The Nicaea Council – 1,698 Years of Blasphemy.  It’s Past Time to Read the Bible for Ourselves.
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

The Nicaea Council – 1,698 Years of Blasphemy. It’s Past Time to Read the Bible for Ourselves.

There is a story in The Atlantic, The Misunderstood Reason Millions of Americans Stopped Going to Church which was written by Jack Meador. Surprisingly the article did note some of the reasons people have stopped going to church. Work, being too busy, being too tired, sexual abuse, and the church’s responses to allegations and convictions for sexual abuse are noted. Also noted is that churches are no longer preaching salvation but are engaged in being a social club. Meador describes it, “American churches have too often been content to function as a kind of vaguely spiritual NGO, an organization of detached individuals who meet together for religious services that inspire them, provide practical life advice, or offer positive emotional experiences.” Another main reason is that churches are not thriving due to finances drying up and demographics change.

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Tim OConnor Tim OConnor


Sometimes when events and developments converge great things occur. Cloudy days in wars of the past, for instance, prevented military actions which would have proven cataclysmic if they were not altered by the weather. Kublai Khan was thwarted from conquering Japan in this manner. Other times weather proved to make things more difficult such as the monsoons in the Vietnam War. The convergence of conditions can make things better or make things far worse. Unfortunately for everyone on earth right now, there are at least two convergences which are being undertaken which will make things worse than most of us can imagine – the Fourth Industrial Revolution convergence and the convergence and consolidation of political power under the Big Lie.

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Tim OConnor Tim OConnor


Maybe I see the world differently than almost everyone else on earth. In the 1996 movie, Mars Attacks!, aliens land on earth, humans try to welcome them, and the aliens start exterminating everyone while saying “we come in peace.” They certainly did NOT come in peace. Neither did the things which arrived on earth in the 1996 film Independence Day. In that film, people amass on skyscraper roofs under hovering alien craft to welcome the aliens. They all die because the aliens targeted human population centers (cities) and annihilated them. The Steven King novel Tommyknockers is about aliens. The alien presence ends up stealing the lives of anyone affected by their spell. In my view of the world, billions of people are attending the alien welcoming ceremony, standing on the roof of a building hoping to get beamed up, and clamoring to be murdered by the emanations of an alien craft….

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A Non-Peer Reviewed Critique of an Example of the Garbage that Passes For Science
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

A Non-Peer Reviewed Critique of an Example of the Garbage that Passes For Science

The following is an account of my take on a scientific paper appearing in the peer reviewed journal, Sustainability. The folks that ‘work’ there toil to destroy humanity. What passes for scientific advancement under the ruse of sustainability in the context this ‘journal’ posits it means is not only unscientific it is a collection of lies based on lies. The intent is to defraud, subdue, enslave, and ultimately murder every single person on earth who does not agree with the science of consensus. The paper being critiqued is titled On Carbon Tax Effectiveness in Inducing a Clean Technology Transition: An Evaluation Based on Optimal Strategic Capacity Planning. The five authors who were involved in creating this piece of ‘scientific’ literature are not climate scientists – they are demonic entities who should be arrested for lending their skill sets to defrauding the entire world based on lies.

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Oh, the Ways They Murder Us
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Oh, the Ways They Murder Us

If you don’t think there is a concerted effort to murder 90-97% of the people on earth being conducted right now, that’s fine. Maybe the Russian/Ukraine war and the US and NATO’s response to it doesn’t convince you. It’s just nuclear war. Maybe the Covid-19 protocols of creating open air prisons with restrictions far more hazardous to our health that the disease didn’t convince you. Maybe the jabs and the tens of millions of injuries and deaths didn’t clue you in. Maybe the huge increases in all cause mortality is something you were unaware of. Maybe the increases in suicide, mental health disorders, and domestic abuse cases passed you by. Is the weather weird because of soccer moms driving their kids around town in SUV’s and developed nations having cheap and affordable electricity options like gas and coal or is it because of a continued, concerted, and somewhat covert operation involving geoengineering; i.e. Doppler radars, microwave beams, stratospheric infusions of metals, blood spores, and chemical and pathogenic agents, and high-frequency active auroral research programs? The politicians who want to rid the halls of governmental institutions of the creeps doing these types of things are under indictment….

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Living Documents Equal Enslavement and Death
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Living Documents Equal Enslavement and Death

When it comes to law, what they state shouldn’t be able to be changed unless there is a revision dedicated to changing it. When laws begin to change all sorts of nefarious consequences ensue. Alterations to laws can be done properly through amendment processes and legislative efforts. A fatally flawed way to alter laws; however, arises when certain entities choose to reject the intent of a law in order to reinterpret the law’s meanings with the purpose of serving their own ends. The term living document being used in relation to the law should strike fear in the hearts of all who are subject to the law. While the law doesn’t change, the interpretation does, and even written documents become an instrument of repression for tyrants.

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The New ‘Morality’ Will Be Just Like The Old Debaucheries
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

The New ‘Morality’ Will Be Just Like The Old Debaucheries

There are declarations being made which portend a great deal of evil upon humanity. In my view, there is no greater travesty which can be committed in this vein than purposefully altering the Bible. Noah Yuval Harari has stated recently that there will be a new AI-’written’ bible. All types of man-made ethical values exist to pervert God’s word. Words themselves have been perverted with grave implications for free speech. Terms such as discrimination, free speech, and informed consent have been replaced with connotations of hate, lies, and a desire to injure the collective. This new moral age, an age featuring the rejection of God’s morals in favor of whatever feels good and can be ethically justified has dawned upon the earth. It has existed for millennia but it has now been adopted by just about everyone on the planet. It is increased distance from Torah and that distance is being used to permanently sever God’s decrees from the minds of men.

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A New Conspiracy To Be Proven Right
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

A New Conspiracy To Be Proven Right

I went to my part time job a couple days ago and everyone there was complaining about feeling tired. It’s a physical job which is repetitive so I get feeling tired about having to do the job, but I hadn’t been there fro two weeks and I felt the same way. One of my co-workers half jokingly credited the Canadian wildfires burning out of control as the culprit for all of our drowsiness and sluggishness. And that got me to thinking. What are we breathing, exactly, when the winds shift and the Canadian mist is upon us yet again?

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Hey, Europe, How Is That Union Thing Working Out For You?
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Hey, Europe, How Is That Union Thing Working Out For You?

The concept of the nation-state was recognized in the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648. As the nation state grew, the feudal lords lost their labor and, thus, their power. No longer would serfs be called upon to settle the disputes between feudal masters, the affairs would be handled by the state’s legal systems. The fealty pledged to the lords by the peons was invalidated as both master and slave pledged allegiance to the state.

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