May the Handcuffs on Your Wrists, the Shackles Around Your Ankles, and the Chains Around Your Neck Sit Lightly. May Your Death Be Swift and Painless.

We Should ALL say NO.

May the Handcuffs on Your Wrists, the Shackles Around Your Ankles, and the Chains Around Your Neck Sit Lightly. May Your Death Be Swift and Painless.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/22/2023

A permanent, unpleasant, reality for every living thing on earth is that we will die. On a long enough timeline, everything will cease to exist as we understand it with our senses. I contend that there is a heaven outside of our senses which we have all been given a roadmap to get to. We are not following it, by and large. As a result, those who hate the roadmap and the Author of the roadmap the most are about to roll out a plot to first enslave and later exterminate every man, woman, child, and every other living thing on earth. The way to defeat it is to not submit. The only effective way to not submit is to trust in God with all of your heart, strength, and mind (Matthew 22; Deuteronomy 6).

In our current predicament, the instructions of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ) take on an even more vital and important meaning. Do not fear those who can punish, torture, and kill the body – fear the One who can kill the soul (Matthew 10). In order to not fear earthly murderers, we must love Yeshua more than our family members and, above all, we must love God. More than money, houses, freedom, children, governments, parents, sex, or anything else, we must place our love in God and fear Him and His judgment. If we are in fear of God we will obey His rules and disregard the rules of the world. I would argue that at no point in the history of humanity that this was a more important lesson to not only learn but to live by.

I say that because there is a plot being unfurled to permanently enslave every person on earth. Not only we will we be enslaved, we will be prevented from having any chance to throw these nooses off of our necks. You may not recognize that you are wearing a noose, but, I assure you, you are. The moment you reject this plan you will feel it because those who placed the rope upon your shoulders will begin tugging on it. Perhaps the most perverse aspect is that we have already suffered under this exact same plan. This time it will be far worse and unceasing without much warfare and bloodshed. What will exist at the end of the conflict will be nothing. All we need to do is say no to it at the outset.

The plan is to incrementally reintroduce all of the Covid-19 nonsense. If you did not comply during the demonstration period (2020 – present in some areas) then you have experienced having the noose tightened more snugly around your neck. The malignant maggot class which presents itself as our beneficent ‘elite’ saviors have already created and released an updated version of the original SARS-CoV-2 chimera. They have already suggested that face diapers feature prominently once again in any public space. After that is mandated (it is coming quickly), business hours will be restricted, churches will be shuttered, schools will be exclusively online, goods will become scarce, and vaccine-status checkpoints will be established again.

As the new round of depopulation-driven coronavirus restrictions are reimplemented there will be additional measures taken. Cell phone applications showing our vaccine and test status will be mandatory to leave your home. They will also be mandatory to enter a grocery store. They will be mandatory to receive government benefits, maintain a bank account, and eventually be required to access the internet.

We will refer to this as the social credit score system. This is the system which was used in China and Australia to lock their subjects into their homes. Those who disobeyed were taken to quarantine camps. Some of them ‘died’ of ‘Covid-19.’ This round of lockdowns and mandates and restrictions; however, is meant to implement the Chinese and Australian versions of the social credit score on a global level. If any significant portion of humanity submits to this new normal system, all of us will be enslaved and murdered. Those who disobey it will obviously be murdered first because of the trouble we represent to the happy enslavement the brainwashed are ‘enjoying.’ After the troublemakers are slaughtered, thos most prominent of those who compelled everyone else to obey and submit to this system will be murdered because they may wake up and realize what they did and cause problems.

In the more immediate term, the power will be off because of climate change. Amazon won’t be making deliveries. The restaurants won’t be open to send food for contactless delivery. The water may or may not work. Phones will be off. Loudspeakers on trucks and drones will tell people to stay inside. Parcels will be meted out to the compliant containing whatever they have deemed edible (you will eat the bugs? Ringing a bell?). Work will no longer be something we can do because of carbon dioxide creation. Medical experimentation will not be done on animals – they will have all of us to use as controlled test subjects. Universal basic income will eventually creep in but the same monsters who put humanity into this fishbowl prison will be the ones meting it out and also responsible for determining how much we spent by staying in their accommodations (i.e. our houses), eating their food, and creating carbon dioxide….

What will be left are the unthinking, obedient, Godless atomatons who fear those who can kill the flesh so much that they will do anything to avoid pain and experience pleasure. Only those who most display these qualities will be permitted to survive. The numbers will be 7.5 billion dead, 450 or so million atomatons, and an upper bound of 50 million elites. More realistically, there will be about 10,000 elites and 499,990,000 slaves who will service these elites as well as be used for medical experimentation. This is transhumanism. This is their Utopia. This is the alternative system to God’s desires for the people of earth. This is what Yeshua is going to return to put a stop to at some point in this scheme to murder everyone.

I would love to see Him return presently; honestly. If these are the end of days, the birth pangs (Matthew 24) of the lead up to the birth of the age of Yeshua’s physical rule of the earth, then there is no stopping the events from worsening. If these are not the times of the run up to the return of Yeshua, I wonder what the Remnant will consist of. How long will the Remnant be in the wilderness fleeing from the tyranny of the Beast system? I believe we are in the birth pangs. I also believe that before the Beast system manages to eliminate all of God’s chosen from the earth, the system and all of those sealed with the mark of the system will be thrown into the depths of Hell. Either way, regardless of the time, now is the time to say no and to be fully aware of the consequences of staying no and sticking to it.

Saying no to this will not be done by the 70 to 80 percent required to obliterate it in my assessment. Already, demonic morons, and I absolutely mean that, have reapplied the suffocation mechanisms over their faces voluntarily without any mandate. Those who are somewhat innocent are those employees who have been commanded by their demonic management teams to reapply their suffocation devices. No one is thinking long-term about what complying with suggestions to put their masks back on their faces means. It means that we are all dead. Jobs do matter, and I completely understand why people do not want to lose their jobs because they refuse to comply with masking regulations issued by blood-drinking demons. Long-term though, obeying the masking rules (which increase disease) will lead to obeying social distancing rules which will lead to accepting QR codes to enter a store or leave one’s house, which will lead to a host of evils perpetrated against us such as the full implementation of the social credit score and 15-minute cities.

As those of us saying no will be a severe minority, the costs will be great. We will lose our jobs. We will lose our loans. Our houses, cars, and businesses will be foreclosed on, repossessed, and bankrupted. Our compliant families and friends will look at us with a mixture of shame, incredulity, and, above all, absolute hatred. They will hate you and actually seek to do you great harm because they hate Him, Yeshua (John 15; Psalm 35; Psalm 69). That is because they hate truth and have been deceived into believing in the lies of demons, false preachers, and false prophets. We can find other ways to live. What will really impact us will be the way our family and friends viciously turn upon us as rabid animals turn on their masters. We will be forced to live outside of the comfort of our family and friends who go along with this round of decrees. That is what will hit us the hardest (Matthew 10).

Let me be really blunt. If you put a mask on your face this time around, you have already lost the ability to ever say no. More, you have signed your own death warrant. And more than that, you have used your heart, soul, and strength to add a tally to the ‘compliant’ column. Not only have you decided your life is so meaningless to you that you sacrificed your will and your body to the whims of a global, maniacal, systematic, worldly, death cult; you have decided everyone else should follow suit. Surely that final feature will please those who already hate truth. The stakes for the non-compliant are obviously high. Yet, again, where will the Remnant come from? The Remnant will come from the ranks of the non-compliant. I say this with surety because the Bible so states this will come to pass – those left upon the earth at the return of Yeshua will be sealed by God and be protected by God because of that seal (Revelation 7; Revelation 9; Isaiah 25).

Are you going to strive to gain entry to the Kingdom of God or will you decide to follow the wide path ending at the gates of Hell and the everlasting maw which lies beyond those gates? I’m not trying to scare anyone or use fear to convince one to make up their mind. I’m stating a fact. That road starts right here, where we are at right now. Will you mask or will you say no?

If you say yes, everything will be stripped from you and you will be converted into a zombie until the freaks perpetrating these crimes take your head off. Your sole purpose on this earth will be to eat those who are not like you. If you say no you will be ostracized from life, unable to buy or sell, and harassed by the zombies and the technocracy alike. Even if one of the zombies wakes up to their poor decision, the difficulties to say no exponentially mount. If one agrees to masks, social distancing, testing to go in and go out, taking vaccines, and using QR codes to verify one’s vaccine status and it suddenly dawns on the person that they made the wrong choice, what are the chances they are going to be able to say no at that point and mean it. Those who already said no will be dead, in a FEMA camp (or similar quarantine camp), or completely outside of this Beast system digitally and physically.

The time to say no is now. The time to know God is now. The two are bound together tightly. During the demonstration phase people decided a free order of french fries, burger, or donut was enough to convince them to change their mind on getting the death jab. Others decided that their jobs were too important, stuck out their arms, and committed suicide by medical intervention. Others, completely deluded, decided it was the right thing to do and jumped at the chance to not only get death jabbed, but to demand everyone else does to or be locked up. God says that He is to be trusted, not vaccines, not science, not other men. Him. That trust is the foundation of salvation (Joel 3).

Nothing is more important than God (Deuteronomy 5). Period. End of story. If we cannot recognize that we cannot say no and mean it. If you’d like to try though, I pray to God who is merciful to those who seek him and wrathful towards those who have named him enemy, that your chains lie lightly about you and your captors show you more mercy than anyone adopting the Beast system will show to anyone who recognizes it and warns others about it. This is that warning.

The mask will serve as handcuffs. The QR code/vaccine passport will serve as leg irons. The 15 minute city you unknowingly signed up for when you placed the mask on again will lock you into an iron choker with a chain attacked to a wall. You can say no and mean it right now. I hope you do. I hope you wish to know God and cherish freedom more than you desire to be enslaved and to watch the rest of us be enslaved, imprisoned, or exterminated.

Bless God and God bless.




As Promised, Unfortunately. Welcome to Lockdown Hell.