Will the NWO Continue to Sponsor Narco-Terrorists and the States Allowing Their Activities?

Will the NWO Continue to Sponsor Narco-Terrorists and the States Allowing Their Activities?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 8/10/2023

The short answer, long term, is no. Short term, the answer is yes. Narco-terrorist organizations and the states which harbor them, and support them at times, are great distractions to the goings-on of the New World Order. It’s tough to become aware of or understand the local impact of Agenda 21 or 15-minute-city designs when the murder rate in your town is over 25 per 100,000 and crime in general victimizes 125 out of 100,000 people. When there are car-jackings and home invasions and murders going on it is hard to seek the truth written in the Bible, learn that the globe is only 10 milliseconds or so away from nuclear war, or attest to the rampant corruption this world seems to operate on. For the New World Order types narco-terrorism is a great distraction as well as a great way to take out opponents to their plans.

This happened two days ago. A political candidate from Ecuador was murdered as he departed from a campaign rally at a school in the capital, Quito. The New York Times reported on the murder of Fernando Villavicencio and chalked it up to his campaign pointing out major issues with corruption between organized crime (narco-terrorists) and government officials. In the article they slipped in some rather unbecoming information reflecting why Ecuador has become one of the ‘shit-holes’ of the world. Marxism has made big inroads there. In university (in Canada), Villavicencio ran for student body president as a Trotskyist and wound up losing to a candidate running under the Chinese Communist Party. After he finished college, Villavicencio worked as a union leader in the nationalized oil company. When Rafael Correa, Ecuador’s former socialist leader who managed to be indicted on kidnapping charges related to his main political opponent, came to power in 2006, Villavicencio began pointing fingers at government corruption.

After Correa came Moreno, a member of Correa’s openly Marxist (thus anti-human) party, PAIS. Moreno reneged on his campaign promises almost immediately and placed term limits on the presidency. He is responsible for allowing Julian Assange to be captured by the NWO in 2019 – Assange was already basically a vegetable at that point in time.

After Moreno, the current president of Ecuador was elected. Guillermo Lasso is Ecuador’s very watered down and twisted version of Donald Trump. Since his election in 2021, the crime rate has continued to soar and narco-terrorism has run rampant. Lasso’s way to fight this is to recruit foreign nations to fight their fight against the narco-terrorists for them. Trump would not have permitted this. Trump was also not a complete sell out to the New World Order plan, but Lasso is. He doesn’t really want to stop the rampant crime nor the activities of the narco-terrorists because they are serving the interests of globalism and the New World Order entities directing it.

Ecuador is a fascinating study on how to make the ‘right wing’ into something meaning not as far left. Correa is a completely unhinged Marxist. Moreno suffered numerous protests because he was not socialist nor progressive enough. Now, with a ‘conservative’ Lasso, the crime rates keep going up and he has been blamed for food and fuel price increases by protesters. He should be blamed, he kept his nation locked down for as long as he could. As soon as he assumed office, Lasso attempted to obtain as many vaccines as he could so he could murder his citizens. He actually mandated the vaccines. Maybe Lasso means harbinger of death and I missed the update – I always though it was synonymous with a lariat, looped rope used for catching and holding cattle and horses.

Villavicencio’s campaign is over. The election will still occur in ten days. The election has arisen because Lasso dissolved the body of government (the legislature) alleging his guilt in bribery and corruption charges. Villavicencio’s murder; however, has given rise to another opportunity for Lasso to declare another state of emergency. Curfews have been placed over certain neighborhoods between 11 pm and 5 am. Thousands of likely corrupted military personnel have been sent into the northern and western provinces affected to enforce the curfews.

Villavicencio wanted to root out corruption in the government. His rhetoric would have proved far more promising than his actions; however. His offense, which cost him his life, was denouncing the crime and the corruption which existed to allow it to profligate. All this green-Marxist would have done was to set up the same racket with different benefactors.

Lasso, another globalist pawn, is just as corrupt as his predecessors. Ecuador is more interested in being the South American forerunner in completing the Great Reset race. The winner of that race will have accomplished murdering 95% of their population, enslaving everyone else, and turning everything into a digitized fabrication of the real world. That’s who Lasso is – an Ecuadorian traitor who has sold out his nation to the World Economic Forum. Lasso has also sold out his nation to China.

When the USSR was attempting to spread it’s version of Communism around the globe their efforts largely failed to materialize in South America. It did inspire lots of elements in the restless crowds who had heard of the utopian lies told by Marx to be ambitious and, somehow, gain political power. Venezuela led the way down the path to the destruction Marxism causes. The idiots in Ecuador embraced the concept and voted for Correa. Once they had figured out that they were mistaken they voted for the opposition who, it turns out, hates everyone in Ecuador even more than the Marxists who they replaced.

Expanding the example of Ecuador and their crime rates, endorsement of narco-terrorism, and continuing engagement in rampant corruption activities, the New World Order loves that this is happening. The trafficked drugs debilitate and kill those who use it – customers in the United States. This causes higher crime rates in the United States. In the nations where the drugs, people, guns, technology, pick a black market item, are staged on their way from anywhere in the world to destroy the sobriety of United States’ citizens, these massive government corrupting criminal organizations rise up. They murder and rape their way into gaining compliance from the citizenry and pay off the officials who are supposed to be responsible for maintaining the peace. In the background of the chaos these leaders start cutting all kinds of deals with all kinds of the king narco-terrorists – the New World Order.

Creating chaos, as mentioned in the beginning of this tract, limits the ability and dampens the willpower of those wanting to know what is actually going on at the 30,000 foot level. The areas affected are concerned with not getting mugged, their home broken into, raped, murdered, or kidnapped by the narco-terrorists or the corrupted government officials. It’s a perfect cover to convince New World Order pawns like Lasso, Biden, Zelenski, Macron, Albanese (this list is really long) to do nothing to significantly hinder the narco-terrorists while they use the cover of the chaos caused to destroy the sovereignty of their nations. As soon as the New World Order recognizes their goals for each of these nations selling themselves out wholly to the Great Reset/Fourth Industrial Revolution/New World Order idea without any serious contending political platform or movement, these narco-terrorists will disappear. The narco-terrorists will be slaughtered en-masse because they will be the only potential stumbling block to the New World Order’s hold on power. The same is true of the politicians who did all of the selling-out.

What is happening in Ecuador is what the New World Order wants for every nation on earth. They want us under martial law. They want us broke. They want us dependent on the government. And they want to dictate exactly how anyone is able to live any aspect of their lives. Ecuador has fallen to the New World Order completely through the rise of violent narco-terrorist activity. Mexico has fallen to the same. The United States has not completely fallen yet – there is a lot of talk about reprogrammable central bank digital currencies, climate emergencies, pandemic emergencies, replacement migration, race wars, civil wars, inflation concerns, BRICS currencies, AI, and transhumanism though.

All of it was predicted 2,000 years ago. Lawlessness will rise, the love of each other will wane because of the lawlessness. What law? The Torah, God’s law to all of humanity. You have Jesus? What did Jesus have? He had Torah. He had His Father’s ways. He lived His Father’s ways perfectly. We should follow suit. If we did, none of these events would be happening. Marxism wouldn’t be a concern. Joe Biden would have never been voted into office in 1971 (that’s on you Delaware voter 1970-2003). Ecuador wouldn’t be having nonsensical candidates murdered as they run against other nonsensical candidates – all seeking to destroy the nation in their own way.

If we want change, and I believe we do, then it’s time to get back to God and God’s ways; Jesus and the way He lived. Those who read these articles who are well versed in the Bible and the Truth of God, are focused on the ways of Jesus, and have a connection to the Holy Spirit, need to convince others to set out with a plan to learn what we already know. Steve Quayle puts it very succinctly (I’m paraphrasing) ‘you cannot fix a spiritual problem with a political solution.’ He’s right. We can’t. So, if you have your face turned towards God, it’s time to convince others to do likewise. If we don’t, this whole world will look just like Ecuador does right now.

Bless God and God bless.


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