It’s Report Card Time: The UN Gets an F

It’s Report Card Time: The UN Gets an F

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/16/23

In two weeks the UN will gather to determine the grades of the nations of the world. The grade will reflect national government’s efforts on their response to the global ecoterrorist alarmism. Do you live in the United States? If so get ready to forget all about the money the interloper sent to his chuckle-head friend in Ukraine. Forget about Israel. Forget about infrastructure. Forget about all of it. The report card is going to come with a price tag and it will be paid by the sweat, blood, and tears of those of us who still hold jobs. This year is the first year of the global stocktake under the Paris Agreement.

The disturbing and disgusting footage of Xi Jingping arriving in the trash heap formerly known as San Francisco, California is just a taste of the debauchery US citizens are supposed to tolerate. Lined with Chinese flags, Xi’s motorcade traversed the former homeless camps in San Francisco so that he could do two things. One was to take a first hand look at what it is he actually acquired. The other was to make agreements to acquire the rest of the nation. Joe Biden is selling and Xi Jingping is buying. Biden wouldn’t mind if 90% of us died. Jingping has promised to murder 100% of the US population. Both want our resources but don’t see a use for any of us.

The United Nations is no different. Despite their claims of respecting sovereignty, they have gone out of their way to concoct a narrative which allows them to redefine what sovereignty is for nation states. The vehicle they have been using to usher in what I call the fascist totalitarian technocracy is the same reason the leader of the most murderous regime ever known on earth visited the United States. China is the model for the way the UN wants the entire world to live and the vehicle to move the Chinese model to the rest of the globe is called anthropomorphic (man-made) climate change.

The first iteration was quietly signed by George Bush. It was called Agenda 21. It was signed after the orgy of stupidity and debauchery in the name of global government held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. The very failed Millennium Goals came from this. After those goals failed miserably, a new set of goals were developed in a 2015 publication titled Agenda 2030. Agenda 2030 is much shorter than Agenda 21 but it is even more demanding of human sacrifices in the name of environment. This is where the Sustainable Development Goals were spawned and almost all of them have a target completion date of 2030.

The Paris Agreement was released upon the world in December 2015. By April of 2016, 175 nations signed onto this legally binding globally governed dumpster fire. For developed nations, the lure of getting fat climate reparations checks made signing a no-brainer. The national government’s writing those checks signing over the loot of their people to pay for climate reparations; however, is an asinine proposition. Nonetheless, all but 15 nations signed including the United States proving beyond the shadow of a doubt how much Barack Hussein Obama hates US citizens. One of Donald Trump’s actions as President of the United States of America, with the intention of Making America Great Again, was to ditch this economic warfare plot against the United States, which took effect on November 4, 2020. After staging a coup, the interloper signed all US taxpayers back onto this dumpster fire the first day in his stolen office, January 20, 2021. Joe Biden, Obama’s third-term puppet, absolutely hates the US populace too. Today, all of the nations on earth have granted the United Nation’s control of their sovereignty.

The Paris Climate Agreement includes an article 14. Article 14 reads:

“1. The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Agreement shall periodically take stock of the implementation of this Agreement to assess the collective progress towards achieving the purpose of this Agreement and its long-term goals (referred to as the "global stocktake"). It shall do so in a comprehensive and facilitative manner, considering mitigation, adaptation and the -18 - means of implementation and support, and in the light of equity and the best available science.

“2. The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Agreement shall undertake its first global stocktake in 2023 and every five years thereafter unless otherwise decided by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Agreement.

“3. The outcome of the global stocktake shall inform Parties in updating and enhancing, in a nationally determined manner, their actions and support in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Agreement, as well as in enhancing international cooperation for climate action.”

The global stocktake, the nation-state’s report card from their global government headmaster will make sure that equity is achieved. They are about to demand that the developed nations send trillions of dollars to the lest developed and developing nations. The first-world is to be brought down to the third-world and the development in the developing nations is supposed to be halted immediately so the whole earth can dwell in poverty, dependency, and wind up enslaved by the United Nations. That’s what Article 14 is really getting at. The key is the global stocktake. The UN has dedicated an entire page to it:

“The global stocktake is a critical turning point when it comes to efforts to address climate change – it’s a moment to take a long, hard look at the state of our planet and chart a better course for the future. Decision 19/CMA.1 notes that the global stocktake “will be a Party-driven process conducted in a transparent manner and with the participation of non-Party stakeholders” (para. 10), it enables countries and other stakeholders to see where they’re collectively making progress toward meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement – and where they’re not. It’s like taking inventory. It means looking at everything related to where the world stands on climate action and support, identifying the gaps, and working together to agree on solutions pathways (to 2030 and beyond).”

The fascism of the global government is indicated here. The idea that non-Party stakeholders will have a say in the directions the globe is going to take is extremely dangerous. Walmart, Microsoft, Amazon, and BlackRock are some of the stakeholders which will, no doubt, be recognized at the next meeting (COP 28). Having global policy directed by states such as Iran, North Korea, and the European Union is bad enough – the corporate influence will necessarily arrest what little sovereignty nation states still retain.

In Article 8 of the Paris Agreement a reference is made to the Warsaw International Mechanism. The mechanism is used to address loss and damage from climate change. In other words it is the tool used to determine the amount of reparations are needed to make the damaged party whole. The mechanism is not set in stone but it a set of moving goal posts determined by the Conference of Parties (the states which are signatories) to the agreement. For reasons of expansion the UN sets goals with constantly shifting means to arrive their – the Warsaw International Mechanism and Paris Agreement are no exceptions. Within these documents are other sets of moving goal posts some of which have serious real-world implications. Designed to be abused, the Warsaw Mechanism was originally drafted reading:

“The Conference of the Parties… Establishes the Warsaw international mechanism for loss and damage, under the Cancun Adaptation Framework, subject to review at the twenty-second session of the Conference of the Parties (November–December 2016) pursuant to paragraph 15 below, to address loss and damage associated with impacts of climate change, including extreme events and slow onset events, in developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change (hereinafter referred to as the Warsaw international mechanism)…”

Truly astonishing and indicative of the malicious intent the UN has for humanity, the term loss and damage is not defined. Anything the signatories decide constitutes loss and damage is considered to be covered under the definition. Also, the definition blatantly takes a course of inequity by declaring that only developing countries can be subjected to such losses and damages. It’s a nation-state wealth redistribution scheme intended to destroy the economic vitality of the developed world and give it to money-hungry despots around the world who will squander and hoard the money, engage in conflicts, and demand even more handouts from increasingly dilapidated first-world nations.

At some point in time the ponzi scheme will no longer be tenable and the corporate-led global government will step in with their solutions to fix the mess they created. The fix will be global austerity, social conformity, and completely abandoning concepts of human integrity by only viewing those of us still surviving as units of production. Already we are far down the path to being turned into nothing more than commodities with serial numbers – this will make that process complete, global, and enduring.

The arrival of the bloody dictator Xi in San Francisco is just an indication of how far down this road we all are. In a press breifing today, the interloper stressed that the he is not seeking conflict with the bloodiest regime on earth. He didn’t mention the rampant human rights abuses, the spy balloons, and the land grabs the Chinese are perpetrating. How can he engage in conflict when he is owned by a government which he completely desires to transform his nation into. China is the model of global government. The 68 hours of discussions mentioned in the briefing have no doubt included open treason on the part of Joe Biden as he seeks to eviscerate the United States dollar in order to roll out the cornerstone of Chinese society in the United States.

The cornerstone of global governance is complete social control over the entire population. Joe Biden does not have that yet which is why he declared over half of the nation domestic terrorists on September 1, 2022. Yet, speeches are not enough because there are not enough teeth (corrupt FBI agents) to enforce such decrees. Something bigger needs to be done in the name of sustainability and as a response to ‘naturally occurring’ events. I am certain that Xi and Biden have spent a lot of time discussing how best to roll out a Chinese-style Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in the United States.

A reprogramable CBDC would force regulators to invalidate every other cryptocurrency overnight. It will include biometrics under the idea of security. It will be offered as a climate-friendly way to make transactions because the resources needed to actually print and maintain physical currency will no longer be needed and the germs on that money will no longer be an issue. The ability to reprogram the currency will result in no wealth accumulation for any of the subjects using it. Inheritance will be a relic of social norms studied only by scholars in 50 years. Discretionary income will also only exist in the pages of history books read only by the slave masters of this brave new world of the fourth industrial revolution. There will be no way to legally purchase firearms, meat, nor vacation accommodations because we will be nothing but commodities. Through fascist private-public partnerships, enforcement roles will be meted out between government agencies and corporate boards. Our lives will be reduced to one of slavery by a fascist global government.

CBDC’s are intricately linked to Agenda 21 and to Agenda 2030 despite not being overtly demanded in the documents. In the SDGs, for example, all of them will be far easier to accomplish if there is a universal CBDC. Being behind on their 2030 completion date for most of the targets, the CBDC is being rolled out as fast as it can worldwide. While all of the SDGs will be benefited by CBDC, some will be more obviously benefited such as goal 10 – “reduce inequality within and among countries.” Suppose the US taxpayer refuses to continue paying taxes after they receive a bill for $2 trillion in reparations at COP 28. If we have CBDC the option to refuse payment will not even be an option. Also, those with high incomes will be forced through the reprogrammable nature of the CBDC to fork over their ‘excess’ to make up for the inadequate incomes of others.

The report cards that are going to be debated on and released in about two weeks should yield the United Nations, the Paris Agreement, the Warsaw International Mechanism, and the corporations and governments in support of the ecoterrorist plot to destroy the world an F. Put a you or an off behind it at your discretion. What is going to come of it; however, will be a multitude of nations who have the status of developing (which includes China) holding their hands out to be filled with valuables and they will decide when they have enough.

That’s why Xi came to San Francisco. That’s what Biden is reassuring Xi he is going to force the population of the United States to do. They met face to face so the interloper could promise the wealth of the American citizen to the sate the desires of the Beijing Butcher. Pooh Bear won’t be pleased until he has exterminated every person living on US soil, though. The interloper knows this, and he agrees with the prospect of a United States filled with Chinese people under Beijing’s control. Despite the decline of China already showing, Biden is still under the impression that the twenty-first century will be dominated by China.

Never minding real-world facts, though, Biden will abide by the report card. He will find a way to pay billions and billions to the likes of the Turkish, Iranian, North Korean, and South African governments. The report cards will likely show a need to bay China hundreds of billions as well. Maybe China will just annex San Francisco and call it even. While it’s unlikely, it is possible and even plausible. What is a sure thing is that the UN gets an F for it’s fascist wealth redistribution scheme and all f the governments in the developed, first-world, nations which go along with this charade need to be dissolved immediately.

Numbers 6

24:May Adonai bless you and keep you.
25:May Adonai make his face shine on you and show you his favor.
26:May Adonai lift up his face toward you and give you peace.

Seeking this blessing is how we should go about thwarting these demonic clowns perpetrating these actions. If we were focused on G-d to begin with we would not already be nine-tenths of the way down the road to perpetual enslavement for all generations on earth at the hands of the antichrist-spirit. The road back to where we got off track is a long one but turn around we must if we seek to avoid turning the worst movie ever made, Battlefield Earth, into reality.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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