Wanna Know Why Covid-19 Happened the Way It Happened?

Wanna Know Why Covid-19 Happened the Way It Happened?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/6/2023

It is completely about control. It is about forcing us to shut down to ‘help’ the environment. It is about forcing us to do really stupid things for no benefit. It’s a demonstration of how easily the majority of people are able to be scared into action. It is about using that fear to get us jabbed with who knows what to see what it does to us. It is and always was about comodifying life at the expense of those same forms of life. You knew all of that. What you may not know is that while we were all watching supposedly democratic governments mandate business closures, school closings, masks, travel restrictions, social distancing protocols, and demanding we play Russian roulette with the death jabs, Illumina, Microsoft, Twist Bioscience, and Western Digital formed the DNA Data Storage Alliance.

This goes beyond the dangers of allowing outside entities to gather and retain our DNA. They want to use DNA to store data as if it is nothing more than a hard drive. The Alliance’s website states, “Our mission is to create and promote an interoperable storage ecosystem based on DNA as a data storage medium.” If they can write data onto DNA they can write data onto your DNA. Any reasonable person would reject the idea out of hand – these G-d hating fools are actually going forward with their ideas. Mutilating DNA is the only real way these ‘people’ can war against G-d in the physical realm. The last time it happened there was a flood and I encourage you to read Genesis 6.

Illumina stresses the ongoing surveillance of all life to detect disease agents. Their website boasts, “Next-generation sequencing changes everything in the fight against COVID-19. We are humbled to see our technology powering scientists and researchers in over 10,000 labs and 115 countries, but we won’t stop there. Providing technology and support to track transmission, develop therapies and vaccines, and ensure long-term global safety and security — we are in it for the long haul.” Vanguard owns over 11% of their stock, Baillie Gifford & Co. owns 8.8%, and Blackrock has 5.58%. Their CEO is Jacob Thaysen, who ignorantly stated while accepting his new position in September, 2023, “"I'm planning to hit the ground running and looking forward to working with the incredibly talented teams at Illumina. Together, we will continue serving our customers as the industry standard and driving long-term value for our shareholders and other stakeholders."” There are no shareholders in stakeholder capitalism. Illumina sent their prior CEO, Francis deSouza (also a member on the Board of Directors at Walt Disney), and Chief Public Affairs Officer John Frank to the World Economic Forum meeting in 2023. The company is fully committed to the WEF’s Great Reset and is comprised of all kinds of corporate whores.

Microsoft is one of the largest and most dedicated to evil corporations on earth. It is fully partnered with the World Economic Forum and sent six people to the 2023 Davos meeting. During Covid-19 Microsoft (8.38% Vanguard and 4.59% BlackRock) was allowed to profit by hundreds of billions of dollars because of increased demand for cloud services due to billions of people being deemed non-essential. The company was very active during Covid-19 in many areas. The website they operate offers the idea that the company serves the public by providing the surveillance collection software need to turn the world into an open air prison, “As the world continues to respond to COVID-19, we are working to do our part by ensuring the safety of our employees, striving to protect the health and well-being of the communities in which we operate, and providing technology and resources to our customers to help them do their best work.” Microsoft’s CEO, Satya Nadella, wrote an entire book (Hit Refresh) dedicated to doing anything it takes to usher in the WEF’s end goal – The Fourth Industrial Revolution (the extinction of all life as G-d created it) – which was made possible by Covid-19.

Emily Leproust is the CEO of Twist Bioscience. She has a page dedicated to her on the WEF website. Leproust assisted in the creation of a 2020 document which demands a global government body to regulate DNA synthesis technologies called Biosecurity Innovation and Risk Reduction. Never is there any suggestion that DNA synthesis should be off limits to everyone forever – the people who created the document see themselves as the gods of DNA synthesis and, thus, the authors of the laws needed for them to continue destroying all life on the planet.

Twist Bioscience wants to not only play G-d but be recognized and worshiped as G-d, “At Twist Bioscience, we work in the service of customers who are changing the world for the better. In fields such as medicine, agriculture, industrial chemicals, and data storage, by using our synthetic DNA tools, our customers are developing ways to better lives and improve the sustainability of the planet.” They want medicine, food, chemicals, and data storage to all be created from their silicon-based semiconductors and used by all of the wetware, i.e. life, on earth. Twist Bioscience should be sued by Sony Pictures and Capcom over copyright concerns related to recreating the Umbrella Corporation in real life. If you know, you know (if you don’t know I’m referring to Resident Evil being created in real life; warning, these movies and video games are extremely graphic and violent).

On October 5, 2023, Twist Bioscience entered into an agreement with Bayer, owner of Monsanto with direct links to repulsive eugenics experiments when it was known as I.G. Farben in Nazi Germany. The goal of the partnership is to create synthetic DNA to use as therapies to combat disease. It’s the ultimate eugenics program and should be seen as the latest attempt by mankind to create a new human being under the guise of ‘fixing’ death. Remember the serpent in the garden? That serpent has the hearts, souls, and minds of Leproust and the rest of the lunatics like her.

It should be noted that Twist Bioscience’s largest investors are ARK (11.82%), Vanguard (10.08%), and BlackRock (8.64%). During the ‘pandemic’ Twist Bioscience created a non-live virus alternative to test samples against. The company tried to create a nasal-vaccine based on glycoprotein. The bioweapon featured during the pandemic were the glycoproteins – the same glycoproteins being injected into arms with no warning. Twist Bioscience found it fit to attempt to get us to snort it.

On October 19, 2020 an article titled COVID to the Cloud – Can you Handle Me?. October, being the tenth month of the year, means that the economic metrics are nearly complete for the year. As such, the 3.9% rise in food costs in 2020 had already begun to be felt by people who need food. Food prices haven’t stopped increasing yet either. But never fear, Western Digital focused on what really mattered – the cloud! Who cares if billions starve to death? Not Western Digital, where this article appeared:

“Clearly, any gamer would be frustrated in a battle royale if their opponent could shoot faster simply because they’re closer to a cloud. But it’s not latency alone.

“Privacy regulations can restrict data from crossing local, national or international borders (ask any lawyer to explain the quagmire of Scotland, the UK and Brexit…). And, since the pandemic has reshuffled how and where we work, Zadara’s enterprise-grade solution is needed in more localities.

“So as the cloud adapts to its growing role amid this pandemic, what can we learn?”

The cloud won’t grow food, tend herds, nor drive trucks with food to markets. People will. What’s important, food or entertainment? For Western Digital, it is entertainment. As long as people are able to stream Netflix and play Madden Football or Call of Duty online starving to death doesn’t need to be addressed per the article.

Western Digital is a WEF Partner and Vanguard has 11.88% of the shares with BlackRock holding 8.15% of the company. David Goeckeler, Western Digital’s very unliked CEO, appeared in a WEF video in 2021 where he patted himself on the back for having 40% of the world’s data stored on a Western Digital device before stating “This is a very large imperative that we have a workforce that's ready for the future that we’re building. We have thousands of engineers that are designing the products of the future that are going to enable the digital economy we all live in and making sure we have a workforce that’s ready to build that technology is critically important to us.”

These four companies are all devoted to destroying all life on earth through the DNA Data Storage Alliance. As they murder us they will tell us any lie to get us to go along with it. One of these lies is the idea that we can live forever through data. They pretend that is not exactly what they are saying by putting it, “Our initial aim is to educate the public and raise awareness about this emerging technology and its vast power to preserve our digital legacy.” Under the Fourth Industrial Revolution’s rules there is no legacy left to pass on. There will be no inheritance, there will be no child-parent relationship, and there will be nothing that anyone can own – including our own bodies. Humanity will be reduced to data stored on DNA synthesized in a lab. That’s the Fourth Industrial Revolution in a nut shell.

The Great Reset is the way we are supposed to arrive at the apex of this revolution. Each of these companies and their fellow DNA Data Storage Alliance peers, including Dell and IBM, have all dedicated themselves to seeing DNA data storage becoming the norm. They have come together to get people to forget about the privacy concerns of their most precious data, their DNA. Billions of people volunteered their DNA to the likes of these demons so they could ‘test’ it. What they actually did with it – who knows.

In my opinion they took it, sequenced it, used AI to analyze it, and came up with the probability and proportions of what would happen if agent X or disease X were to come upon the world. How many tons of sarin nerve gas would it take to kill 90% of the earth’s human population over 6 years? What disease would kill everyone who doesn’t express a specific gene or expresses it differently and what, if any, repercussions will occur to those who survive? In my opinion an even more gruesome scenario is playing out – what percentage of the population will not willingly follow the experts’ advice to go get a gene therapy through ‘vaccine’? They have all of this information.

They also have a plan to have human population levels significantly decrease. Bill Gates said it. Ted Turner is wild about the idea and, despite Forbes running cover for his previous hopes, Turner still dreams of a world with no more than 2 billion people left. According to William Shatner and his demonically possessed mind with regards to seeing earth from space he stated, ““It filled me with dread,” he wrote. “My trip to space was supposed to be a celebration; instead, it felt like a funeral.”” Climate change, Shatner lamented, will lead to our extinction when in reality people just like Shatner are literally murdering humanity. There is still a website called deagel.com but it no longer is displaying its forecast for world population in 2025 being reduced by about two-thirds.

So, why did Covid-19 happen the way it happened? Apart from the well documented need for fear to inspire us to do as we are told and to push forward the biomedical tyranny which is right in front of our faces like the WHO’s Pandemic Preparedness Treaty, this is all about transhumanism. It’s a spiritual battle between the father of lies and the father of truth. These choices are binary: we either masked up or didn’t, social distanced or didn’t, tested or didn’t, and took a turn at Russian roulette with the death jabs or didn’t. We either believed the lie or we didn’t. Still, far too many who rejected these lies continue to reject the truth. In the very near future, we will be able to easily recognize what this Alliance is propagandizing us with – the same lie Eve fell for in the Garden. It’s being told by the same serpent which spoke to Eve. And it is offering the same thing – eternal life on earth.

But, even that is a lie. The people mentioned above don’t see any of us as human. They see us as resources users who deprive them of resources they think they own exclusively. As such, they aren’t really concerned about human life the way you or I or anyone else is. They are concerned about finding a way to get us to tolerate annihilation and total enslavement. They use the loss of life to push their lie. They leave out one very important fact – to them none of us are even human and we aren’t supposed to live forever – only at their leisure. When we start hearing more and more about anything, DNA Data Storage included, which is going to allow us to live forever (or ‘radically longer’) know that G-d has already condemned the demons for doing this and that men and women will suffer no less than the same fate. Know how to spot the lie.

They needed the DNA of us – the masses. Not only to be able to use it to sequence and catalogue it though. They needed it to exterminate us. They needed it to create digital versions of us out of our own DNA. They also wanted to see how a gene therapy would work for the benefit of those who have deemed themselves worthy of ruling the Fourth Industrial Revolution. If humans can write our own novel DNA and write things into that DNA by disassembling and reassembling strands of DNA at will, then they can write DNA to murder us, force us to be epsilons, deltas, betas, or alphas (Brave New World), and control our body’s every function. If you’ve watched the movie Annihilation you have a picture in your head…. Covid-19 is all about transhumanism. It’s the same lie from the serpent in the garden in a new, fancy, indecipherable, technological package.

This article and the implications of DNA Data Storage are dark. There is a light; however. That light was given to Moses by G-d. And that light appeared on earth in the flesh in Yeshua, His Son. Their voices can be heard if we are willing to test the spirits and accept the Ruach. This evil will be defeated as it was in the days of Noah only not with floods – with fires and with blood and with much strife. We, all of humanity, are entering into those times. It’s not enough to reject the lie. We need to accept the truth. These kinds of demonic technological ‘advances’ should serve as a clear sign of the times we are in. They are about to do the whole thing over again, too.

I’m going to choose to accept truth – G-d – how about you?

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


This Broken World


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