Israel Needs To Stop Playing Democracy and So Do All of the Other Nations

Israel Needs To Stop Playing Democracy and So Do All of the Other Nations

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 9/15/2023

Israel was never supposed to be a democracy. The Bible doesn’t support the notion that Israel should be a democracy. The model Israel looks to inform its modern government – the United States – is not a democracy either. The United States is a Constitutional Republic or, at least it’s supposed to be. The Bible describes an Israel based on monarchic kings who either follow God or follow the ways of the pagans around them. Democracy is one of the pagan’s ways to operate in the world. Israeli’s who demand that their nation subscribe to democracy are demanding that Israel overtly adopt the pagan ways of the world.

The form of government the people of God are supposed to have is perhaps best summed up in an essay by Daniel J Elezar, “Politics becomes a means for achieving and maintaining the Holy Commonwealth. God is sovereign and exercises His sovereignty more or less directly, mediated only through His servants who act as national leaders and the traditional institutions of the people. Those institutions are federal and republican in character, with the federation of tribes at their base and the popular institutions growing out of that federation the major instrumentalities of governance alongside of God, His chief minister, and supporting staff.” There is no mention of democratically elected leaders. There is no mention of pagans participating in this God-ordained government. This describes a government under God, for a people living striving to live as God intended us to, which is to carry out God’s will.

That description sounds a lot like what the United States was founded to achieve. “One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all” is a part of the modern Pledge of Allegiance in the US. Pagans within our midst have done their best to destroy this link between the government of the United States and God which we are to do the will of. The letter which Thomas Jefferson penned to the Danbury Baptist’s regarding a separation of church and state has been constantly used deceptively to demand secularism be practiced in the United States by the government itself as well as its citizenry. Thomas Jefferson, it should be noted, sought to have Hebrew made the official language of the United States and routinely went to bat to have Maryland’s state constitution amended to reflect equal rights for Jews by removing the idea that only Christians have those inherent rights. Far from being against the people of God, the framers of the Constitution regarded the Jews as the people of the same God they worshiped. This is the same God that the US government was to follow and which it has decided to abandoned. Ben Franklin, no friend to religion, is credited with two quotes pertinent to to the point of the United States; “What can laws do without morals” and “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.”

Morals are the laws God gave to Moses for all of humanity to follow so that it may go well with us. Virtue is found in upholding God’s laws. Even understanding Jesus Christ is dependent upon understanding these laws whether one believes they are still valid (as I contend) or have been replaced by a new covenant (which I contend will not exist until Jesus returns to earth).

This is an issue for all of the nations on earth. In the United States, the idea is that men make laws based on their own conscious and the ethics which are used to justify their views which begs the question posed by Franklin – what good are these laws with no moral basis? It reveals a more fundamental issue – what good is religion without a proper foundational basis in morality? It turns into a debate rarely had regarding the roles of man-made ethics in decision making versus the universal morality offered in the Bible as related to Moses by God. To exacerbate problems the always changing ethical justifications are chosen over the unchanging morality dictated by God. How did the United States and the rest of the world arrive at its current crises? Ethics which are not rooted in morality.

In Israel, which is still waiting for the first coming of Messiah, this issue takes a bit different form. Ethics, too, have overtaken morality; however, these ethics are a reflection of the adoption of the ways of the world instead of the ways of God. Where the United States has greatly shaped the ways of the world because of it’s leaders rejection of the morality handed to us by God in favor of their own ethical judgments, Israel has decided to adopt those ethics as their model too. In doing so they are serving the ethics created by the progeny of the pagans of ancient Rome which itself was a continuation of ancient Babylon. Whether or not one believes in Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, He made a salient point which appears in Matthew 24:12, these problems in the world of today which have cause men’s love to grow cold is rooted in an increased distance from the Torah. The Torah is not the Hebrew Bible or a Jewish thing – it is where the laws are written which Jesus constantly preached of and told us all to follow (Matthew 5:17-20). He’s not telling us to follow the legalistic ways but the ways of God. This prophecy is being fulfilled and should be heeded by Christians by learning the Torah and by Jews by returning to the Torah.

Only by understanding the Torah, Genesis to Deuteronomy, can one understand what God has deemed good and evil for men. Of particular relevance to this piece, is the character of those who are in the field of pronouncing earthly judgments. Deuteronomy 16:18 “You are to appoint judges and officers for all your gates [in the cities] Adonai your God is giving you, tribe by tribe; and they are to judge the people with righteous judgment. 19 You are not to distort justice or show favoritism, and you are not to accept a bribe, for a gift blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of even the upright. 20 Justice, only justice, you must pursue; so that you will live and inherit the land Adonai your God is giving you.”

Also relevant to this piece is where Moses is told to institute a government. This government has no need of a legislature, God already wrote the laws. It has no use of a head as God is the head of this government. In today’s terms a denigrated word, theocracy, is used which is completely opposed to the democracy touted by those who rail against God who instituted this Biblical government. What is needed are men to judge based on the laws of God. This is established in Exodus 18. As time goes by; however, the governmental structures of the pagan societies are lusted after by the Jews. In 1 Samuel 8 the Jews demand a king over them which Samuel warns them will expropriate what is God’s – the king they seek to replace. Saul, the first King of Israel, was made so in 1 Samuel 9-10.

Of all of the kings placed over Israel and Judah only eight of them did good in the eyes of God. Asa, Jehoshaphat, Joash, Amaziah, Azariah, Jotham, Hezekiah, and Josiah, all of the kingdom of Judah, were the eight good kings. The other 31 of them did evil. They did exactly what God stated they would do when Samuel brought the matter to God in 1 Samuel 8:11 He said, “Here is the kind of rulings your king will make: he will draft your sons and assign them to take care of his chariots, be his horsemen and be bodyguards running ahead of his chariots. 12 He will appoint them to serve him as officers in charge of a thousand or of fifty, plowing his fields, gathering his harvest, and making his weapons and the equipment for his chariots. 13 He will take your daughters and have them be perfume-makers, cooks and bakers. 14 He will expropriate your fields, vineyards and olive groves — the very best of them! — and hand them over to his servants. 15 He will take the ten-percent tax of your crops and vineyards and give it to his officers and servants. 16 He will take your male and female servants, your best young men and your donkeys, and make them work for him. 17 He will take the ten-percent tax of your flocks, and you will become his servants. 18 When that happens, you will cry out on account of your king, whom you yourselves chose. But when that happens, Adonai will not answer you!”

This gives an account of a potential democracy rearing it’s ugly head in the Bible. Democracy isn’t the only way to choose a leader but it is the one that best represents the way of the world today. Nonetheless, the passage above states that people will choose a king who will destroy the people. He will expropriate the best of anything in the land – the fruits of the vine, the fields, and the people. The king will take for himself the taxes to pay for weapons of war to be used against the enemies of the state as well as the people of the state itself. And God, for His part, having already warned the Hebrews about the folly of placing a king over themselves and forsaking God, clearly indicated that this undertaking would find them crying for help and being ignored. Who needs the bondage of Egypt when the bondage can be entered into and brought about by one’s own kinsman? God basically told the Israeli’s you fools, I freed you from your servitude and yet here you are, again, demanding to return to it – have at it.

The evil kings committed all types of atrocities against God. The people went along with it because they attempted to serve two masters at once – an evil king and a righteous God. They passed their children through the fires, married their sons and daughters off to the pagans, and worshiped the idols of the pagans as well. The Babylonians warred against the Jews and won because their kings had no use for God and God saw fit to punish His people for their disobedience.

When the Jews were freed not too long after their civilization was torn to shreds by the Babylonian’s, they were permitted to return to the lands God had given to them. When the minority of the captive Jews chose to return, they had governors ruling their lands. These governors answered to the Persians who had conquered the Babylonian empire. Cyrus was the conqueror. Cyrus was kind to the Jews and allowed them to not only return to the land but also to rebuild the Temple. Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire but left the Jews alone. The Israeli’s pledged allegiance to Greece instead of Persia. The Romans replaced the Greeks about 150 years prior to the birth of the Messiah. The Romans were far less kind and far less consistent in their attitudes towards the Jews. Some of the Roman rulers banned Judaism while others tolerated it. When mismanagement and ineptitude caused societal issues in Israel under Roman rule, the Jewish priests refused to offer sacrifices to the emperor and there was a rebellion in the land. It was Nero who began what the diseased lunatic declared to be a crushing of the rebels in Judea. It was finished by Titus and his band of bloodlusting Roman degenerates when he had the Jews wantonly slaughtered and the Temple dismantled and looted four years later.

In 1948 Israel suddenly came back into existence in the space of a day. After having suffered countless numbers of pogroms, accounts of political repression, and incidences of racial and ethnic discrimination as well as being targeted for extermination the Jewish people once more had a home. The modern state of Israel was reborn. Modern states, of course, require a leader. Again, the Israeli’s chose a king in the fashion of the ways of the world. This leader isn’t called a king any longer – they are called the prime minister and are elected by the people through parliamentary democracy. If there is anything more convoluted than direct democracy (the sheep knows how the vote is going to turn out when the other two electors are wolves) it would be parliamentary democracies (where it turns out the sheep is just being used as bait for the polar bear it is secret friends with who comes and eats both the wolves). Clearly, the Israeli’s do not learn the lessons easily. Clearly, their original rejection of God as their king is still leading them straight into sin. And so is the rest of the world heading in the same direction. Of all of the peoples of earth, the Israeli’s should be the ones who are most able to recognize the ways of the world and their appetite for normalizing sin, yet they seem not to get it even after nearly 2,000 years of being a people with no home.

It is time to recognize that God is king. To do that, we need to return to God and live by his ways. This goes for the Israeli’s as well as for all of the rest of the people’s on the earth. Israel; however, serves as the forerunner in this because Israel comprises the chosen people of God. It behooves us to pay attention to what is occurring in Israel. It requires discernment to test whether or not Israeli current affairs reflect the ways of the world or the ways of God. And, it should be noted, that God did require Jewish leaders (kings, if you will) to possess three qualities – he must be one of the people by birth, he must not engage in wealth accumulation for the sake of accumulating great wealth, and he must write a Torah scroll from the Torah of the priests, read it daily, and remember that he is nothing more than the least of his people who, like him, must follow the laws (Deuteronomy 17). Additionally, Israel has no Constitution ratified and operates under a compilation of Basic Laws. It seems that neither the parliament of Israel, the Knesset, nor the Prime Minister, nor the President, nor even the members of the Judiciary have to do anything in service to God – they all swear allegiance to the secular government of Israel and it’s laws. All of this is a continuation of the degenerate kings of Israel in ancient times and displays a continued disinterest in the legislation issued by God in the Torah as well as the executive responsibilities God took upon himself as king for His chosen peoples. Once more the people of Israel have rejected God in favor of the ways of the pagan societies around them. This mistake will eventually be rectified; however before it is great calamity will fall upon Israel and the rest of the world.

As an example of how convoluted all of this is there have been major protests, and even riots, about Israel’s Supreme Court hearing a case about it’s Basic Laws. This case has the potential to allow Israel to move away from the degenerate form of man-made government the world favors Israel to practice into the one they are supposed to be constituted by as declared by God. US citizen’s too, pay attention because this nation, also, is supposed to be a nation under God and we certainly are not.

In Israel the latest Basic Law was passed in 2018. It is titled, BASIC-LAW: ISRAEL - THE NATION STATE OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE which, as it’s title suggests, forces the government to recognize itself as the home of the Jewish people both in present times and historically. It is a short document – 3 pages – which raise some interesting and, from my perspective very welcome, recognition. Among other aspects, this Basic Law recognizes that “the complete and united Jerusalem is the capital of Israel” and that the Sabbath and Jewish holidays (Pesach, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot among them) are official days of rest. This portends an Israel leadership which is preparing to do good in the eyes of God or at least creating the setting for future leaders to do good. Recognizing the land as theirs and celebrating the holidays officially may seem like small steps; however, these small steps, should the continue to be taken, will result in an Israel once more ruled by God, not – kings selected by men.

What the Supreme Court has been forced into doing is deciding the legal status of the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians. These people inside the State of Israel are not Jewish, have no historical claims to the land, and often serve as a humanitarian cover as well as a justification for action for terrorist groups funded by Iran, Syria, and other nations determined to eradicate Israel. Multiple lawsuits were filed by these pagan Arabs claiming that Israel should not be permitted to declare itself a home of the Jewish people and that Arabs living in Israel are going to be viewed even more as second class citizens. Those in support of the Basic Law are, correctly, pointing out it merely turns the de facto Israeli situation into a legally supported de jure realization.

A more fundamental issue has been raised; however, because many in the Israeli government, Prime Minister Netanyahu included, have indicated they will not follow the Supreme Court’s ruling on the matter. The ministers claim the Supreme Court lacks the authority to even hear the case. As a matter of fact, it is being reported that out of the 33 ministers in Israel, only three have vowed to support the Supreme Court’s decision if it rules to strike down part of a Basic Law for the first time in it’s history. The Jerusalem Post summed up their side of the story:

“This is a somewhat murky area. Just because the court has never done this before does not mean it is forbidden. In fact, if the court were prevented from striking down basic laws or amendments to them, then any government could pass any law it desired as a basic law, thereby precluding any judicial review. That situation, obviously, is untenable.Equally untenable is a government that does not listen to the court.

“Not only is it untenable, it opens the door to anarchy, to a situation described in the Book of Judges where “everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” If the government does not heed the court’s decision, why should anyone else?

“Democracy rests on several pillars, and one of its central ones is the supremacy of the law. If government ministers do not recognize the supremacy of the law, then there are no rules to the game, and if there are no rules to the game, then eventually, there may be no game at all.”

I find a lot of fault in the way the Jerusalem Post bastardized Judges above. And it goes directly to the points I tried to make above. Choosing men to be king, with a legislature full of men, and a judiciary full of more men, none of whom are guaranteed to be looking to God for guidance in the decisions they must make, is just as bad an idea in 2023 as it was in 1948, as it was in the days of Samuel. It is the same disobedience which ruined the Jews and is still ruining the Jews. I say this full-throated and I hope it is heard around the world because these judges have no law to guide them. Everyone is doing what they see fit in their own eyes already. Using the Bible to try to justify one group who is secular over another group who is secular is completely disgusting. It’s even more disgusting because these are still God’s chosen people. On top of all of that, the ‘law’ the Jerusalem Post is appealing to is not the one handed to Moses by God but the laws the secular state of Israel has decided to adopt to fit into the world.

The idea of the Israeli’s wanting to replace God with kings who will plunder and enslave the people is not even enough. The idea has moved past human beings which God created ruling over others into the realm of technology. No doubt the homosexual mass-murderer who has no use for God (read his books, listen to his interviews) living in Tel-Aviv who hides behind his Jewish identity to make the claim that anyone who is critical of him or the World Economic Forum is an Anti-Semite, Noah Yuval Harari, fully agrees with Srulik Einhorn. Einhorn had an opinion piece which was published a few hours ago appear in the Jerusalem Post titled, “Vote AI: Artificial intelligence should rule the country – opinion.” You cannot make this crap up. The article’s final paragraph reads, “In the grand theater of the future, AI doesn’t just play a role; it promises to be the maestro, orchestrating a symphony of progress, equity, and hope. As we stand on the precipice of this new age, let us embrace the potential of AI, ensuring a luminous future for all.”

This is all in the name of bolstering democracy. Is anyone seeing the doom these democracy loving demons are forcing upon the world? It cannot just be me. These efforts are not isolated to merely Israel, either. This is a global issue which will have global ramifications in every area of every single person’s life. If you happen to think Israel is just a contentious nation riddled with terrorism and security concerns, know this – they are a nuclear power. Who is ready to hand the launch codes for nuclear weapons over to an AI? Well, Harari and Einhorn are. Being Jewish, both of these men should be looking to God to be restored to His rightful place as the sole legislator and king of Israel yet these two have decided that even human beings are no longer good enough to effect democracy and that mankind’s creation of a very different ‘lifeform’ should rule over them. AI is far advanced in nature from wood-carved idols and golden calves but spiritually it is just another idol. This idol; however, has the potential to fulfill what is represented in the descriptive prophecies of the Beast system.

It should surprise no one that the World Economic Forum has already presented the idea. “Could robots do better than our current leaders?” was published five years ago. In 2020 Forbes decided that AI should be the vote counting system in all elections which begs a question they do not bother to even ask – who made the AI and what biases do they have? Oh, the Chinese are involved in some of these AI’s Forbes says so of course, let’s have them conduct elections around the world. Some of the demonic scientists who are fervently working to usher in the post-human age wrote a paper in 2016 noting the propensity for AI to dictate our lives – legally and politically. The Danish have a political party with an AI as it’s candidate, a poll revealed over half of the Europeans polled favor AI over human leaders, and there are many examples of leaders using AI to make their decisions already. The White House has issued a bill of rights designed to destroy the rights of citizens while claiming the bill creates protections against humans being abused by AI.

As a matter of fact, MIT let the cat out of the bag in 2019 when an article they published included the idea that neither free speech nor free market economics should be able to continue to exist to facilitate democracy and AI. The person being interviewed in the 2019 MIT piece is another of God’s people who has seen fit to spit at God. Amy Webb, in the interview, doubled down on idol worship in the AI sphere as well as in the global government sphere. She stated:

“One of my biggest recommendations is the formation of GAIA, what I call the Global Alliance on Intelligence Augmentation. At the moment people around the world have very different attitudes and approaches when it comes to data collection and sharing, what can and should be automated, and what a future with more generally intelligent systems might look like. So I think we should create some kind of central organization that can develop global norms and standards, some kind of guardrails to imbue not just American or Chinese ideals inside AI systems, but worldviews that are much more representative of everybody.”

GAIA is the personification of earth. This is what mother earth cultists, the ecoterrorists prominent among them, worship. They have turned the earth into an idol and, as such, have seen it fit to declare all of humanity a parasitic species destroying the earth. This is why this crowd has declared war on carbon and specifically the carbon involved with humanity. Intelligence Augmentation, itself, goes even beyond artificial intelligence. The term lends itself to a future full of cyborgs – not humans – transhuman cyborgs. Zero carbon initiatives have been regularly presented as a boon for the health of the earth and sold as a method of human life-extension. In truth; however, it is a human depopulation/extermination plan wrapped in green foil, promoted as good for the earth and thus good for humanity, and as a path to turning God’s creation into one more favorable for the Adversary. So, who is Amy Webb? She is a globalist, a Marxist, a technocrat, who seems to have a bloodlust for billions of humans who refuse to accept her demonic world view. She needs to turn back to God. She needs to lose her desire to destroy God’s blessings upon humanity – free will, free speech, etc… - by claiming that democracy is the end all be all.

And so should the secular state of Israel. The cries of the reprobates are loud and brutal whenever any government moves towards recognizing God’s commands. This is what is happening in Israel. This is what is happening in the USA. It is happening all around the world. What it is, is the increased distance from Torah Yeshua stated would come before His return. I did my best to try to explain what God intended for us. And I tried to give you a taste of the efforts the degenerates who have gotten us to this point in time have in store for us. They led us here because we decided to follow them. As they decided they could direct their own path removed from God, so, too, did those of us who look to a future presented as Utopia. It’s slavery and death. It’s the same slavery and death promised by God to those who rejected His laws and His sovereignty over His people in 1 Samuel 8.

Democracy is the worst form of government which has ever been devised. We can live far better under the leadership of God. THAT is the best government – the one with God at the center of it. It is time Israel recognize it, returned to their original sovereign, and again crown Him king. As a first step, and because Israel lacks a constitution, the Torah should be submitted as that constitution. It’s time that the rest of the nations on earth follow this recommendation for Israel as well. The alternative is a death and enslavement upon this earth in which men will beg for death yet death will elude them.

Bless God and God bless.


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