Treason – Ruling By Emergency Decree

Treason – Ruling By Emergency Decree

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 9/11/2023

The governors of the several states are to swear an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. New Mexico, that massive brown stain in the southwest, is no exception. Their governors also take an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. Breaking that oath is treason, “the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family; the betrayal of a trust.” One of the parts of the US Constitution is the Second Amendment – an article New Mexico’s governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham, swore to uphold. However, she banned guns by executive order which clearly violated the people’s trust. But, as I hope to prove, she committed the actionable type of treason as well and deserves the be rewarded with the consequences of her actions.

In Bernalillo County, which contains Albuquerque and about a third of the population of the entire state, Grisham banned the carrying of firearms. In her decree she used children’s death as the justification. She also determined that gun violence is a public health matter.

In the decree, Grisham mentions three specific cases of children who were murdered. The first of these was the murder of a 13 year-old by a 14 year old. A 5 year-old was murdered while sleeping in a mobile home when shots from the street struck her. An 11 year-old was murdered in a road rage incident. She also mentioned two mass shootings. One involved a drug deal gone bad which left three dead. The other is likely a reference to a Farmington, NM mass shooting incident where a deranged 18 year-old (who was likely raped by his wrestling coach in my opinion) shot into traffic, murdering three.

These are all horrible instances of people who had no respect for human life and access to firearms which they used illegally. Even the drug deal gone bad is a reflection of this. Part of the problem is that juveniles have not been getting locked up for their crimes because the lunatics in New Mexico have decided to implement a Juvenile Detention Alternative Intitiative. Grisham canceled the initiative which started in 2007 in her decree. This, in itself, is a usurpation of the legislative body by Grisham, no matter how irresponsible and stupid the laws the legislature passes are. After over a decade of finding ways to not jail juvenile offenders, including the last four years that Grisham has been New Mexico’s governor, now it is all of a sudden a problem. Even on this piece of legislation which I wholeheartedly disagree with (and would have titled it ‘the guaranteed crime-rate increase act of 2007) Grisham took the treason route.

Conveniently, Grisham also included in her decree the mention of combating fentanyl by testing the wastewater of schools. The idea that the wastewater needs to be tested for substances like coronavirus and drugs sounds really positive on it’s face. What it is going to be used for is to make sure that none of us slaves to the New World Order managed to get our hands on anything nutritious or medically beneficial. Wastewater surveillance will be used to make sure we are eating the bugs and not taking vitamin C or have enough iron. Putting surveillance of this type in schools will make sure that parents are not trying to get their children to grow up with proper nutrition. Grisham is showing her real masters, the New World Order, that she is ready to play ball with them by implementing their decrees through her own decrees. Today they will search for fentanyl, tomorrow they will search for Flintstone Vitamins and Centrum.

The last paragraphs exist to show that Grisham doesn’t care one bit about her citizen’s safety, their rights, not their opinion of her. She is a tyrant. Where is the fentanyl coming from? Mexico. What is Grisham doing to stem the flow? Nothing – she actively promotes illegal aliens entering the United States which is another charge of treason. Why are kids shooting up trailers and into traffic? Because the schools are too busy recruiting contact tracers. When the teachers in New Mexico are not playing doctor, a felony, they are shoving gender-affirming care down student’s throats with the intention of convincing them to have their genitals removed before their twelfth birthday. Michelle Grisham only passes as a human being in form – inside she is some kind of degenerate alien being molested by Satan at her invitation.

But, back to the part where she ‘temporarily’ banned the Second Amendment in her edict. Because children, felons, drug dealers, and known mentally ill individuals have managed to obtain firearms (something else which is imported through the wide open New Mexico border) which they have used to murder others, anyone who is legally able to carry a firearm is being punished. The proper response would be to crack down on the gangs, the kids bringing guns to school, the border, the cartels, and the drug trafficking. The edict should have stated that anyone 18 and older who leaves their home who owns a firearm MUST participate in a training day and is OBLIGATED to carry their weapon on their person at all times.

Personally, I have quit participating with every single institution which has this mindset of Johnny over there did X so you have to suffer the consequences too. It is extremely difficult to not participate with the government though, especially since all government is, is force. We are all nails to the government because they are a hammer. And maybe that is the point that Grisham is trying to make here. Maybe she has decided that we are all homeless men living on the side of a mountain in the middle of nowhere. That homeless man is about to be all of the residents in Bernalillo County.

The real problem is that New Mexico ‘leaders’ have no respect for human life from the governor all the way to the Albuquerque Police Chief. Democrats call this a feature in their leaders because they see them as open minded and willing to break a few eggs to usher in Utopia. This is the audience Grisham is playing to. Doubtlessly there are tens of thousands of drooling democrat-voting scum out there cheering Grisham’s treason on. And that is a real tragedy – these mindless American’s in Name Only are clapping for the global government’s implementation by Grisham and they are too stupid to see what it is she is actually doing.

What she is doing in reality is implementing several long sought accomplishments for the furtherance of global government. Grisham is not riding the vehicle of ecoterrorism – they are riding in another vehicle in the global installation caravan called public health. To put an even finer point on the name of what Grisham has done, it is called One Health.

One Health is a subject which has not been exposed nearly enough. It makes our personal health and the decisions we are able to make regarding it into a socialized decision making process. It does this by linking human health to animal health as well as environmental health. And, because the environment is shared among many, our personal health is thrust into the public health arena as dictated largely by the ecoterrorist crowd. This is another way the ecoterrorists target the carbon they hate the most – human beings. It is how the public health emergencies and mandates were justified by bloodthirsty governors like Grisham during Covid-19. Because no one was held accountable for the atrocities committed during that time period, now we have this decree.

And this is where the actionable version of treason comes into play. By issuing this edict, Grisham has not only violated her oath, she is seeking to allow outside entitities to usurp the United States of America. Her peers such as Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newsom, Tim Walz, Phil Murphy, and Kathy Hochul will undoubtedly seek to effect the same emergency public health ruling. The intent is to ban any effective resistance to the state. Any governor who does this is handing their state’s sovereignty over to the Centers for Disease Creation and Propagation (CDC), the World Economic Forum (WEF), and the World Health Organization (WHO). All of these are globalist institutions, even the CDC. They are the ones demanding that their government be adhered to and the national sovereignty’s around the world be abandoned in favor of it. That government is responsible for One Health programs, UN treaties like The Small Arms Trade Treaty which have not been ratified, and the Great Reset. Following the desires of the WEF and the UN and the WHO is not in line with the oath sworn to be upheld by elected officials. Doing so represents the intention to overthrow the United States government. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is treason.

So, who is ready to prosecute? I appreciate the lawsuits which have been and will be filed against Grisham’s gun ban by public emergency. I really appreciate the peaceful protest which took place yesterday in Albuquerque’s Old Town and the police response which was wisely to not even attempt to arrest those who were carrying firearms, as is their right. I appreciate the renewed impeachment effort taking place in New Mexico. But none of that goes far enough. This governor committed treason against the United States and she should be held accountable for it. How many public health emergencies are US citizen’s supposed to tolerate?

It’s an important question with even more important implications. We are four days away from a brand new death jab being rolled out which will sicken and murder millions more people, usher in a new round of mandates, and introduce the United States to QR-code-based vaccine passports and checkpoints all over the place. Is that what we want? Maybe we do. No governor, not even the most murderous of them all, Andrew Cuomo, has been held accountable for the treason they committed during Covid-19. Destroying the ability to worship God, demanding that medical procedures be applied to walk out of one’s house, and closing businesses not named Walmart, Target, or Kroger’s are all ways to hand the keys of US sovereignty over to the global government. I believe the count of governors who did not do this was two – Ron DeSantis and Kristi Noem. That means that there is an opportunity to go after those 48 governors who did support this, especially those who still support mandating masks, murder jabs, and business closures and are just waiting for a green light to do it again.

If there are no effective measures to reign in these demonic entities by charging them with what they have actually committed – treason- then there will be no remedy. Taking Grisham out of office will not suffice. Trying her for treason, convicting her, and sentencing her accordingly will. There are legal ways to set this example and it’s high time the American people demanded the appropriate response. If we don’t do this and set the example for what happens to those who commit treason against the people of the United States (it is long overdue) then we can only expect a future where public health emergencies, real or imagined, justified or not, effective or just tyrannical, will win the day and we can expect to continue to be treated as the slaves these tyrants think we are.

Make Grisham put her hand on the Bible and take another oath, this time to the God she hates even more than New Mexican gun owners, that she swears to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about this Kafkaesque edict and tries to worm her way out of what she has really done. She committed treason against the people of New Mexico and the United States of America. Hold her accountable.

Bless God and God bless.


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