The New ‘Barbecue’ In America’s Back Yard

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/13/24

The New ‘Barbecue’ In America’s Back Yard

There is a third world nation in North America’s without a rival in the hemisphere. The average yearly income on the nation of 11.8 million is under $2,200 a year per person. More than 2 out of five citizens have issues with accessing clean water. Three quarters of the population lacks sanitation. 3 out of five are literate. The nation is one of the least happy in the world. It imports 80% of its food, runs absolutely massive trade deficits, and its primary export, at 77% of all its exports, is tourism. It is prone to earthquakes some of which have proven to be catastrophic and is also subject to hurricanes. The people still practice animistic rituals and voodoo as their mainstream religion.

The beleaguered nation achieved independence in 1804. It has featured monarchy, presidents for life, empires, republics, and dynasties. 20 of the 63 leaders led the nation as interim installments. In 1986 the country adopted the moniker republic for the fifth time in it’s history. Since 1986 it has had 23 leaders with one man having served two non-consecutive terms to the full five years. In this nation consecutive presidential terms are not permitted. All of the leaders have a strong authoritarian streak and most of them are also devout Marxists. The nation’s last elected leader was assassinated in July, 2021. The most recent leader was a Marxist who was never elected and never saw it fit to hold elections over the course of his 965 days in office. The nation has no clear national leader. But that doesn’t mean there are not serious contenders.

This nation is Haiti. It is situated about 60 miles west of Cuba and shares the western third of a large Caribbean Island with the Dominican Republic. The Capital of Haiti, Port Au Prince, is closer to Miami Florida than it is to the Havana, the capital of Cuba. The nation of Haiti is right in the continental United States’ backyard. In reality it is even closer to the United States as Haiti’s capital lies only 650 miles from the capital of a US territory, Puerto Rico. And in America’s backyard a brand new ‘barbecue’ is being introduced as the strongman in Haitian politics who is about to take control of the government.

While Jimmy Chérizier claims he was nicknamed ‘Barbecue’ because of his mother’s community cook-outs; however, the name has stuck because he likes to set buildings on fire, perform executions of his enemies of who include children, burn corpses, and feed the human remains to animals. Oh, and it is also rumored that he and his gang, which has affiliated itself with several other gangs, may be eating those barbecued human remains themselves.

One of the strongest men in Haiti was interviewed by ABC News the same day that his violence had the effect he intended – the interim government of Ariel Henry abdicated as it fled to Puerto Rico. The ABC piece tried to put as pretty a face on this cannibal and his cult as they could. They actually repeated Barbecue’s claim that he is nothing but a form of Haitian patriot who, by terrorizing the entire nation, is serving that nation. According to the ABC article Barbecue’s next step is to cease hostilities while he and his gangs “evaluate” what to do next:

“"The first step is to overthrow Ariel Henry and then we will start the real fight against the current system, the system of corrupt oligarchs and corrupt traditional politicians," he told ABC News in a video call. "Not only are we fighting against Ariel Henry, but we are also fighting against everyone who has some complicity."”

Haiti seems to have one legacy which no government in human history has ever come close to holding. No matter who ends up in control of their government, the new leader seems able to find a way to be worse than the last one. While Henry absolutely represented unprecedented levels of graft and corruption, Barbecue represents an even worse idea – burn the entire nation of Haiti down; murder everyone who built it; and then rebuild it according to whatever idiotic ideas he and his criminal gang dream up.

As a side note – Barbecue is one of the archetypes of what political leadership is supposed to look like by ABC’s standards. Thus, they took ample space to denigrate the United States in the article. While certain elements within the political world in the United States have contributed to the corruption in Haiti, no one is more involved in that corruption than the Clinton crime family in particular and the democrat party in general. ABC decided not to make the distinction because they would like nothing more than for a degenerate Antifa member to rise to the top of that Marxist organization and topple the government of the United States just like Barbecue has done to Haiti.

While ABC allowed Barbecue to state that he has no intention of seizing power the discredited news outlet would love nothing more than that. Well, maybe there is one thing they would enjoy more – a direct popular election the results of which would be USSR-level corruption results putting Barbecue or a similar figure in power. That is precisely what Barbecue suggests as ABC gleefully reported:

“"I am not the one to decide if I want to be president or not," he said. "It is the Haitian people that will decide who should be their president, who should lead the country. Personally, I consider myself a servant [of the country]."”

Maybe Barbecue should study Mazlow’s hierarchy of needs. The foundation of this hierarchy is the human need for air, food, water, shelter, clothing, and sleep. These are universal basic human needs. The second level in the hierarchy includes safety and security – health, employment, property, family, and social ability. Nowhere in this hierarchy is democracy; however, in order to have a vote, Barbecue and his amalgamated gang have destroyed any semblance of safety or security and, as a byproduct, has forced the people in Haiti into even more precarious territory – the lack of food, water, shelter, clothing, and sleep. If Barbecue could find a way to affect the air outside of arson I’m sure he would have employed that tactic as well. What he and ABC News are getting at is hey go vote, but if you haven’t had food for the last 5 days we aren’t worried about that.

The BBC was not nearly so kind while they examined potential leaders in Haiti other than Barbecue. Two alternatives to Barbecue were named. The first is a gang leader with a social media presence which features degenerate rap songs. A July, 2023 track released by Izo Vilaj De Dye includes the lyrics “Rache Coeur manje yo bout pa bout” (38 seconds in) which translates to the idea of ripping peoples hearts out and eating them end to end (“Heart ripper eats them end by end” – it’s a combination of French and Haitian Creole). Izo and his gang have been credited with rapes, kidnappings, drug trafficking, gun trafficking, and obstructing humanitarian assistance.

The second rival is another gangster by the name of Guy Philippe who, like Barbecue, is a former police officer gone rogue. Philippe seems to think of himself as a romanticized and even more violent Haitian version of other leaders who were imprisoned. He noted that Nelson Mandela was in prison (for being a violent Communist), Hugo Chavez was in prison (for being a violent Communist), and Brazil’s Lula was in prison (for massive corruption and for being a violent Communist). This is who he hopes to emulate. He failed to mention others he will mimic – Hitler who was in jail, Lenin who was in exile, and Fidel Castro who was sentenced to 15 years for terrorist activities but released after a year and a half.

No one with a shred of integrity, common sense, empathy, compassion, righteousness, nor decency seems to exist as a potential leader in Haiti. That fact is evident as violence rages out of control and it is the people of Haiti who have bore the brunt of that violence as they hunker down in their homes fearful of being killed if they go out seeking food or water. The lack of upright leaders is a result of the culture and religious practices in Haiti. Thus, what really caught my eye about recent stories from Haiti are the charges of Barbecue being a cannibal. The likelihood that all three of these potential leaders are cannibals cannot be ruled out. If they personally are not invested eating human flesh it is a certainty members of their gang are. Again, it is a reflection of the culture and religious practices of the society which prevails in Haiti.

The true numbers of those practicing voodoo is unknown in Haiti thanks to their affiliation with the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic Church provides no actual prohibitions against its infiltration by practitioners of voodoo and, representing 80% of the religious in the nation, it hides those infiltrators well. Voodoo includes many magical rituals including creating dolls with an incorporated piece of a human being like hair, saliva, semen, or blood, and the maiming of the doll (usually by pushing pins into it) which is supposed to negatively affect the well-being of the human being it represents. It also includes eating people.

Maybe the Smithsonian isn’t the best place to reference as a source of information. It seems to exist solely to hide certain artifacts and relics which would upend Catholicism’s claims about it’s legitimacy. Recent news about Catholic pro-life students being kicked out of the museum for wearing clothing stating their position notwithstanding, the Smithsonian still has a curious relationship to the Vatican. While the Vatican has grown woke so, too, has the Smithsonian. All the way back in 2013 the Smithsonian declared it’s wokeness in an article titled “The Trial That Gave Vodou A Bad Name.”

While the Smithsonian is trying to defend a literal death cult which allows for cannibalism, the article does recount a tale from 1864 Haiti. The story is about the execution of of eight Haitians who murdered and ate a twelve-year-old girl. The author of the piece tries to downplay the event and demands that Haiti’s continued practice of voodoo is in no way a cause of the nation’s maladies. Yet, with a homicide rate in Haiti of 13 per 100,000 people and in the capital of over 60 per 100,000 people some of these victims are no doubt eaten.

At the center of the allegations of Haitians practicing cannibalism, and Barbecue’s suggested predilection of engaging in the activity, are videos which have come to light depicting someone eating a charred human leg. Media outlets around the world have united to downplay what the video shows because cannibalism is still completely off limits. The taboos surrounding eating other human beings are still so strong in most locales around the world (thankfully) that it is rarely even reported about. When incidents of cannibalism do appear in the media they are always reported as one-off events with no commonality between them. That makes it incredibly difficult to learn about and impossible to evaluate the rue scope of the practice. Hiding behind the eucharist on Sunday morning, many in Haiti return to their homes to practice voodoo the rest of the week making it even more difficult to ascertain what is really going on in Haiti.

Official statistics state that there are 731,000 Haitians in the United States. Unofficially there are somewhere around 2,000,000 Haitians in the United States. Who are they? Your guess is as good as mine being as though The Biden regime has absolutely no effective border control policy whatsoever. This bodes ill for the United States….

The potential for a cannibal to hold power in any nation is reprehensible. That this potential exists less than a three hour plane ride from a major United States city is inconceivable. Democrats have managed to get the people of Haiti to routinely hate the United States so we cannot really even assist the nation with their current dilemma. So, what should we do?

It is difficult to determine the stated religious affiliations of people like Barbecue. What is crystal clear is that neither he, nor his potential rivals, nor any other political leader in Haiti seem to have even an inkling of respect for human life. That always manifests from one source and one source alone – distance from G-d. Do none of these people have any G-d? The Roman Catholic Church claims 80% of the land but what of G-d are these people really learning? Apparently nothing. The people of Haiti seem to have absolutely no idea what peace is, what love is, nor what a leader is supposed to do and, hence, have passively subjected themselves to governments and gangs and whoever else happens to currently have a gun pointed in their direction.

Haiti is not a disaster which will prove to be quick or easy to ‘fix.’ It will never reach a degree of legitimacy nor alleviate any of its myriad of woes unless it has a leader come to power which puts an end to the violence. As this violence seems to be ingrained and normalized within Haitian society from birth, the endemic violence must be tamed. This kind of wanton violence is a physical manifestation of sickness and evil in the heart. The way to get rid of the sickness and temper the evil inclinations residing in the heart is through obedience to G-d….

Haiti needs Haitians who are willing to speak these truths to their countrymen. Men like Barbecue need to have epiphanies, lay their guns down, pick up a Bible, and take the truth and righteousness of G-d to the people. Short of that, criminals, whether involved with the government of Haiti, corporate gangs in Haiti, or the rampant street gangs in Haiti need to be arrested, tried, and sentenced to prison without the possibility of early release. This, too, will only be accomplished by men and women with a firm resolve to uphold the law. If that law has it’s foundations set in the sands of men’s ways, Haiti will again quickly devolve into an orgy of violence. If the undertaking is based on the rock solid foundations of G-d’s righteousness then Haiti will have a chance.

This is a massive problem abound the globe. Haiti is showing the world what the times of Noach were really like when “Adonai saw that the people on earth were very wicked, that all the imaginings of their hearts were always of evil only” (Genesis 6:5). And we should all take heed. Those of us who stand in the truth of G-d need to be the ones who go to extinguish the flames of the barbecue in Haiti – centuries old flames – that have been roasting it’s people spiritually and physically. The flames have given rise to violent, bloodthirsty, and potentially cannibalistic candidates for leadership in the nation.

As an advocate of G-d’s ways this is intolerable. We need to pray for them. We need to encourage them to pray for themselves as well. And we need to encourage them to understand what leaders should be bringing to the table as they serve their people. All of those teachings are in the same Bible you and I read – the same Bible Haitians have access to. Someone needs to encourage them to start using those Bibles for good instead of allowing them to collect dust….

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


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