Replacing Humanity: Unions

Replacing Humanity: Unions

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 9/18/2023

There are over 8 billion human beings living on this planet. A small number of these human beings have decided that, for their own sake, the rest of us should all be replaced. The most obvious method of ‘replacing’ human beings is to evaluate them, determine their usefulness, and to exterminate them once they are deemed obsolete through medical intervention, starvation, and/or war. The rise of machines and software programs have also introduced a new method of replacing human beings. Even more ‘advanced’ technology has come on the market or is being developed with the intention of creating entirely brand new species of homo sapiens, homo deus if you will. We live in a time where this small contingent of megalomaniacal psychopaths sees it fit to enforce their will through these implementations. These efforts are global, are rooted in global government expansion, and no one is to be immune from the consequences.

There are a lot of news stories about the historic strikes called by United Auto Workers. The UAW has seen it fit for workers at GM, Ford, and Chrysler to all walk off the job to demand higher wages. Cars are already unaffordable but the UAW doesn’t care about that. They want to get rid of different pay for different hire dates. UAW is also seeking to make sure temp workers will no longer be employable, the companies are forced to carry health insurance on retirees, automatic cost-of-living increases are built into contracts, overtime is a thing of the past, the companies will not be permitted to shut down a plant without continuing to employee workers for which there are no jobs, and in the event a plant closes the workers have a right to strike. Make no doubt about it, the UAW is completely Marxist and all of these demands are completely Marxist positions on labor relations.

One aspect of this is really ridiculous. The UAW wants to make sure that there is one pay rate for any particular job. It doesn’t seem to matter that a new hire will need to work their way up to the top tier of the pay scale as they become more experienced. The companies are going to get saddled with paying inept labor a wage they are in no shape or form deserving of. The existence of the union; however, creates exactly the same conditions in broader society. A Mitsubishi sedan starts at $17,795, a Chevrolet at $25,000, and a Ford at $30,921. A big part of the cost difference is the existence of these unions and the astronomical sums of money domestic manufacturers must pay for labor. The lesson is completely lost on the UAW because the point of their existence is to bankrupt the companies their members work for.

Overshadowing all of this; however, are the job losses promised by the company’s transition away from gasoline engines to one with electric ‘engines’. Installing batteries are not nearly as labor intensive as building gasoline engines. To respond to that, the UAW has devised a ploy, along with the Biden regime, to create a thinly-veiled universal basic income scheme. Instead of allowing the idiotic companies transitioning to manufacturing electric vehicles to get rid of unneeded labor, their ‘employment’ is to be continued and they are to be paid for jobs that no longer exist out of public funds if necessary.

The position of the UAW is not one they designed. It is one the Marxist organization has chosen to adopt and buy into. They do this because the UAW has decided to link itself to any globalist, Marxist, labor movement in existence. This is clear in it’s demands for UBI by stealth, it’s absolute declaration of adherence to climate justice, and in it’s demands to have it’s members murdered by medical intervention. At the end of the day, UAW is determined to destroy the companies it’s members work for, the states which those companies operate in, the nation those states are a part of through it’s implementation of Cloward and Piven welfare schemes. It has dedicated itself to supporting the SDG’s of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset through its demands for climate justice. And it still advocates that it’s members be forced to undergo medical experimentation and won’t raise a finger to assist those who refuse.

As long as the dues keep coming in and these fat sacks of Marxist trash are able to parasitically leach money from their members, the UAW doesn’t really care what happens to them. That puts them in a position of pretending to care just enough to get people to want to organize under their tyranny so that they can get raises for doing nothing positive for society. The whole point of the UAW’s endorsement of the green economic transition seems to be one where there are mandates to join the union or don’t work in the green economy. The lazy union mob bosses are using the transition to get more members so they can get fatter off of our labor. They don’t care what their members say as long as those dues keep coming in.

And the reason they do not care is because they are a globalist entity in their own right. An article on the UAW website celebrated the life of one of these globalist monsters, Estaban Torres. In the article, the UAW lauded Torres with praises including for serving UNESCO’s interests under the degeneracy of the Carter administration. It should be noted that UNSECO is the real world vision of getting Brave New World out of the realm of fiction and established as the tyranny all of us are to live under. In Congress Torres worked hard for anything which projected Hispanic power because he was a racist democrat and he assisted in making sure that citizenship was given to the millions of criminals who entered the US illegally in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Torres is not an anomaly, he is the prototype of what the UAW respects – subversion, racism, anti-Americanism, increasing dues to the union, and globalization.

When Myanmar fell back into a military junta, the UAW immediately demanded that no union work with their military. Democracy, the UAW claimed, was under attack. It is odd that Marxists demand democracy until it is understood that democracy is just the vehicle they plan on riding to power. Hitler employed democracy to arrive at his Marxist utopia and the UAW is following his playbook. Included in their plea was a demand that the UN Security Council sanction Myanmar. That aspect is telling because they supported protests held by workers yet wanted to impoverish the entire nation by demanding sanctions. It is odd to me that the United Auto Workers union would have so much to say about Myanmar. It’s an example of what is supposed to be a union which cares about jobs and job conditions of US workers deciding to go to bat with their members cash for people in foreign countries.

Related to this are the UAW’s contributions to an 800+ page report issued by the International Labor Organization. The ILO is under the auspices of the United Nations directly and coordinates global policy regarding labor. But a more formal chain is also discernible. The UAW is part of the AFL-CIO. The AFL-CIO has a long history of overt racism and demanding Marxism while claiming to be in battle against Marxism. (It is some odd thing in Marxist circles that they understand how evil they are yet still single out those with slightly different variations of Marxist to go to war with to gain support for their cause while masking their own Marxism). The AFL-CIO has joined the International Trade Union Confederation which works closely with the ILO as well as other UN agencies.

This is how ideas under the heading, the future of work, are able to be conceptualized at the global level and end up being mandated by businesses and unions alike. Degenerates at the World Economic Forum have decided for all of humanity that human will be increasing unnecessary to perform work. We must all go through reskilling programs constantly with an emphasis on shifting from producing goods and services we need to survive like food and clean water to one in the digital realm. They also find a need to increase the rate of the destruction of the family by getting women into the workforce and to demand that all jobs must be green jobs.

The purpose of the unions is to force its members into compliance with all of this. Much as the union I was previously a member of, Teamsters (puke), decided I could and probably should be fired for refusing to wear a mask while performing manual labor in 100-plus-degree heat, unions will force members to do all sort of things to please employers. The unions make it sound like they are fighting for the workers when, in fact, the unions are offering useless paper and digital representations of wealth while demanding we comply with the Great Reset and the SDG’s. The paper currency will be able to be used as toilet paper but the produce of our labor as directed by both business and unions is the erection of our own prison cells.

Unions have always been the vehicle to make sure that global government decrees end up affecting the working class directly. That is their purpose. The union bosses run around proclaiming that without them no one would have a voice, which is a lie. They run around demanding that the dues be mandated by government decree. They claim that the relationship between labor and industry would be entirely exploitative if it wasn’t for them. What they argue for 100% of the time; however, are Marxist planks to be brought into existence through contracts. Unions are openly hostile to free markets and entrepreneurs. They seek to create and maintain an economy based of Marxism so that they can continue their parasitic shake down schemes while lobbying governments to enforce Marxist tenets. With a global government and the green economy these unions see a way to significantly reduce their overhead so they can spend even more on Marxist lobbying efforts.

Entire sectors of the economy are being shut down right now and those sectors won’t need unions. The people who worked the jobs which no longer exist will be forced onto welfare rolls or into green jobs. So there is a huge demand out of the mouths of the salivating dogs who serve as union bosses to make sure that every green job is a union job. One union would be able to represent all of the workers in the green economy. One government would be able to direct that green economy. Anything falling outside of the green economy will be eroded through taxes and fines until those industries collapse due to bankruptcy. The workers will either be retrained and sentenced to another job, deemed obsolete and eliminated, or be put on UBI which is akin to the government constructing a zoo filled with people who have been deemed obsolete but not eliminated yet.

The union’s role in all of this will be to enforce compliance of the worker with the decrees of global governmental offices. More often than not, the union will serve as the police officer for the multinational companies and governments employing people. As an example, the shots are still encouraged by the unions because the government wants to shrink the number of retirees to lessen it’s debt burden (the unions have no qualms about this either as they, too, are keen on the idea for their own benefit). There is a reason that the covid-19 ‘pandemic’ looks just like an actuary table. Not only have the costs associated with taking care of an aging population significantly decreased, the knowledge of the ways the world once worked – the world before the neo-Nazi’s and the ecoterrorists fully gained control of it – are not as widely available from living sources.

Additionally, the unions, by pushing for these types of radical Marxist contracts, are creating fertile landscapes to encourage businesses to automate everything they can. If a robot can put it together, it will be brought in. If an AI can make the decisions necessary, it will be installed. If drones can be used to move product they will, the forklift driver will be made obsolete. It is in this way that the unions hope to replace humanity. But the leadership in these unions seems to forget that if there are only a handful of human beings employed by these fully automated manufacturing centers, they will find themselves on UBI waiting for the government to come around to free up costs associated with their existence, too. Are you a union steward who thinks the whole thing is crazy? Check out this article about how an AI could just be the entire union. Eventually this AI will have no purpose as robots, drones, and other AI’s will have no need to lobby on their own behalf.

Welcome to the post-human world.

In this brave new world, during the Great Reset, unions will serve to deceive workers into believing that the unions will support them. The unions will listen to workers but they will advocate for increased membership. If worker demands are not a Marxist plank, the concerns will go unheeded just as they did with asinine and murderous Covid-19 ‘mitigation’ efforts. They will lobby government to mandate increased membership and increasingly serve the interests of the corporations and the government. The most dangerous part is that people already do not see that the unions often act in this manner. It completes the fascist feedback loop because the unions are supposed to exist apart from employers and governments, yet they are fully integrated into both and actively participate in the fascist relationships which exist between the two. The answer to fascism isn’t Communism any more than it is socialism – it is free markets and free association and freedom to enter the market with the lowest possible barriers.

God warned us about this form of idol worship. Many worship the science and the personifications of that science like Anthony Fauci. Many worship the machines. Many worship the AI. Some worship Marx and Lenin and Mao. Some worship capitalism (yet this permits for God and worshiping God – a big reason why it is so hated). Some even worship the unions. Exodus 20:3 “You are to have no other gods before me. 4 You are not to make for yourselves a carved image or any kind of representation of anything in heaven above, on the earth beneath or in the water below the shoreline. 5 You are not to bow down to them or serve them; for I, Adonai your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sins of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but displaying grace to the thousandth generation of those who love me and obey my mitzvot. Unions with their Marxists roots necessitate the absence of God because God has already legislated the crime of idol worship and the consequences for committing it. And that is what this is – idol worship.

The answer is to turn our faces towards God. Resist and reject the unions, their corporate masters, their global governance schemes, and their designs on humanity. Stop worshiping these idols. Stop making these idols. Stop giving your money to these idols. Return to God, to the ways of the Torah, and reject this world and the green economy which is conceptualized to enslave every human on earth into the beast system. We deserve it because it is our souls on the line. Our children deserve it because they shouldn’t be slaves to a system seeking to first exterminate their parents to enslave and exterminate them.

Bless God and God bless.


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