The Atlantic Warns China – Decline Peacefully

The Atlantic Warns China – Decline Peacefully

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 9/10/2023

The Atlantic is a magazine which has promoted globalism since it’s very first issue. It has never strayed from demanding the banks be permitted to buy up everything without restriction. The writers for the magazine have never encountered a form of Western-backed globalism they disagreed with. The result has been the enslavement of the masses. The slavemasters are the banks and corporations who use the power of government to destroy our lives and rob us blind. The role of The Atlantic in all of this is to sell the idea that we should all be happy slaves.

The current head of The Atlantic is the widow of Steve Jobs who is a real piece of work. Laurene Powell Jobs has done everything she can to destabilize and destroy the United States. She has donated billions to any entity which will make American’s poorer, supports radical Marxist movements, serves of the board of the Ford Foundation, loves social justice warriors and their idiotic causes, hung out with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell suggesting she is a Satanist, and works with the World Economic Forum and their agenda to destroy all of the carbon on earth. This gold-digger knew that she would like to help murder human beings anyway she could when she met Steve Jobs. When he died in 2011 she took that opportunity, and all of his money, and has not stopped using it to promote anything which will further enslave the rest of us. This is the ideological basis for every story appearing in The Atlantic.

On September 7, The Atlantic published a piece by Michael Schuman called The China Model is Dead. Any media publication is important but The Atlantic has managed to be a mouthpiece exclusively in service to the Western globalists establishment. There are several such publications including, Foreign Affairs, International Affairs, and Orbis which do the same thing but these are peer-reviewed journals and not as widely subscribed to. However, each journal mentioned has also issued warnings to the Chinese in their publications [1, 2, 3] . The Atlantic’s article serves the same purpose – it warns the Chinese that they are about to suffer a downturn. But, The Atlantic article adds a stick: accept your decline peacefully, it or else.

If you are not aware of it, China has been waging an economic and cultural war against the United States for well over two decades. They have funded their economic war by running huge trade surpluses with the United States, implementing less Communism in business in favor of a more fascistic partnership between their businesses and the government, and outright stealing technologies from the west to create cheap Chinese knock-offs by exploiting their slave-labor subjects. Culturally, they have managed to set up police stations in the United States to detect and apprehend Chinese dissidents. Hundreds of Confucius schools have been created at universities in the United States and United Kingdom with the goal of making China’s Marxism seem preferable to the West’s freer markets. Another plot is intended to brain-drain the West – the 1,000 talents program is used to bribe those with superior intellectual capabilities to move to China.

China has been fighting this war, the most recent front being Chinese nationals entering the unrestricted southern border illegally, successfully. During Covid-19, when all of those PCR tests were used to gather the DNA of billions of people around the world, China ended up with a lot of the genetic data. Race-specific and individual-specific biological and chemical weapons systems are able to be developed based on genetic data. Our fascistic companies in the West sold this data to their peers in the East. And China has long sought the genetic material of the populace of the United States – they have invested in and obtained millions of DNA sequences from 23andMe.

The China model being declared dead by The Atlantic’s Schuman is one of fascism. The argument being made by Schuman is because China has invested in so many infrastructure projects domestically and internationally which have not panned out, China is ruined. They should expect to suffer from a more sluggish rate of economic growth especially in the long term. Fixing the problems would cost a ton of money in the short term, according to Schuman, but in the long term would yield solid, sustained, economic growth. But that’s not really what this article is about.

The Atlantic article is about the disdain the Western globalists now harbor for China. It was once the globalist’s playground and model for the social contract between government(s) and subjects, economic production, and the model used for demonstrating the Utopia global government portends for all of us. The Chinese realized that they were being used as such and decided that because they played such an integral role to all of this and were highly interconnected with all of the Western players, they would hijack the entire thing for their own glory. A large part of the coronavirus saga relates this story if one happens to be aware of it.

Look at the demands the people of the West have been inundated with regarding the Chinese version of lockdowns in response to coronavirus and the assaults on the freedom which prevented them from being quite so draconian, at least in the United States. What we are really witnessing is a war for the minds of men and whether we will be compliant and domesticated by tyrants as represented by the China model or whether we will stand up and demand that our government’s respect our God-given rights as was once the West’s creed. Western government’s have shown the desire, if not an overwhelming zealousness, to glom onto the Chinese tyrant model.

So, while the globalists are pissed off as all get out at the Chinese trying to hijack the globalist system outright, they are very pleased that the model they developed in China has been used by virtually every government, at every level, around the entire world. Those who shunned adopting Chinese models of tyranny in early 2020 were lambasted by the media whether locally, nationally, and/or internationally (Ron DeSantis and Kristi Noem come to mind) and in at least four instances were murdered. This process is about to be repeated with the rise of the BA.2.86 coronavirus ‘variant’ and the rollout of a brand new death jab to ‘cure’ it by murdering those who it is administered to. Masks, social distancing, testing requirements, vaccine passports, QR codes, and a wide array of other measures are about to befall humanity because these tyrants have not been prosecuted nor even held accountable for the last all-out assault on humanity. The Western globalist architects who modeled China are licking their lips at their newest opportunity to rape and murder billions of people. But, China going on about it’s own tyranny without the Western establishment’s permission has given rise to a global new world order built on the China model which seeks to remove China from the equation.

Here is one example of the Western globalist establishment’s anger at China – Xi has broken the yoke they placed around China’s neck. Schuman described it, “Xi Jinping has spent the past decade amassing personal power. Now the yuan has to stop with him. In theory, the economy’s troubles should prod him into a rapprochement with the United States, to stop economic relations with the West from further deteriorating and keep foreign technology and capital flowing to aid the country’s development. But Xi is taking China in a different direction.”

He elaborated, “The determination to compete with the United States has long been a central component of Xi’s economic agenda. In recent years, he has doubled down on industrial policies, including state financial support, specifically devised to put Chinese companies ahead of American rivals in such sectors as artificial intelligence and semiconductors. With a focus on “self-sufficiency,” he has sought to reduce Chinese vulnerability to U.S. sanctions by substituting homemade alternatives for foreign imports. And his Belt and Road Initiative, a global infrastructure-building program, was designed to open avenues of trade and investment for Chinese business beyond the West. The BRICS are even talking about forming their own currency to decrease their dependence on the U.S. dollar.”

What this portends, according to Schuman, is, “The slowdown of China’s economy may undercut Xi’s ideological assault on the world order. By example, China has sought to demonstrate to the Global South that democracy and development are not inseparable, and that autocrats can have wealth, international respect, and political power. Those claims are harder to make with a faltering economy. If anything, China’s economic troubles suggest that authoritarian regimes cannot both tighten control and sustain economic progress—that, ultimately, political reform must accompany economic reform.”

To wrap the article up he warns China not to become militarily aggressive towards nearby islands, specifically Taiwan. It took him a few days but Schuman finally got around to what he was trying to say in this article in another article two days later. Xi Jinping Is Done With the Established World Order is the name of the article. In this edition, Schuman seems to be exasperated that a leader of a G20 member would decide it best not to attend. While Schuman sees Xi’s rejection of attending the G20 as a mistake in diplomacy, an overt indication of Xi’s intention to create an alternative to the Western New World Order, and mentions other issues which other nation’s leaders are angry at China for, he also let the cat out of the bag.

For Schuman, and those who pay him, the world is not to be dominated by the United States nor China nor are they supposed to stand as rivals apart from the rest of the world akin to the USA and USSR. “Xi seems to perceive the future as a binary competition between his China and the United States. But he is mistaken. The global order that is now emerging has multiple centers of power, each with its own goals and interests. China will not automatically be the primary beneficiary of the coming world order, nor will the global South necessarily flock to its banner in a renewed anti-colonial struggle.”

Who is going to control those weaker, smaller, more divided multi-polar entities? None other than the United Nations. Schuman just signaled to the Chinese that the plan is to weaken institutions like the G20 so that institutions like the World Economic Forum can sit atop of them all and play the role of puppeteer. He’s telling China that because Xi isn’t playing along with the West’s world domination plan now, he will play by the rules because of the weakening of current global institutions and the bolstering of the weaker organizations in the world.

This is a rift similar to the dispute which had, during the entire Cold War, kept China and Russia from establishing any positive, non-antagonistic, relationship. The USSR demanded ideological purity. The Chinese rewrote the ideology in such a way that represented China’s traditional exercise of influence. Both were Communist.

The USSR wanted international partners made of every nation of earth which engaged in violent, never-ending, revolution and they had few concerns about the amount of force they would use and the propaganda they would issue to make it occur. Of course, history shows that the USSR collapsed in large part because it lacked the money to put where its mouth was. They lost the chess match.

Today, the globalist New World Order of the West is fascist and so is China. It’s not a big move to go from Communism to fascism. It is a big move to go from free enterprise to a fascist model. This is where The Atlantic plays it’s integral role – they refuse to acknowledge that they are the fascists Hitler tried so hard to mold to rule the world. Instead they point at Donald Trump as a fascist when he is the closest thing the United States has had to a leader who values traditional American values. The Atlantic writes for the benefit of the banking interests, the power-hungry global elite, and against freedom, individualism, national sovereignty, and free markets because they are Marxists seeking to dominate the world with a blend of technocracy and fascism. Schuman is no different and he is quite noticeably not concerned about lying outright or by omission to promulgate The Atlantic’s agenda.

China was quieter and was and still is playing an entirely different game. The Chinese play a game called Go. Instead of capturing a king, the goal is to surround the opponent. China has always done its best to avoid being surrounded by an enemy. They plot and place one piece at a time, setting up their attack mechanisms. The idea China is operating under is to surround their enemy and their enemy is the United States and the Western globalists instituting a global world order. The Confucius Centers, foreign national military-aged-men pouring over the border, and their police stations are all representative of this. One of these fronts alone are frustrating and cause for concern. Taken as a whole, the United States and the Western globalists are finally realizing and admitting that they are nearly surrounded. China is winning this match of Go and the people who are supposed to understand this won’t stop pretending China is just playing chess wrong (in Go the pieces are placed on the intersecting lines, not within the boxes).

If China declines it will not be peaceful. It would likely involve blackmailing a US president to stand down in the event China deploys it’s military anywhere including in the United States itself. If China goes into Taiwan the United States wouldn’t be able to stop them because the United States is broke. Europe is going to do a whole lot of talking and a whole lot of not acting. If the United States is the target of Chinese military aggression, many of the nations in the EU would likely assist, and may even invade side-by-side with, their Far East allies. So, who would stop China? No one would stop China. No one would have the guts and the capability in equal amounts. So, The Atlantic has decided to signal to Xi that they will face further economic hardships which the Chinese are showing the world they don’t really care about.

And, why would the US not be able to combat China? We gave our resources to the Taliban in Afghanistan. The Biden Administration ensured the lives of our military members would be sacrificed as it worked to make sure Afghan’s were able to get out of the nation. The same administration has decided it prudent to shut the valves on every pipeline they could, restrict oil drilling, and to open the Strategic Reserve to sell oil to China of all places. $200 billion and counting has gone to the Nazi in Kiev so that Ukraine can be the Slavic model of the globalist’s utopia – the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Great Reset. The Atlantic sees no issues with the weakening and destruction of the United States – in fact they celebrate it.

So what is Schuman and The Atlantic really doing here? They are indicating that the Western globalists are the one who already have dibs on ruling the world. They will be the ones who dictate the global economies. They will be the creators of the diseases and the transhumanist cures. They will be the one’s in charge of dictating how anyone is permitted to live their lives. They will be the ones to determine who lives and who dies and what rules merit either outcome. The Atlantic is telling Xi to sit down and shut up because those who narrate the agenda they propagandize to its readers already have everything figured out. This is the groundwork for the West to overtly wage war against China if China doesn’t start it first. Both sides can go to Hell. This is particularly true because all of these entities are doing their best to bring Hell to earth.

Bless God and God bless.


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