Mickey and Mallory Knox – Meet Hannah Ritchie.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/20/2024

Mickey and Mallory Knox – Meet Hannah Ritchie.

Mickey and Mallory Knox were the villains in the film Natural Born Killers. They went from state to state committing acts of mass murder until they were finally apprehended. Even after they were apprehended, the public still wanted to hear more about them and this created an opportunity for them to escape prison. The feature of the film was not so much about the atrocious acts the Knox’s committed but about the sick fascination the public had in them. Far from seeing the pair as the narcissistic, selfish, hateful, arrogant, and repulsive murderers they were, large segments of the public fell in love with them. While Mickey and Mallory Knox used blunt objects, knives, and bullets to murder their victims in person, a far more pernicious ploy to commit murder on a far grander scale – one better though of as an extinction-level event – is being perpetrated by the likes of Hannah Ritchie with even greater fanfare.

Hannah Ritchie is an environmental activist who is one of the leaders of the global eco-terrorism cult. While she is a leader, she is also a figure mostly in the shadows. Her advocacy work took her to Our World in Data in 2017. “She became Deputy Editor and Science Outreach Lead at Our World In Data in 2023. She was previously Head of Research. She focuses on the long-term development of food supply, agriculture, energy, and environment, and their compatibility with global development.” Our World In Data is the ecoterrorist cult’s attempt to scientifically justify their plot to eradicate humanity as it exists today including through extermination. Ritchie’s position at Our World In Data allows her to engage directly in the ecoterrorists tactic to destroy humanity by destroying the food supply, agriculture, energy, and environment while claiming to want global development.

Her view of global development drives her decision-making process. Anything that doesn’t fit into her definition of what it means to be compatible with global development means it must be destroyed. While Ritchie wants to ignore the global-scale misery, deprivation, illness, and death her prescriptions entail, she has noticed that her own cult is very focused on the problems associated with man-made global climate change. Her own cult is focused on the idea that climate change will end all life on the planet by 2030 unless the ecoterrorists are given control of every aspect of our lives so humanity won’t be extinguished until 2040. So, Ritchie wrote a book to try to put a positive spin on the ecoterrorists demands for humanity to collectively commit suicide.

Her book is called “Not the End of the World” and is endorsed by Bill Gates, Margret Atwood, and others who hate you and would like nothing more than to see all of humanity die. The intent of her book is to point out that a lot of ‘progress’ has already been made on environmental ‘sustainability.’ In other words, her book is a celebration of the damage this death cult has already inflicted upon humanity. From this precipice, Ritchie tries to paint a rosier future where an environmentally ‘sustainable’ world is achieved.

The public loves this version of Mickey and Mallory. The deaths are blips in newspapers if they appear at all. The troubles and misery caused by Ritchie and her ilk are blamed on people driving cars, eating beef, or shopping for local organic foods. Dams bursting, wolf populations exploding, and honeybees disappearing are blamed on moms driving their kids to practice and people using their air-conditioners. It is the ecoterrorist cult which has caused these problems but they aren’t holding smoking guns or bloody knives. They wield pens and phones they use to indoctrinate the public and ‘leaders’ alike into the ecoterrorist death cult.

Of course Ritchie doesn’t want to actually make known what that future looks like – a world populated by 500 million augmented entities serving the needs of around 10,000 ‘enhanced’ transhumanists where slavery is the rule, procreation is only allowable through Brave New World-style cloning operations, and history ceases to exist at all.

Self-inflicted depopulation, such as the massive wars being generated in different regions of the world and that wretched death jab, is right up the World Economic Forum’s alley. Global economic policy is set at this forum. It merged with the United Nation’s because the UN has global government aspirations. The system we live under is the WEF/UN global government. They have created a system of global fascism which relies on technocrats within and allied with the World Economic Forum. Many of the issues, particularly on economic and social fronts, which are present in the world are a tactic to fracture the ability for anyone to unite against the full implementation of this global government while providing a narrative designed to denigrate those who manage to unify and suck everyone else into the ecoterrorist death cult while offering the cause as anything but themselves. The WEF/UN global government is to be the savior of humanity and Hannah Ritchie’s writings are featured prominently at the WEF.

In 2019 Hannah Ritchie argued to end meat production due to land usage while also demanding that agricultural lands be reduced globally by 70%. The WEF put it on their website three days ago. Farmers against Misinformation absolutely annihilated the reliability of the 2018 paper Ritchie’s article is based off of.

The WEF not only referenced Our World In Data’s Covid-19 misinformation but also used Our World In Data’s Covid-19 vaccination tracker (itself based on the narrative that suicide by gene therapy is not only safe but highly recommended) as references in it’s January 2024 Regionalized Vaccine Manufacturing Collaborative paper. The paper describes a world regionalized into vaccine manufactories to produce whatever the latest and greatest death jab the World Health Organization dictates be made.

In 2020 Ritchie wrote about the need for all of humanity to transition away from combustion engines and adopt electric vehicles while also demanding carbon dioxide be sucked out of the air. Anyone trying to suck carbon dioxide out of the air in a natural environment is demanding that you and I and everyone else on the planet starve to death.

In 2022 the WEF posted another article from Our World In Data Ritchie was involved in. The paper was a celebration of depopulation. The authors celebrated Covid-19 deaths. They celebrated a population growth rate of less than 1%. They were elated that UN projections of peak population were earlier and had less people than previous projections. They may have thrown a party for the birth rates of South Korea, Japan, Spain and Italy falling as low as 1.3 meaning that within several generations those people will no longer exist. The authors of the paper do take aim at a country they see as problematic – India – due to it’s birthrate being at about 2% (down from 5.7%; 2.1% represents the replacement rate for any population), which means India will have more people than China. Look for WEF-affiliated depopulationists to begin waging an all out war against India’s population in the near future akin to China’s one-child policy.

Ritchie is avowedly anti-human. She hates things that work and she hates people existing on ‘her’ planet. She’s dedicated her life, like so many of those in the ecoterrorist cult, to fixing those ‘problems.’ They target carbon because demanding the death of over 7.5 billion souls would ensure their immediate demise. People seem to have cognitive dissonance with the term carbon and the fact that all life on this planet is carbon based – targeting carbon for elimination is targeting life for extermination, period. There is no debate that is needed about that.

Yet, incredulously, Ritchie, in an article appearing in CBC, a radical Marxist state-ran Canadian ‘publication’ which thrives on wokeness and the destruction of G-d-given rights, to promote her death-cult manifesto, is quoted, “We're very, very far past the position of debating, "Is climate change real? Or humans causing it?" I'm kind of setting that side and saying: Yes, it's real and we are the driver.” That is not a fact at all. In fact it is an absurd lie which can only be believed in by demanding blind adherence to the ridiculous concept altogether and never, ever, ever asking that particular question at all. My answer to the question is, yes, it is real, too, but normal human activity has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Hannah may not be kissing her spouse while there are a dozen freshly made corpses on the ground around them but she is none the less very similar to Mickey and Mallory in the sense that she and her cult members have captured the minds of the public. Her weapon of choice is her articles and advocacy, i.e., lies and terrorist acts. And the scale of the human suffering she wants to cause is cataclysmic. But, yet, these serial murderers are the people who the public is increasingly devoting their loyalties towards.

The adoration of people like Hannah Ritchie is evident on the Amazon website. Four months ago a TED talk given by Ritchie was posted to YouTube and has gained 92 thousand views, 2,700 likes and a several hundred positive comments. 2.9% of those who watched this video are either too stupid to understand what Ritchie is talking about or are as evil as she is when they gave a thumbs up to Marxist interventions into the markets to force costs of solar power and electric cars lower than coal and gasoline, and so-called alternative proteins made cheaper than meat. Ritchie never mentioned the serious issues with efficiency, availability, and control built into alternative energy sources and certainly refrained from mentioning that alternative proteins seems to have a correlation with pandemic levels of cancers, malnutrition, weakened immune systems, and reproductive issues. Creating unreliable power sources while destroying those that are reliable, forcing people into kill zones (electric cars, smart cities, etc…), and making food from cancer is what Ritchie calls this progress – 2.9% think this is a grand idea. On a global level the number of people that would agree with her results in 234.8 million people.

Of those 234.8 million people, many are in political and authoritative positions. I have already mentioned the WEF and the UN. Embedded in many governments are ecoterrorists no different than Ritchie. Under the reprobate in the White House the environment is a whole of government concern as well as the supposed focal point of the Environmental Protection Agency ran by the Department of the Interior which is fully engaged in environmental justice as well as the Council on Environmental Quality. The United Kingdom has the Environment Agency. Australia has a Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. Businesses have a brand new economic model which is fascism under titled stakeholder capitalism and a blueprint to achieve it called ESG. The number of people who already ascribe to the ideas of Ritchie and others is far more than 234.8 million and the number of us affected even larger than that number.

And we are all told to love the people murdering us. We are encouraged to develop strong feelings of affinity for the butchers of the world. These strong delusions prevent those under this spell from seeing what is really going on and who to correctly attribute these actions to once they begin to negatively impact our lives.

For example, in 2015 $20 trillion was spent on Sustainable Development Goals. The UN is demanding that the ‘rich’ nations pay for the shortfall, estimated at $7 trillion a year (because $20 trillion isn’t enough). ‘Rich’ countries are not really led by people with too much sense most of the time so they typically accept they will foot the bill. We will all notice our taxes going up by $6,000 a year per head in our household as this wealth redistribution plan kicks in against the Western world.

We’ve noticed our food costs going haywire. Gasoline prices are lower than they were but still excessively and unnecessarily high. The price of everything has risen and inflation is to blame…. What lurks in the shadows is the Central Bank Digital Currency. The CBDC represents your very own carbon allowance tracker and will be fully compatible with ESG and stakeholder capitalism. Stakeholder capitalism is a technocratic board of ‘elites’ dictating the proper amount of food one is allowed to eat, the proper rental property afforded to an individual, the proper mode of transportation, the proper vacation options…. The term ‘proper’ is a code-word for follow all of the decrees of the other technocratic boards – take all shots, avoid all contact, ask no questions, stay in your zone, use no resources – so that our lives are reduced to that of a serf with no land to work. With no land to work, serfs quickly learned another skill or they are sent off to war or the wilderness to die.

That’s all that Hannah Ritchie is really saying. ‘You are a serf who no longer has land. Now that you have no land, we will replace you with robots and AI. You will have no transportation, no food, and no electricity unless we so decree it. If we permit you to live it will be by our rules.’ How did these governments pony up trillions of dollars? They printed it. And then they gave it to the UN. The UN turned around and gave it to their best friends in academia, non-governmental organizations, and business who turned around and used the hoards of cash to buy up everything from under us while destroying the value of the money in our pockets. Why raise the income tax 72% when you can destroy the entire economy? Why wait when CBDC offers such a potent social control mechanism?

Hannah Ritchie and her ecoterrorist cult have plans to murder every person on earth. First they need to murder any semblance of freedom. They need to destroy the ability of anyone to think anything other than what they have ordered us to think. Faith is certainly one of the most potent antithesis to their program. Thus, Ritchie and the merry band of genocidal maniacs she calls her peers have decidedly taken to attacking G-d by replacing Him with themselves. Not even the Knox’s pretended they had this ability despite many thinking they did. The ecoterrorist cult does precisely that though. Ultimately this ecoterrorist cult desires a world filled with man-made transhuman entities incapable of conceptualizing a worldview outside of what the cult order them to think. If we aren’t wise to their plan they will get their way.

Already we are watching, many of us with a great deal of frustration, as the ecoterrorist cult’s agenda is codified into law. Examples include the Inflation Reduction Act (a disgusting title for disgusting violations of citizens rights) and the CHIPS Act (ecoterrorism through fascist technological ‘advances’). They are calling evil, good and good, evil. It is the defining characteristic of our time. The root of the problem is increased distance from Torah (Matthew 24:12).

Mickey and Mallory Knox, move over, you’ve been usurped by the death cultists of the ecoterrorist crowd. Where the Knox’s murdered dozens, these death cultists plan on murdering billions. Hannah Ritchie says we should all be pleased by that and build off of the ‘successes’ they have already realized…. I say we tell them we are no longer going to comply and follow though.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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