Your ISP Will Be Chosen For You Starting November 15, 2023

Your ISP Will Be Chosen For You Starting November 15, 2023

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/11/2023

Not many people consider who their Internet Service Provider is outside of how much the ISP charges monthly and the speed and reliability of the service. ISP’s though wield a great deal of power as it is their servers which provide the gateway for our devices to access the internet. If ISPs wanted to they could throttle (slow down) service for anyone who has been identified as a MAGA supporter, for instance. Websites deemed ‘dangerous’ could have their URL’s effectively banned by an ISP. The Federal Communications Commission and the treacherous leach presently occupying the White House have long sought to wield the power of the ISP’s.

The naivety of the American public combined with the catch phrase of ‘equity’ as well as the interloper in chief having signed the dumpster fire legislation titled the Infrastructure and Jobs act of 2021 have allowed the FCC to realize this dream. Once they have complete control of the ISP's they will destroy the industry. Once they destroy the industry and have it consolidated from the nearly 3,000 companies that exist today into the oligarchies any good fascist desires the internet will no longer offer an effective communications channel nor a trustworthy source for research.

On October 25, 2023 the FCC released a 218-page document simply titled FCC Fact Sheet. The idea of the FCC making subjective determination about what is fact and what is not is laughable. Nearly all federal agencies exist to address some issue the government created in the first place, seek to discourage would-be new entrants into the market, find ways to justify their existence long after the issue is addressed, make our lives more difficult, expand their reach into our lives, and increase their budgets. Maybe that’s unfair but that’s the way I see almost all of these regulatory bodies.

Underneath the asinine assertion made by the FCC decision to cherry pick what they have deemed fact so they can present a narrative to justify their desires are the words, Preventing Digital Discrimination: Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking – GN Docket No. 22-69. The idea of discrimination in obtaining internet service is being used to justify having the federal government seize control over any provider it wishes. The document describes exactly how those seizures will take place and for what causes. Those causes are going to be used to justify nearly any action the FCC takes against any ISP, leaving the industry a shell of its former self, limiting choice for consumers, and vastly consolidated and more controlled by the regulatory body.

The fascist code words, public-private partnership, are found three times in the document. The writers have decided that targeting children and college students to be involved in distance learning made possible through tax dollars for broadband access is a key goal. The term stakeholder, another fascist buzz word, appears 33 times. Stakeholder capitalism features new accounting metrics fascists use to introduce, shape, maintain, and mainline social constraints on populations.

Stakeholders, it is noted, do not agree on the definition of digital discrimination in the first place. The FCC, lacking even an accepted working definition, has forged ahead nonetheless. They chose a definition which will allow the FCC the widest possible discrimination to be used against ISP's while supposedly combating discrimination (para 33):

“Policies or practices, not justified by genuine issues of technical or economic feasibility, that (1) differentially impact consumers’ access to broadband internet access service based on their income level, race, ethnicity, color, religion or national origin or (2) are intended to have such differential impact.”

This definition allows the FCC to pick the winners and losers of the ISPs. It’s a key feature of fascists everywhere and it is a great way to consolidate and control an entire industry.

To enforce this definition the FCC has determined that they should have the sole ability to go after those ISPs they find to be discriminatory. Not only does the FCC rely on fabricated conjecture to claim the ability to enforce these rules in the first place, they claim that their existing claims will need to be necessarily expanded as well. According to the FCC, the enforcement efforts of letters of inquiry, remedial orders, and forfeiture proceedings will not be enough to root out the ISPs evil digital discrimination ploys.

These rules were created by three subcommissions under the Communications Equity and Diversity Council. The three working groups are named the Digital Empowerment and Inclusion Working Group, the Innovation and Access Working Group, and the Diversity and Equity Working Group.

There is a common theme here and it is the DEI desires of the World Economic Forum which the FCC, at the behest of the Biden Administration, which is beholden to the World Economic Forum, has deemed it fit to control every internet service provider in the United States. The real intent is to censor whole ISPs if they permit access to websites such as this one, Odyssey, Infowars, or Breitbart. A trial of what this looks like was demonstrated againt individuals and companies who promoted health through building our immune systems and encouraging research into the coviocy protocols turned out too messy. The FCC will just take care of the problem by forcing ISPs to not allow access to the URLs which host such material under the color of combating digital discrimination regulations. The ISPs will be forced into monitoring content for DEI and ESG noncompliance and be forced to shut off access to those resources or be shut down themselves.

Almost no one would have any idea about this if it wasn’t for the FCC’s Chairman Brendan Carr bringing it to light. On November 6, 2023 Carr authored a letter laying out his concerns about the plot of Biden’s FCC to destroy the internet. Carr points repeatedly to the FCC’s repeated and long-standing efforts to bridge the digital divide as a prime example of government waste, useless spending, and misapplied and wrong-headed policies. This, Carr claims, is the Biden Administration blaming the private sector for the woes and shortcomings of the FCC. He wrote,

“For the first time ever, those rules [the proposed rules above] would give the federal government a roving mandate to micromanage nearly every aspect of how the Internet functions—from how ISPs allocate capital and where they build, to the services that consumers can purchase; from the profits that ISPs can realize and how they market and advertise services, to the discounts and promotions that consumers can receive. Talk about central planning.”

Carr notes some of the same things noted above in his letter. The FCC would corral the entire ISP industry under its control. The FCC would be able to fine ISPs out of existence and force them to build nonsensical installments whether funding exists or not. Price controls set by the FCC are included in the proposed rules. The FCC in drafting these rules displayed that they fully intend to step well beyond what Congress permitted them to do in the Infrastructure Act. To this final concern, Carr wrote about what, in my opinion, is the real reason the FCC and Biden are pursuing this course of action:

“After nearly two years and several rounds of comments, the FCC’s draft order concludes that “there is little or no evidence” in the agency’s record to even indicate that there has been any intentional discrimination in the broadband market within the meaning of the statute. But instead of proceeding with forward-looking rules on that basis, the FCC—at President Biden’s direction—reads an expansive and disfavored theory of liability into the law that exists nowhere in the statutory text. Even in the absence of any evidence of intentional discrimination, the Biden plan states the FCC can impose potentially unbounded liability if the agency finds that some act or even failure to act happened to result in a disparate impact based on the FCC’s own judgment. Reading this theory of liability into the law conflicts with the Supreme Court’s civil rights precedent. The FCC should not adopt it.” [emphasis mine]

It’s a shift to not only hard-core fascism, it’s a brand new codification of lawlessness. The FCC will work tirelessly to shutter the doors of any ISP which will not cooperate with the unhinged legal and social ideologies the terrorists on the taskforce have written up.

To conclude, there are three components to winning a war. One is to disarm the enemy. Another is to make movement of materials and personnel as difficult as possible. The third is to destroy the ability for an enemy to communicate. These FCC rules should leave absolutely no doubt whatsoever that elements in the United States federal government have overtly decided to go to war against the citizens of the United States.

This illegitimate government has aligned with the values held by the World Economic Forum at the expense of upholding the Constitution and the rights of the citizens of the US. That is really who has waged a war against the United States and in the course of that war it has implanted it’s soldiers in the deep state at various US agencies, one of which is quite obviously the FCC. The WEF has declared war on humanity in general and the US is a major target because of its military might, social directives, and economic power. They want to crush all of us in the states so that this nation ends up being just another landmass under WEF control. Today it is the FCC, tomorrow the FCC will just take orders directly from the lackey of the WEF, the United Nations, specifically their Department of Global Communications and the International Telecommunication Union.

Call the FCC up and tell them no. Let them hear from the people this is going to crush. Their phone number to file a complaint is 888-225-5322. Call it and let them know – be polite but firm and make sure it is a day to remember for the FCC – the day the people fought back.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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