Insurrection. The Real One.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/6/2024

Insurrection. The Real One.

There is an insurrection in the United States. It started more than 100 years ago. Woodrow Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Carter, Bush Sr., Clinton, G.W. Bush, Obama, and now Biden are the greatest mediums through which the insurrection has been propelled forward. January 6, 2021 was not an insurrection – it was a plea to stop the ongoing insurrection occurring in the United States. The goal of the January 6 protesters were to have legitimate questions answered about the validity of election results which were never answered. The reason those questions were never answered is because those the question was posed to are the insurrectionists. Their goal is to decimate the foundations of the United States of America.

This is America in 2024, nearly 250 years after our declaration of our intentions to exercise our independence. Imagine how the framers of the US Constitution would have reacted to current efforts today. Imagine that you are applying for a job. You get out the application and grab a new pen to fill it out with. Finished, the penmanship is exquisite, it is precise, and it is accurate. You take it to the prospective employer and hand it to them. A short conversation ensues punctuated by politeness in between firm statements from yourself as well as the employer. You leave the business. Before you can get into your car to drive home your phone rings. You are offered an interview after the boss sees that you are highly qualified and willing to do the job.

Between the end of the phone call and the interview time three day later; however, allegations begin to arise out of a corner of the world which has a devoted hatred of you. This corner accuses you of fraud, lying, and all sorts of inequity. The one crime they are trying to accuse you of is not what you are accused of though. This corner really wants to charge you with domestic assault but has absolutely no evidence of you having ever committed the crime. Nonetheless, your prospective employer catches wind of the multitude of lies constituting accusations which have suddenly sprung forth.

An hour before the interview your phone rings again. It’s the owner of the company you applied for. The owner is using a tone of voice intended for hiding hysteria behind a veil of calmness. The hysteria leaks through. The owner says they have taken into account recent developments regarding the accusations leveled against you and has found you guilty of domestic violence. The employer’s veneer of sanity dissipates as the owner utters the words, ‘your potential is overshadowed by what we have determined is your guilt in this matter and we are no longer interested in interviewing you. Moreover, we fully intend on informing everyone in our industry and similar industries to take similar measures to prevent you from being employed in any capacity. We will not tolerate our employees engaging in domestic violence.’ You begin protesting the accusations but the owner has already hung up.

Unemployed, you are forced to respond to the charges lodged against you in court while at the same time trying to recover the shattered pieces of your reputation. In court the charges are not supported by the evidence but, despite that, sanctions and penalties are still applied to you. While the charges are not supported, that same shadowy corner which purposefully lunged at an opportunity to wreck your life at a pivotal junction, latches onto the iniquitous verdicts corrupted judges aligned with your detractors have ordered you to endure. At the same time the illegitimate verdicts are being handed down by corrupt courts, the one thing posing is a roadblock to you, allegations of domestic abuse, have never been among the plethora of charges filed in any court.

One of the ongoing legal battles you are engaged in is your own suit suing the employer who illegally barred you from employment and engaged in racketeering against you. When that verdict was given it did not remedy the damages but it did force the company to cease and desist its current smear campaign resting on baseless allegations against you.

The former employer, others involved in lawsuits charging you with nonsense, and the shadowy group of people who hate you completely lose their minds. They charge the court issuing the cease and desist order in your favor with corruption. They demand the court be disbanded and the judges be disbarred. They demand that you be arrested along with your legal team.

The intention isn’t justice. It is legalizing corruption. In the process there is a necessity to destroy anyone with integrity and the institutions which promote actual justice.

This will be a story applied to all of us. The evil entities just need to go through the process with Donald Trump so they can get to the rest of us.

But this contingent of evil has met with a minor setback – the Supreme Court has ruled that Donald Trump, having never been charged with crimes of insurrection cannot be held as if he has been found guilty of the crime. Additionally, the court ruled that the states which issued the ballot bans against Donald Trump do not have the jurisdictional ability to have done so in the first place.

Oh my are the leftist activists – the same thugs perpetrating the real insurrection of the USA with the intent of destroying the social, governmental, and economic principles, norms, and institutions of the USA – pissed off.

Vox wrote on March 4, 2024, the same day the Supreme Court ruled unanimously against the States which had Donald Trump restricted from the ballot, “the Court effectively neutralized any attempt to disqualify Trump from serving as president again, under a provision of the 14th Amendment which prevents former high-ranking officials who “have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” against the United States from serving in high office again.” This clause of the 14th Amendment was written to prevent members of the Confederacy during the Civil War from being able to hold elected office. Vox knows this but lies through it’s teeth by declaring that Donald Trump orchestrated the protests of January 6, 2021, that the protests were actually an insurrection, and that Donald Trump is guilty without even being charged of having committed those crimes.

What Vox is really pissed off about is what the Court did just prior to the March 4 ruling. The Court placed an indefinite stay on other court proceedings being led by a disgrace of a human being and a travesty to justice named Jack Smith. Here is how Vox summed up their anger:

“Many Court observers, including myself, were shocked by the February 28 order because it appeared to rest on the flimsiest of pretexts. The ostensible reason why the Court ordered Trump’s trial paused is so the justices could spend the next few months considering Trump’s argument that he is immune from prosecution for any “official acts” he engaged in while he was still president.

“This is an exceptionally weak legal argument, with monstrous implications. Trump’s lawyers told one of the judges who ruled against this immunity claim that a former president could not be prosecuted, even if he ordered “SEAL Team 6 to assassinate a political rival,” unless the president was first successfully impeached and convicted (by lawmakers that, under Trump’s argument, the president could order killed if they attempted to impeach him).”

The same Vox writer who overtly engaged in grotesque forms of building strawmen when he suggested Trump could have his political opponents assassinated, Ian Millhiser, links to his own prior article lamenting about the Court’s decision to even consider a case about presidential immunity. In this article Millhiser concluded not only that Trump is guilty of insurrection but that the entire foundation of the United States should be gutted by destroying the capacity of the president to act at all:

“Simply put, Wednesday’s order is a disaster for anyone hoping that Trump may face trial before the November election. And, because the nominal reason for this order is to give the justices more time to decide if the president is completely above the law, this decision raises serious doubts about whether this Court can be trusted to oversee Trump-related cases in a nonpartisan manner.”

Because the Court is willing to parse out the lines between immune presidential activities and illegal acts while holding office – anathema to those who hate America and particularly hate each and every citizen of it – Millhiser is suggesting that the Court be disparaged and eviscerated so that it can be made obsolete as a distinct check on the other two branches of government. In other words, if the presidency cannot be effectively dissolved, the power that is preventing it’s dissolution should be dissolved. Millhiser and his folks are trying to play a game of tic-tac-toe where no matter what move they play something is going to be obliterated by forcing those on the defense into an unwinnable position. The Court is looking into the way these America-hating freaks are going about committing their acts of insurrection and saying hold up. And what they are going to find is that they are forcing their opponents to use the same X’s they themselves began play with in the first place. Instead of scribbling out the grid, they have made it impossible to place an O on the board by forcing all of the players to use X’s.

Other so-called news outlets which are nothing but reservoirs and promoters of violent Marxist agitators are similarly engaged in the same hate-America degeneracy as Vox. Pertaining to Trump being placed back on the Colorado, Maine, and Illinois ballots CBS News invoked a hardcore America-despising Marxist hellbent on destroying the United States, Noah Bookbinder, who issued an order to his fellow Marxist lowlifes to go out and commit acts of violence (what he means by ‘accountability’) to force political change (this is terrorism…):

“But it is now clear that Trump led the January 6th insurrection, and it will be up to the American people to ensure accountability.”

In other words, Trump is guilty of insurrection based on Bookbinder’s incredibly inept version of ethics which he demands all of the rest of us adhere to and, as a result of his inability to see evil as anything other than good, demands that a violent Marxist revolution take place in the United States immediately. He’s literally a terrorist and CBS News’ promotion of his Marxism is more than merely covering the other side of a story – it’s an endorsement of the terror tactics of those who hate America engage in as they seek to destroy it.

The fact that Bookbinder claims to be interested in preserving democratic values by removing Donald Trump from ballots is a flat out lie that makes no sense on it’s face. That claim alone should see a multi-billion dollar judgment against Bookbinder and his American-hating 501(c)3 organization, CREW, which serves the interests of promoting corruption as it’s own protected legal institution as long as the beneficiary of that corruption is favored by the corrupt themselves.

Vox also has peers stalking Trump regarding presidential immunity while in office. The New York Times published a news analysis piece authored by Adam Liptak, another radical leftist adept at masking his utter contempt for the United States of America and it’s highest court, about the Court’s decision to hear Trump’s immunity case. For Liptak, like the rest of the creatures who hate America, it makes absolutely no difference how America is destroyed as long is it can never again rise from the fall. The Supreme Court addressing questions about presidential immunity in order to determine the culpability of presidents is not important for these folks – preventing Donald Trump from campaigning, overt electioneering, is what matters to these people:

“But the court’s order appeared to ignore the enormous elephant in the room: the looming election that makes Mr. Trump’s trial on charges that he had plotted to overturn the 2020 election a race against time. The schedule the court set could make it hard, if not impossible, to complete Mr. Trump’s trial before the 2024 election. Should Mr. Trump win at the polls, there is every reason to think the prosecution would be scuttled.”

Read what he is saying here again. ‘We made up bogus charges and a lot of them, put criminals in charge of prosecuting Trump, charged Trump with the bogus charges by our corrupted prosecutors, made sure the judges are just as corrupt as the prosecutors, and we waited until the campaigning season for the next election, the one we knew Trump would be leading by massive numbers in, to move forward with the charges. The Supreme Court delaying the case is an abuse of power only because we are being denied our ability to criminally electioneer against Trump and may run out of time to have a judge illegally rule against Trump before the election occurs.’ That’s really the left’s intentions and Liptak’s tactic.

But, because the Court stands in the way of Liptak’s dreams of turning the United States into a totalitarian Marxist nightmare, he attacked the Court. He claimed that the Court is too powerful and, by doing so, suggested to those who read the New York Times that the Court needs to be severely weakened to the point where it bends to political whim (i.e. the democrat party’s will and only their will) and abandons any Constitutional responsibility it is given under and to the US Constitution. Liptak wrote:

“People who had been rooting for the Supreme Court to reject Mr. Trump’s appeal entirely, whether by denying review of or summarily affirming an appeals court ruling against Mr. Trump, misunderstand the court’s conception of its own power and importance. The justices seem to think that decisions of such constitutional significance, as in broadly similar cases concerning claims of immunity from Presidents Richard M. Nixon and Bill Clinton, ought to be settled by the nation’s highest court.”

Politicians’ responses are even worse.

Gena Griswold, the Colorado attorney general who decided Trump is guilty of insurrection all by herself with no trial whatsoever and moved forward with her baseless decision to take his name off of ballots in the state found an audience on ABC. She pleaded that it was not her who took illegal action against Trump – it was the Colorado Supreme Court which led to her treasonous actions and even the Colorado Supreme Court was merely agreeing with a plaintiff's petition to have Trump disbanded. All of the Colorado parties are attempting to save their behinds from lengthy prison sentences for their involvement in this effort to electioneer. To that effect, Griswold is quoted as saying:

“But I am disappointed with the [SCOTUS] decision. We believe that states like Colorado [and] states across the nation have the authority to disqualify oath-breaking insurrectionists from our ballots. The Supreme Court decided otherwise. Donald Trump is on Colorado's ballot, and votes for him in the Super Tuesday election will be counted.”

But, those votes are only going to be counted because the Supreme Court smacked the state of Colorado in their heads and said, in effect, ‘knock it off.’ In doing so SCOTUS also slapped Maine and Illinois which followed suit in engaging in electioneering and prevented several other rebel states from doing the same thing.

Griswold’s intentions aren’t a reflection of abiding by the Constitutional restrictions on the State put there so the State of Colorado is a member of the Union – it’s about destroying the entire Constitution so that Colorado no longer has a voice in Washington because there is only a federal government with an administrative district once called the State of Colorado. The entire point of her ‘apology’ for having Donald Trump taken off of the ballots in her state is a decree stating that she will continue to do what she can to dissolve the State of Colorado into the federal government. It’s absolutely insurrection and it is absolutely demonic.

One of the most deceitful things in Washington DC is Jaime Raskin. Raskin apparently revels in acquiring such labels because he seems to do everything he can to be the most degenerate creature in a swamp full of degenerate creatures. Raskin’s reputation aside, he has the power, along with his colleagues in the US Congress, to abolish corrupt federal courts. Clearly the D.C. Circuit Court, which ruled that Trump has no immunity for anything because they hate him completely and the US even more, is corrupt beyond redemption and should be subjected to dissolution. Not for Raskin and the rest of the degenerates he calls friends. According to Politico:

“The D.C. Circuit Court’s decision, Raskin said, was “completely exhaustive and totally compelling,” and Trump’s claims that a president could commit crimes with impunity while in office is “utterly antithetical to everything that we know about our Constitution.””

Raskin’s claims are even more absurd because he claims to be a Constitutional scholar. Yet he is oblivious to Article I Section 8 Clause 9 and Article III Section 1 or Section 2. Should a US Congressman begin proceedings to dissolve what could accurately be described as the most corrupt court in the United States, Raskin would clearly defend the D.C. federal court to his dying breath. There is only one explanation for this and it deals in the compatibility of the disease of corruption dominating Raskin’s own thinking and the D.C. court’s affirmation of that corruption in their rulings. Raskin and the court have a deep seated hatred of the United States and the citizens thereof and seek to abolish the United States. Raskin continued his anti-American rant:

““We don’t have a king here, we had a revolution against a king and the Constitution is written so that [the] president’s main job is to take care [that] the laws are faithfully executed, not faithfully violated in his own interest,” Raskin said.”

What is funny is that Raskin has supported legislation which denigrates the importance of G-d, allows drug users to obtain security clearances, destroys the ability of any citizen’s militia’s to exist and provides a context to violate the rights of armed private security services and individual’s possessing firearms alike, and places pets on the same level as human children. Everything Raskin does is disgusting and if it’s not he refuses to vote in favor of the measure as was the case with H.R. 6918 Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Women and Family Act where he voted against allowing crisis pregnancy centers to receive TANF funds because he’d rather have women murder their babies at Planned Parenthood. The entire body of House democrats voted the same way.

It should come as no surprise that Raskin, the abomination he is, launched an attack on the existence of the Supreme Court because he is not getting his way. His final quote in Politico concludes the article:

““This is a court driven by the both Trump nominees and Bush nominees, and neither of those guys was elected with the popular vote, so we’ve got a Supreme Court that is representing the choices of minority presidents and they have been driving very hard to overturn a whole series of precedents that America has come to take for granted, like Roe v. Wade,” Raskin added.”

Raskin is saying that low population states should have no say in national elections. He is demanding the abolishment of the electoral college. He is stating that the composition of the court needs to be reconsidered through any means necessary to rectify what he sees as a problem because the court isn’t being guided by political nor popular will. He is demanding that babies be murdered on an unprecedented scale. A normal populace would never vote for a demented lunatic who absolutely belongs in a mental ward but we are talking Massachusetts US House representatives here and they have one common goal – to demolish the US and its citizens as quickly as they can in any way they see fit.

But, these devils are not stupid. And these devil’s have, for far too long, gotten away with these types of insurrections piecemeal. This time the insurrection is meant to finalize the federal government’s reach into the lives of the citizens of the several States.

[insert 300 page book here]

The worst reaction to the Supreme Court; however, is what Whoopie Goldberg had to say on the view. Before I share her quote, Whoopie Goldberg is everything wrong in the United States. She is a completely unmitigated racist. She absolutely hates the nation which made her a multi-millionaire when we spent money and time watching her trashy movies and reading her books. But, what stands out the most, is that Whoopie Goldberg is a feral, stupid, entitled, selfish, and lawless creature. All of that was on full display when she shouted her opinion on the View (which needs to be renamed Four Stupid Cows) while the cows demanded Trump be put in prison immediately. Goldberg demanded the entire Constitution be thrown out and we live in a democrat dictatorship. As Mediaite recounts:

“Goldberg suggested on Thursday’s The View that Trump’s claims of immunity would give Biden a free pass to do anything, including jailing political rivals.

““Let’s look at a scenario where the Supreme Court says yes, he has all those rights. He is immune from everything. You know what Joe Biden could do since he is presently president? Wooooo!” Golberg said. “He could throw every Republican in jail. I mean, he could!”

“The View co-host actually had to stop some in the audience from applauding the idea.

““No, No, this is not a good thing,” she said.

“Goldberg argued the Supreme Court backing Trump’s immunity claim would be a “slippery slope.”

““What this means is he can do anything. He could dismiss everybody’s debt, you know, there’s a whole bunch of great stuff that could happen too,” she said.

“Goldberg called it a “bad look” for the Supreme Court[.]”

Goldberg and the audience of The View, perpetual winners of the most degenerate television audience of all time, do not care what happens as long as their idiotic will is done. Goldberg smiled the entire time she said these words and the link is to a video far more reveling that Mediaite’s transcription which I encourage you to see with your own eyes. Goldberg’s caution was meaningless. She and those on the left work overtime to effect exactly what Goldberg zealously suggested.

Their only concern is apparently their own starvation and lack of literally everything as leftists are universally leeches sucking the life and resources out of those of us who are productive. Arresting all of the Republicans would result in severe shortages, stoppages, and outages in manufactured goods, transportation, energy, and agriculture. Crime would skyrocket and would swiftly be normalized. The entire society built upon the US Constitution would be a relic of history within a month. Goldberg would no longer have to worry about the debts she owes – she will have to decide whether or not she will willingly be eaten by her neighbors or if she will go and try to eat her neighbors.

These actors are the factions which have orchestrated insurrection against the United States. They have infested our institutions with the intention of obliterating them. The institutions they don’t outright destroy they contort to serve their own selfish aims to satisfy the desires of their own lawless hearts. The people injured the most by their actions are never made whole and, often, cannot be made whole. Their intention is to destroy the United States, to destroy the social cohesion needed to hold the nation together, and to destroy anyone who even pays lip service to wanting a strong, cohesive, prosperous, and *gasp* righteous United States of America. They have spent well over the last one hundred years engaged in acts and instances of revolting against civil authority and the established government (the definition of insurrection) while waging an all out war to legalize their acts of violence through societal acceptance of utter absurdities like boys can have babies.

Light, it is said, is the best disinfectant. Like all cockroaches spreading their bacterial disease-causing capabilities light is able to destroy the bacteria and send the cockroaches back under the rocks they came from under. A stronger light is need to thwart the human beings who have declared themselves cockroaches and the mind-diseases they spread. That light is the Torah and the truth in it stops iniquity in it’s tracks and destroys the mind-diseases underlying the roots of corruption. Democracy is an idea which came straight our of Hell. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that all of the little insurrections demanding more democracy which have culminated in the corruption perched to destroy the US entirely is all in the name of this demonic democracy.

They want mob rule because they are the mob. To get it they will cause the death and suffering of every person on the planet. To stop them we must return to the truth of G-d as we go about restoring the institution these demons have wrested control of to corrupt them and destroy us and the nation we call home. We must be the light through which G-d shines unto those heeding their evil hearts only and engaging in violence continuously. Yeshua also stated this in Matthew 5:

13 “You are salt for the Land. But if salt becomes tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything except being thrown out for people to trample on.  

14 “You are light for the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Likewise, when people light a lamp, they don’t cover it with a bowl but put it on a lampstand, so that it shines for everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before people, so that they may see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven.”

Shine. Stand in righteousness before G-d so that we may stand against these corrupted monsters and their insurrections.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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