The Pandemic 2.0ish

The Pandemic 2.0ish

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/30/2023

There is news about diseases infecting children in huge numbers wafting out of China. Is this going to be the new cause celeb pathogen that everyone on earth is going to be order to bow down to? Let’s review what is already out there and make an informed guess.

Politico published an article all but screaming at everyone to pay no attention to this newest disease outbreak in China. According to Politico and the CDC, China’s children are getting sick now because the nation was under lockdown orders January, 2023. After not being exposed to pathogens for a year, their body’s immune systems are not up to snuff, their narrative goes. And this part is true but the reasons they were not exposed was because of the quarantines and lockdown orders, making this another consequence of the Covidiocy. The rates should have ticked up as the lockdowns were lifted. Instead they are spiking now – 11 months later. And it seems to only be affecting children. Something doesn’t smell right here.

The Politico article goes on to offer the advice of people who should be saying their last words before they are hung for the crimes they have committed resulting in the murder of over 20 million people. Amesh Adalja (Johns Hopkins) said that China’s disease outbreak is only attributable to having not been exposed to pathogens regularly for the last 3 years. Peter Hotez (Texas Children’s Hospital Center) and Michael Olsterholm (Minnesota University) were dredged up by Politico because they never stop demanding budget increases for capacity in hospitals, which is why they are quoted in the article. Ashish Jha (Brown University, former Covid-19 coordinator) believes China’s claims this time around.

The article saved the oddities of the Chinese disease outbreak for last. Mycoplasma is one of the diseases which is spreading rampantly. It’s a bacteria and is responsible for causing bacterial pneumonia. Hotez is quoted in order to downplay any concerns parents may have about their children’s health, ““Mycoplasma epidemics occur every few years.”” This is the same ‘man’ who has decided that any hesitation regarding injecting poison into our veins should be a criminal act.

Politico's article gets a zero out of five for a trust score from me. They implanted four mass murderers into their article. Their article doesn’t make logical sense. The fact that it seems only children are getting sick is problematic as is the timeline of the article. The only precaution we are told to take is to expand hospitals. It would almost seem that these people are looking to recreate the gas-chambers of 1940’s Germany inside of hospitals with designated kill floors.

The Politico article should have held on for a day or so (it’s from two days ago). Two days ago The Messenger reported, “The Netherlands is experiencing a bizarre uptick in pneumonia cases among children.” So, it would seem that pneumonia is going around the world. It also seems that the age group most at risk is 5-14 in the Netherlands. Maybe the quartet of blood-drenched demons in the article from Politico should reassess their obviously incorrect analysis about pneumonia spreading to the United States. If they were actually serving the public they would inform parents that ensuring their children are eating properly and getting enough vitamins and minerals is key to not having them get sick in the first place. Because they refused to do that during Covid-19 and have decided it unnecessary now, I will take bets on a new pneumonia ‘vaccine’ coming to market within the next 3 years.

While The Messenger article gets a 4 out of 5 in trust, an article from The Guardian doesn’t fare nearly as well. The Guardian reported about Chinese children catching up on school work while recovering from pneumonia in the hospital. Chinese authorities squashed that idea noting that schools could not make sick kids do school work in the hospital. The Guardian also decided, along with the CDC, that pandemics are no longer needed to demand mitigation efforts. They quoted one of the death-jab dealers who screamed at the world:

““We also remind everyone to adhere to the hygienic habits of wearing masks, ventilating frequently, and washing hands frequently, and encourage key groups such as the elderly and the young to actively receive relevant vaccines,” said Wang Huaqing, head of the CDC’s immunisation programme.

“Those who can be vaccinated should try their best to get vaccinated to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases.”

Huaqing has decided that the most important thing we can do to protect ourselves is to disassemble our immune systems. That is, in many ways, far worse than than the direction the four criminals in the Politico article have demanded.

The Guardian, having never seen an official narrative they won’t parrot, noted that the World Health Organization has decided that no travel restrictions are necessary. The WHO has decided that massive increases of pneumonia in Chinese children (and now in some European nations) is completely normal. That’s there rationale. The Guardian article continued to parrot narratives by quoting a vaccine-pimp flying under the self-styled moniker ‘militant corona centrist’:

“This phenomenon of lockdown exit waves of respiratory infections is sometimes referred to as immunity debt,” Prof Francois Balloux, of University College London, told the Independent.

“Since China experienced a far longer and harsher lockdown than essentially any other country on Earth, it was anticipated that those lockdown exit waves could be substantial in China.””

The Guardian seems unable to ever write a word of actual truth and routinely earn exactly what they deserve, trust rating of zero out of five (think of the largest number you can and they still get a zero). Despite the lack of concern from authorities and public health experts (who should be hung after a Nuremberg 2.0 trial for the millions of intentional murders they perpetrated and abetted during Covid-19) The Guardian is really dedicated to demanding that human beings don’t deserve immune systems because vaccines take care of all of that for us.

The Times of India reported that Chinese cases of Mycoplasma pneumonia are falling. The next sentence reminds us that it doesn’t matter if the rates of pneumonia in children fall, there is still going to be all kinds of other diseases that we need to lockdown for once more. Chinese people are not immune for behaving like retards and that is made concrete in the article:

“The surge sparked a rush to hospitals by anxious parents, putting top pediatric medical centers under strain. Pictures of overcrowded hallways and children on intravenous infusionhave gone viral on Chinese social media. More people are wearing masks on public transportation in cities including Beijing and some schools in eastern Zhejiang province suspended in-person teaching after several kids were sick with Mycoplasma and other illnesses. Some parents have also called for temporary school shutdowns to prevent the spread.”

The Times of India; far from being trustworthy because of the obvious bias towards India, still earns a 2 out of 5 for earning my trust. They earned an entire point because they included the most important aspect of the Chinese Mycoplasma outbreak – it is resistant to antibacterials such as azithromycin, the most common treatment for the disease.

Taiwan has issued a travel advisory to China as of this morning. According to NBC News, Taiwan issued the alert for those at high risk for disease including children, the elderly, and immune system complications. Of course, Taiwan also suggested that if travel to China is necessary, Taiwanese travelers should further damage their immune systems by vaccinating themselves. This all comes as China announced that the disease outbreak is under control. Chinese officials claimed that the massive spike in disease is a normal phenomena occurring around the world and there is nothing to see here.

The fact of the matter is covered near the end of the article. China has repeatedly lied about these things in the past. No one on earth should trust any of the information coming out of China at all. The same goes for information originating from the World Health Organization. For this NBC earns an impressive .5 on a 5 point scale for trustworthiness because they pointed at instances for the rest of the world to not trust China in these matters.

FOX News earns a zero for trustworthiness because, well, FOX News isn’t an alternative to the globalism coin it is only a shadow of the opposite side of it. Their article about the issue from two days ago did not garner more support for their news. It parroted everything the Politico piece contained with one exception. FOX News relied on the WHO directly for making recommendations:

“To reduce the risk of spreading respiratory illness, WHO recommends that people in affected areas stay up to date with vaccinations, maintain distance from people who are ill, stay home when sick, seek medical care as needed, wear masks as appropriate and wash hands regularly.”

FOX News dug up Marc Seigel to speak on the matter. He is a vaccine-pimp who needs to be weaving the rope he is going to need after Nuremberg 2.0. After pointing his finger at the lockdowns as the rest of the ‘experts’ have he went on to suggest that our current uses of antibacterials to fight against Mycoplasma pneumonia infections are causing drug resistance. He said, “"They’re flooding this bacteria with a Z-Pac — and when you give a Z-Pac to too many people, you get a resistant Mycoplasma, and you can end up in the hospital," the doctor warned.” He made no mention of the multi-decades long overuse of antibacterials in humans and animals being related to creating disease resistance. It’s almost like azithromycin is the new ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

The problem in China and now other areas of the world is with drug resistant Mycoplasma. Drug resistance occurs in bacteria because the newest generations of bacteria lost the genetic information for a drug to effectively act against it. In an analogy of a door with a key, this means that a drug, the key, cannot find the bacteria’s keyhole in it’s door. The bacteria’s door remains locked because the keyhole simply doesn’t exist so another door with a keyhole needs to be found so medicine can enter the bacterial cell and destroy it from within. It’s caused because the key essentially broke off in the keyhole and that genetic change is carried over as the bacteria reproduce. In essence, drug resistant bacteria are just like the people who were welded into their apartments in China – no matter what happens, the door isn’t going to open.

Bacterial resistance to drugs is one of the ways public health officials and experts and their cohorts in the media are pushing humanity down the road of AI-driven medical research. They intend to use AI to derive the best possible mechanism to allow drugs to combat bacteria. Some of these AI-determined vectors are viral while others are synthetically created gene therapies. The AI, because it was programmed by people with no intention of recognizing anything other than an unproven concept called germ-theory, won’t be looking at how individuals can build their immune systems through food and supplements. Those products cannot be patented. Those products can be mass-produced cheaply. Vaccines, on the other hand, enjoy indemnity from liability should something go wrong. The impetus to have us take vaccines is clear when this is understood. The AI will pick a vaccine-administered medicine to combat such maladies, the manufacturers are indemnified, and the creators of the vaccine can get filthy rich due to their patent protections.

Imagine if El Chapo had decided to turn cocaine into a vaccine instead of selling it in bricks – he wouldn’t be in prison, he’d be celebrated for curing the need to sleep. The millions affected by it would be in need of adjustment to the new reality El Chapo created to cure the need to sleep but as the bodies started piling up, El Chapo would only need to point to the indemnification clause and it would serve as his never have to go to jail card.

It’s a race to extend life and productivity called transhumanism. That is precisely what the transgender nonsense is about – transhumanism from the outside. Far less noticeable but far more pervasive and widespread is the transhuman intrusions taking place on the inside of us. Did you take a Covid-19 test? Your genetic material is likely data-based in a government lab and shared with other governments. Did you take a Covid-19 jab? Your body was instructed to produce a protein it has never produced before. This gene therapy has murdered about 20 million people. The rise in RSV cases around the world last year came at the same time an RSV vaccine, based on the same murderous technology the Covid-death-jabs are based on, was being worked on as fast as possible to rush to market.

The same is true of Mycoplasma pneumonia. There are serious efforts under way to create new kinds of ‘vaccines’ targeting this relatively common bacteria. In February 2021 the state of the development of these vaccines were the topic of an NIH paper. The paper is very much demanding that DNA vaccines be developed and brought to the market which are capable of fully reproducing within our bodies to ‘enhance’ our immunity to the bacteria. We are being re-engineered from the inside.

The problem with these types of vaccines is that our bodies immune systems cause massive problems when they are introduced. They cause those problems because the human body knows it’s not supposed to be making weird stuff introduced by man. So, it causes immune responses to get rid of the foreign genetic material. A 2022 paper was published in an effort to get rid of that feature of the immune system. In other words, how can these genetic Mengele’s trick the immune system into not attacking their scientific experiments. One way is to rewrite the immune system in the first place so that it can be compatible with whatever garbage these freaks want to stick into our bodies. This is what transhumanism is all about – freaks like these are trying to turn human beings into human beings 2.0 and not even bothering to tell us what they are really doing.

It is a fact that in October 2022, on the heels of the West’s tyrannical mandates to control Covid-19 (many areas were still under lockdowns), a tabletop exercise was conducted by the same criminals who brought us the Covid-19 lockdown. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, WHO, and Johns Hopkins got together to conduct Catastrophic Contageon. “The exercise simulated a series of WHO emergency health advisory board meetings addressing a fictional pandemic set in the near future. Participants grappled with how to respond to an epidemic located in one part of the world that then spread rapidly, becoming a pandemic with a higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and disproportionately affecting children and young people.”

At the very least this antibacterial-resistant Mycoplasma outbreak is a trial run for these murderers to see if the world has bowed to their demands. Those demands included halting economic activity, making lockdowns even more severe, and more stringently enforcing prison rules in all of society. Other demands were that trust levels of public health officials need to be increased by destroying the ability for anyone to ask questions and creating a global marketplace of physical resources which are allocated from a centralized team of ‘experts’ (this is called technocracy).

The other recommendation in Crimoson Contageon reads, “Countries should establish a global network of professional public health leaders who can work together to improve epidemic preparedness and response and strive for consensus on scientific issues in advance of the next major outbreak.” This is called medical tyranny or, fascism. The participants in the exercise demand that global public health decrees be created to override any and all national, state, local, or individual decisions about health care in the event of a pandemic.

And that is exactly what our public health ‘leaders’ have been doing. They have gone to the WHO to revise the International Health Regulations to take everyone’s medical rights away. While these revisions may take some time. A quicker, more ominous, and more malicious effort is being conducted at the WHO. It is called the CA+ Pandemic Preparedness Treaty. If this pile of garbage is adopted, kiss any idea that you have any say over your healthcare goodbye. The WHO will dictate and the nations will follow suit and if they do not they will be deprived by the technocrats mentioned above. If a nation refuses to close down churches to prevent the spread of whatever disease the WHO dislikes on a particular day, grandma won’t be getting her diabetes medication because the technocrats at the WHO will stop the trade of medical supplies and medicines.

Maybe the WHO won’t ever declare this outbreak as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. They don’t have to. They have an arsenal of non-pathogenic causes they could declare PHEIC at any moment including gun-violence, obesity, and climate change. The moment that treaty is in force, expect things to get really weird revolving around one of those three topics immediately. And by weird I mean seeing yourself moved into permanent quarantine detention camp because you happen to be fat, own guns, and don’t think humans have significantly contributed to changing the climate of earth.

These outbreaks of childhood diseases are being used to usher in Catastrophic Contagion's recommendations. They are being used to suggest that a global health board is needed to coordinate responses to ‘health-issues’ with an iron fist. And, if we cannot recognize that then we will never recognize our options to fight back against it.

First we need to be able to say no and mean it and stick by it. Secondly, we need to understand that germ-theory is a theory which has been weaponized to convince us to mangle our DNA willingly. This is why the most important things any of us can do to stick by our declarations of noncompliance with this nonsense are never mentioned by these murderers. Those things include ensuring that we are eating right, getting enough quality sleep, and exercising as appropriate. Going for a walk, sleeping well, drinking clean water, and making sure that we are getting all of the vitamins, nutrients, and amino acids we need each day all contribute to stronger immune systems. Not doing those things weaken out immune systems. Stress weakens our immune systems too and stress is most easily induced by fear. In this case the murderers are stoking fear to cause stress which weakens our immune system so that we abandon our senses and allow ourselves to be used as pin-cushions for the transhumanists trying to perfect their demonic life extension technologies with no legal repercussions for them as they injure, maim, and murder us at will.

Another powerful way to combat stress is to worship G-d. It has been shown that prayer is able to reduce stress. It is also a fact that those who are attentive to the desires G-d has for us are not all that concerned with the death and destruction the designs of men portend for us. The only reason to know of the malicious designs of men is to be able to drive a stake through the heart of those plans to combat the evil outcomes they are promising by following their ways. Another factor is that worshiping G-d means there is less time to follow the monsters of this world around to do their bidding. The last time humanity had it’s DNA corrupted only eight people survived – Noach, Shem, Ham, and Japheth and their wives (Genesis 6-9). The next time, in my opinion the current age we are living in now, that number will be zero. If that is stressful to you, know that G-d want you to come to Him with obedience in mind, and that He has offered us salvation through His Son, Yeshua HaMashiach. Through obedience and belief in salvation we need not live in fear with mountains of stress intentionally caused by the demonic forces driving man’s ways. I encourage you to read your Bible and to take what you learn and to tell others. Through Him all is possible, without Him we are led around by the whims of demons.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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