The ELCA is a Terrorist Organization

The ELCA is a Terrorist Organization

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/23/2023

It’s Thanksgiving here in the United States. Hundreds of millions of people in the USA will gorge themselves on turkey, stuffing, and green bean casserole today. Football games will grace television screens across America. Some of those packed tables will include a prayer. Some will include a declaration of what they are thankful for over the course of the last year. I won’t be watching some modern Romanesque blood-sport, a violent soap opera, today – I will be writing this article to prove my case against the ELCA. The case I will be presenting is that the ELCA is, actually, a terrorist organization with over 3 million members.

First, let’s define terrorism. The closest thing to a definition used by internationalists (Marxists) is found in a 1999 UN Convention which reads at Article 2.1, “[an] act intended to cause death or serious bodily injury to a civilian, or to any other person not taking an active part in the hostilities in a situation of armed conflict, when the purpose of such act, by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population, or to compel a government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing any act.” The EU has it’s own inadequate definition of terrorism as does the United States and many other nations. None of the definitions are agreed upon, thus, the 1999 UN version is what we will be contrasting the ELCA’s policy advocacy efforts with.

Before we get there I feel the need to clarify several important elements of the definition we will be using to analyze the ELCA. It needs to be stressed that this only applies to armed conflicts. The definition only applies to actions taken against a population of a nation or that nation’s government. Also, terrorism, per the definition, can only be employed against those who are not taking an active part in a conflict which would only include those who take absolutely no stance in the conflict whatsoever. Thus, anything the governments of the world want to do cannot constitute terrorism but any resistance which is perceived as being carried out through violence, threats of violence, or merely advocating a position on a topic against a state or a people can be deemed terrorism. In essence, the definition is useless; however, for the sake of our discussion, we will pretend that it is relevant and will not be applied as haphazardly as history has shown us.

The ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) is openly engaged in a war against multiple nations, particularly Israel. They are in a fight to the death against every citizen in the United States of America because of their desire to force their views of race, justice, culture, and economy upon the rest of us. They have also jumped on board the eco-terrorist bandwagon by demanding that every person on earth be forced to suffer under a tyranny with no end in order to save the earth. While the ELCA won’t commit violent acts on it’s own, they serve to justify the violent acts of terrorists from a Christian perspective.

The ELCA has an official stance against Israel it refuses to define as a boycott. They have decided their recommendation to consciously avoid purchasing Israeli products is not a boycott. They have wide ranging proclamations couched in their version of human rights demanding that arms and aid not be given to entities they have deemed oppressive. Israel, according to the ELCA, is occupying Palestine and, thus, should not be receiving US aid of any sort. Using the World Economic Forum’s Environmental, Social, Governance metric, the ELCA has divested from Israeli investments and also encourages sanctioning the nation. On top of all this, the ELCA isn’t interested in hearing from Israeli’s, they only want to hear from Palestinian’s and their terrorist representatives. The BDS movement, which the ELCA robustly supports, is intended to destroy the nation of Israel. In addition to advocating for and participating in BDS, the ELCA has a memorandum which encourages their members to purchase Palestinian goods.

In 2020 the ELCA demanded the US government resume funding the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. UNRWA is a UN terrorist funding network because the aid is diverted from providing for the needs of Palestinian’s to pay for Hamas and Hezbollah to arm themselves. The UN and ELCA know this and yet, still, they persist in demanding ‘aid’ in the form of bullets, mortars, rocket launchers, and missiles. The result of this funding is directly correlated to the murder of Jews in Israel.

If you are a gun owner, the ELCA doesn’t want you to remain one. In 2018 the ELCA got on it’s knees to show it’s level of support for international efforts to destroy Israel and to destroy individual gun ownership. In the letter they demanded Congress, “Immediately suspend U.S. arms sales to those countries not in compliance with international humanitarian law”; “Fully enforce existing human rights conditions (“Leahy law”) for U.S. military assistance to all recipient governments”; “Strengthen and expand end-use monitoring”; “Oppose the transfer of oversight of the export of small arms and ammunition from the United States Munitions List to the less-restrictive Commerce Control List”; and “Ratify and fully abide by the terms of the Arms Trade Treaty”. International humanitarian law is designed to denigrate the existence of G-d because it’s all about celebrating human beings in their flesh. The Small Arms Trade Treaty is a UN-led gun registration program intended to be conducted by national governments. The aim with the Small Arms Trade Treaty is disarmament and the ELCA demands the United States be party to the treaty in their letter.

In a 2021 letter to Congress, the ELCA demanded, “that you [Congress] do everything in your power to oppose these forced displacement actions and that you take steps to ensure that no U.S. funding to Israel is used to support these or other abuses of Palestinians’ human rights and international law.” In the ELCA's warped view, Israel is an apartheid state and needs to be crushed because of the abuses the ELCA thinks they are committing against Palestinians. The problem with this view is that the ELCA, a supposedly Bible-believing faith group, has thrown out the Bible entirely to rely on the UN’s version of human rights and international law. Moreover, they are demanding the United Nation’s way to be the way of the United States.

“As Christian leaders in the United States, it is our moral responsibility to question the continuation of unconditional U.S. financial assistance to the government of Israel. Realizing a just and lasting peace will require this accountability, as continued U.S. military assistance to Israel -- offered without conditions or accountability -- will only serve to sustain the status quo and Israel’s military occupation of the Palestinian territories.” This is a paragraph from a 2012 ELCA letter to Congress demanding that the ELCA should be seen as a Christian institution and that the only way to have an Israeli-Palestinian peace is to basically get rid of Israel. At the time they wrote this letter, Gaza had been administered by a terrorist group for 6 years, yet, seeing no issue with Hamas, the ELCA demanded that Israel be seen as the only perpetrators of violence. An entire campaign in the ELCA's terrorist portfolio is dedicated to the eradication of Israel through Peace Not Walls which is where most of the material above originates.

Under the false pretenses of the ELCA's social justice advocacy efforts, they demanded the federal government loot US citizens and give the booty to native American tribes to the tune of $11.64 billion in 2018. Also in 2018, the ELCA demanded the US government spend $19.34 billion on UN programs meant to supposedly help the poorest or the poor. The UN doesn’t solve problems. It creates problems which it then makes worse in order to expand it’s reach into our lives. The ELCA supporting such an institution is one which tells their true story – they are a Marxist institution which uses government force by proxy to get it’s way. In these instances it is the demand that wealth redistribution take place immediately, just not their wealth.

The climate justice crusade is all about forcing every living thing on earth into a program of austerity and, ultimately, death. Climate justice is about first enslaving the world, second making the earth uninhabitable for the species on it, and finally about recreating life in man’s image leaving no traces of what G-d created. The ELCA is completely on board with the eco-terrorist front as well. In 2018 they released a paper titled Just Transition to a Sustainable Future. This can be read two ways and neither of them offer a shred of hope for humanity moving forward. One way to read it is just do it. The other way to read it is to make sure that, by the world’s standards, the transition from humanity 1.0 (what G-d created) to humanity 2.0 (what mankind is creating) is ‘just’.

The paper embodies both views. It’s impetus is, “By addressing the root causes of climate change and building resilience and sustainability in all sectors, we can provide a foundational basis for a just transition to a livable future. This resource explores the idea of just transition and specifies action steps we can take.” The paper leaves the reader with no doubt about how absolutely deranged the ELCA actually is by demanding that the first step in all of this is to pray to G-d about things G-d expressly forbade us from doing. One of those things G-d has never even suggested that humans do is starve the atmosphere of carbon which is exactly what the ELCA endorses. G-d tells us how to educate our children in the Bible but the ELCA ignores that so they can promote environmentally based education for children. In this aspect the ELCA is worshiping Gaia and not telling that fact to their members.

Another paper describes what the ELCA would like to do with everyone else’s money. They have absolutely no problems with carbon taxation schemes in principle as long as those schemes only target the wealthy. They have a problem with solutions to the ‘climate crisis’ that they view as too quick or easy. What they are saying is that unless there is a total redistribution of wealth they will not support it. They are also stating that they have no problem supporting men with guns issued by the government pointing their weapons and those of us who are wealthy and refuse to pay into their preferred ecoterrorism funding mechanism.

The ELCA loves worshiping Gaia so much that they will overtly lie to their own members about their environmental desires. The only reason that they have turned to becoming a Gaia cult is because these institution has never had a solid footing in the way it relates to the Bible. They are lost. While the ELCA leadership is claiming to be Bible-believing Christians, they scurry back into their offices to write passages which indicate their absolute hatred of what the Bible says because it disagrees with what they think which are the ways of the world. Thus they opine, “Every faith tradition holds a moral call to climate action, whether it is formalized or not” and “Faith leadership plays a unique and vital role in securing necessary climate solutions, as faith leaders have an opportunity to elevate and discuss climate change as a moral issue.” It shows that the ELCA accepts no morals from G-d, conflates the term morals with ethics, and changes their ethics as the world dictates.

If they lived by the morals of the Bible they would not need to have a Journal of Lutheran Ethics, but, because they do, it’s existence serves to further the fact that the ELCA is anti-morality. In the pages of these editions over the prior three months they have demanded the US be ruled by a Soviet-style expansion of the federal government entering determining proper mental health of it’s subjects and the freedoms associated with the status of those checks. Specifically, they have advocated to confiscate guns based on the government’s determination of a person’s mental health status. Ecumenical efforts were the topic in the August/September issue which included demands that Lutheran houses of ‘worship’ accept transgenderism in full. The latest ethical considerations in the Journal focused on ethics themselves. They cannot figure out why the ethics of the church are leading to abuse when they, in the same edition, demand that LGBTQIA+ people be accepted as members, clergy, and church leaders.

In 2020 the ELCA adopted Bill Gate’s position on global health. That position is the one where all of humanity is supposed to shut up, sit down, and let murderers in white lab coats do anything they want to any of they wish to do it to. In 2019 the ELCA demanded that Bill Gates’-associated global health organizations be funded to the hilt in addition to wasting money on governmental agencies which only exist because a disease exists and will never go away because they make it their mission to make sure the disease never goes away. If there were no people, the logic goes, there would be no one that could get sick….

The ELCA harbors a deep seated hatred against Zionists from any faith. They have decided that Christian’s who support the right of Israel to exist at all are extremists. A memorandum released by the ELCA (there is no date but it was quite some time ago) demands that any Christian who espouses the idea that Israel should exist needs to be marginalized and denigrated. The reason the ELCA does this is because there are Lutheran members of the ELCA in Palestine who they would like to see on the nightly news launching their own rockets into Israeli cities alongside their Hamas brothers.

Hating Jews, Israel, justice, G-d, morals, freedom, and peace because they love Edomites, Palestine, lawlessness, Gaia, amorality, enslavement, and appeasement are just some of the problems with the ELCA. In 1991, merely three years after the ELCA was created, they allowed the alphabet mafia into their ‘churches’ as full members. In 2010 the ELCA began ordaining alphabet mafia members into the priesthood. Many of not most ELCA ‘churches’ will marry members of the same sex. For about 50 years women have been ordained in the ministry in Lutheran ‘churches.’ The ELCA claims to be against human trafficking while they demand a continuation and expansion of the largest human trafficking operation ever conducted on earth. Many call it the Mexican border and the ‘migrant crisis’ while I use the terms invasion corridor and marauding hoards. Whatever description is used, the ELCA is an integral part of having helped create, promote, and maintain the existence of that massive crime scene. Abortion, another massive crime scene perpetrated against humanity, is advocated by the ELCA. To support the murder of life on earth, ELCA is sending representatives to COP 28 to figure out how to kill more beings quicker and with less resources.

The members of the ELCA are too cowardly to go and take up arms themselves. Their organization relies, instead, on campaigns intended to wage a terrorist campaign by proxy against every aspect of all of our lives. They won’t launch rockets against Israel themselves so they support Hamas. They won’t impede traffic by cementing themselves on roadways but they will buy the cement. They won’t put any skin in the game but they will demand that everyone else does so that the masses end up enslaved. Obviously this is not anything that G-d intended. Marxism isn’t what Yeshua showed us. Yet, at every turn, there’s the ELCA standing behind every evil on earth.

The ELCA is standing there, cowardly, knowing that they are committing grave evil, leading the little one’s astray and deserving of a millstone around their necks, with their wallets out looking for new ways to fund more evil. They do this through their terrorist financing arm called Portico Benefit Services. Portico is wholly invested in ESG which is 100% the way of the world and has nothing to do with G-d. It can be viewed as a human rights based non-governmental organization and advocates for the destruction of Israel.

Why? Why are there Lutheran’s? Why would I dare call the ELCA a terrorist organization?

The reason the ELCA is a terrorist organization is because they have decided that nothing in the Old Testament actually applies to them. For starters, Lutheranism began in rebellion to Catholicism. I’m no fan of Catholicism, but, rebellion seems to be a theme in the Bible which always leaves the rebellious in a really bad spot. But, like the Catholic faith which Martin Luther broke away from, the ELCA claims to believe in the Bible but also in the Apostles, Nicene Creed, Athanasian Creed, and the Book of Concord. They cannot believe in all of them because the Bible and those other documents do not state the same things. In Catholicism and the resulting Lutheranism and particularly the ELCA, the Bible has always taken a back seat to whatever man-made doctrine was more favored. For example, show me Sunday worship in the Bible….

Also, drawing on Catholicism’s recognition of what they did in order to establish their new religion by mixing paganism with a very Jewish Yeshua HaMashiach, a need arose to marginalize Jews. One of Luther’s major flaws in rejecting the Catholic church is that he steadfastly rejected the validity of the Torah as the way to be obedient to G-d. While he was correct that one cannot buy their place into heaven, he was absolutely wrong when he refused to acknowledge the Torah whatsoever. For the Jews, Luther’s version of faith was just as lacking as Catholicism. Once Luther realized that the Jews were not going to follow either Catholicism nor Lutheranism, he viciously demanded that they be murdered in the streets, have their homes burnt down, and be persecuted at all times and in any way deemed fit until they came around to Luther’s interpretation of the Bible.

Luther was just another Jew-hater because he hated the G-d of the Jews. If you are running around spreading lies and you know it your life will increasingly become one of making sure that the lie is not exposed. This is what Luther ended up doing when he demanded pogroms against the Jewish people. He didn’t want those who know the truth about obedience to G-d exposing his lies about how unnecessary G-d’s ways are. What better way to safeguard the lies of Catholicism and Lutheranism than to just persecute and murder those with truth? The fruits of Luther’s ideas were explicitly cited as a justification on Kristallnacht.

Out of this is where the ELCA gets it’s justification. Their church father absolutely hated the Jews to the point of demanding that they be collectively punished. The fruits of Luther, a false prophet, are still showing up in news stories today. It took the ELCA six days before they decided to issue a statement on what Hamas did on October 7. It opened with a statement confirming the degeneracy of of the ELCA in general, “As Lutherans, we are accustomed to holding tension between two truths” and ended with a denunciation of Israel, “The power exerted against all Palestinian people – through the occupation, the expansion of settlements and the escalating violence – must be called out as a root cause of what we are witnessing.” Israel did it to themselves, according to the ELCA. They must have breathed a sigh of relief during the attacks thinking there would be 1,200 less Jews to murder when the ELCA found the courage to go to war with Jews head on. For this reason alone, the ELCA is a terrorist organization.

But it has only grown worse. The ELCA, knowing that humanitarian aid for Gaza means Hamas buying weapons to corral their human shields in Gaza in order to murder Israeli civilians, demanded that ‘aid’ go to Gaza anyway on October 26. On November 17 the ELCA reminded the world that they are completely anti-Semitic and absolutely hate Jews by invoking the name of Martin Luther. On November 1, the Morlock-lookalike Elizabeth Eaton produced a video about the conflict. The monster used the platform to bash Israel by claiming it is an occupying force and clearly articulated the ELCA’s views of the Palestinian as an oppressed people. She did this because she hates the nation of Israel and the Jews that live there, in the US, and anywhere else. It’s always about the ELCA's Palestinian Lutheran community, a community full of degenerates who are no different that the Muslims who surround them. Supporting that church is supporting the terrorist actions against Jews directly from within Israel. Apparently that sits just right with the rest of the ELCA.

Go read your Bible if you are a member of the ELCA. That reading will disabuse of the lies the ELCA have been running around proclaiming. Stop funding them. Stop attending their ‘churches.’ Stop tolerating their anti-Biblical teachings about murdering babies, the need to accept LGBTQIA+ degenerates as they are, and their support of killing all life as G-d created it to save Gaia. The ELCA is a den of demons which also acts as a terrorist organization. The Bible states that we should stay away from such evil. Do that.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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