The Pandemic 2.0ish
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

The Pandemic 2.0ish

There is news about diseases infecting children in huge numbers wafting out of China. Is this going to be the new cause celeb pathogen that everyone on earth is going to be order to bow down to? Let’s review what is already out there and make an informed guess.

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Lighting the Fuses on the Powder Kegs
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Lighting the Fuses on the Powder Kegs

To Make America Great Again we need to reaffirm that G-d has a way for us to live. This will be reflected from the individuals in a community. Communities will affect the views of local governments, which affects the views of county and state governments. State governments, combined with enough people who are in communities as individuals with free will who live by G-d’s ways will actually Make America Great Again. If we can recognize that all of these powder kegs are laid with the intention off waging a spiritual war against G-d by targeting all aspects of His creation, we can easily destroy their weapons. If we refuse to do so, well, hold on to your britches and buckle up, it’s going to be a bumpy ride – one of Biblical proportions.

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The ELCA is a Terrorist Organization
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

The ELCA is a Terrorist Organization

It’s Thanksgiving here in the United States. Hundreds of millions of people in the USA will gorge themselves on turkey, stuffing, and green bean casserole today. Football games will grace television screens across America. Some of those packed tables will include a prayer. Some will include a declaration of what they are thankful for over the course of the last year. I won’t be watching some modern Romanesque blood-sport, a violent soap opera, today – I will be writing this article to prove my case against the ELCA. The case I will be presenting is that the ELCA is, actually, a terrorist organization with over 3 million members.

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What Is Peace?
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

What Is Peace?

Everyone wants peace, right? We want to be free of the strife and stresses in our lives so that we can have peace of mind. Most people do not go around looking to make war, most people want to live their lives without threats of imminent physical harm hanging over their heads. We have constructed entire civilizations, legal codes to address violations, and ethical guidelines within institutions to promote peaceful relationships between mankind. Religions, to greater and lesser extents, offer a guideline to live with one another peacefully, including those who do not share our beliefs. It seems that everyone is promoting peace but there are very few who promote a peace based on justice, accountability, and, dare I say it, the capability to make war should the need arise. Instead, peace is being promoted by demanding narrative compliancy, applying the ethics of appeasement, and destroying the ability to wage effective defense should the need arise. Under the modern interpretation of peace, lawlessness is the destination. We will not have peace nor will we have civilized societies if we continue to carry on this way.

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The Worst Movie Ever Made and the World Economic Forum’s Plan to Make it Reality
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

The Worst Movie Ever Made and the World Economic Forum’s Plan to Make it Reality

The worst movie ever made is Battlefield Earth. If you have not wasted 117 minutes watching this production, I’ll give you a synopsis. The entire earth is ruled by an alien species that is intellectual advanced, ruthless, and looks like a cross between humans, gorillas, and squid with cyborgenic implants. The people these things dominate are held captive and have been made incredibly stupid. They are subservient at completely at the whim of the monsters ruling them.

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It’s Report Card Time: The UN Gets an F
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

It’s Report Card Time: The UN Gets an F

In two weeks the UN will gather to determine the grades of the nations of the world. The grade will reflect national government’s efforts on their response to the global ecoterrorist alarmism. Do you live in the United States? If so get ready to forget all about the money the interloper sent to his chuckle-head friend in Ukraine. Forget about Israel. Forget about infrastructure. Forget about all of it. The report card is going to come with a price tag and it will be paid by the sweat, blood, and tears of those of us who still hold jobs. This year is the first year of the global stocktake under the Paris Agreement.

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Black Hebrew Israelite – the New Klan.  A Window Into Why America Has Fallen.
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Black Hebrew Israelite – the New Klan. A Window Into Why America Has Fallen.

Turn back to seeking the face of G-d. Turn back to what G-d gave us to ponder. If we refuse to return to being a moral people we will never be a free people again. Leave these racists fantasizing about the race war they want all by themselves, alone, with no one to follow them because the truth will truly set you free.

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Your ISP Will Be Chosen For You Starting November 15, 2023
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Your ISP Will Be Chosen For You Starting November 15, 2023

Not many people consider who their Internet Service Provider is outside of how much the ISP charges monthly and the speed and reliability of the service. ISP’s though wield a great deal of power as it is their servers which provide the gateway for our devices to access the internet. If ISPs wanted to they could throttle (slow down) service for anyone who has been identified as a MAGA supporter, for instance. Websites deemed ‘dangerous’ could have their URL’s effectively banned by an ISP. The Federal Communications Commission and the treacherous leach presently occupying the White House have long sought to wield the power of the ISP’s.

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This Broken World
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

This Broken World

This world has already been broken beyond repair. There are lots of reasons why this is which all relate to the same root cause. The root cause is distance from the teachings of G-d. If humanity is to have a chance at continuing to exist we will again learn the teachings of G-d and follow them. If we don’t, we will get more of the same degeneracy and debauchery popping up in society, normalized, mainstreamed and, finally, celebrated. It is literally life versus death.

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Wanna Know Why Covid-19 Happened the Way It Happened?
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Wanna Know Why Covid-19 Happened the Way It Happened?

It is completely about control. It is about forcing us to shut down to ‘help’ the environment. It is about forcing us to do really stupid things for no benefit. It’s a demonstration of how easily the majority of people are able to be scared into action. It is about using that fear to get us jabbed with who knows what to see what it does to us. It is and always was about comodifying life at the expense of those same forms of life. You knew all of that. What you may not know is that while we were all watching supposedly democratic governments mandate business closures, school closings, masks, travel restrictions, social distancing protocols, and demanding we play Russian roulette with the death jabs, Illumina, Microsoft, Twist Bioscience, and Western Digital formed the DNA Data Storage Alliance.

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