CRT Gets Another Meaning: Chief Resiliency Tyrant.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/1/2024

CRT Gets Another Meaning: Chief Resiliency Tyrant.

Forbes published an article on February 27 about three ‘researchers’ who have determined that there should be a new position created in companies. The position they suggest is the CRxO. The person in the position would orient the entire company around preparing for disasters. The researchers use of Rx (as in perscriptions, ie. medicines and vaccines), which I am sure they found cute, should scare anyone seeing such a position created at their company. The Chief Resilience Officer, or CRxO would be in charge of preparing for any disaster, on any scale, in any arena which, as Covid-19 should have shown all of us, includes inside of our own bodies.

These positions already exist according to the Forbes article, “In some organizations you’ll find an internal department called Business Continuity, Business Resilience, Emergency Response, Crisis Management, or similar.” Even if there are departments charged with preparing for disasters they are not coordinated and don’t play a large enough role in their organizations; however, according to Forbes. Forbes suggests the CRxO should be involved in everything a business does, and serve as a clearinghouse and final arbiter of ensuring continuity of business, emergency preparedness, environmental, health, and safety monitoring, risk management, physical and digital safety and security, facilities maintenance, and anything else the CRxO tyrant sees fit to have under their control.

The three researchers behind the idea of bringing what amounts to the Federal Emergency Management Agency into corporate boardrooms are an MIT consultant and lecturer named Steve Goldman, an insurance company hack from Globe Life named Dianne Stephens, and Ashleigh Allison from an investment company devoted to sustainability and ESG. Goldman, Stephens, and Allison didn’t have a C-suite CEO coach, Mark Nevins, (a man devoted to having businesses adapt stakeholder capitalism models and ESG accounting practices) write in Forbes for a cause beneficial to any normal person on the planet. They had the piece written because people seeking a CRxO position will have several very unbecoming characteristics.

One of those characteristics is that they will be aligned with the United Nations/World Economic Forum’s global governance mandates. Businesses are where the global government will lay down their rules across the land by deciding which businesses will exist based on their metrics of environment, social, and governance compliance and which individuals will have access to what goods based on their social credit scores. Those filling a CRxO position will be another layer of global government representation on corporate boards dedicated to serving the ends of the global government.

Another qualification for those in CRxO positions is that they will have no regard for any right, labor law, or person whatsoever. Real and imagined emergencies to be dealt with or prevented will guide their conduct. Those real and imagined emergencies will never be questioned, only prepared for. If it was decided that Godzilla would show up in New York City within the next six months the CRxO would jump at the chance to harden buildings and start mandating employees take vaccines to avoid commonly transmitted diseases from great apes to human beings. As ridiculous as that sounds if the CRxO believes it – you won’t have a choice in the matter.

CRxO’s would also, necessarily, need to be ready to jump in and completely take over all business operations as well. In the case of an emergency the CRxO and their loyal contingent of equally tyrannical assets at the company would have the CEO, CFO, COO, and ‘non-essential’ aspects of the business no longer show up to work. The determination of who is essential and who is not may be decided beforehand; however, in the event of an emergency all of that will immediately fly out the window. No matter what, the CRxO will be left in charge of the business. It is highly probable that missing from these preparedness operations will be the return to normalcy. The CRxO will operate like FEMA which has no duty to ever return power to the US President if a disaster or series of disasters are ever declared on a large enough scale to have continuity of government plans come into play.

For you and me, continuity of government means martial law. CRxO’s represent the corporate version of martial law. If you had concerns about the way businesses operated under Covid-19 the inclusion of CRxO departments will normalize Covid-19 operations. And they will wait until they receive orders to do even worse than they did during Covid-19.

While reading the Forbes article, I couldn’t help but think about another CRT. While Critical Race Theory is an offshoot of the global government, there is another far more insidious and less well known meaning for CRT. I couldn’t shake the similarities between the CRxO suggestions (which will become demands and then mandates for conducting business) and the existence of Clergy Response Teams.

There have been people murdered for exposing FEMA-affiliated Clergy Response Teams. These teams have existed for well over a decade. Religious leaders are approached by US government agents, particularly FEMA assets, and asked to assist in coordinating emergency responses. Those who have agreed no longer speak Biblically of Jesus Christ, G-d, nor the Holy Spirit because the leaders of these congregations have adopted the US government and global government experts as their G-d. The role these religious leaders are expected to play during an emergency situation is, to use a metaphor, to ensure no one is left behind while they load their congregations into buses going to a gas chamber. Their goal during an emergency is to liquidate any potential source of agitation against FEMA and their tyranny.

This was the response these religious institutions took during Covid-19. Prior to that event, Clergy Response Teams were a hush-hush operation in polite company. The only place these infiltration operations were discussed were by so-called conspiracy theorists. These operations are now lauded.

For example, a Kansas City based organization, Calvary Community Outreach Network, is a collection of churches, with mostly black congregants, which seeks to recreate entire communities by the ethics of mankind. Part of this operation is their Clergy Response Network. The description of this unholy network reads, “Our initial focus was for this Clergy group to address COVID-19 matters that impacted our churches and faith institutions.  At the request of the group participants, we have now evolved to further address health disparities and inequities in Kansas City.” The network’s mission statement reads, “The CLERGY RESPONSE NETWORK (CRN) is an interfaith collaborative mobilizing faith leaders and faith-based institutions to build a healthy urban community through education, advocacy and partnership development.”

The network hasn’t bought buses because there are vaccines which will kill just as surely as gas chambers. It still advocates murdering congregants through vaccines:

“Our Healthy Jackson County, or OHJC, is striving to reduce the burden of COVID-19 and chronic diseases in Kansas City, Missouri’s Jackson County. How? By increasing access to COVID-19 vaccinations and health screenings where people live, work, play, and worship. CCON has joined forces with UMKC, neighborhood associations, businesses, youth organizations to lead faith organizations to offer these free health services, increase the number of people vaccinated against COVID-19, and improve community health.”

Today, the United States government admits to these types of programs as well. The Department for Homeland Security has FEMA in charge of the Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships which is rife with Clergy Response Team members and other apparatchiks of global government who will serve similar roles in neighborhoods.

“The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships (DHS Center) fosters partnerships between government and faith-based organizations (FBOs) to increase the nation’s resilience by creating trust and developing relationships. The DHS Center seeks to build bridges across the whole community and to help overcome coordination challenges among faith-based organizations, emergency managers and other stakeholders engaging a broad cross-section of faith-based organizations in all stages of the disaster cycle.

“The DHS Center serves as a clearinghouse for information, connecting and coordinating with faith-based organizations allowing information to be shared in both directions, informing decision-making at DHS by elevating concerns, ground truth and local situational awareness while providing feedback, updates and guidance to the faith community.”

An example of how this works applies to the wide open southern border. DHS has created educational tools about, and set up a hot-line to report, suspected cases of human trafficking. One of the largest proponents of human trafficking is Catholic Charities, a faith based organization. DHS has decided to engage in completing human trafficking instead of stopping it. So, if someone calls the hot-line after recognizing the signs of human trafficking, DHS policy dictates that underage illegal entries into the United States are settled into a living situation often arranged by an NGO such as Catholic Charities. The result? DHS has lost contact with more that 85,000 children. Many of these children are being forced to work in dangerous jobs or trafficked for sex.

Because DHS absolutely refuses to secure the border, just as Joe Biden’s administration, the Democrat party, and too many Republican party members desire, adults who enter the US illegally are also up to no good. Laken Riley, the Georgia nursing student who was brutally murdered by a Venezuelan man who entered the United States under the false pretense of seeking asylum, should still be alive. Her blood is on the hands of DHS’ Mayorkas who allowed the illegal alien in. Her blood is on the hands of New York City because of their refusal to cooperate with ICE by releasing the man from their custody after being arrested for child endangerment before ICE was informed. Her blood is on the hands of Catholic Charities and other organizations who want to destroy the United States by destroying the border.

The border is related to the Clergy Response Teams and the introduction of CRxO departments because they all seek to do two things. The first is to encourage and normalize lawlessness. The second is to increase the number of incidents which occur against those who are law abiding. Their ultimate goal is to destabilize and render useless churches for the Clergy Response Team, legitimate business operations and policies for the CRxO departments, and all of society-at-large for DHS. They are not the only actors but these three institutions represent serious problems for those with faith in G-d, those who utilize businesses, and normal everyday people who want to live a peaceful, quiet, and safe life.

The introduction of Chief Resiliency Officers represents a completion of tyranny in all aspects of our lives. This tyranny has already been entrenched in governmental affairs as evidenced by FEMA existing, the wide open border, and the consolidation of multiple intelligence agencies under the umbrella of DHS. It has been entrenched in religious institutions perverting the message of G-d and Yeshua and serving as a corral for those the powers-that-be have deemed the greatest potential threat to their grandiose designs of lawlessly usurping power. And it is now being introduced as a permanent security feature in businesses of all sizes and industries.

Never forget, for this generation, should not only remind the world of the horrors of the Holocaust, it should remind us of what happened to the world under Covid-19 mitigation efforts. These CRxO’s are going to be placed in every business which adopts stakeholder capitalism as their operating procedure. Stakeholder capitalism is technocratic fascism intended to serve as the corporate version of social credit scores. Businesses without a CRxO will be targeted to be shut down because they will no longer be able to procure loans to continue operating. Those with CRxO’s will enjoy favorable loans and close fascist ties to the government of the world.

The CRxO’s will ensure the employees at their business are following the global government’s mandates and decrees while at the same time ensuring that any business to business relationships are contingent on the same decrees and that their customers are following all of the global government’s individual mandates through following the edicts of social credit scores.

It’s not surprising that Chinese-owned Forbes printed this article – it is surprising that the author of the article attempted to camouflage the intentions of the ‘researchers.’ It’s is well known that businesses and governments are hostile to individuals around the world. Yet, still, there are still areas where camouflage is seen as necessary. It’s necessary because people are all too familiar with Benjamin Franklin’s maxim, “Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.” CRxO represents businesses giving up all of their liberty to have no safety and forcing the same upon the people who rely on those businesses to survive – ie you and me.

Too many of us have our trust placed in the wrong place. Psalm 91 (included as a postscript) is a great example of where we should all have our trust. If we had that trust in the first place there wouldn’t be declarations of global governance. It would have been impossible to convince anyone to take the Covid-19 death jab. And it would have made suggestions to introduce CRxO departments into businesses inconceivable. Place your trust wisely and stand fast in G-d, not these unholy manifestations promising safety for the price of liberty.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.

Psalm 91:

1 You who live in the shelter of ‘Elyon,
who spend your nights in the shadow of Shaddai,
2 who say to Adonai, “My refuge! My fortress!
My God, in whom I trust!” —
3 he will rescue you from the trap of the hunter
and from the plague of calamities;
4 he will cover you with his pinions,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his truth is a shield and protection.

5 You will not fear the terrors of night
or the arrow that flies by day,
6 or the plague that roams in the dark,
or the scourge that wreaks havoc at noon.
7 A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand at your right hand;
but it won’t come near you.
8 Only keep your eyes open,
and you will see how the wicked are punished.

9 For you have made Adonai, the Most High,
who is my refuge, your dwelling-place.
10 No disaster will happen to you,
no calamity will come near your tent;
11 for he will order his angels to care for you
and guard you wherever you go.
12 They will carry you in their hands,
so that you won’t trip on a stone.
13 You will tread down lions and snakes,
young lions and serpents you will trample underfoot.
14 “Because he loves me, I will rescue him;
because he knows my name, I will protect him.
15 He will call on me, and I will answer him.
I will be with him when he is in trouble.
I will extricate him and bring him honor.
16 I will satisfy him with long life
and show him my salvation.”


Insurrection. The Real One.


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