The United States is a Banana Republic. 10 Predictions of the Manifestations of that Reality.

The United States is a Banana Republic. 10 Predictions of the Manifestations of that Reality.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 9/6/2023

To save a lot of confusion, this article requires a definition of what a banana republic is. At there are two clauses used to define the term. The first reads, “a small, poor country, often reliant on a single export or limited resource, governed by an authoritarian regime and characterized by corruption and economic exploitation by foreign corporations conspiring with local government officials.” The second states a banana republic is “any exploitative government that functions poorly for its citizenry while disproportionately benefiting a corrupt elite group or individual.”

Many claim that because the United States is the fourth largest nation by landmass in the world, third in population, and first in economic output that it cannot be a banana republic. The United States is neither small nor necessarily poor although particular areas in the nation certainly are poor. If it dawns on those who make these claims that the size of a nation is not relevant and that it’s economic power is not important when frozen in time but as a trend, they will often often start pointing to all of the things the US exports. True, the US exports a variety of goods. Oil products and airplane engines; however, are not really what the US exports. It exports the US dollar.

Since 1944 the United States has enjoyed the perks of the US dollar being the global reserve currency. Foreign banks and governments seek to hold US dollars to facilitate trade. This is largely because of a feature embedded in the arrangement – sales and purchases are converted into USD before the transaction takes place. So if Kuwait is trading sand to Vietnam, Vietnam is going to have to convert it’s dong into USD and Kuwait will either hold the USD or convert them into dinars. Transaction costs are incurred, the demand for USD stays high, and the US can run huge trade deficits without immediate consequences under the arrangement. At least it used to be able to do these things.

Every 80 years or so there is a change in the way the world operates usually punctuated by entirely new economic models being implemented and war. The world features both. The USD is being seriously challenged by cryptocurrencies and even more so by BRICS. These concerns will not usher in positive changes. In the United States the US government’s and Federal Reserve System’s intentions to move the USD into the digital currency realm portend total enslavement in the economic and physical worlds. Also, the US government continues to spend money it borrowed as well as running huge trade deficits as if it is a drunken sailor (no offense intended for drunks nor sailors). As the US dollar falters due to competition, corruption, and incompetence, the fall of the primary export of the United States will also wreak havoc upon the entire citizenry of the United States. Costs will rise, inflation will go haywire, and quelling civil unrest will rise to the forefront of societal importance.

Compounding the injuries about to be incurred, the FED (the privately owned central banking system in the United States) has literally enslaved every citizen in the United States. The way the system works is the US government will ask for some money. The FED will give them the money in return for an IOU with interest tacked on. The collateral the US government puts up is the labor of its citizens. The US government extorts money from workers who bleed, sweat, and cry so that they can pay their masters at the FED back. Now, this is impossible because the USD did not exist until that first IOU was exchanged for dollars. The moment it happened, the interest would never be able to be paid off. There was one dollar and an IOU stating that the FED would get $1.04 back for it. The only way out of the banking fraud is to walk away from it, freeze the interest, and pay the balance back over time. The FED knows this. Congress knows this. Treasury Department officials know this. Instead of letting the system go and letting the people f the USA be free they have decided the system needs to be preserved in perpetuity at any cost, even war if necessary.

The Federal Reserve in conjunction with the Treasury, banks, and many business entities (particularly the multi-national varieties) hold the rest of us in bondage. This arrangement; however, also fulfills the rest of the first clause of the definition of a banana republic - “often reliant on a single export or limited resource, governed by an authoritarian regime and characterized by corruption and economic exploitation by foreign corporations conspiring with local government officials.” That is exactly how the FED operates and exactly what it’s goals are. Instead of having it’s agents stand on the front lines and dictate these sorts of things; however, the agents of the US government are used who happen to all be bought and paid for by the same dollars issued by the FED which resemble chains more than a system of storing value.

The second clause of the definition of a banana republic noted above lays out the fact that the United States is a banana republic more directly. Warnings and examples abound about the existence of corrupted government officials and business entities and their potential merger. Eisenhower warned us about it in 1961. Kennedy was murdered for fighting against it. Ronald Reagan was shot because he had intentions to weaken this cabal. Donald Trump has survived multiple assassination plots, eats his meals only after checking to make sure the food is not poisoned, and is currently under four separate indictments. Why? Because Making America Great Again is not in the interests of the current US regime, the business entities, nor the FED. Kamala Harris has a list and she has just been waiting to get the green light to go after every Trump voter in the country. The reasons are all go back to a root cause – the United States is an “exploitative government that functions poorly for its citizenry while disproportionately benefiting a corrupt elite group or individual.”

The borders are open, the people trafficked through the borders get preferential treatment over citizens, we are taxed to death, our cost of living is going to set records, select areas are murdering babies at birth, holding criminals accountable for crimes they commit is becoming increasingly rare, making up ‘legal’ charges and finding a star chamber for the claims to be heard is now commonplace. Homelessness, weather warfare, biomedical terrorism, and ecological disaster creation are features of this banana republic. These entities exploit us for sport and function so poorly that they have murdered tens of millions worldwide. Look at Hawaii. The citizenry of Lahaina was targeted by the elite arsonists who scorched the entire town and murdered thousands. Oprah Winfrey, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, the ‘Rock,’ and local and state officials of Hawaii are making sure the democide benefits them. Conveniently they are the same entities who conducted the mass murder. Blackrock, FEMA, Hawaiian Electric, and others are colluding to finish the extermination/relocation mission. Hawaii’s recent introduction to the evil intentions of these monsters should not go unheeded by the rest of us in the US because they intend to do the same thing to us too. That’s what happens in a banana republic.

So, what do we have to look forward to? Here are my predictions about the top 10 ‘features’ of what living in the Banana Republic of the US during it’s destruction will be like. The timeline I am looking at is anywhere between now and the end of 2030. These movements will all be initiated and start gaining unwanted attention by 2030 in my estimation. Most of these collapse events are likely to happen in the very near future. None of this would be possible if we refused to be seen as subjects and demanded we be accorded the rights of citizens.

1. Expect to be locked down forever starting as soon as September 15 – nine days from now. Whether it is justified by a coronavirus outbreak, as a climate change mitigation tool, a response to a new iteration of a global war, or martial law being declared due to civil unrest, this round of the lockdowns has no end. As this ‘round’ of lockdowns goes on and on deliveries of goods and food will cease, entertainment options will be non-electronically based, and life in general will be made completely miserable.

2. Power generation of all kinds will begin to disappear at a faster rate. One ‘feature’ of this trend will be our inability to afford to go to work because of the cost of fuel and the lack of transportation options. More will work at home and increasingly in the metaverse. Many jobs cannot be done from home though and those jobs will be automated to the greatest possible extent. Brownouts and blackouts will ensue especially as reliable power is replaced with so-called alternative sources.

3. Medicine will be exclusively experimental. As we witnessed, whether we realized it or not, a huge two-pronged operation was ran against humanity. One front was the propaganda campaign designed to maximize the inspiration of fear, suffering under the tyranny of those who used the propaganda, and watching them roll out the ‘solution’ for our fears – namely experimental gene therapies. In reality these gene therapies have been studied but the results were mass die offs in the test subjects. The mass die off is the second prong of the operation. Similar operations will be conducted much the same – we have already entered into another iteration of propaganda, mandates, ‘solution’ in a syringe filled with poison. The real cause of these experiments is to create humanity 2.0 for the elites without them having to risk their own lives trying to figure out the science.

4. Holding non-narrative beliefs will be cause to censor, debank, arrest, and imprison us without even the guise of due process. As an example, the idea that Joe Biden won the 2020 election is laughable and has been overwhelmingly been proven false. The fact that the courts will not address the issue does not negate the existence of the mountains of evidence – it means that nothing will be done in the name of justice to rectify the situation. However, as the social media’s demonstrated, those who make claims similar to Joe Biden losing or Donald Trump winning the 2020 election will be sentenced to prison. This is a feature of any tyranny, banana republics included.

5. Food will not be food. Surely we have already been introduced to ideas about alternative food sources. Currently, ‘advances’ in tumor-grown meats, chemical concoctions, and insect proteins are being lauded. They are also being introduced to be eaten with the US government’s approval. Additional demands will be placed on these types of foods as fertilized is targeted for complete elimination. Starvation will be a real and potent weapon used against the subjects of the United States to induce compliance. Cannibalism will be commonplace.

6. Everything we do will be surveilled, indexed, analyzed, and immediately adjudicated on in real time. Ring cameras or similar devices will eventually be a mandatory fixture of every home. Audio/video recordings of our physical space in real time is scary enough. The surveillance is fully intended to extend into the cells of our bodies and the entire environment in general. Already huge databases house our voices, faces, gaits, and most of us have entries including links to our genome. Efforts are being made to manipulate our thoughts by reading them and inserting the ‘proper’ ones into our minds. We will not be able to live in our physical spaces as we wish without severe consequences and we will not even be able to generate our own thoughts.

7. Cash will be banned along with precious metals and barter systems so that reprogrammable currencies are able to monopolize all transactions. This is made vivid in an episode of Black Mirror. The currency in the episode is social acceptability. Everyone rates everyone else before, during, and after every interaction. The lower the score the less options and opportunities available. This is included in the real-world version of that Black Mirror episode. The difference is that we will not rate one another directly, we will snitch to the so-called fact-checkers who will decide if we are out of line in what we said or did. This is the Soviet system on steroids. If we are out of line, according to the psychopaths in charge and the artificial intelligence’s they control, we will be punished by having our reprogrammable currency reprogrammed – taken away from us. Eventually those who wind up with too low a score will be forced into hard labor in a prison setting or murdered outright.

8. G-d will be criminalized. I am a huge believer in following the Torah because that is the test for what is good and what is evil. I am a huge believer in salvation from sin being mercifully granted to everyone on earth by G-d because He sent His Son to this earth, die, and be resurrected. Those beliefs are not contradictory, they go hand in hand, at least to my understanding. But, whether Jew or Christian, these beliefs are meant to be banned. The reason for this is found in the Bible itself – no one can serve two masters. Those faithfully serving G-d will not be able to serve the idols of the world. Those idols are the narrative being woven – ‘trust the science’ is a really good example. Suggesting that one trusts in G-d will be viewed as a crime because it creates discord in dystopia.

9. The Bill of Rights will be absolutely voided by a new, updated, more tyrannical version of the USA PATRIOT Act. The Patriot Act already permitted law enforcement to commit acts distant from their oaths. Our library books were being tracked by the federal policing agencies. We were placed on no-fly lists without any reason. Our First Amendment was completely disregarded, as were the rest of them. The First Amendment is very nearly deceased. The Third is being destroyed by the open border and the invading mobs flowing through it. The Fourth is clearly dead – civil asset forfeiture is going to expand. The Fifth and Sixth no longer matter because they are no longer heeded. The Seventh hasn’t ever been given the proper weight. The Eighth is dead – Jan 6 protesters have been sentenced to hundreds of years in prison for committing no crimes. The federal government making every decision for every state, municipality, and subject is a clear indication that the Ninth and Tenth Amendments are dead.

10. Ecological terrorist attacks will grow in frequency and impact. They may even replace sporting events once even the most clueless sports fan is forced to take note of the massive amounts of devastation taking place right outside of their door. Hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and any other weather event can be manufactured by these monsters. Imagine an entire town which refuses to comply with the next round of death jabs. These elites, the monsters called the military-industrial complex by Eisenhower and the Deep State by Donald Trump, are already able to aim a directed energy weapon at the center of the town and destroy everything in a 2 miles radius. They did it to Lahaina because they wouldn’t move and give up their land. They will do it to any other locale which is defiant of their edicts. After the devastation these monsters will call it a natural occurrence, demand further action to mitigate climate change, and force humanity into an even more miserable existence.

This list isn’t exhaustive. I think that society will be rearranged to look much more like Plato’s Republic. Parental rights will disappear. Rearing children will require licenses. Owning a car, a house, or even a pair of shoes or a shirt will no longer be legal if it’s even possible. Massive instances of artificial scarcity will be enforced against the populace. War will be commonplace, the enemy always changing, the arenas domestic and foreign simultaneously. Having a memory will be an offense against the state. We are already slaves to the FED but rarely do we feel the full weight of our servitude. We will be made to feel the full weight of the chains binding our wrists, ankles, and necks over the course of the next 7 years.

This list is not exclusive to the United States either. This list describes the entire world’s transition into the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The United States; however, is supposed to be the freest nation on earth. The United States is supposed to thrive on individual ingenuity, grit, and free association. The United States’ falling away from these principles to become the banana republic of today should not only worry US citizens, it should worry every person on earth. If it can happen to the freest people on earth where does that leave the people in other nations without the codified principles of the United States Constitution? It leaves them in an even worse situation with an even poorer prognosis and more difficult and dangerous path for resistance. Living in a cage and being tortured; however, is not really a life though, so, maybe these other nations which already feature punishments for disobeying tyrants will find it easier to speak up and act out because they realize that enough is enough and understand the consequences fully. I don’t think the majority of the United States people fully grasp what is at stake nor the consequences of their present inaction in the face of the looming disasters about to befall us. If we, the people of the freest nation on earth, fail to take a stand here, prepare for the worst, and pray for the best we soon will no longer be able to without risking our very lives.

So maybe this is me being black-pilled. I do see a silver lining; however, the return of the Messiah, Yeshua HaMashiach seems to be near at hand. He will come as a thief in the night to purge the earth of the evil which has taken residence in the souls, hearts, and minds of the wicked. I really do think that the level of already nearly unbearable evil in this world will grow until His return. I really do look forward to His return. But, I tell you sincerely and soberly, the cause for this is distance from the law. The way to fix all of these problems is to return to the laws, believe in the salvation Yeshua provided us, and to trust in G-d above all. These monsters would have never been able to gain so much money, power, or influence if we were doing that in the first place. We, the people, created this problem because of our ignorance of the law, trusting in idols in this world, and not holding those violating the law accountable. We, the people, can fix the problems we created by being obedient to G-d, rejecting the idols in this world, and holding those transgressing the law accountable.

Yes, we need to go into the world and live just as Yeshua lived. There is a prayer recited by Jews which all of us, Christians included, would do well to remember and to obey. It’s called the Shema and it is a summary of precisely why Yeshua lived perfectly upon this earth, without sin. It goes, “Hear, Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One. Blessed be the Name of His glorious kingdom for ever and ever. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. Take to heart these instructions with which I charge you this day. Impress them upon your children. Recite them when you stay at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you get up. Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead, inscribe them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” What should we teach and recite? The law. Who should we teach it to? Our children and everyone else. Where should it exist? In our hearts, our souls, and our minds. What will the result be? The blessing of G-d. Why should we do this? Because this is the life Yeshua lived and this is the way G-d commanded all of us to live. Don’t believe me? Try it and see.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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