Multilateral is Code for Globalized Individual Enslavement

Multilateral is Code for Globalized Individual Enslavement

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 9/20/2023

For at least several decades, a huge emphasis has been placed on the ideas entailed by a rather long and at times confusing compound word. The word is multilateral. In one sense it refers to globalist endeavors in international relations which bind nations through treaties. Instead of the bilateral treaty like the United States making an agreement with Poland, say, multilateral version get multiple nations to agree all at once. In another sense, there are quite a few multilateral efforts and operations being conducted simultaneously around the world. While these efforts are not necessarily codified into treaties which are seeking to be ratified and adopted, they present an even more insidious intrusion into our lives because of the way they are implemented as covertly as possible. Whether noticed or not, multilateralism is an effort being conducted by global government proponents with the purpose of enslaving us through consensus.

There are plenty of examples of the official multilateral agenda. The World Trade Organization, World Health Organization, International Monetary Fund, Trans-Pacific Partnership, North American Free Trade Agreement, the European Union, the former Union of Soviet Socialist States, the African Union, the Bank of International Settlements, and the United Nation itself are examples of the institutions created to initiate, install, and maintain these agendas. Others are less well known and sometimes much more technical like the International Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, and Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. There are many non-governmental entities participating in these agreements such as Amnesty International, Planned Parenthood International, and Greenpeace. Scientific researchers love are often represented in multilateral agreements which produce all sorts of results (all bought and paid for, of course) like the Global Genome Initiative. The World Economic Forum has gained a great deal of largely unwanted notice from concerned citizens in multiple nations around the world because of the WEF’s dedication to globalism and the multilateral agreements underpinning it as well as their recent acquisition of the United Nations. This list is not exhaustive; however, it is important because each of these organizations and their workings are very similar and studying the way they work offer important insights as to how our rights are being destroyed by unhinged lunatics at the global government level.

These organizations usually end up establishing multinational treaties or proclamations of their intent. A key feature of the conferences and meetings where these decrees are concocted is their introduction of multinational corporations into the proceedings. For example, the WEF website lists multiple business partners in their efforts to force humanity to travel down the road to achieve the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Examples include Amazon (online retail), Apple (telecommunications hardware), Bank of America (banking), Cisco (telecommunications), Citi (finance), DeepLearning.AI (artificial intelligence), ExxonMobile (energy), Google (data collection), Henkel (chemicals, adhesives, and consumer products), Intel (computer chips), Kaiser Permanente (healthcare), LinkedIn (social media), Mayo Clinic (medical provider), New York Times (media), Occidental (energy), PepsiCo (food and beverage), Qualcomm (telecommunications), Robinhood (online stock brokerage), Saint-Gobain (a $50-billion-plus building materials manufacturer which is not officially recognized as a partner on the WEF website), Salesforce (customer relationship management), Toyota (transportation), Uber (transportation), Unilever (food, beverage, home care, and personal care), Visa (finance), Walmart (retail), Wellcome Trust (Bill Gates’ ‘healthcare’), Ÿnsect (insect-based ‘food’), and Zurich Insurance Group (insurance). Hundreds more businesses are listed on the WEF partner’s list but this should suffice – every industry is involved in multilateralism.

Long touted as non-existent by a deceptive global media despite overwhelming concrete evidence, the Davos Group has it’s 2024 meeting planned already. The meeting is explained by the World Economic Forum as:

“The 54th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum will primarily focus on exploring the opportunities enabled by the new technologies and their implications on decision-making and global partnership.

“As in previous years, the upcoming Annual Meeting will be the foremost platform to drive public-private cooperation at the highest level, convening over 100 governments, all major international organizations, the 1000 most important global companies, relevant civil society and academic institutions, as well as the global media.”

What is conceptualized at these meetings is what ends up being the demands and decrees which are written into multilateral agreements. The easiest to research of these agreements is probably the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the resulting compacts. While it may be easy to research this, it is time consuming because it has a document history dating back to 1992 with Agenda 21. From Agenda 21 came the Millennium Goals which ended in abject failure from the United Nation’s perspective. A curtailed revision of Agenda 21 was created based on it in addition to several other UN documents regarding Environment and Development and titled Agenda 2030. From Agenda 2030 came the SDGs. The most well-known manifestation of official multilateralism under Agenda 2030 is a very binding Paris Climate Accord. Other well known official efforts fall under any of the 17 individual SDGs.

Outcroppings of those efforts include demands for actions to be taken under any number of slogans and buzzwords which many have heard. ‘Sustainability’ sounds like a good thing until it begins to be the used as a cause to create artificial scarcity. ‘Good governance’ sounds like a great idea until one comes to the realization that the model government is that which exists in China presently – fascism with technocracy infusions. ‘Green’ as a prefix means anything from culling all livestock to prohibiting any individual from owning anything to sucking the building blocks of life out of the atmosphere and making them unavailable. But the one which is probably most well known is the phrase Carbon Zero.

Carbon Zero is somewhat unique because of the amount of transparency it presents to those reading it. Carbon is what all life on earth is based on. Carbon mixed with two atoms of oxygen is what plants need to survive. Without there are no plants. Without plants there are no animals. Without food (plants and animals) humans will starve to death. Carbon Zero, sometimes called carbon neutral, is usually followed by the word solutions. If one takes the time to study the workings of Nazi Germany and compare that to the stated intentions of Carbon Zero proponents, it becomes crystal clear that Hitler’s Final Solution has been renamed Carbon Zero Solutions.

And it is this rising, in most cases already established, neo-Nazi global government which endlessly demands increased multilateralism. They do so because it is far easier to cull slaves than it is to murder citizens. The way they go about it is to create massive problems (these are the types who have paid to have millions of strains of unnatural chimeric pathogens created). After the fear has reached it’s maximum peak in societies, rights start disappearing and any number of martial laws are implemented (school, church, and business closures, masking mandates, forced isolation, a division of essential people and non-essential people, etc…). As people become accustomed to their slavery, they are presented with the ultimate solution to end some of the martial laws (in Covidiocy, this was the murder jab).

From 30,000 feet, the idea is cause a problem, make people suffer, offer a solution when the chaos starts to get out of hand. There were multiple runs on the banks in the 1800’s and early 1900’s which ushered in the privately owned Federal Reserve System (the third iteration of a central bank of the US) and fundamentally destroyed the United States. Part of the deal with FED was that states should no longer be represented in the US Senate and the federal government should be permitted to pillage our labor. The Great Depression which started in the US in earnest in 1929 when the stock market crashed. It ended only after many rights were stripped and the US government entered into many realms it still has no business being involved in. The events of 9/11 resulted in the right’s destroying USA PATRIOT Act. This is the blueprint used by the monsters who orchestrated Covidiocy.

And all of those events are not only still being dealt with by US citizens, the ideas are reaffirmed in every multilateral agreement. Covid-19 was obviously global – all of the players, from Pfizer to the CDC to the WHO to local public health departments were directed to operate exactly the same way. They weaponized the medical establishment and murdered us with ventilators and remdesivir and by withholding known, effective, non-invasive, safe, and cheap treatment options. What was done during Covid-19 is already incorporated by the World Health Organization’s existing International Health Regulations (IHR). But, the IHRs lack teeth.

As a result of Covid-19 and the WHO’s perceived inability to enforce their health diktats, a new version of the IHRs are being worked on. In addition, a brand new treaty is being crafted at the WHO which will have the teeth, in the form of sanctions and penalties. The point of the multilateral treaty is to make sure that during the next pandemic (a pandemic which has already been promised) whatever the WHO says will be followed, or else. Medical tyranny has arrived. The current head of the WHO has already used medicine to murder his political opponents and everyone who isn’t 10 steps left of Mao is his opponent.

As noted above there is a long history of these multilateral agreements serving the interests of eco-terrorists. Additionally, there are many more. At the UN there is a Convention on the Rights of the Child which leftists everywhere have adopted, despite it never having been ratified in the US, to justify their efforts to convince prepubescent children to decide to opt for gender reassignment treatment and surgeries. NICS, the National Instant Criminal Background Check System in the United States is the extension of another multilateral UN treaty called the Arms Trade Treaty which the US signed and has never ratified. Likewise, the Paris Agreement is not in effect yet because it still has yet to be legally ratified by a vote of two-thirds of the Senate. All of the actions taken by the Obama and Biden regimes under the Paris Agreement constitute high treason. Yet, still, Biden decided he could use executive powers to ratify a treaty (that’s treason) which, after he did so in his first hours of the coup he participated in, turned around and justified closing thousands of gas and oil pipelines.

Where multilateralism starts turning even more insidious can be visibly seen in several areas. One of the major areas occur daily in the supposed educational facilities around the world. These schools are teaching our children to chop their genitals off. They are teaching children that abortion is permissible. They are taught that there is no God because we are all pond scum. They are instructed to see themselves as global citizens who do good according to their own measure of good and demand everyone else appease their desires for environmental justice, racial justice, disarmament, and many other feeling-based issues. Yes, the local school boards approve of this. Yes, the US Department of Education condones this. But the progenitors are UNESCO. UNESCO is Brave New World in action.

Are you curious about why the border is open? Oh, that is multilateralism as well. In 2000, the United Nations published a paper literally titled Replacement Migration. The document demanded hundreds of millions of immigrants from all over the third-world to go enter the Western world based on economic concerns. In the United States, the number was put at nearly 600 million, mostly illegal, entries into the country. Europe was to take somewhere near 300 million. It is a multilateral document which is being followed.

Lurking in the shadows of the Ukraine war with Russia, the nation already has a multilateral agreement in the works to create a technocratic and technological utopia for the globalists and global government which is neither supportive of, nor fit for, human life.

Should you really like to take a deep look at how multilateralism works from the global to the local level, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the World Health Organization’s and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ Codex Alimentarius and the World Trade Organizations adoption and enforcement of it.

The SDGs themselves are not moving fast enough so the UN has taken to the media to issue demands that it be sped up. To make a long story short, the intended result of the SDGs is a severely reduced human population which is forced to live in complete compliance with a global technocratic and fascistic government. All of the food produced will be counted and allotments will be made to each person which is still alive. Eating will be dependent on having an up-to-date vaccine passport, the correct QR code status, the proper implants, and the right social credit score. The difference will be eating poorly-processed, chitin-laced, insects or the lab-grown meat which is created from cancerous tumors. Food is but one aspect – the SDGs also promise the lack of energy resources, water, shelter, education, personal protection, legal rights, banking services, transportation, communication, and employment for those not fully compliant. Those who are fully compliant will exist in a prison titled a 15-minute city. These 15-minute cities are codified in every city, county, state, and national government’s sustainability plans. These plans are copy and paste projects were the jurisdiction’s name is inserted in appropriate places in Agenda 2030.

They plan on enslaving every person on earth. If we are not compliant with their efforts to be enslaved they will start murdering us. And they are fast-tracking it. Multilateralism is their key to enslaving all of humanity while solidifying their global government. That’s exactly what they say and what they are doing at the seat of global government – the UN/WEF building in Manhattan, New York. Under the heading “Multilateral Solutions for a Better Tomorrow” the UN celebrates it’s malevolent intentions:

“Major global shocks in recent years – including the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ukraine war, and the triple planetary crisis, among others – have challenged our international institutions. Unity around our shared principles and common goals is both crucial and urgent.

“The Summit of the Future is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to enhance cooperation on critical challenges and address gaps in global governance, reaffirm existing commitments including to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the United Nations Charter, and move towards a reinvigorated multilateral system that is better positioned to positively impact people’s lives. Building on the SDG Summit in 2023, Member States will consider ways to lay the foundations for more effective global cooperation that can deal with today’s challenges as well as new threats in the future.”

And what does the current draft of the The Summit of the Future include? The opening paragraph lays out their intentions, “Strengthen international cooperation so it delivers fully and fairly on existing agreements, while enabling us to respond effectively to new threats and opportunities for present and future generations. In so doing, restore trust in multilateralism and in each other.” They will kill those who have the sense to tell these monsters – monsters who fully intend to create ‘new threats’ to present themselves with new ‘opportunities’ to enslave those stupid enough to comply – “go to Hell.” And that is what is needed when the monsters get together because they think they have it all figured out for us:

“The General Assembly decided that the Summit of the Future would take place in September 2024, building on the 2023 SDG Summit, and that its outcome would be an intergovernmentally negotiated, action-oriented Pact for the Future, comprising a chapeau [hat] and five chapters on sustainable development and financing for development; international peace and security; science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation; youth and future generations; and transforming global governance. At the invitation of Member States, the Secretary-General issued eleven Policy Briefs containing more detail on certain proposals from Our Common Agenda, to support Member States in their preparations for the Summit.”

Want more? Go read their ideas about the 11 policy briefs these bloodthirsty psychopaths have dreamt up to get their SDGs realized by 2030. If they succeed, nearly all of us will likely be dead or starving to death before 2030. If we all see this, and multilateralism in general, for what it actually is and tell those who are attempting to implement it at the local, county, state and national levels “Hell NO,” and begin demanding already existing agreements and implementations be rescinded, reversed, repealed, and scrapped then we will have a fighting chance against global enslavement and the death which follows. The future is ours, based on our decisions now.

I think it is important to relate the truly demonic nature of the UN, where most of these multilateral efforts are dreamed up. The global governance of the UN was established hating God. One of the earliest documents it created is called the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 18 reads, “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.”

Yet, Article 29 reads “1. Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible. 2. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. 3. These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.”

And what does combining those articles mean – you will be forced to hate God as much as the UN hates God and adopt whatever ideas they approve of. It’s secularism by force and it will play out the same way it has played out every time it has been tried – massive numbers of democided (murder by government) for not worshiping the ideology demanded by the head of government.

These problems all have one root cause. Distance from Torah. Go, read the quote-unquote ‘Jewish Bible’ and tell me where rejecting God is acceptable. Where is multilateralism condoned and not condemned? Where is murder acceptable? Where in the Torah is totalitarian government supposed to be held in high esteem? Where is slavery meant to be permanent, against one’s will, and physically brutal? No where will one find it should they comprehend what they are reading.

Bless God and God bless.


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