Traitors: David Jolly

Traitors: David Jolly

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity - 9/5/2023

It is all too easy to identify the traitors to the United States and to humanity at large in our midst at times. One such traitor, who also happens to be an unconscionable liar, is David Jolly. He also happens to be in the news currently because of his continued unhinged attacks on Donald Trump. At the same time this ex-GOP member devotes considerable efforts to telling lies about how great Joe Biden is. What Jolly and others with his degenerate mindset refuse to admit is why they hate Trump and love Biden. Trump represents a vibrant United States returning to individual liberty while Biden represents an overall decline of the United States in every area with and end game of total enslavement and death. Jolly think he will be able to crack a whip on American citizen’s backs at some near-future date by bashing Trump and doting on that murderous and corrupt piece of garbage illegally occupying the White House currently.

I can be fair. Trump is finally coming around to what Warp Speed was all about. It was all about scaring the crap out of everyone to get them to submit to death jabs. It was about eliminating as many baby-boomers set to retire or already collecting retirement as possible. It was about firmly establishing an expert class (technocrats) capable of ordering mandates based on their whims which we are to be forced to comply with no matter what. Warp Speed was about control and the removal of any precautions, informed consent, or human rights regarding establishment medicine. It’s pleasing that Trump has finally opened his mouth against this, but it took hm far too long to do so and I will never be able to forgive him for the results this disaster has wrought upon the entire world.

But, to bash Trump for being targeted by a fascist global cabal is asinine. It reflects a lack of understanding history. The type of persecution Donald Trump is suffering from is the same tactics those anti-human reprobates used to make the Russia into the USS; the Leninist and Stalinist hellhole. Like Czar Nicolas, who was executed along with his entire family by the globalists who orchestrated the Communist takeover of Russia, Donald Trump is being murdered. Nicolas suffered death through bullets, the new class of globalists didn’t like the mess that caused in Russia and have decided to adopt extralegal arguments to effectively murder Trump by putting him in prison for the rest of his life.

Trump has made the claim, a claim I believe, that these globalists are after him to get at the rest of us. Trump wants to put himself in a position to make every effort to allow the American people’s ingenuity and industriousness pierce through the dome of socialism which has shackled the United States.

We are not just another nation among nations. The United States was designed to be the light of liberty, justice, and freedom for the entire world. It could be argued that we are nothing but a continuation of Rome which was a continuation of Babylon. In the present day and for about the last 80 years (especially the last 22 years), the United States has represented these debauchery-riddled empires. But the US government was never supposed to be a reincarnation of Rome nor Babylon. The United States Constitution was crafted as a form of government never before experienced upon the earth. Throughout the US Constitution there exists brilliant applications of the Torah as applicable to the world in 1776. The Torah and the US Constitution are still applicable to today’s world as well – exactly as they were written over 2,500 years ago and 247 years ago, respectively.

The globalists attacking the United States have a habit of dismissing or ignoring the constraints placed on the government outlined in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. The reason this is tolerated is because people no longer pay attention in civics class. None of these people are taught the Torah. If anyone would like to take on a challenge, take the Torah and identify where the US Constitution borrowed from it to establish the federal government. Then take those findings and try to get the Catholics, Baptists, and Lutherans to accept that our government was founded upon Jewish law. Good luck. If you want to try, I have authored a piece to get you started.

Globalism has no use for God outside of converting the priesthood to teach their congregations about the ways of the world. Intrusions and aberrations are now taught more and more regularly in churches. Jesus was a socialist is a fun one which is completely false. Another is the sparkle creed. Some congregations are more focused on modern notions of manmade climate change than on worshiping God – these churches have no use for the Son nor the Father, only the pagan deity called Gaia. I assure you, inclusive, feminist, and Gaia worship centers exist and the re-configuring of entire churches to accommodate the anti-God tenets of those manmade ethics are ongoing. Congregants are not even aware of the changes in some instances.

I bring up belief because without acknowledging and worshiping God we end up with leaders who seek to create ethical frameworks to create paths to absolute power. Without God, it is far too easy to want to be God. This is the space I think David Jolly operates in. Jolly thinks he can be God and wield his power through adherence to his reprobate ethical standards and at the same time gain favor with his globalist masters. The climate change nonsense is a plot to demand actions which do not need to be taken to address a problem which does not exist in order to gain control over the minds, and thus the actions, of mankind. Jolly also loves this idea because it allows him to just ‘go with the flow’ and not stick out in his globalist-backed quest to destroy humanity. All he has managed to do in reality is to reject God and to make it seem plausible for others to take the same wide path he has chosen. In the earthly realm he has proven himself to be the traitor as described in the title.

Jolly is featured in a HuffPost article today because he decided, in his maggot infested brain, that Donald Trump is projecting crimes onto Joe Biden. Apparently, to Jolly, democrats, and globalists at least, pleading not guilty and being found not guilty means pay money to a complete lunatic who obviously made up stories about rape. Questioning election results and asking questions about what was going on with voting machines isn’t a crime unless Donald Trump is the one doing the asking. Politicians who caused actual insurrections are not even investigated while people who decided to peacefully march to uphold the US Constitution have been illegally arrested, illegally incarcerated (kidnapped – the punishment for which is death), and now illegally sentenced after the sham of politically motivated star-chamber trials which have been deemed legitimate. Trump himself faces one of these trials. He also faces a documents case which is fraudulent and should have already been dismissed, as should the other indictments.

Joe Biden did not receive 80 million legitimate votes. He likely didn’t manage to receive even 50 million legitimate votes. He ran a campaign from his basement. When he did go out, no one showed up to sit in the social distance bubbles and masks to hear his positions at his ‘rallies’. What he did was cheat and, as a result, the country has been usurped by a demonic, globalist entity who hates the nation he is supposed to lead. He is the originator of the political purge we are witnessing against anyone who has decided America was ever great and anyone who seeks to make it great again. Biden routinely sexualizes boys and girls on live television yet he is not prosecuted. His daughter’s diary states she was repeatedly raped by her father. Joe operated a pay-for-access scheme through his degenerate drug addict son, Hunter. It is more than highly-likely he still operates a pay-for-access scheme currently. Biden had illegally retained classified documents in multiple locations, unsecured, from his time as vice-president to the formerly worst-president of modern times. Many democrats have questioned election results without being criminally charged for doing so.

This is what Jolly was talking about when he said Donald Trump was projecting. Joe Biden should have been removed for corruption about three or four decades ago. Jolly ignores this because Biden is a globalist doormat who will stamp his signature on anything which comes out of the EU, WEF, UN, and anything else which expands or quickens the demise of the United States. The inflation, joblessness, cost of living increases, artificial scarcity, pandemic mandates, political persecutions, terrorist declarations and many other aspects of the Biden administration are all efforts to make sure the US will never be able to recover from the damage this globalist shill is causing. It’s all to make sure the US citizens get the idea that that we are just another country in a world filled with countries. In fact, we shouldn’t even be a country according to Joe Biden as exemplified in his demands that well over half of US citizens are domestic terrorists, there should be no border, and by signing away our sovereignty with the Declaration of North America. Each of these is an act of treason and a serious breach of duty, yet little is being done because his CYA network is in charge of the Senate. Jolly must be smiling – this is exactly what he wants.

Jolly claims to be pro-life yet he has no issues murdering people. He wants the republican party to focus on creating justifications to fight foreign wars. He wants to censor speech. He wants to hide the fact that he is a pagan who worships science. If the World Economic Forum has decided it’s good or the transhumanist party has endorsed it, David Jolly has no issues with following suit. Andrew Yang is a technocrat who has managed to make the crap he is selling smell like roses to moronic dissaffected youth. Yang is the founder of the Forward Party which features technocracy, totalitarian technological enslavement, Universal Basic Income, and demonstrably disastrous ranked-choice voting. This is the party Jolly, the rat that he is, ran towards after he defected from the republican party. Everything that Yang’s Forward party stands for is treason and Jolly sees no issue with his membership. On top of it all, Jolly is proud of trying to make sure that American citizens are denied their right to possess firearms because some whack job in the federal government placed them on a no-fly list with absolutely no due process by offering the guise of legitimacy of the original action.

Why do people listen to this guy? He is listened to by the people who stupidly have respect for the so-called news publications which love him because he hates Trump. That includes the Washington Post (which thinks “Jolly tells the truth”), USA Today, NBC, CNN, TIME Magazine, and the Tampa Bay Times which quipped of Jolly, “It’s refreshing to hear someone take on the system.” Jolly is the system. He’s godless, perverse, degenerate, and seems incapable of advocating for anything involving free enterprise, free choice, or allowing individual’s to pursue their own interests. He cannot wait to get that whip in is hand. Maybe the people who live in Tampa, Florida like those ideas because they are the people who elected him, followed by Charlie Crist, a particularly demonic democrat. Because of Jolly and Crist it seems Tampa voters woke up to it’s past failures and elected a representative who has actual values in line with the Torah and the US Constitution – Anna Paulina Luna.

Why are we listening to a democratic satan worshiper by the name David Jolly though? Why is he being paraded around as an ex-member of the GOP, as disgusting as they are? Because those doing the parading are as disgusting as he is. He is one of them. He is the system. Deceitful. Hateful. Duplicitous. Treasonous. And he is on board the vehicle meant to destroy all of our lives and has been riding around on it for quite some time. That vehicle is called Agenda 21 which was updated in Agenda 2030 and codified into many laws through the ruse of supporting the UN’s Sustainability Goals (ESG, food shortages, electricity outages, internet ID, the rise of AI, the demise of human civilization). The ecoterrorists who dominate the political, educational, and media spaces are, absolutely committing treason against the United States by demanding that national sovereignty over virtually every activity a US citizen partakes in be deemed illegal by a global governmental board. Jolly’s endorsement of this is, indeed, treasonous. It’s also ungodly.

We need to start electing many more legislators who are like Luna and start shunning these demons playing human beings like Jolly. More, we need to be holding those who have helped destroy the nation accountable for their treasonous actions. Harboring ideas is one thing. Taking actions abrogating the US Constitution is an entirely different matter and Jolly has done this time and time again. Actually, he has made destroying the US Constitution and the works it borrowed from his life’s goal. Because he swore an oath to uphold, not rend, the US Constitution and failed to do so maliciously, he should be held accountable. Jolly is a prototype of the kind of garbage that ends up in the revolving door of political representatives to lobbyists and back again. If nothing else, any bid he has for any future political position, elected or appointed, needs to be thwarted. He should also immediately have his ability to lobby any elected official stripped from him and be forced to write letters to staffers and leave messages on answering machines like the rest of us. Someone send the man a Bible because he is without wisdom, knowledge, love, and lacks any fear of God. It may serve him well.

Bless God and God bless.


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