Gun Grabbers Are On The March

Gun Grabbers Are On The March

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 9/24/2023

Every American is aware that Joe Biden is dying to find a way to take guns out of the hands of the US citizens. Those that cheer for it are not Americans. Those that advocate for it are openly aiding and abetting the foreign and domestic enemies of We the People of United States. Whoever concocted and decided to implement the idea of the Office of Gun Violence Prevention is treasonous and have set themselves against the people of the United States and the Constitution for which it stands. Those who are involved with staffing it are degenerates who detest the United States and the people living in it. Let’s meet them. Let’s also see what this federal office is planning to do to strip us of our God-given Second Amendment rights.

The first person mentioned in the White House press release about the new Office to destroy the Second Amendment is Kamala Harris. Her only political experience involves putting her heels in the air, thus her nickname; heels-up Harris. All that is really needed to be remembered about this particular woman is when she ran in the 2020 presidential primary and even democrats hated her. Her major campaigning activity was to raise money to bail violent rioters affiliated with Black Lives Matter and Antifa out of jail. Her main rhetoric was to abolish the police and stoke racial division.

Harris’ most memorable quote, for me though, turned out to be fake but at the same time very real because many of her heroes have stated similar things. Why is this fake quote so believable? It’s because she is so corrupt, baseless, and vindictive. It goes, “And once he’s gone and we have regained our rightful place in the White House, look out if you supported him and endorsed his actions because we’ll be coming for you next. You will feel the vengeance of a nation. No stone will be left unturned as we seek you out in every corner … For it is you who have betrayed us.” He is Donald J Trump and she and her hair-sniffing, daughter-raping freak boss have absolutely unrighteously targeted that man so that she and the rest of her administration can get to all of us.

The next person is a ‘woman’ (no one can really be sure with the Biden regime) by the name of Stephanie Feldman. It is reported that Feldman has been an advisor to the head of the Biden crime syndicate since he was vice president under that racist Marxist Barrack Obama. She is credited as being one of the architects of Biden’s quest to destroy the economy by destroying affordable fuel and energy products and production. She is also either mentally retarded or she is purposefully deceitful. The source above quotes Feldman’s lack or incapability for common sense, reason, and forethought in 2020, “"That was right around the moment when we were starting to recognize the full depth of the coronavirus, both its health impact and economic impact," Feldman told The Washington Post. "And so that required us to scale up with the plans we had since the beginning of the campaign to recognize that we were in a new moment, which really demanded a jobs agenda."”

Feldman, apparently having done no useful task ever in her entire life, couldn’t figure out that shutting down tens of thousands of businesses, telling everyone to stay home, and demanding that everyone commit suicide through medical intervention would be bad for the economy. The criminals in the Biden Administration, Feldman included, responded by placing a new New Deal (Marxist, this time far more fascist) jobs agenda in the middle of their decarbonization plan for the United States. This peach of a woman has now been tasked to be the Directer of the new treasonous Office of Gun Violence Prevention.

Greg Jackson is featured on a website called Just Democracy. What is truly odd about the website is that the ‘U’ in Just features a Marxist fist. Being as though Jackson is the National Director of Just Democracy, it stands to reason that Jackson believes that only those who are perceived to be repressed should have arms. Marx put it, “Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.” In progressive fairy tale land Jackson sees himself, others like him, and the federal government as the workers. Yet, these types produce nothing put misery, despotism, want, and death. The actual workers, the one’s who produce goods and services, are absolutely to be disarmed under Jackson’s worldview.

Greg here, a victim of gun violence, has decided that it was the gun which shot him – not the person who pulled the trigger. “In order to keep communities like Gregory’s safe from gun violence, sweeping reforms to our democratic institutions must be implemented. He isn’t asking for incremental policy changes to slowly diminish gun violence in America — he’s calling for bold changes to unrig the rules of democracy and open the door to progress for the gun violence prevention community.” His community is Washington DC. He blames other states for DC residents obtaining firearms and shooting people with them. One of those ‘bold’ changes is Jackson’s infantile brain has conjured up is making that swamp and the DC swamp creatures in it, a state. Greg Jackson is an amoral racist who cannot find a minority group reprobate enough for him to not endorse.

Along with Greg Jackson is Rob Wilcox both of whom will serve as deputy directors of 2A treason. Rob Wilcox is the legal director at Everytown for Gun Safety. While their logo should be a Nazi concentration camp or a photo of the USSR’s gulag system, they have hijacked the colors of the US flag to demand disarmament of US citizens. He appeared at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on March 23, 2023 to expound on how much he loves the jack-booted thugs, criminals, and gestapos involved with the ATF. He got into disarming US citizens after his cousin was murdered along with two others in California because any firearm which could have prevented the shooting were locked in gun safes instead of being carried by people with respect for human life. That point is completely lost on Wilcox.

At one point in Wilcox’s confession of love for the ATF he claims that they save lives. Well, they didn’t save the life of his cousin. California’s anti-gun stance actually ensured that criminals with guns would be able to murder multiple victims before a good guy with a gun shows up. And I’d love to hear how the ATF saved lives during Ruby Ridge and Waco. But that is of no concern for Wilcox. His intent is disarming everyone and turning our God-given Second Amendment Right into a privilege granted by the state. And I’m not kidding when I state that Everytown and everyone associated with it really wants to take the guns out of law-abiding citizen’s hands:

“The best way to stop a tragedy is to make sure that the person who’s arrested themselves or others doesn’t have a gun in the first place. Are there situations when someone with a firearm can stop a tragedy from happening? Yes, those have occurred. They occur with law enforcement on the scene. They’ve occurred with law abiding citizens who have used a firearm in self-defense. Those things happen. But the truth is, if you really want to address gun violence and what we see in our country, then we need to focus on the interventions that work. And that’s about intervening before someone takes that step to commit the act and to prevent them from getting guns in the first place. You think about school shootings in America, I mean, it’s something that’s horrific, it’s uniquely American and it’s prevalent.”

Hey Rob, the only way to do that is to disarm everyone. That includes the police, the criminals, the military, and every foreign government and citizen as well. But the criminals won’t disarm and neither will the police or the military or the government. So that will disarm the law-abiding and make them fearful of violence from criminals and the military and the government and that just isn’t a solution. It is a sure-fire way to tyrannize the citizens of the nation though. Ask Stalin, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro, and Hugo Chavez. And that’s all Rob really is, a despotic tyrant who has used his family’s loss to propel his agenda to democide as many as possible.

That is all any of these people associated with the Second Amendment busting Office of Gun Violence Prevention want to do. In their disease riddled minds, the only way to reduce and avoid incidents of gun violence is to destroy the right, remove firearms from the hands of the law-abiding, and turn possession of firearms into a privilege. And their desire to achieve this is codified into a law which was signed by Furor Biden on June 25, 2022. The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act is a gun control bill written in the context of addressing educational, environmental, and health concerns.

Marco Rubio is the one who introduced the bill. The ‘R’ he has affiliated himself with is meaningless because it is followed by the letters ‘INO’. The same holds true for many of the other ‘R’s who voted for this. Rick Scott is one such member as he was the only cosponsor. 13 RINO’s managed to vote along with every democrat to get the ball rolling on gun grabbing in the United States (Blunt, Burr, Capito, Cornyn, Ernst, Graham, McConnell, Murkowski, Portman, Tillis, Toomey, and Young). In the House, 10 ‘R’s crossed the aisle. Both chambers at the time were held by democrat majorities, making Rubio’s introduction of the legislation that much more repugnant. Interestingly, Rubio himself didn’t vote to pass it by the end but the damage had already been done.

The bill does two main things that were modeled by the Germans in the 1930’s and the Russians in the 1940’s. One is that the bill expands background checks to determine whether or not an individual is going to be allowed to possess a firearm per the government. A second provision is federal funding being made available for state-level red-flag gun laws. Red-flag gun laws make it legal for law enforcement to rob US citizens of their guns based on their hunches or on reports from those near a gun-owner who, for whatever ‘reason’ has been deemed a threat or danger to themselves or others. Several have already been murdered by law enforcement because of these state-sanctioned robbery attempts.

When the government gets to set standards regarding ‘proper’ mental health, the government is giving itself the ability to determine how anyone is permitted to think. They are able to criminalize speech. They are able to act against those who speak out against them. And, that is exactly what is being done in order to disarm us. In many way this goes far beyond eugenics because it goes directly to thought patterns. The Soviet Union featured this, in conjunction with a snitch society, to detect and punish anyone who even displayed the wrong facial expression. This aspect of totalitarianism is easily understood through reading the book 1984 but, today, we have AI-infused facial recognition surveillance systems, algorithms designed to detect ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’, and cell phones recording every conversation we have. Anything we say can and will be held against us in no court – we will just be red-flagged, put on a no-fly list, and robbed of our firearms and any other asset the federal government decides it wants from us.

This includes so-called ‘assault’ weapons. As for what makes an inanimate action commit to an action without a living being having involvement has still never been sufficiently explained. Nonetheless, the federal government, and several states, has a list of hundreds of types of guns they are trying to outright ban under the terminology of ‘assault’ weapon. I find it hysterical that there can be assault paperclips or assault gallons of water or assault bathroom cleaner but I won’t laugh out loud because those may be targeted next. The House tried to outright ban everything called an AR-15 in H.R 1808. More democrats voted against it’s passage than republicans who voted for it (5 to 2).

That is where the Office for Obliterating the Second Amendment is coming from. Kamala Harris demanded exactly this. She did so because she and the monsters in the circles she runs in would love nothing more than to murder us through plague and ‘cure.’ Fox News reported her saying, “"We are not sitting around waiting to figure out what the solution looks like. You know, we're not looking for a vaccine. We know what works on this," she told reporters outside of Air Force Two at the Buffalo Niagara International Airport, referring to the series of mass shootings that have plagued the U.S. "Let's have an assault weapons ban."”

Stephanie Feldman worked on expanding the already unconstitutional background checks during the Obama regime. The regime thought about just having the ATF pass a rule to encroach on the Second Amendment but ultimately opted for legislation to effect the changes. While that legislation failed to materialize, Feldman never gave up on it. She wants that list of gun owners at any cost so that she can come after all of us who refuse to turn them in by any means when that day comes.

Greg Jackson’s own Marxist institution, CommUNITY Justice Action Fund (which also features the Marxist fist standing for violent revolution), states, “Gun violence is one of the largest health crises of our time, with it being the leading cause of premature death for all youth and Black men in America. At Community Justice, we believe that ending this health crisis means more than just solving crimes. Ending gun violence requires a public health approach that prioritizes people centered strategies to address behavior and safety measures, in addition to crime control, to end gun violence.”

Rob Wilcox also testified in 2022, “The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is the federal agency responsible for enforcing our federal gun laws.  In 2018, ATF pointed to the three most common channels that feed the pipeline for illegal guns: no-background check sales, straw purchases, and gun thefts.” All guns are illegal guns in Wilcox worm-infested ‘brain.’ He carried on with ridiculous lies, “Just as we can identify the issues, we can identify the solutions.  No one solution will stop all gun violence but there are multiple common sense policies that would be effective, popular and not infringe on the Second Amendment.” 

Everything Everytown wants to do is an infringement on the Second Amendment. Every gun law proposed and in effect is an infringement of the Second Amendment. The bottom line is that those proposing gun laws and those demanding more gun laws hate humanity, and have no common sense. What stops a bad guy with a gun? A good guy with a gun.

The problem is that progressive and democrat policies have destroyed the morality of the country. From abortion, to child abuse through institutionalized educational facilities, to the enforced secular ethical norms in business an industry, democrats and progressives (along with many republicans in name only) have destroyed the social cohesion of the United States of America. There are now two America’s which is mostly easily identified through a simple question; do you trust the government? Those who do are the ones who are already dead – murdered by their own misplaced trust in their captors and murderers. Those who answer ‘no’ are the one’s who have a chance to survive the assault against common sense in the name of common sense. Having no trust in the government necessitates having trust in other non-governmental institutions – God, our families, ourselves....

That really gets at the crux of the issue here. The people that demand our disarmament so that we may be trampled by tyrannical government, criminal elements, and foreign armies hate God. They cannot destroy God but they can do everything in their power to convince us that God isn’t real, God doesn’t condone self-defense, and that those who believe in God are mentally defective. These are the same types of people who made sure to get rid of the Bible in schools. They are the same people who for hundreds of years have waged a war on God’s word. They are the same people who, today, will demand that those who believe in God instead of their opinions need to be removed from society. They operate under a modified quote attributed to Denis Diderot (1716-1784) originally penned by Jean Meslier (1664-1729), “May the last king be strangled in the bowels of the last priest.” Marx, an unwashed racist rapist and professional bum, used a modified version of the quote to declare that the last capitalist should be hung with the rope he sold to his murderers. In 2020 a professor in Texas took to social media, ““I want the entire world to burn until the last cop is strangled with the intestines of the last capitalist, who is strangled in turn with the intestines of the last politician,” [Nathan] Jun wrote on social media, according to KFDX-TV.”

These are the types of people who want our guns. They want our guns because they would have a hell of a time getting those they don’t like onto the gallows of into the guillotine if we are able to shoot at them while they are building them. They have no regard for human life. Their supporters have no regard for human life. They all absolutely hate the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. Richard Dawkins summed up the state of the government-approved attacks on the truth in 2012:

“"Religion is not off the table. Religion is not off limits. Religion makes specific claims about the universe which need to be substantiated and need to be challenged and, if necessary, need to be ridiculed with contempt."”

That’s right, Richard Dawkins, a coward who flies the banner of atheism, wants cowards like himself to put hate in their heart to denounce religious people. The results of their efforts, in conjunction with other anti-God and anti-human developments, is a situation where in a land claiming we are ‘One Nation Under God,’ 54% of us reject God. Yeshua summed up this state of affairs well when He stated, The love of many will grow cold due to increased distance from Torah in Matthew 24. People hate God – more now than at any time in known history – and it shows. The solutions offered by these treasonous gun-grabbing demonic tyrants will only force people to move even further away from God, making their efforts an exacerbation of a problem which these same demonic fools created – distance from Torah and hatred of the truth and its author.

Don’t be fooled. Don’t give up your guns. Don’t give up your Bibles. Don’t give up your votes….

Bless God and God bless.


Mystery Babylon Rules the Entire World


Multilateral is Code for Globalized Individual Enslavement