The Satanism of the World Economic Forum
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

The Satanism of the World Economic Forum

Satanism is not so much a rejection of G-d’s existence so much as it is the belief that G-d is the evil one in the Bible. Satan and his insatiable envy, lust, greed, and indulgence in any and all of the evil inclinations in man’s heart has been deified by Satanists. The Bible doesn’t support this – Satan is at best an arch angel charged with testing people so as to accuse them before G-d. The motive behind Satan’s exploits is to challenge Yeshua’s throne because this is what Satan has always wanted. Thus, Satan intends that instead of looking to Yeshua for our salvation, we look to Satan and show our dedication to him by entertaining every evil of our hearts. Lusts, lies, acts of violence, false testimonies, sowers of strife, plotting these acts, and rushing to engage in these acts are encouraged by Satan purely because they are contrary to G-d’s instructions (Proverbs 6:16-19).

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The New ‘Barbecue’ In America’s Back Yard
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

The New ‘Barbecue’ In America’s Back Yard

The beleaguered nation achieved independence in 1804. It has featured monarchy, presidents for life, empires, republics, and dynasties. 20 of the 63 leaders led the nation as interim installments. In 1986 the country adopted the moniker republic for the fifth time in it’s history. Since 1986 it has had 23 leaders with one man having served two non-consecutive terms to the full five years. In this nation consecutive presidential terms are not permitted. All of the leaders have a strong authoritarian streak and most of them are also devout Marxists. The nation’s last elected leader was assassinated in July, 2021. The most recent leader was a Marxist who was never elected and never saw it fit to hold elections over the course of his 965 days in office. The nation has no clear national leader. But that doesn’t mean there are not serious contenders.

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This Isn’t About TikTok
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

This Isn’t About TikTok

Two bills came out of the House Energy and Commerce Committee on March 7, 2024. HR 7521 was passed out of committee with a unanimous 50-0 vote. The name of the bill is “Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act”. A companion bill was also passed out of the same committee with the same vote on the same day – HR 7520 is titled “Protecting Americans’ Data from Foreign Adversaries Act of 2024”. I am writing this because neither one of these bills is about restricting TikTok from gathering data on Americans – they are about ending free speech in the United States.

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Argentina Is Still Dealing With Nazi’s
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Argentina Is Still Dealing With Nazi’s

Javier Milei is the recently elected president of Argentina. The nation, once one of the richest on earth, has endured over 100 years of Marxist ideas. December 2023 marked the ascension of Milei to the Argentine presidency which represents a historic change in the nation – one which offers an anti-Marxist approach to governance. The powers that be in other nations and, especially, at international organizations fear movements which seek to empower the people through increased freedom, particularly in the economic realm, and have the potential to actually alleviate poverty, reduce disparities, and lift up the nation as a whole. For these reasons Milei is being blasted from all segments of society.

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Insurrection.  The Real One.
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Insurrection. The Real One.

There is an insurrection in the United States. It started more than 100 years ago. Woodrow Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Carter, Bush Sr., Clinton, G.W. Bush, Obama, and now Biden are the greatest mediums through which the insurrection has been propelled forward. January 6, 2021 was not an insurrection – it was a plea to stop the ongoing insurrection occurring in the United States. The goal of the January 6 protesters were to have legitimate questions answered about the validity of election results which were never answered. The reason those questions were never answered is because those the question was posed to are the insurrectionists. Their goal is to decimate the foundations of the United States of America.

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Bronze Snakes
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Bronze Snakes

So, I ask, what is the difference between those Hebrews during the time of Hezekiah’s reign worshiping the bronze snake and the people who are today worshiping Yeshua? I cannot see a difference. Yeshua is our salvation. He is our heavenly intercessor with access to G-d. He is holy – so holy He sits at the right hand of G-d, something no one earthly being will can attain. Even the holiest of men have only ever seen glimpses of G-d’s throne because of the blemishes in our hearts and our proclivity to sin. What G-d is looking for is repentance. What Yeshua is telling us is to repent and to look upon Him for forgiveness to receive salvation. Adonai has provided this mercy and this salvation to all of us. Adonai never meant for us to ignore Him. Adonai sent His Son to glorify Him not to replace him.

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South Dakota Is Destroying Itself
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

South Dakota Is Destroying Itself

The South Dakota legislature is letting the residents of South Dakota down in a big way. There has already been at least one grotesque bill signed into law and the bills moving are no better. The state apparently sees it necessary to consolidate power into their hands, assist demonic companies in destroying the agricultural base the South Dakota economy thrives on, and doesn’t really seem to mind mandating increased criminal activity. All of these are bad omens.

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Algeria Interested in Peace?  Absolutely Not.
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Algeria Interested in Peace? Absolutely Not.

Too often the United States commits to ridiculous international measures which fly in the face of decency and the people’s interests. Every once in a while; however, the United States takes an action which is upright. The recent veto of an Algerian-authored ceasefire is one such case. The whole world is very angry at the United States for this. Why? Because the whole world wants to obliterate Israel and every Jew eligible to live there.

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Mickey and Mallory Knox – Meet Hannah Ritchie.
Tim OConnor Tim OConnor

Mickey and Mallory Knox – Meet Hannah Ritchie.

Mickey and Mallory Knox were the villains in the film Natural Born Killers. They went from state to state committing acts of mass murder until they were finally apprehended. Even after they were apprehended, the public still wanted to hear more about them and this created an opportunity for them to escape prison. The feature of the film was not so much about the atrocious acts the Knox’s committed but about the sick fascination the public had in them. Far from seeing the pair as the narcissistic, selfish, hateful, arrogant, and repulsive murderers they were, large segments of the public fell in love with them. While Mickey and Mallory Knox used blunt objects, knives, and bullets to murder their victims in person, a far more pernicious ploy to commit murder on a far grander scale – one better though of as an extinction-level event – is being perpetrated by the likes of Hannah Ritchie with even greater fanfare.

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