Black Hebrew Israelite – the New Klan. A Window Into Why America Has Fallen.

Black Hebrew Israelite – the New Klan. A Window Into Why America Has Fallen.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/13/23

In the Bible the distinction of race is not really found. Yet, race is something sought in the Bible and manipulated to validate those seeking to justify their hatreds based on skin color. The Klu Klux Klan did this routinely. They would cherry pick a verse and make the claim that they have a right, based on their race, to lynch those of other races. They justified the institution of slavery by falsely reading the Bible. They were not the only group which did this. They just so happened to be the group that did this after the bloodiest war which has ever been fought over the issue of slavery was finished. And now that the United States is in some kind of post-reality mode drawn more to the circus of the NFL than to factual accounts of current events the Klan has been recreated with the same false justifications and all.

No, the Klan is not the face of white supremacy today. There are white supremacists in the US but they no longer operate in the Klan which only continues to exist for the FBI to infiltrate and then claim they are doing something to protect US citizens. The term white supremacist is no longer one applied to racists such as David Duke – it is one in which all white people in the country and in the world are to be demonized because of their skin color. Are there white supremacists? Yes. Is every white person a white supremacist? Absolutely not. Don’t tell the Black Hebrew Israelite that though.

Like the Klan, the Black Hebrew Israelite have taken the beauty of the Word of G-d and turned it into something ugly. The selfishness and self-serving interests displayed at the core of this belief system are absolutely disgusting and not supported by the Bible. Their core belief is that Jews were and have always been black and brown and that ‘real’ Jews cannot be white. How this is played out varies but what doesn’t vary is this core belief which can morph over time into more and less aggressive and violent outbursts from the ranks of the racists adhering to it.

The first time I had ever heard the phrase Black Hebrew Israelite was in 2019 when an unhinged Native American launched a violent and vitriolic verbal attack at a minor named Nick Sandmann from Covington Catholic High School. Black Hebrew Israelite, using a self-serving definition of their perverted readings from the Bible, actually threatened to murder one of Sandmann’s peers to harvest his organs. The threat to murder a teenager to harvest their organs was just one statement in the middle of their unhinged racial diatribe directed at the students. It’s not a message from the Torah, the Tanakh, or the New Testament, it’s a message of racial superiority from the Black Hebrew Israelite. The media coverage of the event spawned several defamation lawsuits from Sandmann. It even spawned a documentary which claims that liberal intolerance of anything not over-the-top reprobate is appropriate (they have deemed that, because Sandmann is white and his community is white, and the Native Americans and blacks who threatened Sandmann’s life aren’t, Sandmann and his community are inherently evil and the threats are virtuous because of the color of the speakers’ skin).

Later in 2019 the group appeared in the news again for all the wrong reasons. Two members linked to the ideology murdered four people. They targeted a kosher grocery store. Thankfully the shooters no longer walk upon this earth; however, the violent, racist, rhetoric espoused by the Black Hebrew Israelite cult likely justified the murderers actions.

Statements such as ““Everybody knows that a white man will kill a baby on any day,”” indicate the racist nature of the group. This was a statement admitted into evidence in a 2013 lawsuit against the Philadelphia chapter filed by the owners of the building they operate their terrorist network out of. Far from being a message of understanding, of love, or one inspiring a greater understanding of G-d’s word, the Black Hebrew Israelite legal defense claimed that the language is intended to draw in their intended audience – everyone who isn’t white.

The Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge was the entity being sued in 2013. The self-titled Commanding General (indicating the desire to turn rhetoric into action because this is a military designation) Yahanna, in 2019 following the kosher supermarket shooting, stated that Black Hebrew Israelite’s are being targeted as a scapegoat. Yahanna went on to make the claim that his chapter of the movement is entirely peaceful and would never condone violence of any kind. He’s a bold faced liar straight out of the bosom of the Adversary. He wouldn’t know that; however, because their theology is racism against whoever they see as white and has nothing to do with G-d nor His teachings.

Black Hebrew Israelite have the right to say whatever they want and to be as racist as they want. This is the United States of America and we are all supposed to have free speech. There is a line that gets crossed when that speech is more of a solicitation to commit violence than one of simply ginning up hatred. What infuriates me the most though, and what infuriates me when I learn about the Klan, is that both groups are committed, yesterday and today, to speaking these words by perverting G-d’s teachings. Just like the Klan, the rhetoric of hatred based on skin color presented by the Black Hebrew Israelite cult results in violence. It is one thing to believe that you are oppressed by a different race. It is an entirely different thing when the solution to those perceived problems becomes one of exterminating the so-called oppressors.

Despite what hate-based groups such as the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center have to say about different sects of Black Hebrew Israelite – the fact that the entire theology is one meant to promote racial superiority cannot be ignored. Every single member of a Black Hebrew Israelite cult chapter is engaged in nothing more than gang warfare. The gangs are not selling drugs, sex, or guns, they are recruiting the Biblically-ignorant into a cult meant to physically wage a genocide against anything white. They sell their bastardized beliefs they claim to be based on the Bible to stupid people who want to commit acts of violence against anyone who doesn’t hold their disgusting, anti-Biblical views. The ADL and SPLC are fully on board with exterminating whiteness which is why they have broken the Black Hebrew Israelite into sects. Some of these sects, they claim, are not extremist but this is where they are wrong – any religious belief rooted in race exists to destroy any race the adherent sees as inferior and serves as a justification from G-d to commit acts of violence against them. This is what Black Hebrew Israelite are and what the ADL and SPLC, with some exceptions, support.

Yahanna sat down with Esquire in 2009. He rejected Barack Obama because he was too close to the white establishment and wasn’t really black. He stated that an Obama presidency would go after black people specifically in order for Obama to please his white base. Obama’s distancing from Rev. Jeremiah Wright (“G-d damn America” is his claim to fame) was seen by Yahanna as Obama’s willingness to please white voters. Yahanna also stated that Martin Luther King Jr. was the worst thing that ever happened to the black community in the United States.

Over and over again Yahanna uses the Bible to condone murder, rape, and hatred in an earlier interview with the SPLC. In the interview Yahanna talks about why he thought it appropriate for him to suggest he join the KKK. He claimed that Martin Luther King Jr set black people back and that if he joined the KKK he would be able to point out to black people that King sold blacks into the white’s system. Even more particularly, Yahanna stated that if he joined the KKK he could get more people to hate Christianity. Yahanna claims that the Christianity he practices is the ‘real’ Christianity and that all others are wrong and oppressing blacks. He also made the claim that his debaucherous version of Christianity is peaceful right after he compared those involved in his cult to the Hebrews enslaved in Egypt. He compared his members to the Hebrews and recalled the time when Moses murdered an Egyptian. He goes on to claim that all white people are terrorists but he doesn’t hate them because they are white, “Whites are doing things that are destroying us and psychologically making us do things to destroy each other.”

Yahanna – your crap stinks just like everyone else’s. No one is making black people do anything. Yahanna didn’t like Obama as president because they use exactly the same tactic. Step one: weaponize black people by getting them to accept that they are helpless victims. Step two: identify the oppressors – Jews, Christians, whites, Asians, etc…. Step three: go out and destroy the oppressors in any manner possible. He has no connection to G-d. He’s not Jewish. He’s not a Christian. He’s a racist who plays on the ignorance of those in struggling communities who wants to ensure that those communities have absolutely no chance of ever pulling themselves out of the morass they find themselves in. If all of these people in all of these communities want to be a victim – they are only victims of their own ignorance and degenerates like Yahanna who play on those sentiments in those communities.

What is beyond disturbing; however, is that as a Messianic Jew, Black Hebrew Israelites serve to turn people who would be interested in studying and maybe even following the Torah away from doing so. They turn people away from Yeshua. They turn people away from G-d. They do this by claiming everyone is an oppressor except those who share their desire to murder everyone else on earth.

When they vulgarly screamed at children, including Nick Sandmann, at the 2019 March for Life in the Capitol, it makes me wonder what they were even doing there. It seems that they were trying to convince young white people that they have no value. It wouldn’t surprise me if they were encouraging white people to murder their children. They were clearly trying to recruit for their race war by telling everyone who wasn’t white or light-skinned that they are G-d’s chosen people. All they did for me was to make me aware of how scummy the group is because they were at a March for Life event advocating death based on race. Reprobate.

We, as individuals, as communities, as a nation, and as a planet, need to turn back to G-d. It doesn’t matter if you are black or white, Asian or Scandinavian, from Peru or Luxembourg, what your job is, how much money you make, or what your hobbies are – it’s time to focus on G-d. Our world is being shattered by real racist groups like Black Hebrew Israelite. Our world is being destroyed because of false teachings such as those pronounced and acted upon by adherents to nonsense. The icing on the cake is that the federal government has dedicated vast amounts of time, money, material to combating white supremacy which largely doesn’t exist while these street-thugs demand a race war commence immediately.

I have to ask if those gigantic black men pushing elderly Asian women onto subway tracks were not inspired by the rhetoric of Black Hebrew Israelites and comforted by the local, state, and federal government’s stance that only white people can be racist and, thus, blacks should not be prosecuted for overt acts of racism.

Benjamin Franklin, my least favorite framer of the US Constitution, quipped, “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.” While I don’t admire his life, Franklin’s insight on the matter is absolutely correct. What was the virtue of the Klan? White skin. What is the virtue of the Black Hebrew Israelite? Not being white.

What; however, is the virtue of actually studying the Torah and abiding by G-d’s ways? It’s being holy, setting one’s self apart for G-d. What is the virtue of following Yeshua? Being made holy and knowing that we have salvation. The Bible tells us that Esau was not favored by G-d and that Esau was ruddy (Genesis 25). Esau, the elder brother of Jacob, sold his birthright to his younger brother for a bowl of stew and some bread (Genesis 25). Jacob then received his father’s blessing and inheritance and Esau hated his brother (Genesis 27). The still ruddy Esau went to father the Edomites and then met again with his brother, Jacob (Genesis 32). They reunited favorably, Esau forgetting the hatred he held for his brother (Genesis 33). Jacob’s skin complexion isn’t mentioned. Whether he was white, brown, black, or yellow, the color of Jacob’s skin is never mentioned in any of these passages. And, it doesn’t matter. G-d intended His word to be kept by all people’s of their own free will. That fact is made clear in Exodus 12 at the time the between the killing of the firstborn and when they crossed the Sea of Suf (the Red Sea). It says at verses 37-39, “37 The people of Isra’el traveled from Ra‘amses to Sukkot, some six hundred thousand men on foot, not counting children. 38 A mixed crowd also went up with them, as well as livestock in large numbers, both flocks and herds. 39 They baked matzah loaves from the dough they had brought out of Egypt, since it was unleavened; because they had been driven out of Egypt without time to prepare supplies for themselves.”

Don’t tell the Black Hebrew Israelite that fact either. The generations of Hebrews and Egyptians settled in the lands given by G-d. They became one people not because of their skin color but because of their obedience (and disobedience) of G-d’s teachings to them. The Bible supports nothing that Black Hebrew Israelite are proclaiming because they are not interested in G-d’s teachings. They are interested in starting a race war.

Returning to the Benjamin Franklin quote, are the virtues we hold in esteem allowing us to realize freedom? That is the broader question we need to answer. Every time I answer that question I am forced to state that we are not a free people but the people of a nation increasingly lorded over as the property of corrupt and vicious despots who seek to annihilate liberty and it’s author – G-d almighty. The Black Hebrew Israelite ideology serves to achieve the racial division necessary to have even more brutal and dictatorial leaders in our future. The politician who wants a physical race war is the one the Black Hebrew Israelite will vote for every time and it is also the politician who will immediately stop recognizing every G-d-given right any subject they have control over has ever enjoyed. The group represents one segment of why America has effectively ceased to exist socially, religiously, and politically.

Turn back to seeking the face of G-d. Turn back to what G-d gave us to ponder. If we refuse to return to being a moral people we will never be a free people again. Leave these racists fantasizing about the race war they want all by themselves, alone, with no one to follow them because the truth will truly set you free.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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