This Broken World

This Broken World

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/9/23

This world has already been broken beyond repair. There are lots of reasons why this is which all relate to the same root cause. The root cause is distance from the teachings of G-d. If humanity is to have a chance at continuing to exist we will again learn the teachings of G-d and follow them. If we don’t, we will get more of the same degeneracy and debauchery popping up in society, normalized, mainstreamed and, finally, celebrated. It is literally life versus death.

I listen to Infowars broadcast daily. The main host, Alex Jones, has recently been taking a lot of time off. It’s deserved. It’s also asinine that Jones has been on the air for the past twenty-plus years warning all of us what was going to come. Now that most of it has come to pass – as detailed by the monsters doing it in their own documents – how much more should he do? How many times can Alex Jones get on air and point out what is going on and show us what is next before we get it? How many times should he get on air and point out what is wrong and how easily we could fix it if we would wake up? If we would wake up….

When I write I try to provide links to the documents and news stories which delve deeper into the issues being discussed. Those issues are usually related to a global government and the initiatives and programs they have unleashed upon the world. Nearly every article on this website offers some sort of solution with a focus on an end goal of getting back to living by G-d’s teachings. I offer this because G-d’s ways are absolutely superior to every way man has devised to live based on their own devices. I sincerely believe that this world, as we understand it, is not going to exist for much longer because I sincerely believe that we have entered into what Yeshua described in Matthew 24, what is commonly refereed to as the birth pangs. I’ve written extensively on this and will not delve into it too deeply save to point out that in verse twelve Yeshua states, “and many people’s love will grow cold because of increased distance from Torah.”

In other words we are in a spiritual war. There are those knowingly warring against G-d – the antichrist spirits. There are those knowingly working for G-d – the righteous spirits. In between these two positions are billions of people who think they are doing the right thing based on their own ways (drawn from the ways of the world envisioned by those of the antichrist spirit) who are being fought over. The righteous want to win them over to G-d. The antichrist spirit doesn’t want them to wake up at all and continue blindly walking towards their own destruction. When people recognize what Yeshua was speaking of in the Bible regarding what the end times will be like it is hard to ignore what the events in the world actually portend. The antichrist-spirits of the world have not yet managed to ban the whole Bible, talk of Yeshua and His Father, or attending G-dly worship services but they sure are trying. As such, the antichrist-spirits are content to allow access to holy works but bend over backwards to make sure that knowledge and understanding cannot be derived from it.

How can we hope to understand and gain knowledge of our Creator when Christianity exists largely to denigrate the importance of the mitzvot, Judaism still rejects Yeshua as the Messiah, and Islam exists to exterminate Christians, Jews, and any other believers of any other faith who reject their idols? We cannot. It’s all based on hardened hearts and increased distance from Torah and the antichrist-spirits want to make sure this distance is maximized.

So let’s look at some facts. 31.5% of the world’s population identifies as Christian. Islam has a share of 23.2%. Hindus make up 15%. Buddhists represent the beliefs of 7.1% of the world. Folk religions make up 5.9%; other religions make up 0.8%; and Judaism makes up 0.2%. These figures are based on a human population of 6.9 billion and religious affiliation in 2010. Thirteen years later, the fastest growing religion is claimed to be the religion of peace through murder, rape, torture, and hatred also called Islam. Moslems feature a gigantic birthrate which is why it is the ‘fastest’ growing religion. People are not converting, Moslems are making more Moslem babies. Islam and Christianity alike are facing huge numbers of people walking away from the faiths in the United States. But, while the numbers of Moslems walking away is replaced by what amounts to Islam for convicts replacing them, Christianity is declining. Most of those who walk away from either faith; however, end up practicing nothing. In many Islamic nations walking away is not a possibility as those who want to leave Islam face death, imprisonment, torture, reeducation, of a combination of any of those four.

Islam is what the secular world has picked up on and incorporated. Far from keeping it’s hands free of religion, secularism has become it’s own religion. Not believing in the god of human rights, gaia theory, and humanism is, to many secularists, a cause to imprison, torture, reeducate, and murder those who reject the tenets enforced by secular governments. Like the rest of the religions of the world, the cowards who have rejected the existence of G-d are not spread out evenly on the map. The religiously-unaffiliated in the world who reject the existence of G-d and have largely taken up worshiping the state are primarily located in Southeast Asia, particularly China, Europe, the United States, and Canada. Nonbelief is what the global government desires from us in order to instill their beliefs in us. Using Islam’s degenerate model of killing and imprisoning those who fall away, the rise of non-belief has taken hold around the world.

In order for the global government to do this most effectively, the major monotheistic religions have been infiltrated to change the deities of the religions into something other than what the texts state. In April 2023, Pew Research conducted a poll about whether G-d is needed to be moral or not. The results are shocking because of the number of people who claim to be religious who were uncovered for their disbelief is high. The poll found that 50% of Israeli’s do not think it necessary to believe in G-d and have good values. 90% of Swedes, 85% of Australians, 77% of French, 73% of Canadian, and 65% of US respondents stated the same. Of the 17 nations which were polled, only one, Malaysia, responded that G-d is necessary to be moral. While the overall result was 68% of the respondents denying G-d is needed to be moral, Malaysians stated He is needed 78% of the time. Malaysia is Islamic and their G-d is not the G-d I worship yet, they believe that Allah is needed to set their morals for them. It is likely that because extortion, murder, lying, rape, torture, and enslavement are normalized under Islam, Moslems are forced to decide to adhere to their G-d because even the secular world would condemn them for their actual practices.

To combat Moslem’s reliance on Allah, major inroads by the already secularized religions, particularly Catholicism (63% of the respondents stated G-d is not necessary to live a good life), have been secured. The movement is dubbed Chrislam. According to Got Questions:

“Chrislam is an attempt to syncretize Christianity with Islam. While it began in Nigeria in the 1980s, Chrislamic ideas have spread throughout much of the world. The essential concept of Chrislam is that Christianity and Islam are compatible, that one can be a Christian and a Muslim at the same time. Chrislam is not an actual religion of its own, but a blurring of the differences and distinctions between Christianity and Islam.

“Advocates of Chrislam point to facts such as Jesus being mentioned 25 times in the Qur’an, or Christianity and Islam having similar teachings on morals and ethics, or the need for the two largest monotheistic religions to unite to fight against the rise of atheism and alternative spirituality. Chrislam is viewed by some as the solution for the ongoing conflict between the Western world, which is predominantly Christian, and the Middle East, which is predominantly Muslim.”

To put it briefly – nonbelief is the new belief system demanded by those of the world. Efforts have already been successfully conducted in many houses of worship with Clergy Response Teams, LGBTIA+ inclusiveness, and climate change activism representing some of the most notable. All of this pulls believers away from G-d. As belief in G-d wanes in the Western world, we will increasingly resemble the G-dless society of China. As we are drawn away from the teachings of G-d and the life of Yeshua, we will be forced to bow to experts and humanists. The further away from the teachings of G-d and Yeshua, the less we will love one another, and the more easily we will fall to the lies told by those dictating the ways of the world.

This is why the world has been broken and will only grow to be more broken. The stage is set to mend it though because just about everyone recognizes that it has been broken. What is left to determine is how this world will be mended. There are about nine major categories which are interlocking and will determine the future of humanity. These include the social contract between citizens and/or subjects and the ruling entity, how artificial intelligence is used, human augmentation and cyborgism, the educational tools we will have access to, disease creation and prevention and treatment options, the economic system we will be incorporated into, what jobs and leisure activities we will be able to participate in, who owns what parts of our genetics and how the overlords of our DNA (and all other information) will use their ownership, and how, when, and to where we are permitted to travel.

All of these major categories and many more are targeted for change by the antichrist-spirits. Sadly, they are finding success in their efforts. The only reason these monsters are finding success is because they have decided to ignore the Torah and have chose to live a life of hatred towards everyone, everything, and particularly themselves.

The new social contract being initiated by the World Economic Forum can be summed up as you will own nothing and you will like it. This social contract is a global technotronic fascism under which it will be impossible to survive. The Torah contains a social contract which forces the rulers to recognize the sovereignty of G-d above them.

Artificial Intelligence has never been promoted as anything other than a brand new man-made species on earth meant to replace some specific segment of humanity. While most will try to downplay the implications of AI in our lives, all iterations of AI are aiming for the same end goal – the Artificial General Intelligence. The AI’s of today are being created in a mad dash to the create a single AI which surpasses all of humanity’s collective brainpower and memory. In other words it will ‘think’ and be able to act on those ‘thoughts’ just as humans do. The Torah notes this type of violence in Genesis 6.

Another issue humanity is being forced to confront is the idea of mutilating our DNA through brain-computer interfaces (implants, aka cyborgism) and turning humans into something ‘more’ than human through gene therapies, cloning, and nanotechnologies (chimerism), among other methods. Our DNA was created by G-d. Messing with DNA is so abhorrent to G-d that the last time the entities on the earth did it, also described in Genesis 6, G-d sent a flood which covered the earth.

Education is always at the forefront in these conversations. Demands to have Bibles removed from schools has long been a standard in public institutions. Public elementary schools are now teaching children to question their G-d given genders in an effort to render them non-reproductive at the earliest age possible. At the present moment there are resources available to source religious and scientific documents against the practice. Expect these to be memory-holed. In the Torah all we need to know about gender is found in Genesis 2, Genesis 3, Genesis 4, and Genesis 9. Specifically, the Torah notes that we are to read the Bible and teach it to our children in Deuteronomy 11. Instead, children are being educated to think they are global citizens, to hate their parents, and how to recreate the cultures of Sodom and Gohmorrah.

The Torah contains food regulations because G-d didn’t want us to get sick. Shrimp, vultures, and pigs are off limits because they eat crap, literally and are full of diseases. Wool is antibacterial. Cotton (linen) is antibacterial and antiseptic. Put them together though and those properties are lost. When the Israelites complained to G-d about their diet (manna) in the desert between Mouth Hor and the Sea of Suf (the Red Sea), G-d sent serpents which bit them and killed many. G-d instructed Moshe to place a poisonous snake on a pole once the people repented of speaking against G-d and Moshe. Those who looked upon it lived even after the snakes venom was injected into their body. G-d wants us to be obedient to Him and part of that obedience is meant to keep us healthy in the first place. Those warring against G-d have used their ill-gotten ability to create patented chimeras to create patented diseases to offer patented treatments and ‘cures’ and claim that these lethal chemical concoctions are the model of health. These monsters seek to go so far as to codify this model into a global law under the World Health Organization’s sole discretion called the Pandemic Preparedness Treaty. If you haven’t read it, please do – it’s medical tyranny with the intent to murder all of us.

The economic system of the global government and the antichrists is fascism at it’s core with technocracy as it’s method. It is meant to create a total dependency on the government for every resource any of us need to live. The WEF calls it stakeholder capitalism and the entire earth got a taste of it when these demons closed down the economy in 2020. This is the opposite of what G-d wants for us as related in many different passages of the Torah. Stakeholder capitalism allows our rulers to be unelected corporate boards, abolishes private property, and destroys wealth accumulation and inheritance, all of which are specifically noted in the first five books of the Bible.

Our jobs are going to be moved into the digital realm as completely as possible. Robots will be used for the manual jobs and AI will be used for the thinking positions. If a human is able to have a job in the real world it will be temporary as humans will be nothing more than a commodity with a production value and a rental cost. In the digital world we will be expected to create digital items, not cotton or wool clothing or food, to sell and trade. The digital world we are already being prodded into is the metaverse because the intent is not to have us just work there but to live there as a permanent resident (get a barf bucket and read Virtual Society by Herman Narula). G-d already stated what work is in Genesis 3 as Adam and Havah were being kicked out of the Garden of Eden for their disobedience and it has nothing to do with turning ourselves into digital replicas which produce nothing any human needs to survive.

As stated above, G-d made our DNA and He owns our DNA (Genesis 2). What happens when our DNA is made by men with patent rights over components in and of our bodies? They will own those parts of ‘our’ bodies. Many patents already exist for DNA and more are being issued all the time. Even more importantly, the conversations about patenting DNA have already been framed, held, and decided upon and none of us were invited to the table. The monsters debated with themselves about the issue. Now they sue each other over who holds the rights to genetic material which winds up in living creatures.

Returning to Numbers 21 we are confronted with the idea of travel. The Israelites wanted to cross the land of the Emori. A simple no would have sufficed but the Emori decided to go to war and lost their lands. The example the Emori should provide to the global government antichrists is apparently completely lost on them. Not only do they plan on normalizing the Covid checkpoints, they plan on completely restricting our lives to 15-minute walks from our front doors in 15-minute cities. While how we travel is being hotly debated at present and is very noticeable, travel will be far less free and restricted to our feet and bicycles (if we are allowed to use them). The purpose of our travel will constantly be questioned. Leaving the 15-minute ring will require permission. What a wonderful thing to have everything we need within a 15-minute walk from a front door, you may be thinking. Tactically, it’s an isolated open-air prison which can be designated a kill grid at any given time should the ‘need’ arise.

These are all symptoms of the increased distance from Torah the world has adopted. The way to treat the symptoms are to return to the way G-d wants us to live. Whether we follow the Torah or follow Yeshua (who lived the Torah in the flesh) or do both (as the Bible states), returning to the ways of G-d is the only solution to these problems at the end of the day. But, there is one more problem bound up with all of these issues.

The issue is free speech. I hinted at this in the education paragraph when I referenced the memory hole. This is a reference to Winston’s job in 1984. He received the newest government stances towards any subject and made sure that no counterpositions continue to exist. One day Eurasia would be at war with Oceana and peaceful towards Eastasia and the next day Eurasia would be at peace with Oceana and at war with Eastasia. If any member of society happened to remember that just yesterday the war was against Oceana that would be it for them.

The intent of those trying to criminalize the Bible and talk of G-d is to remove objective truth from society. Once that is accomplished we will be living 1984 for real. The external surveillance is in place. The double-think is not ingrained completely into all segments of society yet though. But it’s not just the Bible which is supposed to be gotten rid of. Ideas like AI is not good for human beings has been targeted to be gotten rid of. Nation states’ continued existence as sovereign entities is to be stamped out. Ideas espousing self-defense, the ability to refuse medical interventions, and that each human being has free will, for instance, are likewise targeted to be stamped out. Winston’s memory hole is being built right now with the application of misinformation and disinformation being slapped on all speech the global government sees as a threat to it’s continued solidification and expansion.

How did we break the world? We have fallen away from G-d. What are the fruits of this? The Beast system has been built and is just waiting for a particular entity to start pulling the levers. How do we stop this? If this is truly the time Daniel prophecied of the end of the age, the promise made by Yeshua in Matthew 24, and the seals are soon to be fully opened as noted in Revelation 6-9 (I believe these are the times we live in) then we cannot stop anything – we can only hope to be written into the Book of Life. If these times are not yet, we can remedy the situation by being obedient to G-d and reject this broken world. Either way – our obedience to G-d and our belief in Yeshua offers us a righteous life and salvation, respectively. While we still have free will we can act upon, truly a blessing from G-d, we need to be searching for G-d and preparing ourselves and our communities for what is surely to come, instead of searching out ways to enslave, rob, cheat, and murder our neighbors.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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