The Satanism of the World Economic Forum

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/19/24

The Satanism of the World Economic Forum

Satanism is not so much a rejection of G-d’s existence so much as it is the belief that G-d is the evil one in the Bible. Satan and his insatiable envy, lust, greed, and indulgence in any and all of the evil inclinations in man’s heart has been deified by Satanists. The Bible doesn’t support this – Satan is at best an arch angel charged with testing people so as to accuse them before G-d. The motive behind Satan’s exploits is to challenge Yeshua’s throne because this is what Satan has always wanted. Thus, Satan intends that instead of looking to Yeshua for our salvation, we look to Satan and show our dedication to him by entertaining every evil of our hearts. Lusts, lies, acts of violence, false testimonies, sowers of strife, plotting these acts, and rushing to engage in these acts are encouraged by Satan purely because they are contrary to G-d’s instructions (Proverbs 6:16-19).

The World Economic Forum (WEF) claims to be a benevolent force in the world. While WEF members talk on and on about all of the ‘good’ they are doing they adamantly refuse to acknowledge the evil they work in this world. They do this because their members are fully Satanic and their intentions are to force the entire earth to humor all of their heart’s deepest and most spectacularly evil desires. More, they seek to convince us that through their plans and ‘progress’ no human needs a Messiah, a savior, or anything other than themselves to be saved from the problems we face in life. Increasingly, these are problems that their predecessors in the WEF and similar organizations have created in the first place (examples include the Committee of 300, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Meeting, and Bohemian Grove). The WEF mission statement spells this out:

“The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. It provides a global, impartial and not-for-profit platform for meaningful connection between stakeholders to establish trust, and build initiatives for cooperation and progress.

“In a world marked by complex challenges, the World Economic Forum engages political, business, academic, civil society and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. Established in 1971 as a not-for-profit foundation, it is independent, impartial and not tied to any special interests, upholding the highest standards of governance and moral and intellectual integrity.

“At the heart of our mission of improving the state of the world lies the belief in the power of human ingenuity, entrepreneurship, innovation and cooperation. We recognise the need for a forum fostering rigorous and respectful dialogue between and among leaders with different beliefs and viewpoints, where diversity of thought is respected and all voices can be heard. Achieving this mission is made possible by all our stakeholders, who come together to find common ground and seize opportunities for positive change.

“The Forum’s commitment on facilitating progress on systemic challenges is taken forward through its 10 Centres, each applying the institution’s unique combination of impact methods to drive holistic efforts. The Centres build communities of purpose essential to addressing large-scale global challenges. Guided by these communities, our centre teams convert ambition into focused action, through structured multi-year initiatives and insight generation.

“Together, we continue to strive for a better world, where cooperation and trust lead to lasting progress.”

I’ve written this over and over again – anything that says public-private partnership or cooperation or arrangement means the parties are engaged in a fascistic relationship. Clearly, the WEF sees this as a positive development to foster the progress they champion. The 30,000 foot view the WEF has of itself is to make the world a better place to live in. But that world is only going to be better for themselves. The entities the WEF recognizes as experts will make our lives better for us, according to the mission statement, while never consulting any of us about what that actually means. The WEF claims it is all about cooperation and finding shared ideas and developing goals through hearing about a ‘diverse’ range of ideas when in reality the WEF is fully committed to economic and physical warfare against anyone who will not comply to their predetermined policy agendas. At street level, where people actually live and die, work and play, and love and hate largely oblivious to the WEF and their over-sized demonic influence in our lives are the community centers they have instituted.

These ten community center are global in scale and exist as their own communities. They have willingly created their own breakaway civilizations based on a shared hatred of G-d, a denial of human nature, and a belief that mankind must re-engineer themselves according to whatever these Satanists find virtuous. While the WEF and its partners have greatly assisted in creating a more hostile world and destroying everything they can to ‘build it back better’ (to the point where billions face choosing between paying rent or buying food) they hope that we are too busy choosing to figure out what they are up to with their Centres.

The Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and Supply Chains webpage starts out with, “The Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and Supply Chains supports public and private sector leaders to anticipate global trends, leverage pioneering technologies, unlock innovative business models and incubate new partnerships.” To interpret, this WEF arm seeks to promote fascism exclusively and the resulting merger of business and government is going to create products that we never asked for, and may or may not want, while the alliance tells us it will be all we are going to get. You may have heard a saying, ‘you will own ze nothing and you will be happy’ – this is the way that we are being forced into having the nothing and to show our happiness about it because if we won’t even be able to rent what we once owned.

The way the WEF justifies their demands to institute online digital ID’s, including the biometric ones (like an iris scan, fingerprint, or even a DNA swab), is in the second paragraph explaining the existence of the WEF’s Centre for Cybersecurity; “We strive to provide an independent and impartial platform to reinforce the importance of cybersecurity as a strategic priority and drive global public-private action to address systemic cybersecurity challenges.” The so-called systemic challenge is you being able to access the internet because who knows what nefariousness you might engage in. Maybe you’ll spread disinformation like the WEF being headed by a legitimate NAZI or misinformation like you don’t think that Joe Biden really got that many votes in 2020 or facts the WEF doesn’t like such as mRNA has over 17 million bodies on its hands. In the age of information, just as in prior ages, it is often the preeminent weapon used in war the age is named after. Yep – you’re in a war with the WEF and its all about them denying humanity in general the ability to access unadulterated information they have not narrated to us.

The demons demanding that we immediately leap into transitioning our energy production methods, despite those methods being neither cost effective nor reliable, have their WEF home in the Centre for Energy and Materials. The background of the Centre’s homepage is one of those genocidal fiberglass bird-butchering windmills. When the WEF suggested, nearly a decade ago, that we will own nothing, have nothing, and absolutely delight in our squalor they were targeting the destruction of energy capacity and production. Electrical currents power all sorts of things the WEF hates that individuals have like computers we configure on our own, air-conditioners, and radio stations and websites that broadcast dangerous facts about the WEF. So, without energy, we cannot use those things, and this Centre is dedicated to achieving the destruction of our energy through fascism as they succinctly state:

“Our purpose is to serve as the multi-stakeholder and cross-industry platform that enables building new leadership coalitions and delivering cutting-edge insights required for a sustainable, secure and equitable energy future globally and locally. 

“We strive to accelerate the transition to a “fit for 2050” energy system: secure, sustainable and equitable, which enables positive economic and social development.”

So, while energy needs to be equitable – meaning that no one has any reliable power source at all – money and finance will not be nearly as equitable. The Centre for Financial and Monetary Systems states their vision “is to design and develop a financial system that effectively allocates capital and investment in support of planet, people, and communities.” It will be the WEF setting the policy lenders will follow to make the best use of allocating capital. It is the WEF who will determine what is supportive or not of planet, people, and communities. The second paragraph of the description lays out, “The Centre for Financial and Monetary Systems provides an independent and impartial platform to design a more sustainable, resilient, trusted, and accessible financial system that reinforces long-term value creation and economic growth.” This is where stakeholder capitalism (read that carefully and understand that this is nothing but fascism) was created and has spread throughout economies and businesses alike. The next time you see a company or government with a declaration of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) or an environment, social, governance (ESG) manifesto know that it is the WEF in particular and fascism in general which they are adhering to.

The Centre for Health and Healthcare may as well move into the museum at Auschwitz and fire the ovens back up. This Centre is dedicated to two things which are really the same thing – mass-scale murder representing another human extinction level event through the likes of vaccines and purposefully poisoning our food, water and air and transhumanism. Either way humanity as G-d created it ceases to exist – the former through extermination and the latter through making all life a silicon-based man-made creation. Thus, examine this admission from the Centre:

“Technology is transforming the world of healthcare and paving the way for a better future. As new partnerships between governments and businesses emerge, the latest advances resulting from the Fourth Industrial Revolution are being leveraged to improve healthcare around the world.

“The Centre for Health and Healthcare is committed to pioneering strategies that enhance global healthcare, ensuring the well-being of people across societies and nations.”

Compare what the Centre claims to be doing with it’s continued claims that mRNA-based coronavirus vaccines are safe, reliable, and effective despite the unprecedented and widespread death and debilitating side effects those shots have caused and are continuing to cause. Those continued claims have spurred the WEF to promote increasing vaccine manufacturing capacity around the world as the link explains. To pound the Centre’s love of vaccines home, they have fallen head over heels for a vaccine which intentionally alters brain chemistry to prevent the inoculated from absorbing fentanyl. For the Centre, the WEF, and the rest of the anti-human vaccine demons on this earth the narrative goes something like ‘there is a massive problem with fentanyl being sold as a street drug, abused, and causing a whole bunch of overdoses intentionally and unintentionally. Let’s not stop making it or criminally go after the major producer of fentanyl on the streets (China), let’s make a vaccine that alters brain chemistry. And, let’s use our fascist partnerships to have the governments mandate the entire world to take our vaccine or else be castigated and excluded from the rest of the world.’ They are not interested in convincing people to be healthier in any real way – they are interested in turning humans into silicon-based lifeforms and exterminating everyone else as they go about it. You’ve been warned.

“The Centre for Nature and Climate is a multistakeholder platform that focuses on protecting our environment and fostering sustainable practices.” The ecoterrorists have their WEF home in this Centre but are also included in all of the other Centres as well as throughout just about every institution on the planet. Not only are they proud of their fascist approach, the Centre has declared a war on carbon, particularly the carbon in human beings. Their featured aims are to achieve NetZero (meaning zero carbon, particularly the carbon in human beings), and destroying human access to “food, water, and raw materials” to protect mother earth (Gaia – an incredibly barbarous form of paganism and the demonic deification of the earth) and wildlife.

The eradication of the nation state has it’s own Centre at the WEF. If you are not familiar with how the European Union was created, it started off as a trade commission for European steel and coal producers. The European Union is nothing less than the unification of Europe Hitler envisioned but was not accomplished through war and conquest as Hitler attempted but through economic and trading consolidation formed through, at first, steel and coal producers in Europe. The Centre for Regions, Trade and Geopolitics seeks to accomplish the absolute regionalization of the entire world and turn the nation-states on earth into mere place names within these blocs. The Centre aims to create these 10 regions (it’s eschatological) because, “As the urgency of economic, environmental and societal challenges mount, and as breakthrough innovations offer new opportunities, progress can only be achieved through the active collaboration of leaders from government, business, international organizations and civil society.”

Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (C4IR) proclaims, “As the future-oriented global platform for multistakeholder dialogue and cooperation, the C4IR is exploring exponential technologies and driving responsible adoption and application, leveraging a global network of independent national and thematic centres.” C4IR should not be confused with Center for Islamic-American Relations (CAIR) because C4IR portends far more wanton murder, graft, and deception than CAIR. If you’ve noticed, all of these so-called opportunities (problems intentionally created to force humanity to beg for the technologies which will cause their own destruction) are to be solved by this new invention or that new tactic. C4IR is the title of a book by WEF founder Klaus Schwab as well as the means by which all of humanity is supposedly going to be saved. The WEF has increasingly demanded that we not only recognize the greatness of Schwab and his Fourth Industrial Revolution – a revolution which promises to leave at least 7.5 Billion with a ‘B’ human corpses in its wake – but that we also worship the ‘intelligence’ behind this technological extermination campaign referred to as artificial intelligence. The Fourth Industrial Revolution can only be described as demonic.

The Centre for the New Economy and Society is a declaration of the WEF’s intent to eradicate what already exists. They see any belief based on G-d as an affront to their values. Any notion of working long, hard hours in business for one’s self or in a freely negotiated arrangement between one’s self and another person, group, or entity as an affront to their senses. The economy they envision will deprive those who work the hardest and reward those who do nothing while the only entities on earth which will prosper are to be themselves. For the WEF, the new economy and the new society demand collectivization, group think, and complete adherence to whatever the WEF regime has to say about any facet of anyone’s life. The results will be far more catastrophic for all of humankind than Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Chavez, Pol Pot, and the Kim’s in North Korea combined, multiplied by about 37. The Centre doesn’t shy away from this, in fact, they embrace and promote the idea:

“The Centre for New Economy and Society is building a future where economies and societies work for everyone. Our centre serves as a hub for thought leaders and change-makers committed to ensuring that prosperity is widespread and that our communities are resilient and inclusive. We aim to inspire action among leaders to drive a movement towards a society where progress and well-being are accessible to all.

“Through insights, action initiatives and open dialogue, our work focuses on three key themes: Fostering economic growth and risks preparedness; Promoting equity and inclusion; Investing in talent and human capital.”

Thomas Jefferson viewed “cities as pestilential to the morals, the health and the liberties of man.” Simply put, Jefferson wasn’t wrong when he uttered these words and he is certainly not wrong now. And he went even further when he stated another truth which is fully shedding it’s fruit throughout the world, “When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe.” For precisely these reasons, the WEF loves cities so much they have dedicated the Centre of Urban Transformation to promoting them and, more importantly, changing them to reflect the will of the WEF. The Centre describes it’s mission as:

“Cities are home to a growing majority of the world’s population and generate more than 80% of global GDP. As global challenges increase – from inequality to climate change – cities are on the frontline of disruptions and serve as incubators and accelerators of new solutions.

“The Centre for Urban Transformation advances public-private collaboration in cities to enable more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient communities and local economies.”

I live in a city that is part of the supposedly mystical ‘fly-over’ land of the United States. The city I live in has a huge food processing center. The state my city is in produces about $32.1 billion in agricultural products. Overall, this state, populated by well under a million people, ranks 12th in agricultural production in the United States. We are typical of where the food the cities rely on comes from. The cities need our food so that their elites can demand that food cost less while costs to produce it rise. These festering sores of urban life dictate what sustainability must entail, whether it is actually sustainable, feasible, or increases harvests or lowers farmer’s costs or not. Ideas emanating from cesspools of corruption, greed, stupidity, ineptness, aka cities, and the absolutely reprobate members of the ‘intelligentsia’ that lurks within them currently include chopping all of the worlds trees down, blotting out the sun, and the wholesale extermination of livestock (LinkedIn is a subsidiary of Microsoft; TIME; and Wired reporting on the United Nations IPCC; are all secure in their relationships with the WEF – they are all at least partners). The WEF has no qualms with any of those demonic ideas. The cities are not going to save anyone – they are actively being used to destroy everyone on earth because of their unsustainable nature which will only grow more problematic as the idiots setting agricultural policy from their skyscrapers create unnecessary and artificial scarcity.

These Centres, the intentions they have set about to accomplish, the progress they have already made, and where they want to steer humanity going forward deserve books about each of them. But the WEF is much more than just these ten Centres. The WEF has created a tool called strategic intelligence. The starting position in the link is to global governance. While global governance is denied by the narrative protectors, the WEF openly admits to it and congratulates itself for engaging in it:

“Global governance functions through a set of institutions, rules, and processes that aim to manage cross-border issues - like diplomatic relations, trade, financial transactions, migration, and climate change. It seeks to address collective concerns, and mediate common interests, creating both privileges and obligations for the public and private sectors. It is also essential for solving shared problems: pandemics, wars, and financial crises. It is not, however, just a set of treaties and organizations; it is comprised of a vast network of collaborative processes, relationships, guidelines, and monitoring mechanisms, which are all necessary to manage our increasingly complex interdependence.”

Thus, despite asholes like Arvind Ashta (writing in EUROPP, a collaborator of the WEF) making desperate demands that we should immediately install a robust global government – all of these pieces already exist. All Ashta the ashole is demanding is that it be made manifest to us useless eaters, massively expanded, given sovereignty over military and monetary policies, and be made intentionally and pointedly far more intrusive into our everyday lives. The current level of global governance the WEF admits to is one point among 250 or so interconnected points in their strategic intelligence wheel of enslavement and death.

All ten Centres, all of the topics covered under the 250 strategic intelligence entries, and all of the initiatives I didn’t cover here because this article is already too long will require a council to oversee it. Thus, C4IR will require a council overseeing it and the “National Gene Database and Research and Development Platform” will require another group overseeing it. Considering the massive DNA sampling collection effort in the guise of a Covid-19 test this database is surely massive already. The research to be conducted could result in life-saving treatments, early disease detection, and ancestry records but it can (and in my opinion will) result in the creation of individual, familial, or genetic-marker-specific biological weapons. Thus, the council will be responsible for either supporting life or ending it abruptly by diseases crafted in black-sites with biological labs. The Council overseeing the Database, C4IR, will direct which biological weapons to create. C4IR will be ordered to carry out the commands of the council at the head of the WEF and they will be dictated to by their self-selected president.

This is a form of government which loosely resembles what Lenin, Stalin, Malenkov Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, and Gorbachev, tried to force down the throats of Russians under the USSR. In the USSR the system fell apart because the people weren’t paid and those in charge were liars and inept in their capacity to carry out the five year plan. Yet, the WEF model borrows heavily from this command economy first tried by the USSR.

Yet, from the ashes of the USSR, the WEF took notes and changed a few things. One was to make sure that the central planners understood their respective fields while having absolutely no concerns about the well-being of the people. The other was to adopt a far more fascist arrangement which allows the government to feed into the greed of those involved in businesses and particularly multinational corporations while those businesses agree to do the bidding of the government. The companies get rich faster and the government increases it’s reach through corporate compliance. The rub is that the WEF is publicly calling the shots and acting as the world government (especially since its merger with the UN in 2019) and these councils of central planners sit around tables arranged inside of governments, academic institutions, corporations, and non-governmental institutions with the sole purpose of dictating to the rest of us how we will live our lives.

This is called technocracy. Cambridge Dictionary defines technocracy as, “a government or social system that is controlled or influenced by experts in science or technology; the fact of a government or social system being influenced by such experts.” Singapore, United Arab Emirates, and China are all technocracies and they are all pointed at as prime examples of what the WEF wants. China in particular took the track of moving away from Communism as they watched the USSR deteriorate and adopted fascism. Thus, China, in particular is literally the WEF’s shining example of what they are really trying to accomplish – a global fascistic technocracy. China is a brutal dictatorship, the UAE is also a brutal dictatorship, and Singapore can say whatever it wants – but whoever says it will be a fascist in service of the democratic dictatorship of the government.

The only way these types of demons wind up installing themselves over the people is because the people reject G-d and reject His teachings. And while these people are rejecting the truth, they are buying into the lies touted as their salvation on this earth spewed out of the sewers these demons call their mouths without ever looking into what their intentions are. The WEF is calling people to Satan through subterfuge, deceit, and lying.

The WEF clearly defines its intentions; however. Those intentions are to create an entire world devoid of a single thought of good. Not only is the WEF seeking to create a world wholly given over to evil they are trying to ensure that a good thought – that is, a thought in line with the intentions of how G-d has so declared mankind should live so that things may go well for us, cannot be had. The WEF is making gains because people are lacking in their understanding of where repeated assaults on humanity are originating from (the WEF for these purposes) as well as the people’s increased distance from Torah and our inability to love one another (Matthew 24:12).

So, We, the People, have a choice. We can open up our Bibles and learn of the ways G-d intended for us and follow them. If you are reading this, chances are you have accomplished this and strive to see others follow suit.

The alternative is summed up on pages 109 and the final pages, 114-115, of Klaus Schwab’s book, the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Discussing the soul Schwab wrote on page 109:

“Alongside contextual and emotional intelligence, there is a third critical component for effectively navigating the fourth industrial revolution. Drawing from the Latin spirare, to breathe, inspired intelligence is about the continuous search for meaning and purpose. It focuses on nourishing the creative impulse and lifting humanity to a new collective and moral consciousness based on a shared sense of destiny.”

Contrast what Schwab wrote here with this gem from an extended track titled Bowdown warning about paganism and New Age garbage by a Christian hip-hop duo Destiny Lab (I have searched and searched for the original content without luck):

“We are going into a new era of new frequencies and all of us are gonna have to adjust to this because its, its, evolution and we don’t have a choice. So, if you know that then I guess the next thing is to say is how do I prepare?

“We genetically manipulate children to create super children which are prophets and they will make decisions for us in the future. And if you find someone who can know the future you can make an informed choice. They can make the right decisions about the compelling of our existence. They can allocate resources efficiently. We call these children the Antichrist. I’m Antichrist. It’s not one person. It’s not on the forehead it’s in the forehead.

“It is going to bring us this energy that the ancients called the serpent energy and Gaia is going to be a conduit for this energy that’s going to be activated through the grids on mother earth from the sun. And once the grids are activated and the serpent energy starts moving through Gaia I think that this energy is going to be everywhere. And we are going to be a conduit for this energy. And if we’ve done the work then perhaps we’re going to be lucky enough to enlighten. For I don’t think everyone will enlighten. I just think that’s going to be for a very few people that have done all the work. Certain individuals that do the work are the perfect conduits for the serpentine energy comes up through mother earth.”

It’s the same message. The WEF is engaged in the same Satanism that these new age Gaia freaks are looking for. And the outcome envisioned by both the WEF and the speakers or writers of the transcription offered here are exactly the same as well: convince as many as possible to follow us and not G-d so that those who obey will survive the extinction-level event we have planned for everyone else.

Notice that G-d isn’t mentioned in either quote? These last few passages kind of explain why G-d doesn’t enter the minds of these types of people. It’s because they have no power over the ways of G-d so they invent their own ways based on their own definitions of morals based on their own ideas of ethics. Schwab revels this in full in the conclusion to the Fourth Industrial Revolution (pages 114-115) which is a demand to delve head first into seeking to satisfy the deepest desires for evil that lurk in the most evil men’s hearts on a global, inescapable, scale:

“In the end, it comes down to people, culture and values. Indeed, we need to work very hard to ensure that all citizens across all cultures, nations and income groups understand the need to master fourth industrial revolution and its civilizational challenges.

“Let us together shape a future that works for all by putting people first, empowering them and constantly reminding ourselves that all of these new technologies are first and foremost tools made by people for people.

“Let us therefore take collective responsibility for a future where innovation and technology and centered on humanity and the need to serve the public interest, and ensure that we employ them to drive us all toward more sustainable development.

“We can go even further. I firmly believe that the new technology age, if shaped in a responsive and responsible way, could catalyze a new cultural renaissance that will enable us to feel part of something much larger than ourselves – a true global civilization. The fourth industrial revolution has the potential to robotize humanity, and thus compromise our traditional sources of meaning – work, community – family, identity. Or we can use the fourth industrial revolution to lift humanity into a new collective and moral consciousness based on a shared sense of destiny. It is incumbent on all of us to make sure that the latter is what happens.”

G-d gave us the way that we are to live in the Bible. Schwab has decided that the entire world needs to be told that the WEF’s way, not G-d’s, is the way we are to live. The major difference here is that G-d gave us free will to decide whether we would seek His ways and reap the blessings that are promised or to reject Him and face the consequences. The WEF’s purpose is to deny not only G-d but that human beings do have free will. We are all their slaves, according to the WEF. Their version of slavery is total and destroys the ability to even contemplate anything outside of being a slave. G-d doesn’t want slaves, He wants servants – willing participants who rejoice in righteousness.

In sum, the WEF is a new version of the story of Korach recorded in Numbers 16. Korach, a Levite, walked up to Moshe and demanded Moshe step aside as Korach and the 252 men with him take over the role of Moshe and Aharon as well. Moshe and Aharon were to approach G-d on behalf of the Israelites and the title bestowed on them is cohen. Levites were holy but did not approach G-d directly because G-d had not chosen them to serve Him in that capacity. The men in Korach’s rebellion charged Moshe with being a dictator and leading the Israelites into the desert only to die there.

The next day Korach, the two in his party who charged Moshe with dictating his own will (not G-d’s) to the people of Israel (Datam and Aviram), and the 250 other men who stood against Moshe and Aharon gathered at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting along with Moshe and Aharon each with their incense pans in hand offering aromas to Adonai. Adonai commanded the children of Israel away from Korach, Datam, and Aviram and then the earth opened up and swallowed them and their families alive straight into Sh’ol. The other 250 were swallowed up in fire sent by Adonai.

This is exactly what the WEF is doing. When Adonai turns His face towards the WEF, the earth may not open to send them and all of their friends straight to Sh’ol and maybe fire will not be sent from heaven but the consequence will be brutal. The WEF is challenging the sovereignty of G-d. Like Korach who was serving as the workers of Satan himself, the WEF is doing the same thing. I’d expect no less brutal ending to the organization than Korach and his adherents were subjected to. The WEF is completely Satanic.

Those of us who seek righteousness and the face of G-d need to recognize this, warn people, and let the people use their free will to follow the WEF or to follow G-d at least while they still have free will to use. Korach and the WEF are mentioned in Matthew 16:1-7:

1 At that moment the talmidim came to Yeshua and asked, “Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?” 2 He called a child to him, stood him among them, 3 and said, “Yes! I tell you that unless you change and become like little children, you won’t even enter the Kingdom of Heaven! 4 So the greatest in the Kingdom is whoever makes himself as humble as this child. 5 Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me; 6 and whoever ensnares one of these little ones who trust me, it would be better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and be drowned in the open sea! 7 Woe to the world because of snares! For there must be snares, but woe to the person who sets the snare!

Do not help the WEF set their snares.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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