Algeria Interested in Peace? Absolutely Not.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/21/2024

Algeria Interested in Peace? Absolutely Not.

Too often the United States commits to ridiculous international measures which fly in the face of decency and the people’s interests. Every once in a while; however, the United States takes an action which is upright. The recent veto of an Algerian-authored ceasefire is one such case. The whole world is very angry at the United States for this. Why? Because the whole world wants to obliterate Israel and every Jew eligible to live there.

The United States didn’t really veto the Algerian nonsense for a pure reason – they have their own devices which will allow Hamas to recuperate while Israel is forced to allow Hamas’ resurgence. Algeria wants Israel to lay their arms down while Hamas immediately returned to launching missiles and October 7-style attacks against civilians. Algeria’s intention is to eradicate Israel, murder Jews, and claim that the murderers are somehow immune from committing genocide. They do this because Algeria is a member of the Islamic caliphate. The United States thinks that Algeria’s approach will lead to more war down the road – that is the only reason the United States vetoed it.

Algeria has attacked Israel directly every time the opportunity has arisen. In 1962 Algeria gained independence and during the same year the government recognized the PLO, a terrorist organization, as the government of a Palestine which still does not exist. Algeria participated in the Six Day War. They sponsor terrorist groups including Hamas and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. In 1973 Algeria again participated in war against Israel.

There is no legitimate reason that Algeria should, in any conceivable reality, be permitted to offer any document concerning Israel. It should be a criminal act for an Algerian to write the word Israel, reference the nation, or to even speak about Jews. Every time Algeria does, Jews are targeted for extermination, the nation of Israel is placed under attack, and terrorist’s attacks and intentions are lauded. In 1948 there was a population of about 140,000 Jews in the nation, today there are less than 200 in the nation of 45.6 million. Algeria exists to murder non-Moslems with a premium on Jewish blood.

A nation which exists to destroy another nation based on lies is illegitimate. Algeria fits the bill. Yet, their ‘peace’ plan – Israel laying down their arms permanently so that any of the multiple terror groups in and around Israel can murder Jews at will – was well received by many nations. For some reason the ridiculously bloodthirsty nation of Algeria is on the UN Security Council along with Ecuador, Guyana, Japan, Malta, Mozambique, Republic of Korea, Sierra Leone, Slovenia, Switzerland and the five permanent members of the United States, China, France, United Kingdom, and Russia. All but the US and UK voted in favor of Algeria’s latest existential attack against Israel.

The United Kingdom abstained. It’s not that the UK loves Israel that they abstained. It’s that they decided to try to step around the issue because they want to appease both sides of the war. It’s impossible to appease nations like Algeria and their proxies like PLFP and Hamas because they have a notion that Israel needs to cease to exist. The UK demanded that there be an immediate ceasefire because of a humanitarian crisis while refusing to acknowledge that Hamas is intentionally prolonging the crisis. The UK demanded a two-state solution be found immediately although Hamas would no longer have any political power in those developments. They did acknowledge that Hamas’ retention of the hostages is why Israel is still fighting militarily against Hamas, but claimed the UK would continue to seek humanitarian interventions at scale. Humanitarian assistance to Gaza is the way Hamas rearms itself, gathers people around them to use as human shields, and prolongs the violence in the area. The UK abstained because Algeria’s notion of a ceasefire will not solve any of the issues present in Gaza.

Others mentioned by the UN press include Qatar, one of Algeria’s neo-Nazi Islamic shithole allies, demanded UN passage of Algeria’s version of the Final Solution because of a humanitarian crisis while lamenting that UN terrorists at UNWRA have been financially crippled. The fake state of Palestine (seriously, it doesn’t exist yet has representation at the United Nations) demanded Israel stop eradicating murders immediately and roll over to be annihilated. Algeria’s ambassador stated the Security Council failed the people of Palestine because it failed to allow terrorist groups to continue perpetrating actual genocide. Sierre Leone appealed for safety of Hamas in Rafah. Japan understood that Algeria’s failure to condemn Hamas led to the veto of their ‘ceasefire’ plot. Mozambique appealed to the illegitimate ICJ’s illegitimate decree. France voiced it’s own hatred of Israel by demanding a ceasefire and, almost as an afterthought, suggested the Security Council condemn Hamas for October 7. China suggested the US is irresponsible for using its veto power, efforts to support Hamas must continue, and the Palestine deserves justice. Russia charged the US with giving Israel a license to kill and called a US veto lawless.

The United States’ coverage in the UN article expresses the fact that Algeria’s proposition will solve nothing and exacerbate the situation in Gaza. Additionally, because there are peace negotiations ongoing, the United States sees the Algerian effort as a surefire way to immediately end those negotiations. So while the US veto of Algeria’s decree of Israel’s genocide is welcomed, it was not done for the correct reasons – that Israel has a right to exist as well as a right to maintain it’s security. The US position includes a condemnation of Hamas but also demands Israel accept a two-state solution, Israel doesn’t go after Hamas in Rafah, and that forced displacements of Gazans not take place. In other words the US wants to tell Hamas they are bad but that Israel should never have peace nor should the state any longer exist.

What the Security Council is doing is having a pissing contest. Algeria’s over-the-top hatred of G-d, Jews, Israel and the Western world was rejected by the United States. The United States, under the dictatorship of Joseph R. Biden, has taken a more low-key approach towards expressing their hatred of Israel and Judaism in particular.

The Algerians and the rest of the Moslem world are working quadruple time trying to convince the world that Israeli’s control the United States through AIPAC (which, truth be told, I think should be curtailed) while making no mention of the existence of CAIR and their involvement in the United States. AIPAC exists to arrange trade deals, including arms, and foreign aid (the part of US foreign policy which needs to be retooled until America IS Great Again) between the US and Israel.

CAIR exists to destroy Israel and the United States. They want to make the United States a Moslem nation. They seek to destroy Israel by destroying the United States arms deals with Israel and pushing for US to fully adopt the BDS movement. CAIR also supports terrorist actions in the West and is always ecstatic when Israeli’s are murdered by terrorist attacks. In other words, the existence of CAIR necessitates the existence of AIPAC and Israel’s need to procure arms from the United States in the first place. CAIR is a terrorist group in their own right. Their efforts have negatively affected the US government, harmed the people of the United States, and have helped get terrorists elected into office in the United States. Rashida Talib, for example, actually has CAIR-Georgia listed as a donor to her campaign. Anything short of a world without Israel, the extermination of Jews, and a global Islamic caliphate is not going to sate the desires of CAIR nor the likes of Rashida Talib who is in need of censure, removal from Congress, and immediate deportation.

Talib is a member of The Squad. The Squad is an eight member team of anti-human progressives dedicated to the destruction of the United States, Israel, and the human species. Talib and another cuck of The Squad, Jamaal Bowman, have created an alliance to combat Israel’s right to exist as well as to try to get reelected. A New York Post article pictures the two holding a sign stating, “Biden, you are starving Gaza. Permanent ceasefire now!” I’m no fan of Biden. Biden is no fan of Israel. Talib is an Islamic reprobate and is lying just like Islamic reprobates do by falsely blaming Joe Biden for the actions of Hamas. Bowman is no different than Talib; in the midst of having four incidents of antisemitism in his district he demanded that Palestinians have rights.

These two might as well be Algerian agents. Maybe they are Russian agents or Chinese agents or Iranian as well – none of which see any reason to allow Israel to continue existing. All of these entities support Hamas and see their terrorist attacks as legitimate. They are as murderous as Hamas. Algeria, or any other Moslem nation, sitting on the UN Security Council represents the equivalent of allowing Adolf Hitler to act as one of the judges at the Nuremberg Trial.

The problem is that no one on the Security Council respects the right of Israel to exist. Algeria is just the worst actor on the Council at the present time. The entire Council should be dissolved right along with the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and the Islamic caliphate as it currently exists. That is what decency demands. It is entirely indecent to even suggest that an independent state of Palestine exist anywhere on planet earth, let alone one bordering the nation of Israel – the Gaza experiment hands-downs proves the futility of such notions and the violence any such state would continuously employ against Israel.

Israel needs to be able to defend itself. And it is. And that is why these degenerate nations are crawling out of the woodwork. It’s time to send them scurrying back to the holes they crawled out of. The United States has shown it is not the responsible party to do this. We need the light of G-d and that light is with the Israeli’s because they are the only party seeking it.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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