Lighting the Fuses on the Powder Kegs

Lighting the Fuses on the Powder Kegs

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/28/2023

For at least the last decade, in some cases the last century, malevolent elements in societies around the globe have conspired together to cobble together powder kegs. When the fuses on these powder kegs are lit, the desired outcome is to move more power, money, and control into the hands of global elites and multinational corporations. It’s all about depriving 8.5 billion people of basic necessities so we won’t notice that in order to get food, water, and shelter we need to sell out our liberty, freedom, and dignity. It’s a global enslavement plan featuring ploys to convince us to enter into total bondage of our own volition. We are watching these global government entities begin lighting the fuses on the massive powder kegs they have already compiled while they construct new ones to detonate at a future date.

One of these powder kegs is playing out in Israel. It seems that the entire world jumped on a bandwagon demanding that Israel suffer the slaughter of 1,200 citizens without mounting any response against the perpetrators. Israel, of course, has bombed the northern Gaza strip and invalidated the viability of the tunnel system under Gaza. They have been accused of committing war crimes for attempting to root out Hamas members who operate weapons systems out of schools and hospitals, using the people in the institutions as human shields, and wear no identifying insignia to designate them as an enemy force. The world has believed the lies and think that Israel is guilty of war crimes.

Did Hamas, the elected terrorist ‘government’ of Gaza, abide by international rules of war? No, they certainly did not and they certainly are not doing so now. Israel, however, has done what it can to protect civilians. Far from targeting civilian populations, Israel issued a warning for a week about what they intended to do in Gaza. They clearly noted that they want all of the hostages taken during the 10/7 terrorist attacks returned, plan on destroying the ability for Hamas to continue launching terror attacks into their nation, and expressed a desire to wipe out Hamas. Palestinians and the rest of the world have piled on Israel condemning them for these efforts. Actually, they have decided that, despite Hamas having written into their platform their desire to exterminate the Jews entirely, they are the ones being targeted for extermination. If that was true, Gaza would still be rebuilding because Israel would have leveled the entire strip in 2005 when these people elected a terrorist organization as their government.

The issue is a pretty large powder keg. The powder keg was created at the first claim that Israel is an apartheid state. It seems an obscure international body at the United Nations, The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, began officially labeling Israel an apartheid state in 2019. The UN representatives of Hungary, Turkey, Belgium, Japan, Djibouti, Republic of Korea, Algeria, Brazil, Iraq, Mauritius, Ivory Coast, Togo, Ecuador, Namibia, Republic of Congo, and Morocco (bold means Least Developed Country, italics means over 50% Moslem) got together in 2019 to listen to those who want to exterminte Jews call Israel an apartheid state. In Israel, NGO’s Yesh Din (‘Volunteers for Human Rights’) and B’Tselem (‘In the Image of’), organizations full of self-hating Jews and Palestinians who have aligned themselves with the terrorists in Gaza and the West Bank came out to demand the rest of the world see Israel as an apartheid state (here and here). Human Rights Watch pioneered the global government’s NGOs labeling Israel an apartheid state in April of 2021 and Amnesty International followed suit in February of 2022. Both international NGO’s demanded Israel be taken to court at the International Criminal Court so that the first brick of C-4 laid in this particular powder keg get be blown up as well.

The first C-4 brick laid was in the Rome Statute. The global corporate government, in conjunction with liars from the ranks of Palestinians, self-hating Jews, and the support of every Jew-hating national government on earth want to drag Israeli leaders into an illegal and anti-justice ‘court’ of law at the global level to try them under Article 7.1(j) as defined in Article 7.2(h). They aren’t trying to put Hamas nor Hezbollah on trial, nor are they concerned about the ANC in South Africa, the nation of Iran, Boko Haram in Nigeria, nor the Black Hebrew Israelite's. When Israel has attempted to seek international justice from this anti-justice court regarding terror attacks, the court ignores their requests. The ICC has been investigating the ‘Situation in Palestine’ since 2015. The newest demands for the court to redouble their efforts in ensuring that every Jew is exterminated came on November 17, 2023 from five failed nations – South Africa (officially an apartheid state itself, still), Bangladesh, Bolivia (still a narco-terror state), Comoros, and Djibouti.

The ICC is going to bend over backwards to allow Jews around the world to be slaughtered wholesale. That is the point of the United Nations. It is the point of the Catholic Church. It is the point of groups like the ELCA. It is the point of at least one sect of Judaism. It is the point of all of Islam. The fuse on this powder keg was lit not by the violence of Hamas, but by the Israeli reaction to it and the world’s condemnation of the Israeli response. The question being debated through Israeli bombs, global campaigns of pro-Palestinian propaganda, nearly unanimous global condemnation of Israel, and demands for a cease fire is: Does Israel have a right to exist?

I believe they do. And I believe that up until the cease fire Israel was reaffirming their right to exist appropriately. Israel, since agreeing to a ceasefire has gotten several of it’s and other nations hostages back from the ICC’s favorite terrorist group, Hamas. Hamas, however, has gotten convicted criminals in return. These Hamas prisoners have been convicted of all sorts of crimes including murdering multiple Israeli citizens. While the world cheers this and Hamas is rearmed by the United Nations and their ‘humanitarian aid’ to Gaza, I am absolutely repulsed. Israel should press this war until all of Hamas is eliminated, the Gazan’s are forced to elect a far less genocidal government, and the unconditional release of all of the hostages Hamas kidnapped are released.

I’m not a fan of the guy these groups hate so much – Benjamin Netenyahu. His decision to allow a cease fire is the wrong course of action in my opinion. It amounts to appeasement of monsters who continuously plot the extermination of the Jews. Was October 7 a false flag, did the Israel government stand down? It’s highly possible – Israel refuses to follow the Torah. Hamas should have been rooted out the day after they were elected in 2005 in my opinion. All of this is merely making sure the powder keg was able to detonate with the greatest possible force.

Evidence exists which clearly amount to Netenyahu having committed crimes against humanity though. I have seen a scant number of suggestions to try him or any of the other ten of thousands of criminals who perpetrated this crime and are planning on perpetrating the next iteration of it. It is called Covid-19. No one seems to be getting held accountable. Netenyahu enouraged Pfizer to do as they pleased to Israeli’s, death jabbing everyone in the nation they could. 72% of the nation was duped into believing that the shots are safe and effective. That isn’t a positive statistic – it is evidence of mass murder and democide.

But that’s not why these demonic global entities want to dump Netenyahu. Netenyahu thinks that Israel should exist and, to that end, exercises his authority to protect the sovereignty of Israel. Those few leaders in the world who do the same are those most hated by the globalists. It is another powder keg which has been being constructed since the United Nations was created. It’s the idea that national states, and the sovereignty they have, should be left behind so that international boards can make universal edicts into law. The leaders that reject that notion are the one’s globalists hate the most – Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, and Giorgia Meloni are examples of this hatred. Netenyahu happens to be Jewish; however, and one of the global government’s major goals is to exterminate the Jews.

It is easy to see some of the other powder kegs which have been piled high. Israel going after Hamas and Russia going to war to enforce it’s borders may lead to World War III. In my opinion these regional wars and conflicts will spill over into a truly global war leaving no one on earth unscathed. Actually, these wars represent the opening of World War III and most of us have not realized it yet. World War III is a pretty massive powder keg itself. The man-made climate change mitigation nonsense is a humongous powder keg. Synthetic biology is another powder keg. AI represents the replacement of all of humanity; open borders represent the utter destruction of a nation’s culture, voting rights, and economic collapse as well as increases in criminal activities; monetary collapse coupled with the destruction of economic viability worldwide are other huge powder kegs. In multicultural nations (which are not viable whatsoever) race wars are being ginned up. Another powder keg exists in the potential of assassination of beloved political leaders. Many religious institutions have been infiltrated by the tenets of the world and act as corrals for people who are seeking to feed their spirit with the truth of G-d. The CA+ Who Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Zero Draft is designed to destroy any and all individual health decision making. They are trying to take meat off of our dinner tables, convince us to murder our babies, get us to affirm the degenerate sexualization of our children by those in the ‘education’ system, restrict our travel to ‘protected’ sites, surveil us all the time online and in real life, get rid of free speech entirely, and force everyone to do whatever the global government says by claiming to be experts in every area of our lives.

This would require a book of 200 pages at a minimum to do justice to. I’ll provide you with a few scenarios for you to consider while I contemplate turning this article into a book. Let me know if there is any support for that effort – writing a book is very hard work (my team is me, myself, and I).

If Iran, Syria, and/or Turkey, as I suspect is the main desire of Netenyahu and Biden, decides to enter directly into hostilities against Israel, the entire Middle East will explode into war. Russia, China, the EU, and the USA will all jump into the war in different degrees. Israel will bomb the offending nations into oblivion while they do everything in their power to not be destroyed. World War III would be unmistakable to anyone. The potential for global nuclear war to wreck the world in two hours or less would be all but assured during this war. Any of the powers involved would not hesitate to unleash nuclear devastation against whoever posed an existential threat to that nation’s existence. How aligned with global initiatives a nation is will be made moot as the global population plummets from 8 billion to less than 1 billion over the next three years.

Man-made climate change mitigation has brought us unreliable energy, the use of directed energy weapons, and the unveiling of the full power of scalar weather weapons. Cloud seeding, stratospheric injections, DOPPLER systems, microwaves, and laser based systems have all been deployed by humans. That is where man-made climate change comes from. It’s not human use of so-called fossil fuels (oil, coal, and natural gas is abiotic) which is causing anthropomorphic climate change – it’s the same degenerate people who are pushing the ‘solutions’ who are causing the problems. Their solutions are biometrically connected, AI analyzed, ESG-compliant control grids which feature a switch to define a particular grid as a kill grid at the global government’s desire.

Synthetic biology is causing many problems which shouldn’t exist. Synthetic biologists should be treated with nothing but hostility by the legal system. They should be imprisoned, their machines should be smashed, and their research should be burnt. There is no reason for any of us to be forced to recognize humanized animals as legitimate beings with inherent human rights. There is no reason that we need to create babies through IVF processes where AI selects what it thinks the most viable combination of genes are. There is no reason any of us should defer any decision to the freaks who call themselves synthetic biologists as their entire premise is to destroy what G-d created (us) to make humans in their own image. (There was a pretty massive flood which occurred on the entire face of the earth the last time this happened. The rainbow not withstanding, the fire and brimstone which will rain down from the heavens for the efforts of synthetic biologists will destroy as completely as the flood did.)

As these fuses are being lit, it is important to realize that they are interconnected to one another. As incidents of race-based incidents mount, freedoms will be stripped. As the economies of the world crash and economic vitality diminishes central bank digital currencies will be rolled out. At the same time the economies of the world go up in flames wars will become more catastrophic, widespread, and devastating. Food, energy, and transportation will become far more difficult to obtain for the masses as all production shifts to supporting the war effort. Jobs will disappear because event planners and interior decorators and woke liberal retards aren’t useful or necessary to prosecute a war. The lack of food, energy, and transportation will also force many into compliance with the war effort, the culture of the United Nations (that culture is one intended to condition everyone to believe they are useless as individuals and exploitable and expendable as long as it’s for the collective effort – the fad of the day), and have them march to their death. The alternative to being mangled in the meat grinder is a slow death of starvation because of want. As things get worse all of the Great Reset’s tenets will be offered based on one’s volition until they are mandated. We will all be chipped, tracked, surveilled, and used as human guinea pigs for transhuman ‘advances (registered), quarantined for our own protection based on false pretenses (isolated from society), and executed based on the desires of the global government (massive, rapid, human depopulation).

All of the fuses are on fire right now. Some of them burn much slower than other; however. In their wake other stockpiles of C-4 are being laid. The war against free speech is being waged under the ruse of misinformation. Independent organizations are being targeted for closure. Justice is being turned on it’s head as it increasingly reflects enforcing compliance with desired narratives and has less and less to do with legal versus illegal activity. Transhuman intentions are being laid into the next round of powder kegs – the earth is too messed up from ‘climate change,’ so to have babies, sex, for the purpose of reproduction, is banned; babies will be by license and IVF only for example. Elements of Brave New World, Children of Men, Black Mirror episodes, and Frankenstein, as a few examples are all becoming a reality. The saddest part is the vast majority of humanity is parked in front of a TV screen with some celebrity trying to sell facial cream or athletes appearing in their leagues version of a male soap opera completely oblivious that the fuses on these powder kegs are being installed and that many others have already been lit.

Boom! The satanic global government and its demonic minions didn’t lay all of these explosives to never detonate them. As they go off the world will be forced into changing everything it understands. If more people simply woke up to the state of the world and the explosions that are rocking all of our lives, we could snuff out the fuses which haven’t reached the detonation cap and dismantle the new stockpiles which are being laid to destroy all of humanity.

The way to do that is to first realize the danger. Some of these are mentioned above. The second step is to turn our ways back to the ways G-d intended for humanity so that it may go well with us and to accept the mercy – the salvation offered by Yeshua HaMashiach – into our hearts. The third step is take concrete action as simple as saying no when asked to wear a mask, told to register for CBDC, or informed that individual ownership of stocks of goods are banned and they are owned by a collective. To Make America Great Again we need to reaffirm that G-d has a way for us to live. This will be reflected from the individuals in a community. Communities will affect the views of local governments, which affects the views of county and state governments. State governments, combined with enough people who are in communities as individuals with free will who live by G-d’s ways will actually Make America Great Again. If we can recognize that all of these powder kegs are laid with the intention off waging a spiritual war against G-d by targeting all aspects of His creation, we can easily destroy their weapons. If we refuse to do so, well, hold on to your britches and buckle up, it’s going to be a bumpy ride – one of Biblical proportions.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


The Pandemic 2.0ish


The ELCA is a Terrorist Organization