrees of the most despotic ‘leaders’ which exist in the government. Very few differences between Hitler and Stalin and Mussolini and Mao can be found for this reason.

Yet, in the United States, a nation with laws firmly rooted in the Old Testament of the Bible where free will (not freedom from the consequences of free will) is continuously described, fascism has usurped the our nation. McCarthy was correct to go after Communists in our ranks in the 1940’s and 1950’s. The Communists in our government realized rather quickly; however, that the populace they sought to enslave would not tolerate the government owning and operating everything. The tactic to install Marxism in the United States switched from one featuring nationalization of industry to one of fascist partnerships between industrial consortiums (like AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon which constitute the bulk of the telecommunications industry) and government auspices. Virtually every industry operates the same way – the industry drafts preferred treatment into policy advisories and legislation; lobbyists present the drafts to the politicians most dependent on the donations from that industry; the votes to pass that legislation are whipped up through what amounts to a bribery scheme to be paid off during the next election cycle, the legislation is passed which does nothing but erect barriers barring would-be competitors from entering the market featuring government force as the backstop; and the country moves that much closer to a full on totalitarian fascist maniac being out ‘elected’ ‘leader.’ I give you Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (who are more closely aligned with the leftist flavor of Marxism – Communism), Barack Obama, and Joe Biden (who are absolute fascists) as examples.

This phenomena is not limited to democrats; however. Many republicans are also bought up this way. As a matter of fact, searching the 2023-2024 congress for the term ‘public-private’ resulted in 2,351 hits at Congress’ website today. Of these 1,395 are pieces of legislation but not all of them contain the fascism being described above – if they did it would represent over 13% of all of the introduced legislation since January of this year. If 10%, 140 pieces of legislation, contain the polite way to indicate fascism, it is still at a rate of over 1%. Apparently fascism is easier to hide because people who are still citizens are not really looking at these types of legislation too closely. They are still happy and fat from the bread and circuses all of our lives have been turned into. All of that is going to change.

Efforts to implement ESG (Environment, Social Government accounting methods), the rise of AI especially as it is applied to our employment, and the introduction of social credit scores in conjunction with reprogrammable digital currencies is what this creeping rise of fascism has allowed the monsters who control the levers of power to arrive at the threshold of. The bread will disappear because the crops it is made from are going to become scarce. The circuses are going to persist until the medical surveillance nanotechnology is introduced into all of us and there is no way to remove it. Full on slaves don’t really need to be entertained – merely controlled.

The plandemic brought global food shortages due to contrived social restrictions and transportation issues. Man-made climate change concerns have been the cause to continue certain, less publicized, aspects of the artificial shortages. Carbon dioxide creation, transportation logjams, and medical care issues stand at the top of this list. In the social sphere the fascism which already exists is being fought by Communists who want the government to have full control of everything including the business entities which are more powerful than the governments. This crowds out those of us fighting against Marxism in general and puts our arguments on the sidelines.

Being marginalized is not an option as far as I am concerned, however. As we are enter the era of the beast system’s implementation and it’s control over all of our lives speaking the truth is more important than ever. Even the cowards claiming they are atheists should at least be asking the questions about how this was known 2,000 years ago. The answer is relatively simple – God is completely real and warned every person on earth what was to come. All of the earth is in the throes of a universal spiritual battle. Political solutions are irrelevant, revolution is useless, and the way to fight for the winning side of this war is to stand on the side of truth. That truth is the Torah and the life Yeshua lived based on the Torah.

Political leaders, Donald Trump included, will not save us. He can help alleviate some of the symptoms of our spiritual sickness and implement policies which allow for the accumulation of wealth in the world. But he, too, will utilize the same fascist mechanisms to effect those changes. That is exactly what was done when he rolled out Warp Speed which he still endorses to this day. The reason he is so hated is that even though he used public-private partnerships extensively, he still seeks to retain the sovereignty of the United States as well as other nations on earth, rejects obvious global Marxist inroads into the economic and social spheres (like the Great Reset and the TPP), and will actually speak about God. He is a threat to the New World Order fascists because he will not willingly and knowingly assist in helping build and normalize the beast system.

In the United States just about every community has a new layer of fascism already in play. We typically refer to them as city, county, and state sustainability plans. The federal government has it’s own versions of this; however, national sovereignty and it’s dissolution come to the forefront at that level making efforts such as the Paris Climate Accords difficult to gain political support. Local governments do the same thing one community at a time; however. What happens is a United Nations document called Agenda 2030 is adopted by a local municipality. The wording is changed to fit local sustainability ‘needs.’ It is quietly passed through the city council. And, before anyone realizes it, the communities we live in become fascist UN-compliant shells with maniacs running the show.

The links between the local community and the global government are easy to find. C40 provides one example. Smart Cities World provides another example. The National League of Cities provides yet another glimpse into how this all ties together. The South Dakota Municipal League, a chapter of The National League of Cities, has hundreds of policy points. Some I agree with but others indicate the fascist nature of these shadow mechanisms which have destroyed the rights of the citizens. Two of those policies read, “61. The SDML opposes any legislation which would hinder municipal control of planning, zoning, and development issues within the corporate limits or municipal growth areas. (PW – 2003; 2019) 62. The SDML believes municipal governments should be notified of and participate in economic development efforts within their jurisdiction. (PW – 2014).”

Not only should citizens have no say over how they are permitted to use their land, the municipal governments should get to participate in using that land for us. These types of behind the scenes organizations use these policies to inform their efforts to draft legislation intended to be implemented at the most local level possible. This is how Marxism has already been installed in areas as conservative as South Dakota without most of us even realizing it. These types of organizations are relied upon to inform city councils about what direction they should take. It’s an end run about the interests of the citizens of the community. Just like those fascists in the 1930’s and those Communists in the early 1900’s, these ‘local’ people have decided they are more capable of living our lives than we are.

But it’s on a global level. It’s implementation is going on around the globe. It is directed by the World Economic Forum and the United Nations. Many other organizations have taken refuge under the corrupt umbrella of these groups. Some design AI. Others develop and manufacture implantable nanotechnology. Many are involved in ecological terrorism aiming to murder every person on earth. Still others are engaged in creating artificial scarcity through ESG and are dedicated to destroying the family (Anheuser Busch, Disney, CNN, and Target come quickly to mind). They are all working toward a world devoid of human life.

India, for example, a nation of over 1.4 billion people, 10% of whom are living in poverty, just finished hosting a conference called B20 India. 140 million people are on the brink of death in the nation but the conference wasn’t worried about that. It’s participants focused on inclusive global value chains, the future of work, energy, climate change, and resource efficiency, the digital transformation, financing the global ‘economic recovery’, technology and research and development, and financial inclusion. Millions are on the brink of starvation and they are trying to make sure that people can assess empty bank accounts and roll out AI to monitor them. This cabal also decided that ESG should not be scraped but promoted. The only reason ESG would be promoted is to ensure the 140 million Indian’s in poverty die and to replace them with hundreds of millions more destined for the same style of democide.

Marxism features several outcomes whether it is Communist or fascist in flavor. Corruption is one fruit of this cancer. The manifest destruction of the family. The manifest destruction of every individual’s belief in anything other than the state. Making the ruler (whatever the demonic, despotic, and totalitarian tyrant’s name happens to be) of the state synonymous with the state. And I cannot forget the main fruit of Marxism – state sponsored murder of any and all dissenters. Under fascism the democide of the populace is much more systematic and efficient than under Communism.

In addition to fascism; however, is what this ‘new’ New World Order system – the Great Reset if you will (it’s not new) – is also employing even more quietly. Without technocracy, the current modes of fascism would be useless. In order to operate a technocracy all of the resources in the jurisdiction being controlled need to be known in real time. Communism failed in part because of the inefficiencies in surveillance and intelligence collection about resources. Fascism also had difficulties with dealing with tracking resources. Assessing resources in real time is no longer an issue on a local or a global level. AI, smart tags, and geolocation trackers enable the technocrats in global government to allocate local resources as they deem worthy. This is what ESG is – the metrics by which local projects are allocated resources and granted permission to be undertaken in the first place. And those resources include people.

At the B20 this was addressed directly. A Business Standard article covering a portion of the B20 should be read because I’d honestly like to reproduce the entire article. Instead I will quote the byline, “Speaking at B20 Summit India 2023 organised by CII, IBM Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Arvind Krishna said AI can free up people for more productive work and reduce cost for businesses.” He is noted in the article as follows:

“He said coding can be improved by about 60 per cent by using AI assistance.

“"Inside IBM, we think about 20 per cent of the total activity, which we call lower order cognitive work, about 30 per cent of that can be easily made productive through AI. That frees up more people to do more value adding work. It's not that there aren't jobs. If you have productivity then you can access way more clients. You can provide things at a lower cost point," Krishna said.

“He said things like human resources, the higher level cognitive task like advising people on what kind of team is required, developing people etc are very much human-centric work at present and for the foreseeable future.

“"There are a bunch of activities under it, I call them more mundane, could be automated but are hard to do so. Whether it be about promoting people, whether it is about assessing people, those can begin to be done by AI. In our case we are doing 90 per cent of that through AI," Krishna said.

“He said the actual invention of foundation models, large language models, and building together computer infrastructure do need people with those incredible skills.

“"We are happy to have them but we don't need everyone else," Krishna said.”

Without IBM, the holocaust would have been impossible. What Krishna said here indicates the desire IBM still harbors to murder everyone on earth. Technology is good and the humans are bad according to what Krishna said. They are going to roll out the technological overthrow of human beings reign on earth, destroy the ability to even obtain a job, and let everyone they don’t need starve to death. Congratulations Arvind Krishna, you are a neo-Nazi who seeks to one-up Thomas J Watson’s contributions to the systematic murder of 12 million Jews, Gypsies, Negros, homosexuals, and disabled people. In Hinduism, Krishna is a destroyer of worlds, in addition to it’s other titles – a fitting name for someone attempting to justify murdering everyone on the planet in order to bring about Hitler’s Final Solution.

I alluded to the solution to Marxism earlier. It’s a return to faith in God and a rejection of man’s ethics in favor of God’s morals. Neither Communists not fascists have any use for God. They have a lot of uses for institutions which claim to be focused on God to gain acceptance in society, though. Does your house of worship support the alphabet mafia, transgender affirming care, environmental justice, feminism, or racial justice? If so, leave, and find a house of worship which focuses on God. Read the Bible on your own. Stand on it’s tenets because those tenets are holy and righteous. This world is in the grasp of the Adversary. The beast system has already ridden in on the wonderful promises of fascism, which are all lies. It’s time to stand against this fascism and those who practice it. The mercy of God and the salvation of Christ should inform believers that not only will God and His righteousness protect His people, those who war against Him will suffer utter defeat. We should not be afraid of these people, we should be rebuking them and calling them out for their evil actions and their evil intentions. Finally, we are in the world, not of the world, a world being drawn away from truth at a million miles an hour – stand fast, neighbor, and double down on God and His ways. Stand firm in the foundations of Yeshua and the Word of God.

Bless God and God bless.


The National League of Cities

