The Worst Movie Ever Made and the World Economic Forum’s Plan to Make it Reality

The Worst Movie Ever Made and the World Economic Forum’s Plan to Make it Reality

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/17/23

The worst movie ever made is Battlefield Earth. If you have not wasted 117 minutes watching this production, I’ll give you a synopsis. The entire earth is ruled by an alien species that is intellectual advanced, ruthless, and looks like a cross between humans, gorillas, and squid with cyborgenic implants. The people these things dominate are held captive and have been made incredibly stupid. They are subservient at completely at the whim of the monsters ruling them.

A couple of these people with ‘advanced’ human intellectual capabilities realize they are enslaved. To fight back they search for tools to fight against their overlords. The movie becomes absolutely intolerable when these humans come upon a jet fighter and are so dumbed down they cannot figure out how to even turn it on.

Every time I trick myself into thinking I should watch this movie again because it cannot possibly be that devoid of merit (it’s happened four times) I sit and wonder why I was dumb enough to watch it again. It’s a boring depiction of complete oppression that doesn’t end throughout the movie. The stupidity of the humans in the movie has always seemed too over the top and their inability to do anything is absolutely infuriating. Yet, over the last five years or so, this movie keeps coming back to me.

The stupidity of the humans in the movie is a reflection of the effects of 1,000 years of complete enslavement. The idiocy of the human race in Battlefield Earth was actually under-represented in my opinion. Over the last five years I’ve recognized that there are millions and millions of people who would end up being enslaved under the system they demand and still demand it. They are even violent in their demonstrations and calls for their own enslavement. They want it because they are murderers at heart and they know that anyone who would be able to survive and potentially thwart the rise of a master ‘alien’ race would be exterminated along with most everyone else. This would be utopia for them. A world uninhabited by people without one iota of free will.

We don’t need these monsters or aliens or cyborgs to come along and make this happen. As a matter of fact the overlords have already arrived. They have cobbled together all kinds of different frameworks at the global level over the last 80 years. The glue which connected these efforts in the early days were a reaction to the horrors of World War II. The progenitors of global government sat down in the aftermath of the war they caused and, using the war as a motive, claimed that the purpose of global government was to avoid a third one, designed all that the United Nations is about these days. Of course the UN wasn’t about global government according to the UN it was about peace.

Instead of peace the UN has brought about a slow moving but exponentially quickening war against every aspect of every human life. Not willing to settle for dominating only human lives, the UN has claimed sole dominion over every life form on the planet. Also included under the designs of the UN is every atom of inorganic material in the universe. Far from promoting peace, the UN has assisted and at times participated in wars. They have caused starvation and educational fraud, committed rape and murder, and have consistently dismantled every economic and social system which would offer any chance at prosperity.

In June 2019, a shadow cabal which has been meeting yearly for over five decades took over the United Nations. This group has never been about anything but the reintroduction of the fascism of Mussolini’s Italy and Hitler’s Germany. Since the mid-1960’s intellectual elites, prime ministers, presidents, media, corporate board members, and non-governmental agents have convened in Davos, Switzerland to set the direction the entire world would take. Talking about this before 2015 would see one labeled a conspiracy theorist because the official narrative was that the group didn’t exist. Today, there are several books from a couple of authors (Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari) and an entire website documenting what goes on at Davos and what direction they have decided the world needs to go. The glue that has held this group together is their desire to absolutely dominate every aspect of everyone else’s lives. The UN, at it’s core, is held together by the same glue so it was only a matter of time until the UN merged with the World Economic Forum.

If you’ve seen Battlefield Earth and lived through 2019 until today, you may have noticed the parallels between the monsters in the movie and the monsters in real life. Humans are highly intelligent beings. In order to be made as stupid as our race is in Battlefield Earth we will need to be forced to stop thinking for ourselves, making our own decisions, and living without the recognition of G-d-given free will. We couldn’t fly the plane or fire M-16’s in the movie because the only thing those humans were taught was to crush rocks, devour any food set in front of them, and obey their masters. They were not even taught how to communicate properly making any type of effective resistance all the more impossible. They were taught a curriculum of stupidity and slavery.

And. Ultimately, that is exactly what the WEF exists to do. The organization has continuously sought to make human beings commodities. Unlike bauxite, oil, or automobiles, human beings are capable of a wide range of actions and ideas. One major feature of humanity is our ability to apply the lessons learned from trying out their actions and ideas in the first place. In order to turn human beings into commodities, the WEF – and anyone else who wants to turn humans into mere production units – must necessarily disable that feature of humanity. In other words, any and all history must be erased, even our personal histories, and we must be taught to use only our short term memory to accomplish the tasks the enslaving class desires.

Everything the WEF does is towards that end. They want to create the human beings in Battlefield Earth. To do so they envision the society detailed in Brave New World, with the surveillance characteristics of 1984, operated as shown in The Twilight Zone episode titled The Obsolete Man. A Black Mirror episode of peculiar importance to this discussion shows the best way to get humanity as stupid as those in Battlefield Earth. The episode is called Nosedive. It features a democratized social credit score system where every interaction with anyone is automatically rated by the other person. The composite score is used to determine if you can travel, the home you can live in, and the food you can eat. The only thing which could make the system in Nosedive worse would be if it were centralized. This is what China already does in real life because they are a poster-child for the World Economic Forum’s version of an ideal society.

Linked to the back end of these social credit scores are artificial intelligences. AIs have no purpose other than to replace human beings in the intellectual sphere. Whether you happen to be more like Private Pyle or more like Albert Einstein, AI is intended to replace human thought. AI wasn’t the first iteration of this – the Industrial Revolution ushered in an age of relative stupidity in many different areas. We have synthetic biologists using CRISPR to splice genes together who can’t change the oil in their car. Fewer and fewer people understand how to raise livestock (I have never even tried), grow food crops to sustain ourselves (I have never done this), or have any understanding of health outside of going to a hospital to visit with an expert and take their advice. Without knowing how to determine what wild plants are not poisonous, how to prepare game for eating, or how to rig a lure to catch a fish, how to make a splint, or how to treat common rashes, it makes it more and more difficult to be self-sustaining.

AI – one of the most, if not the most, important technology of Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset – is different than the Industrial Revolution. How we got food to dinner tables, drew water, made clothing, cleaned up, got around, and communicated at a distance changed drastically. Machines to do all of this are common now. We don’t marvel at tractors and semi trucks, electrified pumps and copper pipe, textile factories, water treatment facilities, automobiles, and cell phones today – 100 years ago people did marvel at them and some had yet to even be conceived of by the masses. The revolution the WEF and corporations, academia, NGOs, and politicians are pushing for is not intended to assist humanity – it is intended to replace humanity. Once AIs saturate the marketplace of humanity’s ideas with silicone-based ideas humanity will be enslaved by it. The only question at that point is what is the intention of the AI? Well, who created it and what data set did it reiteratively learn on?

Monsters program AIs whether they look, act, talk, and think like Elon Musk, Sergey Brin, Tim Cook, or Mark Zuckerberg. The people who control the AIs control some aspect of humanity’s collective intellect. Imagine a dictator over calculators where if you were not one of the favored of the dictator the answer to 2+2 would keep coming up with random integers other than 4. Calculators replaced our ability to do calculations in our heads – what is 18 times 26, 840 divided by 15, or the square root of 10,201? Many cannot even think about how to do this in their head. The calculator, while extending the ability to do increasingly complicated mathematical calculations to many more people has actually dumbed humanity down in general. AI is intended to relegate humanity’s collective intelligence into a digitized blip shared by AIs who have no desires to keep most of us around. They won’t want most of us around because the AIs controllers already don’t want us around.

Pairing AI on the back-end of a system with a social credit score interface, the WEF is certainly doing all it can to herd what they see as sheep. The intersection between AI and our collective behaviors is included in the concept of central bank digital currencies. If one of the sheep gets out of line the WEF will just reprogram our assets to zero. Our social credit scores will plummet if we don’t do as the AI and it’s controllers have dictated for us to do. All the good sheep will be in the smart city kill grids – the pen – and all the malcontents and disobedient will wind up in a slaughterhouse to feed the ‘good’ sheep.

If these monsters get their way, in the next six years, one month, and thirteen days (2030), it will be a crime to buy a steak, eggs, or ammunition, own a gasoline-powered device, or accumulate wealth. But, let’s say you managed to get your hands on a couple of all natural beef steaks in 2030 (we won’t consider what would need to happen in order for the trade to take place). You’ll most likely have to cook them in a microwave because charcoal briquettes and gas stoves release carbon dioxide and electric ranges take too much energy to operate. After destroying the steak by pushing the insect protein button 9 times to cook it, you eat it. It is tough and has a weird taste but it is a pleasant change from the insect and plant protein diet you’ve been on for three years. You wash it down with soy milk.

After you feast, you relax by watching Battlefield Earth – the humans in it are super smart you think. Halfway through the movie the need to use the facilities arises. You walk 10 feet to the bathroom nook of the coffin apartment you’ve been given. While relieving yourself, your television, cell phone, and tablet all wake up and start screaming “violation.” The smart toilet, monitoring the mineral content of your urine and excrement detected proteins from the steak. There is a tapping at the window and you already know it is a drone able to shock people. The lights flash red and blue across the walls of the tiny apartment. The digital devices are now ordering you to report to the sentry drone at the end of the hallway outside the apartment. An unusual noise echos around the four walls – the door to the apartment unlocked.

You finish up as fast as you can so as to not have the drone crash through the window and start shocking you into compliance. Walking the 19 feet to the door as quickly as you can, the door swings open violently. The sentry at the end of the hall directs you to the ground floor. Waiting beyond the doors of the building is a paddy wagon. It whisks you away, ordering you to not speak or the shackles which quietly secured themselves around your ankles when you sat down will shock you. In silence and darkness, there are no windows in the transport, you sit for what could have been five minutes or three hours, you don’t know which.

The wagon stops. The shackles detach from the vehicle’s bench and you wander to the back of the line into a building marked with faded biohazard signs. You can hear muffled screaming as you are shuffled along to your punishment for eating a steak – interrogation by torture followed by liquidation so that you can feed the better behaved human production units.

That’s the kind of control the WEF is going after. Will it happen by 2030? That’s their plan. They want to Battlefield Earth the entire planet. For as asinine as the above sounds, asks yourself two questions. Is it possible and is it something the WEF would actually do? The WEF is waging an all-out war against meat, promoting insects as food, demanding 15 minute cities become a reality everywhere, AI, CBDC, social credit schemes, and shoving fascism under the title stakeholder capitalism down our throats. These monsters are surely aware of the film Soylent Green and the future it portended. So, yes, it’s possible. Yes, it is actually what the WEF would like to do because the WEF is the framework the Beast of Revelation will operate to usher in the return of Yeshua cleansing those of the Beast with fire. It’s biblical what the WEF is contemplating but it is entirely evil. They don’t mind that though – they think they will destroy humanity and defeat G-d by rewriting the Bible with AI as the author. G-d will not suddenly vanish if no one believes in Him but He won’t be pleased and will become wrathful towards the disobedient….

A new religion based on the subjective ethical evaluations favored by the WEF will be used to dictate the features of the new global religion. The religion will feature transhumanism and serve to negate any ethical challenge to turning people into creatures that G-d never intended.

To return to the story written above, the you in it was permitted to survive because you were lobotomized during the first purge. The first purge is something you don’t remember though. You were given a number after the procedure preceded by two letters you are no longer able to read. The letters on your arm are ME for medical experiment – ME 0086213 is what it reads in full. The people your liquefied body will feed are marked with AH or CM – Augmented Humanity or Chimeric Manifestation – followed by six digits. But you don’t know any of that, it’s all compartmentalized. The monsters wrestling with the power of their created race – the AIs they ‘control’ – are not humans in any respect any longer. They have implanted enhanced intelligence, have a hive mind they must defend against AI intrusion, have mutilated their DNA into having extra sensory perception, and have defeated death.

Why would they want to defeat death? It’s so they can avoid the judgment waiting for them after they die. They know G-d is real and think that if they can avoid death they will be able to avoid an incredibly difficult and uncomfortable conversation. Everyone dies though and everyone only dies once – yet another mercy of G-d.

Watching Battlefield Earth is infuriating. Watching the transition to making Battlefield Earth a reality is something I will not cope with in silence. The world as directed by the global government with the WEF at the head is, indeed, trying to force humanity to make that transition. The WEF website contains all sorts of transitions which can seem piecemeal but they are all meant to transition us into a real world Battlefield Earth. The energy transition is the best known of these but they also target education, social aspects, transportation, work, play, and food for example. The transition to the circular economy is one of their favorite topics…. The circular economy will reiteratively take chunks of our humanity away until we decide to cave into the WEFs tranhumanist goals and see ourselves and each other as the QR-code tattoos on our arms. Technically the tattoos are called quatum dots. The nutrient monitoring toilet may not be an invention put into wide-scale use as the WEF favors putting that type of surveillance inside of us.

We need to remind people that they have free will because G-d gave it to us. Realizing it and using it to please G-d are two different things though. Realizing that there is free will will allow human beings to realize that we are capable of rejecting all of the designs the WEF-led global government has planned for us. There is the way of the world, a world in the hands of the Adversary, and there are those seeking to please G-d through obedience to His teachings. As sad as it is to watch humanity being converted into Battlefield Earth it’s still a worthwhile pursuit to try to free some of those lost souls being herded into the pens the WEF has created…. That’s my purpose. I pray you find it a worthwhile purpose as well….

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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